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Penulis : Nurani Widianti Fakultas : Kedokteran Program Studi : Pendidikan Dokter IPK : 3.12 Pembimbing I : Dr.

Ami Ashariati, dr., Sp.PD, K-HOM Pembimbing II : dra. Nuraini Farida, M.S., Apt., AFK

Hubungan antara Kebiasaan Minum Kopi dengan Dugaan Gastritis

Abstrak : In Indonesia, gastritis incidence is high (80%). So the risk factor and gastritis suspected must be known earlier. Suspected gastritis can be scored by anamnesis only like upper abdomen pain, nausea and vomiting, gas in abdomen, cold sweat after drinking coffee, and better after take antasida. Gastritis can be influenced by many factors and one of them is coffee drinking habit.Coffee is a favorite beverage in many nations includes Indonesia. Acid in caffeine can increase HCl overproduction that increase destructive factor in stomach. Caffeine also binds GABA receptor that can give gastritis suspected symptoms.To know the correlation between coffee drinking habit and gastritis suspected, the analytic observational study research had done with cross sectional study and survey method by questioner as instrument.The sample is 96 people 20-50 years old in RW 3 and RW 4 Kalibaru Kulon Village, Kecamatan Kalibaru, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. The inclusion criterias for this sample are people who have coffee drinking habit over than 3 cups a day at least 2 years with symptoms are upper abdomen pain, nausea and vomiting, gas in abdomen, cold sweat after drinking coffee, and better after take antasida. The data is analyzed by chi square test using SPSS 15.0 program.At data had gotten 34 from 96 sample (35,2%) coffee drinker is gastritis suspected, 23 from 96 sample (24%) coffee drinker isnt gastritis suspected, 19 from 96 sample (20%) not coffee drinker is gastritis suspected, and 20 from 96 sample (20,8%) not coffee drinker isnt gastritis suspected.Analyzed by chi square test at p=0,290 (p > ) shows Ho doesnt accept. It can be concluded that there is no correlation between coffee drinking habit with gastritis suspected. But people who consume coffee have higher probability to be suspected gastritis 35,2 % than people who dont consume coffee.

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