CNDC - 5 TH Sem 2nd Internal

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Indic Institute of Design & Research

B. Tech (2012, Sem-5), Branch-CSE

Internal Test II Sub- DCCN GROUP A Answer all Questions 1. a) Differentiate between bit rate and baud rate? b) What do you mean by Nqyist sampling Rate? c) Write types of UTP cable? d) Define scrambling. e) What do you mean by Hamming distance and how we calculate minimum hamming distance ? [25 = 10 Full Marks-30 Time- 1 Hour

GROUP B Answer any two Questions [102 = 20 2. A. Distinguish between the Manchester encoding and Differential Manchester encoding B. Find the data stream of the waveform given below encoded in HDB3 scheme. 1100000111000001 3. A. Show the NRZ-L AND NRZ-I encoding for the pattern given below. 1001111100010001 B- List the different methods used to convert the digital signal to an analog signal and explain any one of them. 4. Differentiate between guided media and Unguided media.

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