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EDTORYAL NEREDE KALMITIK? Yeniden Van Times diyebilmek ANLATI Dou Anadolunun ilkel ilk-Sakinleri NARRATION The primitive first-inhabitant of Eastern Anatolia ANLATI Yaar Kemal NARRATION Yaar Kemal GNCEL Akhtamar Vana geri dnd! CURRENT Akhtamar is back in Van! TARH Kadim Ermeni Yurdu Van

HISTORY Ancient Armenian Settlement: Van MAKALE Edirneden Vana... Vandan Edirneye... ARTICLE From Van to Edirne... From Edirne to Van BEN TANIYOR MUSUNUZ? Vanl Vosdanikin Arshile Gorkye evrilii BRAN Radyoya rvan Dosta Wa Ye !
imtiyaz sahibi: muhbet altnal yaz ileri mdr: mer ayta ayka yayn koordinatr: aris nalc yayn danman: serdar korucu grafik tasarm: serenad ylmaz basld yer: gndou ofset van Projeye destek verenler: Herman Hntiryan | Andre Gumuchdjian | Sibil Pektorosolu | Sabine KperBsch | Sibel Barsamyan | Rupen Melkisetolu | Gke Perinliolu | Kurken Alyanakian | Armena Marderosian | Adnan Cangder | Hayko Badat evirmenler Aladdin Sinayic | Armine Avetistan | Natali Badat | Pakrat Estukyan | Tamar Nalc | Zeynep ermen | Linda Yalman | Faruk Uysal teekkrler Kumkap Surp Astvadzadzin Kilisesi Ynetim Kurulu ve Vorvots Vorodman Kilisesi Mesrob Mutafyan Kltr Merkezi| Linda Yalman | Leda Mermer | Pakrat Estukyan | ehrivan Gazetesi alanlar | Julia Mutlu | Janin Papazyan | Erhan Ark | Antoine Agodjian | Sarkis Seropyan | Linda Zartarolu | Hayko Badat | Kolin enber & Aleks Mutlu

ARATIRMA Vann smini Verdii Bitkiler

R Van Denizi TRAVEL Ayranasi, Tanabour ARTICLE Insisting on multilingualism NO COMMENT

Kat Bitlisten, Yazlar dnyann drtbir yanndan geldi Grafiklerini Berlinde Serenad yapt, evirileri ngiltere, Ermenistan ve Trkiyede yaayan gnlller tarafndan yapld; Ve ite imdi elinizde tuttuunuz dergi kt. Vanda Uluslar aras ok dilli bir yayn yaplabileceine inanan sigarasnn dumanna dalp bunu tasarlayan Van Timesn temelleri Vanl gazeteci Aziz Ayka tarafndan atld. Onun vefat ve ardndan gelen Van depremi, projeyi dondursa da, bu sayda isimlerini her ke bucakta greceiniz kiilerin elinde ve hayalinde yeniden hayat buldu. Akhtamar Adasndaki kilisenin zerindeki kabartmalarn her dinden her inantan bir hikayeyi konu ettii sylenir. Bu hikayelerden yola karak her saymzda logomuzun nne birok medeniyetin geip gittii ve kendinden izlerini brakt bu kabartmalardan birini kullanacaz. Bylece Vandaki her medeniyetin her izi deerlenmi olacak. Biz de logo bulmak zorunda kalmayacaz!? oul fonlama yntemiyle internetten aldmz desteklerle birlikte proje hedefinin %40n tutturmu olmann verdii gven ve gle ilk saymzla karnzdayz. Amacmz blgede uluslararas bir yaynn yaplabilceini kantlamak lkenin batsnn gndemi belirledii bir lkede gnein halen doudan ykseldiini gstermek... yi okumalar, Papers originated from Bitlis, The articles came from all over the World The graphics were made by Serenad in Berlin, The articles were translated by volunteers from Britain, Armenia and Turkey, So that, the Magazine you are holding came into being. The idea of publishing the Van Times was first conceived by a journalist, a Van resident, Aziz Aykac. He believed in the idea to publish a multilingual magazine in Van and started designing the Van Times prior to his death in April, 2011. Following the strong earthquake in Van the project was stalled for a while but thanks to those, whose work and efforts are written all over this issue, it is reborn. It has been said that the reliefs on the wall of the church in Ahktamar Island narrate a story from each religion and belief. We will be using one of these reliefs next to our logo in our future issues, to commemorate those civilizations that left their marks in Van. Thus, we will be able to appreciate each. And we did not bother with finding a logo Thanks to the internet, through which we have managed to achieve 40% of the projects funding target, we present you our first issue with great pride and confidence. Our aim is to prove that a magazine with international circulation can be published in this region and show that the sun still rises from the East despite the West setting the agenda Have a nice reading,

, : : , : : : : : : ' . : : 40 : : , ' : ...

Kaxez ji Bedls, Nivsn w ji her ar aliyn gerdn hatin Grafka w li Berln Serenad kir, Wergern w li Ingilstan,Ermenstan Tirkiy ji hla dildaran ve hatin kirin; vaye kovara niha di dest we de ye derket. Bawer dikir ku weaneke navnetewey pirziman li Wan dikare b kirin, bi dmana cixara xwe re ew swirand, hma Van Times ji hla rojnamevan Wan Aziz Ayka ve hat avtin. Wefata w dvre j hatina erdheja Wan proje sekinandibe j, di destn kesn ku hn navn wan li her qncik bibnin de jiyan dt. T gotin ku rolyefn li ser dra Axtamar ji her ol ji her baweriy rokek xistiye mijara xwe. Bi van rokan, Em di her hejmar de li piya logoya xwe yek ji van rolyefn ku gelik aristaniyn derbasby y rn xwe l hit bikarbnin. Bi v away her ra her aristaniya li wan d b rmet dan. Em j mecbr nemnin ku logoyek peyda bikin!? Digel alkariya ji ntenet bi rbaza finanse kirina pirjimar, bi bawer hza ji gihitina %40 mebesta projey bi hejmera xwe ya yekem em li pber we ne. Armanca me peyitandina weaneke navnetewey li herem dikare b kirin li welatek ku rojev ji rojavay welt ve t diyarkirin de em nan bidin ku hna roj ji rojhilat ve hilt... Dem xwe,

Yeniden Van Times diyebilmek

ehrivan Gazetesi Genel Yayn Ynetmeni


Van Times gazetesi olduka zorlu bir dnemin rn olarak ortaya kt ve kesinlikle bir misyonu olan bir gazeteydi. Tad bu misyon Van Times gazete olmann ok ilerisine gtryordu. Hayat boyunca zorluklarla mcadele etmi, karsna kan zorluk ve engellere aldrmadan ileri bakm birisinin, Aziz Aykan dncesinin eseriydi bu gazete ve tad anlamlar. smi dnyaca nl The New York Times gazetesinden esinlenerek Van Times olmutu. Yaz fontu ise bire bir bu gazetenin aynyd. Gazetenin kabataslak ablonu ve yayn politikas aylar nce belirlenmi olmasna ramen isminin konulmas olduka uzun bir zaman almt. Aziz Ayka, hibir ekilde geri atmam, Ben bu gazetenin adn Van Times koyacam demiti demesine de, sonraki aamalarda yneltilen, Tamam iyi ho da bu Van Times tam olarak ne anlama geliyor, bize tam tercmesini anlatsana Aziz aabey? ile Peki, neden The Van Times deil de sadece Van Times? sorular babam Aziz Aykan da zor anlar yaamasna neden olmutu. Ancak bunlara aldrmad, oktan kararn vermiti nk. Niyesi yoktu ad Van Timest, gerisi teferruatt ona gre Bundan sonra yaplacak olanlar konumak istiyordu Ayka. Van Times kurarken aklnda ok ey vard. Hemen kollar svayp ie balamalyd Bu topraklarn btn kadim dilleriyle yayn yapacak; Trke, Krte, Ermenice ve ngilizce arlkl olacakt. Btn bu diller Van Timesin sayfalarnda kendisine yer buldu. Vermek istedii mesajlar, tek dilli bir hkimiyete meydan okuyarak, bar ve bu topraklarn zlenen oulculuuna uygun olarak iletiliyordu. Herhangi yerel bir gazeteden olduka farkl bir tarzda okuyucusuyla buluan Van Times ok ksa srede adndan oka sz ettirmiti. Kuruluundan ok ksa bir sre sonra biz

ehrivan ekibini toplayp paylat Evlerimizi Ermenilere Ayoruz kampanyas, Aziz Aykan gazetenin yayn hayatna balamas iin neden bu kadar acelesi davrandn apak gsteriyordu. Bu yl Akhtamar Kilisesi ayine alyor. Bu hem Van hem de bizim iin ok byk frsat, biz ok byk bir kampanya ile bu srece destek vereceiz. demiti. Ayinin yaplmasna aylar kala hazrlklar balamt. 11 Eyll 2010daki bu ilk ayin ve balatlan kampanya iin Ayka, defalarca Vali ve birok kurum amiri ile grm, gazetenin Ayin zel saysnn hazrlanmasnda byk emei olan Aris Nalc ile sk sk bir araya gelmi, hararetli ve heyecanl konumalar gerekletirmiti. Azmi ve heyecan grlmeye deerdi Gn boyunca Van sokaklarnda gezer, iten ve heyecanl bir glmsemeyle ieriye girer girmez Bana bir ay verin dedikten sonra hemen sigarasn yakar, gmleinin n cebinde biriktirdii onlarca not kdn karr balard gelecek olan Ermenileri misafir etmek isteyenlerin ismini yazmaya Yaygn medyada da geni yank bulan bu kampanya Vanllar arasnda Ermenileri misafir etme yarna dnmt. nsanlar akn akn gazetemizin o ufak brosuna geliyor, Biz de misafir etmek istiyoruz diye isimlerini yazdryorlard. Aylarca sren bu ziyaretler baz gnler bunalma noktasna kadar gelmemize kadar varmt. Malum ilk gz armz ehrivan Gazetesini karyorduk, ama Van Timesn kampanyasna katlmak isteyenler, Aykan misafirleri, gazete demeleri iyiden iyice alma artlarmz da zorlatrmt. Buna ramen hi ylmadan harl harl almaya devam etti Ayka. Tarih 11 Eyll 2010u gsterdii gn, hayatnn en gurur dolu gnlerinden birini yayordu Aziz Ayka. nsanlar akn akn Akhtamar Adasna geiyordu teknelerle, dnya basnn nemli

kurulular kamera ve fotoraflarn Vana evirmi, Ermeniler ise 95 yl sonra onlar iin olduka nemli olan bu kilisede ibadet ediyor olmann, lmeden nce dnya gzyle Van bir kez daha gryor olmann mutluluunu yayordu Kilise ibadete alm, kampanya da baar ile gerekletirilmiti. Uzun soluklu bir alma baarl ile tamamlanmt. Dnya hem Van hem de kampanya sebebiyle Van Times konumutu. Ayin ve Van Timesn kampanyas birok dilde haber sitelerinde yer bulmutu. Aykan ise anlamad halde hi bilmedii dilde yazlan haber metinlerinde geen Van Times ismini grdndeki mutluluu grlmeye deerdi

Artk sadece ehrivan Gazetesi olarak yayndaydk ama Van Times hep bir ukde olarak iimizde yayordu Getiimiz ylki ayinde yine zel bir say olarak ksak da, Aziz Aykan yanmzda olmay hem bizi hem de Van Times hepten eksik klmaya yetiyordu Daha ayinin zerinden iki ay gibi bir sre gemeden de iki byk deprem ile snand Van ki byk bir depremden geriye kalan byk bir ykm, hayatn kaybeden yzlerce insan oldu. nsanlarn ise hepsinin dilinde ayn cmleler; Van bir daha hibir zaman eskisi gibi olmayacak Olmad ama. Onlarca medeniyete ev sahiplii yapan Van yklmad. Klcn, kalkann, topun, tfein hatta siyasi atmalarn bile ykmaya gc yetmedii Vann iki depremin haritadan silmesi de kolay olmayacakt. Van yklmad, yeniden toparland, kllerinden dodu. Van Van yapan her ey daha anlamlyd artk. Hal byleyken bizim de katk sunmamz gerekiyordu bu yeniden doua. Aziz Aykan eksiklii vard, byk bir depremin knn arl vard zerimizde ama tm bu olanlar ylece aresizce izlemek biz Aziz Aykan yetitirdii rencilere yakmazd. Aris Nalcnn insan ste bir gayretle ve bir Aziz Ayka hevesiyle yaynlanmas iin alt bu gazete yeniden bir ayin gn sizinle bulutu. Byk bir emein, byk bir hissiyatn rn oldu Van Times. te bu yzden, Yeniden Van Times diyebilmek ok nemliydi bizim iin Nur iinde yat Aziz Ayka, iki yl nce yaadn heyecanla izliyoruz u an Akhtamar ()

Tm bu gzelliklerin ve bir yllk bir arann ardndan yeniden Van Times diyebilmek gerekten nemliydi. Bin bir emekle kurulmu olan bu gazeteye, bir sreliine ara vermek kadar zordu yeniden Van Timesi hayata geirmek. 95 yl boyunca adann o manevi havasndan ve grnnden ok fazla bir ey deitirmeyen zaman, 2 ylda ok ey deitirmiti. Ne olmutu peki? Van Times, kuruluundan yaklak bir yl sonra kurucusunu kaybetmiti. ok gemeden imkanszlklardan dolay da Aykan gz bebei gazete yayn hayatna ara vermek zorunda kalmt.


Dou Anadolunun ilkel ilk-Sakinleri

Agos Gazetesi Ermenice Sayfalar Editr


Byk skenderin Hindistan sereferini kaleme alan savalarndan Ksenophon 10 binlerin dn yolunda getikleri Ermeni yerlekelerini kaleme alrken, askerlerinin arpadan yaplm bir iki ile sarho olduklarn, dahas bu lkede yetien bir cins eriin ekirdeklerini Avrupaya gtrdklerini syler. Avrupann Prunus arminiaca (Ermeni erii) adn verdii kaysnn ana yurdunun Ermeniler lkesi olduunu, dahas birann kefinin burada, toprak altndaki evlerde yaayan konuksever insanlar tarafndan yapldn bylece Ksenophondan rendikten sonra, makedonyallarn ilkel diye tanmlad ve toprak altndaki evlerde yaadna tanklk ettii toplumun daha ok uzun yzyllar toprak daml evlerde barndn ancak ve toprak dam geleneini bir hayli gelitirdiini de eklemek mmkn. Dahas Anadolunun yoksul blgelerinde insanlarn halen toprak dam altna sndklarn syleyebiliriz, ancak...

iin onun yerine Ahtamarda farkl teknik ve malzemeler kullanlmasnn eletirilmemesi gerektiini yazmt. Bu gerei gznne aldmzda, gnmze kalan bu trden yaplar tarihi eser kapsamna almak, bunlarn bakmlarn itinayla ve ustasna yaptrmak gerekiyor. Ancak ta binalarn bile tarihi neminin gz nne alnmad, hatta dinamitlendii gnmzde byle bir fikri pek ok sorumlunun istihzayla karlyacna inanyorum. Bu vesileyle atakl bir dosttan dinlediim bir ustalk hikayesi ile bitiriyorum yazm.

The babo

Toprak dama lolayan gerek

Eskiler toprak damn bakma ihtiyac olduunu, atlaklarnn onarlmas ve de lo ad verilen ta silindirle zaman zaman pekitirilmesi gerektiini bilir, bunu srekli yaparlard. Bu yzden pek ok ev, iinde oturanlarn bir nedenle terketmesi sonucunda gmtr. Yine bu nedenle pek ok toprak dam sahibi evini uzun sre terketmek zorunda kalacaksa ve de lolayamayacaksa ya bir komusuna emanet eder, ya da dam ap hafif ve gncel malzemelerle (galvanizli sa veya eternit) kaplatr.

Toprak dam gelenei unutuldu

Ahtamar restorasyonunun gerekletii gnlerde, aratrmac mimar bir dostum toprak dam geleneinin Ermenilerde yzyllar nce kesintiye uradn, ustalarn bu zanaatn srrn raklarna aktarmadn kaleme alm, bilen olmad

Vriin kynde bir adam, oluna be kuru verip mlek almas iin arya gnderir. mlek fiyat 4 kurutur. Olan, daha ucuzunu bulmak iin sora sora, ardan bir saat uzaklkta Gr Prtan adl yksek bir tepeye ular. Gr Prtan usta bu tepenin toprandan imal ettii mlee 2.5 kuru ister. Olan 1.5 kuru krda olmann sevinciyle mlei alr, Parzununa koyar (Parzun 2 kollu srta aslan anta) srtna alr. Ancak heyecandan parzununun kollarn balamayp elinde skca tutarak yola koyulur. Yolda hayal kurmaya balar. Giderek hayal plana dnr. mlei pazarda 5 kurua satacak, ilk kazand parayla 2 mlek alacak, birini babasna gtrecek, dierini sermaye yapp ticarete balayacaktr. Bylece plann srdrr, biri-iki, ikiyi- drt, drd-sekiz yaparak ok para kazanr, bununla yavuklusunun balk parasn deyip evlenir. ok tatl bir olu olur. ocuk emekler, sonra yrmeye balar, baba oluna seslenip yanna arr: The Babooo ocuk koar, ancak kucaklamak iin kollarn atnda elindeki parzunun iindeki mlek dp krlm, hayalleri tuzla buz olmutur bizim olann atakta hayallere daldnzda biri size Tehe babo diye uyarrsa, anlamn bilesiniz diye anlattk bu darbmeseli.


The primitive firstinhabitant of Eastern Anatolia

Editor of Armenian Pages of Agos Newspaper


One of the warriors of Alexander the Great, Xenophon, who indited his expedition into India, while writing about the Armenian compounds on the way back of the tens of thousands said, the soldiers got drunk even with a malt drink, and yet they carried the kern of one of a kind of plum growing in that country. One might learn from Xenophon that the homeland of apricot or Prunus arminiaca (Armenian plum) as Euroepan says, is ancient Armenia and the first beer brewed here by these hospitable people who were living in earth roofed huts. So it is possible to add the fact that the society, as it was described primitive by the Macedonians who withnessed that period continued to shelter under earth roofed homes through centuries and yet improved the earth roof tradition in a considerable amount. Furthermore one can say that in the poor regions of Anatolia there are still people who are sheltering in earth roofed huts but

The earth roof has to be reinforced

In the old days, people knew that earth roofs needed maintenance; the cracks had to be repaired and the roof had to be reinforced with a roller, which they used to do constantly. This is why over time many houses have collapsed after their owners abandoned them. And thats why many owners were entrusting their homes to their neighbors during times of long absences or they preferred covering their roofs with light and current materials (galvanized panel or eternit).

Earth roof traditions have long forgetten

During Aktamar restoration days, the researcher, architect and a friend of mine wrote that the earth roof tradition was forgotten many centuries ago. The masters didnt transfer the secrets of this craft to the newer generation and hence, one shouldnt criticize the use of different techniques and materials in Ahtamar since theres no expert left, he incited. In the light of this fact, it is necessary to view these kinds of structures as historical monuments and the maintenance should be carried carefully under the supervision of a master. Yet, nowadays, as the historical importance is not being taken into consideration for even stone buildings, which are even blown up with dynamite, such an idea will not be welcomed by many authorities.

On this occasion, I am completing my article with a craftsmanship story that I heard from a friend of mine from Catakli. But due to his excitement he did not bine the ties of his Parzun, instead he held his bag tight and took to the road. He daydreamed on the way back. Slowly his dream evolved into a plan. He would sell the pot for 5 kurus and buy 2 pots. He would give one pot to his father and with the other one he would start to run his own business and use it as capital. So he proceeded with his plan and earned a lot of money. He paid the bride price and married the women he loved. The couple had a lovely son. His son crawled first then started to walk. One day he called his son and asked him to come along: Tihe BaboooThe boy ran, but when he opened his arms to hug his son, the pot inside his parzun fell out and crashed, along with his dreams. I gave voice to this story so that if a daydreamer is to be woken with the words Tehe babo in Catak, they know what it means.

Tihe babo

In a village called Virisini a men gave his son 5 kurus and sent him to the bazaar to buy a pot. The price of the pot was 4 kurus. In order to find a cheaper one, the boy walked up to a hill named Giri Prutan, one hour away from the bazaar. The journeyman Giri Prutan asked 2.5 kurus for his pot, which was produced from the soil of the hill. The boy bought the pot, joyful for making a 1.5 kurus profit. He put the pot into his Parzun (Parzun is a two-hand backpack).


Yllardr konuulur durur. Akhtamar Adasndaki Surp Ha Kilisesindeki ykm 1951de Yaar Kemal durdurmutur diye. Ancak detayna ok baklmaz. Yaar Kemal bu hikayeyi Alain Bosquete Yaar Kemal kendini anlatyor adl kitapta anlatr oysa ki. Ailesinin Adana ukurovaya geliini ve onlara bir Ermeni evi verilmesini reddettiklerini anlatt hayatndan nemli anlar arasnda 25 Haziran 1951 tarihini not eder. te Yaar Kemalin azndan Akhtamar Adasndaki Surp Ha Kilisesinin 1951de ykmdan kurtulu yks


Akhtamar Kilisesinin kurtulu gn 25 Haziran 1951 gndr

Tudan vapura bindim. Vana gidiyordum. Gnderdiim rporajlar gazetede yaymland m, ya da yaymlanmad m bilemiyordum. Geminin gvertesinde bir subay oturuyordu, yakasnda da ylan vard. Anladm ki doktor. Doktorun yannda da bir tomar Cumhuriyet, belki yirmi tane. Gazeteyi am okuyordu ki, adm grdm. Bendeki sevinci tahmin edin bakalm. Hemen doktorun yanna kotum, heyecanla, gazetenize bakabilir miyim yzbam? diye sordum. Yzba heyecanma ard. i anlattm. Siz Yaar Kemalsiniz deil mi, dedi. Evet dedim, gazetelere aldrdm. Gnderdiim tm rportajlar Anadolu Notlar bal altnda kmt. Hepsini okudum. Yzba okumu, kltrl bir insand. Benim heyecanma aknlkla bakyordu. Yzbaya heyecanmn sebebini anlatmak zorunda kaldm. Eer rportajlarm yaynlanmasayd, Erciteki akrabalarmn yanna gidecek, orada arzuhalcilik yapacak, Cumhuriyete borcumu deyecektim. Bir de gazetecilie ilk admm atmtm. Sanrm bu ii artk tutturacaktm. Yzba, u talihe bakn, dedi, iyi ki sizinle karlatk. Burada Akdamar Adasnda Ermenilerden kalma bir kilise var.

Bir yap baeseri. Bugnlerde bunu ykyorlar. Yarn sizi oraya gtreceim. Bu kilise bu topraklarn eseri, isterse Ermeniler yapm olsun. nsanln mal, kim yaparsa yapsn. Bana ve lkemize yardm edebilir misiniz? ok yeni bir gazeteciyim, elimden ne gelir ki Bir de ekiniyorum. Byle ilere karrsam gemiim ortaya kar, baladm iten daha balamadan olurum, diye. Bir ikindi st Van iskelesinde gemiden indik, yzba Dr. Operatr Cavit Bey beni Vann tek oteline gtrd. Yarn bulumak zere ayrldk. Yzba sabahleyin erkenden geldi beni almaa. Akdamar Adasna gidecektik. Bizim o zamanki Van muhabirimiz lyas Kitapyd. Altm yalarnda olgun, gzel dnceli bir kiiydi. Yzbayla nce onu grmeye gittik, o, kilise stne daha kt eyler anlatt, elinden geleni de gelmeyeni de yapm, bir trl ykmn nne geemiyormu. Vali de ok iyi, air bir kiiymi ya emir alm, hibir ey yapmyormu. lyas Bey, bana, Nadir Nadiye telefon edelim, bizi anlar, durdursa durdursa bunu Nadir Bey durdurabilir, diye bir dnce att ortaya. Nadir Beye telefon edip, sorunu ona anlattm. Olur, dedim ben. Doktorla Akdamar Adasna doru yola ktk. Van Gl de byl bir suydu. Andan ana rengi deiiyordu. Kk bir kaykla adaya ktk. Kiliseye daha sra gelmemiti ya, kilisenin

yaknndaki kck apeli hemen hemen ykmlard. Yzba: Ben gelinceye kadar, bu kiliseye bir kazma bile vurmayacaksnz. Ben valiye gidiyorum, diye buyurdu. iler hazr ola durdular. ilerin ba; ba stne komutanm, dedi. Vana geldik. Cumhuriyete telefonu atk. O gn akama kadar bekledik, telefon almad. Ertesi gn gene erkenden gazeteye telefon atk. Birka saat sonra Nadir Bey karmzdayd. Olay yzbadan rendiim kadaryla anlattm. Nadir Bey; zlmeyin, dedi. Avni Bey bu ii halleder. Onu iyi tanyorum, uygar bir kiidir. Avni Baman o yl Milli Eitim Bakanyd. ki gn sonra lyas Kitap, yzba Dr. Operatr Cavit Beyle otelime geldiler. Sevin iindeydiler. Avni Baman Valiye ykm durdurmalar iin telgraf ekmi. Akdamar Kilisesinin kurtulu gn 25 Haziran 1951 gndr.

It has been voiced over and over again for years on end. That it was Yasar Kemal who managed to halt the destruction of the Surp Hac church on Akhtamar Island in 1951. Yet, the details were never quite closely looked into. However, Yasar Kemal tells this story to Alain Bosquet in his book Yasar Kemal kendini anlatyor.


He notes the day 25 June 1951 as one of the important moments in his life, with the story of his familys arrival to Cukurova in the province of Adana and how they refused the Armenian home that had been offered to his family to accommodate in. Here is Yasar Kemals narration of the Surp Hac church on Akhtamar Island and its salvation from destruction in 1951

The 25th of June 1951 is the salvation day of Akhtamar Chuch

I took the ferry from Tugra. I was going to Van. I didnt know if the interviews, which were sent to the newspaper were published or not. There was an army officer sitting on the shipboard with a snake at his collar. Apparently he was a doctor. Next to him was a pile of some 20- daily newspapers Cumhuriyet. I instantly went next to him, I asked excitedly, May I have a look at your newspaper lieutenant? The lieutenant was startled from my excitement. I explained to him the assignment. Are you Yasar Kemal, he asked. I said, Yes. All the interviews that I sent were published under the title, Anatolian Notes. I read them all. The lieutenant was an educated, intelligent person. He looked to my enthusiasm with pure astonishment. So, I had to explain to him the reason of my excitement. If my interviews had not been published I would have had to back to live with my relatives in Ercis and become a petition-writer, while paying my due to Cumhuriyet. In addition, I had taken my first steps into the field of journalism. I thought I would finally nail the job. Look at this fate said the lieutenant, Fortunately we met each other. Here on Akdamar Island there is a church handed down from the Armenians. It is a masterpiece. Nowadays they are destroying the church. Tomorrow I shall take you there. The church belongs to these soils; even if Armenians built it. It is an asset for humanity no matter who constructed it. Could you help me and our country? I am very new in journalism, what could I do Moreover, I have some concerns. If I get involved in these matters, my past would reappear; I would get fired from my job even before starting it. It was a mid-afternoon when we have descended from the ferry. Lieutenant, Doctor Mr. Cavit took me to the only hotel in Van. We have agreed to meet the day after. The lieutenant came very early in the morning to pick me. We were supposed to go to


Akdamar Island. Our Van correspondent at that time was Ilyas Kitapci. In his 60s he was a mature and thoughtful person. We first went to see him. The stories he told us about the church were even worse. He did everything he could but couldnt manage to stop the destruction. The Mayor was a nice, poetic person, but the orders he has received probably prevented him to take any action. Mr. Ilyas told me, Lets call Nadir Nadi, he would understand us, he is the only person who could stop the destruction. I called Mr. Nadir and explained him the situation. I said Ok. I took the road and headed towards Akdamar Island together with the doctor. The water was fascinating at the Lake Van. The colors were changing from one moment to another. We have landed to the island with a small boat. The small chapel next to the church has been almost demolished. The church was standing untouched at the moment. Lieutenant: Until I come back, you will not even touch the church. I am going to see the Mayor, he ordered. Workers were standing at attention. Yes sir, the head of the workers said. We came back to Van and called the newspaper, Cumhuriyet. We waited till the night, nobody answered. The day after, we called back the newspaper early in the morning. After few hours Mr. Nadi was on the other side of the phone. I explained the situation as far as I learnt from the lieutenant. Mr. Nadi said, Dont get upset. Mr. Avni will handle it. I know him very well, he is a very civilized person. Avni Basman was the Minister of National Education that year. Two days after, Ilyas Kitapci and Lieutenant, Surgeon Mr. Cavit came to see me in my Hotel with a big smile on their faces. Avni Basman has sent a telegraph to the Mayor to stop the destruction. The 25th of June 1951 is the salvation day of Akhtamar Chuch


Akhtamar Vana geri dnd!

MC TV Sunucu Editr


Bundan yaklak 12 yl nce. Vana ilk ziyaretim. Bir grup Ermeni hayrsever ile Anadolu geziyoruz. Amacmz aralarndan birinin Tatvanda aaca bir briket fabrikasnn alna katlmak. Yllar sonra ilk kez bir Ermeni, Vana yatrm yapyor. Daha sonra derin bir dostluumun olaca gazeteci dostum olan bir yerel gazeteci ile o gn o fabrikann alnda tantm. Fabrikann akbeti bizim dostluumuz kadar iyi olmad. O kapand, bizim dostluumuz ise ilerledi. 1915ten sonra ilk kez bir Ermeninin yatrmnn Vandan bir ekilde el ektirilme yntemiyle uzaklatrlmas tarihe ara satrlarda kalan bir siyaset oyunu olarak yazld belki ama o dnemden bugne Vanda yaanan krlmann en nemli kant benim bu gazeteci dostumla olan ilikim oldu. Van blgesi demografik ve siyasi adan ilgin bir yer. Mesela ok dindar olmasa bile blgeye gelen dindar kesimlerin protesto gsterilerini Vanda yapmas Vanllar dindar bir toplum olarak gsterebiliyor. Ya da milliyeti bir partinin blge kongresini burada yapyor olmas ulusal gazete manetlerinde Van milliyeti olarak nitelettirebiliyor. Ancak durum bence biraz farkl. Bunun srr anlatacam C.D.nin (Vanl gazeteci dostum) benimle olan ilikisinin hikyesinde sakl. Bahsettiim fabrika alndan sonra Vana defalarca gittim. Her frsat bulduumda bir blmn daha kefettim. C.D. ile olan ilikim de her seferinde daha da derinleti. lk yllarda benimle gizli gizli buluuyordu. Bulumalarmz ya ofisinde oluyordu ya da otel lobimizin arka masalarnda. Bana da sk sk Aman oteldekilere Ermeni olduundan ok

bahsetme istersen burada laflar hzl yaylr diyerek aslnda blgede Ermenilerin pek de iyi/ho karlanmayacan ifade ediyordu bana. Zira Vann Vartan Oteli ile ilgili kt bir gemii de var. Bilmeyenler iin hatrlataym Vartan Oteli, Vana yatrmc olarak gelen bir Ermeninin burada Ermenice bir isimle otel ama giriimiydi. Hem blge halk tarafndan hem de siyasi basklarla kapand. Kapanmas ile ilgili binlerce dedikodu var ama isminin Vartan kelimesinin Ermenice Zafer anlamna gelmesiyle balayan ulusal gazete manetleri belki de en iyilerindendi bu dedikodularn. Neyse konumuzdan uzaklamayalm CD ile karlamalarmz sklatka aslnda yazarlk yaptn ancak yerel basnda alarak geimini salamaya altn rendim. CD bu arada evlendi Yllar bu ekilde geerken 2007 ylndaki byk krlmadan sonra (Hrant Dinkin katledilmesi) 2007de Vana yaptm ilk seferde CD ile ilikim bir baka boyuta tand. CD beni eski Ermeni mahallesinde gezdirdikten sonra Vanda TOKnin yapt yeni bir beton siteye gtrd. Site, Vann bir tepesinde ve tm Van oradan grebiliyorsunuz. Parma ile bana Ermeni mahallesinden bir ev gsterdi; Bu ev bizim evimiz. Babam hala satmaz o evi. Evin zemininde yekpare bir tamz var. Bizim ailede derler ki o tan altnda Ermeni annemizden kalanlar var. Bizim bir annemiz Ermeniydi. Ben onun ocuklarndan biri deilim ama Sleyman aabeyim onun babama verdii ocuktan biridir te bu szlerle rendim neredeyse 10 yldr tandm CDnin ailesinde Ermenilerin de olduunu.

CDnin bir kz var, ad da Ahtamara. Onun adna bir tiyatro oyunu yazd CD. 2007den sonra hikyemiz daha hzl geliti Deprem oldu Oteller ykld Gazeteler kapand Vanda i kalmad. Ahtamarann ailesi zmire tanmak zorunda kald. Ahtamara okul deitirdi. Ama CD ve ailesi dayanamad. Vana dnd. 1 yl sonra. 1 yl ncesinden deien bir ey yok Deien tek ey CDnin Akhtamar Adas efsanelerini kendince yeniden kaleme ald tiyatro oyunu yllarca sra bekledikten sonra Devlet Tiyatrolarnn oyun listesine alnd. stanbul Devlet Tiyatrolar bu yl sahneye koyacakm Ahtamara depremden sonra adasna dnd.


fotoraf: Umut Vedat


Akhtamar is back in Van!

MC TV Presenter and Editor


It has been 12 years since I first visited Van. We were on a tour in Anatolia with a group of Armenian philanthropists. We were to attend the inauguration ceremony of a brick factory that would be opened by one of them in Tatvan. For the first time since 1915, an Armenian was investing in Van. At the ceremony, I met a local journalist who later became a good friend of mine. Unfortunately, the plant did not last as long as our friendship. The plant was closed, but our friendship has deepened. The failure of the first Armenian investment in Van, which surely was a result of some political moves, might be stuck between the lines of the historical records. But our friendship is the living proof of the breakthrough in Van since those days. Van is an interesting place, both politically and demographically. For example, despite the fact that people in Van are not religious, the protests of the religious sects being held in Van could make the whole society look religious. Or when a nationalist political party held a rally in Van, the city could be portrayed as nationalist in national newspapers. But I think that the situation is a little different than that. The secret lies in my friendship with C.D. (my journalist friend from Van). After the opening of the plant, I visited Van many times, exploring the city ever more in each visit. My friendship with C.D. deepened a little more at every turn. During the first years he did not want to meet me in public. We could only meet either in his office or in the back corners of a hotel lobby, far from others. He was warning me about not telling the others that I was an Armenian. Here, news spreads

like a wildfire he used to say. In fact he was pointing out to the fact that the Armenians were not welcome in the region at all. Vans recent past corroborates this fact yet with another sad story: Hotel Vartan. For those who do not know, Hotel Vartan was an attempt of another Armenian investor who intended to open a hotel under an Armenian name. The hotel was barred from doing business after coming under pressure from the city residents and political circles. There are many rumors about its closure but the most eye-catching of them is that the word Vartan meaning Victory in Armenian, a perfect excuse for the hotels demise in the eyes of the newspapers. Anyhow, let us stay within the context During our meetings with C.D., I learnt that he originally was a writer but he was earning his living working for the local press. He got married in the due course of our friendship. After the big rift (the assassination of Hrant Dink) in 2007, my friendship with C.D. took a new shape. In another of my visits to Van, he took me for a walk to the old Armenian quarters, and then we went to see the high rises built by the Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI). The complex was situated on the top of a hill with a perfect view of the city. He pointed at a house in the Armenian neighborhood and said, This house is ours. My father still wants to keep it. In the basement there is a large piece of stone. Elders in the family say that under that stone are the belongings of our Armenian mother. One of our mothers was an Armenian. I am not one of her sons but my older brother Suleyman is one of her three children.

After 10 years of friendship, I had learnt that there were Armenians in the family of my friend C.D. C.D. has a daughter named Ahtamara. He wrote a stage play with that name. The pace of events quickened after the year 2007 A powerful earthquake hit Van Hotels wrecked Newspapers closed No jobs left The family of Ahtamara had to move to Izmir. Ahtamara changed her school. But C.D. and his family could not resist for long. They came back to Van. After a year. Nothing has changed in one year Except one thing; The play that was written by C.D. about the legends of Akhtamar Island, after waiting in the queue for a decade, has been finally included into the playlist of the Turkish State Theatres. It will be performed in Istanbul this year Ahtamara is finally back in her Island, after an earthquake.


fotoraf: Umut Vedat


Kadim Ermeni Yurdu Van


Bugn ok az kii bilir ama Van, kadim bir Ermeni yerleimidir. Ermenilerin Urartu Krallna bal Vana M. 612-585 yllar arasnda geldii sanlyor. M.. 5. Yzyl yazar Herodota gre Ermeniler Dou Avrupa ve Balkanlar zerinden Anadoluya g etmi olan Frigyallarn akrabalardr. M.. 401 ylnda Van civarndan geen Yunan yazar Ksenophon, Anabasis (On Binlerin Dn) adl eserinde o yllarda Pers egemenliindeki Ermenileri, tarm ve hayvanclkla uraan, mreffeh ve bar bir toplum olarak tanmlamt. M.. 331de Van civarn kontrol altna alan Makedonya Kral Byk skender, Ermenileri bir satraplk altnda toplad. Ardndan ehir Sasaniler, Romallar, Bizansllarn egemenliine girdi. Bizans dneminde Byk Ermenistanda egemen olan Artzruni Vaspurakan Hanedannn nl kral I. Gagikin, Van Glnn gneyindeki Ahtamar Adasnda, 915-921 yllar arasnda mimar Manuele yaptrd Surp Ha Kilisesi gnmze kadar geldi. Dnemin bir vakanvisti, hem Ahtamar hem de yaknlarnda Vosdan adacnda, Gagikin ina ettirdii ehirleri ve ve bitiremiyordu. Yazara gre adalarda gzel konaklar, meyve ve iek baheleri, rl rl akan dereler, binlerce kay alacak dalgakranlar vard. 1871 Erzurum Salnamesine gre, Van ve civarndaki 156 kazann erkek nfusu (o yllarda sadece hane reisleri saylrd) 25.725 kii idi. Bunun sadece 6.863 (yzde 27) Mslmand, gerisi (yzde 73) arlkl olarak Gregoryan Ermeniydi. O yllarda da ehrin ekonomik hayatn Ermeniler kontrol ediyorlard ama idari adan Trkler ve Krtler daha ndeydi.

Hrimyan ve Van Kartal

Elden ele geen ehir

1054 ylnda Seluklu Sultan Turul Bey Muradiyeyi aldktan sonra Van Gl kenarndaki ehirleri kuatmaya balad. 1071 Malazgirt zaferinden sonra blge Seluklularn eline geti. 1240larda Baycu Noyann komutasndaki Mool ordular Vandan geti ama bu dnem ksa srd. 1387 ylnda Van Kalesi bir baka Mool komutann, Timurun eline geti. Moollar, Akkoyunlular ve Safeviler izledi. 1538de Osmanl ordular Van Safevilerden aldlar. Bu tarihten itibaren, Van, arlkl olarak Rusya ve rana kar bir garnizon ehri oldu.

Ermeni toplumunun durumu grece iyiydi ama imparatorluun genel durumu iyi deildi. Ar ve adaletsiz vergiler, hantal ve zorba devlet, bata gayrimslimler olmak zere eitli kesimlerin siyasal temsil sorunlar, tebaadan vatandaa geemeyen bir hukuk sistemi, her yerde olduu gibi Vanda da honutsuzluu arttrmt. Yani 1789 Fransz htilalinden beri dalga dalga dnyann her yanna yaylan milliyetilik ideolojisi iin uygun bir ortam vard. leride stanbulda Ermeni Patrii olacak Mgrd Hrimyann 1858 ylnda, Vandaki Varak Manastrnda grevli iken kard Adzvi Vaspuragan (Van Kartal) ile 1863 ylnda da St. Garabed Manastrnda grevli iken kard Ardzvig Darono (Mu Kartalc) adl gazeteler

Ermeni uyann hzlandrd. Ardndan Vanda 1870lerde Araradyan Cemiyeti, Miutyun i Prgutyun (Kurtulu Birlii), Sev Kha Gazmagerbutyun (Kara Ha Tekilat) kuruldu. Bu yllarda Rus Ermenisi zengin i adam Mgrd Sansaryan Erzurum ve Mamuretl Azizin yan sra Vanda okullar at. Hramyann rencisi Mgrd Portukalyann 1878de kurduu Van Ermeni retmen Okulu, 1880de alan Yeremyan Okulu ve yine Portugalyann at Van Merkez Lisesi gibi okullar araclyla milliyeti fikirler biraz daha geliti.


Austosta Sadrazam Sait Paann emriyle serbest braklan mahkumlar arasnda Tanak partisinin Van ubesinin nemli simalar olan Aram Manukyan ve Ferhat da vard. 31 Austos 1908 gn Vana gelen Tanak lideri Vahan Papazyan ve yanndakiler ehrin Trk yneticilerinin u szleriyle karlanrlar: Dmandk, artk dostuz. Dn istibdatt, bugn Merutiyet. nanyoruz ki onu sizinle birlikte koruyacaz. Papazyann aktardna gre, yerel Ermeni liderleri Aram, khan ve Sarkisle, ranl devrimci Mirza Seyid ve TC yneticisi Naci Beyin katld bir TC mitinginde, Naci Bey Tanaklara yle demiti: Biz Trkler, sizin de ok iyi bildiiniz gibi Avrupa medeniyetlerine nazaran geri kalm durumdayz. Eer birlikte ilerlersek, sizin hznz biraz azaltmanz gerekiyor ki size yetiebilelim, aksi takdirde ilerlemenizi engelleyecek bir fren gibi srtnza tutunmaya mahkumuz. Bu havayla uyumlu olarak, 30 yl aradan sonra alan Meclis-i Mebusana Ermeni mebuslarn katlmasna karar verildi. Meclise giren 14 Ermeni temsilcisinden drd Tanaksutyundand, bunlardan birisi de partinin Van ubesinden Vahan Papazyand. Merutiyet cokusu iinde Van ve civarnda yeni yeni Ermeni kulpleri, ktphaneleri, okullar alyordu. Bu yllarda Vann enerjik ve liberal valisi Tahsin Bey, hem Hristiyanlar, hem de Mslmanlar tarafndan kabul gryordu. ehrin belediye bakanlna ise Vandaki Rus Konsolosuna gre Trkler arasnda geni bir evresi ve stanbuldaki Ermeni liderleriyle yakn ilikisi olan Tanak yanls manifaturac Bedros Kapamacyan seilmiti. (Kapamacyan 1912de iki Tanak militan tarafndan ldrlecekti.)

Armenakann kuruluu

lk Ermeni partisi diye bilinen Armenakan, 1885 veya 1886da Vanda kuruldu. Armenakan kuranlar Portukalyann rencileriydi. Portukalyan stanbuldaki Ermeni okullarnda eitim grdkten sonra yesi olduu Ararat Cemiyetinin eitim program erevesinde 1876da Vanda grev yapmaya balam ancak siyasi basklar zerine 1885te Marsilyaya g etmek zorunda kalmt. Burada kard Armenia gazetesi Vanl genlere ilham vermiti. Armenakan rneini izleyerek 1887de Cenevrede kurulan Devrimci Hnak (an) Partisi ile 1890da Tifliste kurulan Tanaksutyun (Ermeni Devrimci Federasyonu) da Van civarnda gl rgtlere sahip oldular. 1889da Armenekan etecileri ile II. Abdlhamitin kurduu Hamidiye Alaylar arasnda kan atmalar srasnda ldrlen eteciden birinin zerinde Portugalyana ait bir mektubun bulunmas, Ermeni okullarndan phelenilmesine yol at. Bu olayn ardndan hkmet Ermeni okullarna gz atrmaz oldu. Abdlhamitin Vandaki Ermeni okullarn denetlemekle grevlendirdii kii Vanl bir Ermeni olan Tigran Emircanyand ve Emircanyan bu grevi dolaysyla Ermeni rgtleri tarafndan ldrlmek istenmiti. Abdlhamit bir yandan Ermeni okullarn denetlerken, Ermeni ocuklarnn merkezi eitim sistemine dahil olmalar iin idadi ve rtiye mekteplerinin mfredatna Ermeniceyi eklemeyi de ihmal etmemiti. Ermeni milliyeti rgtleri, Hamidiye Alaylarnda rgtlenen Krtler ve Trklerin egemen olduu merkezi glerin deiik oranlarda katksyla 1896da Van kana buland. Yabanc misyon eflerinin raporlarna gre ehir merkezinde 500 kadar Ermeni ile 250 kadar Mslman lrken, krsal alanlarda Ermeni lmleri 10 bine ulamt. Ayn yl Hnak komitaclar Vandaki katliamlardan sorumlu tuttuklar Krt lideri akire baarsz bir suikast giriiminde bulundular. Krtlerin buna tepkisi sert oldu. 18-21 Haziran 1896 gnlerinde ehrin Ermeni erkekleri ble ayrldlar ve snra doru yrye geirildiler. Yry kollar Hamidiye Alaylar tarafndan katledildi. Btn bu olaylarn sonucu Ermeni-Trk, Ermeni-Krt ilikileri onulmaz ekilde zedelenirken, blgedeki Ermeni toplumu ykma urad. rnein Van merkezi itibariyle, 1871de 25.725 olan erkek nfus, 1900de 35.131e kt halde, 1871de yzde 27ye tekabl eden Mslman nfus, yzde 42ye km, yzde 73 olan gayrimslim nfus yzde 58e dmt. Merutiyetin yanltc havas 1906da, Van, Erzurum, Kastamonu gibi yerlerde Mslman halk Ermenilere kar iddet eylemlerine giriti. ki toplum arasndaki ilikiler kopma noktasna gelmiti ki, 1908de ttihat-Tanak ittifak II. Abdlhamide Merutiyeti ikinci kez ilan ettirdiinde, Vanda da byk sevin yaand. 1

Cevdet Beyin valilii

Birinci Dnya Savann patlak verdii 1914 yl yaznda durum radikal biimde deiti. 1878 Berlin Antlamasnn 61. Maddesinde tanmlanan Ermeni Islahat kapsamnda, blgeye gnderilen Norveli Binba Hoff Austos aynda Vana geldiinde Ermeni ahali tarafndan Mesih gibi karlanrken, Tahsin Bey ok souk davranmt. nk ttihat paalar o gnlerde Rusya-Britanya blouna kar Almanlarla ittifak halinde savaa girmeye karar vermilerdi. Hal byle iken, Ermenilere verdikleri szleri tutmaya hi gerek yoktu. Ama yine de 1-14 Austos 1914te Erzurumda toplanan Tanaksutyunun VIII. Kongresinin almalar tamamlandktan sonra, TC Merkez Komitesinden bir heyet blgeye geldi. Dr. Bahaeddin akir bakanlndaki heyetten Tahsin Bey ve mer Naci Bey, Vanda Vahan Papazyanla temas kurdular. stekleri Tanaksutyunun Kafkaslarda Rusyaya kar bir isyan kartmas idi. Karlnda Ermenilere snrlarn kendilerinin tayin edecei bir zerklik vaad ediyorlard. Teklif parti liderleri arasnda ateli tartmalara neden oldu. Sonunda Trk yanls eilim aznlkta kald. ttilatlara byle bir ibirliinin imkansz olduu belirtildi. Bahaeddin akirin raporu zerine TC Hkmeti blge yneticilerine 6 Eyll 1914te Ermeni vilayetlerinde Ermeni siyasi liderlerinin srekli izlenmesini isteyen birer telgraf gnderdi. Ekim aynda ise uzlamac Tahsin Beyin yerine tecrbesiz ve gaddar Cevdet Bey vali olarak atand. Ardndan Sarkam Facias geldi. Bilindii gibi Enver Paa yenilginin faturasn, cephe gerisinde sabotajlar yapan Ermeni komitaclarna kesmiti. Van civarndaki yerleimlerde birbiri

ardna asayi sorunlar patlak verdi. Krt etelerden kaan Ermeni kylleri Van doldurdu. Cevdet Bey o gnlerde Vann iine ve civarna 2 bin kadar asker ile bir ka Hamidiye Alay yerletirmiti. Bu durum gerginlii iyice arttrmt. 14 Nisan 1915 gn, Cevdet Bey, 18-45 ya grubuna giren tm Ermenilerin ordu birliklerine katlmasn emretti. atak (bugn atak) yerleiminde bu kararlara itiraz eden Tanak bir okul yneticisinin tutuklanmas zerine ortaya kan gerginlii bastrmak iin, yola kan Tanak lideri khan Cevdet Beyin adamlar tarafndan 16/17 Nisan gecesi, Hir Ky civarnda tuzaa drd. khan Beyin ldrlmesi, bununla da yetinilmeyerek iki ocuunun da diri diri kuyuya attrmas gerginlii daha da arttrd. Konuyla ilgili bilgi almak iin Valilie gelen Vramyan tutuklanrken, Aram klpay kurtuldu. Vramyan hapishanede ldrld. Cevdet Bey bunlarla da yetinmedi, emrindeki Kasap Taburuna isyanc kyleri yerle bir etme talimat verdi. Btn bunlar Van patlamaya hazr bir barut fsna dndrmt. 20 Nisan (baz kaynaklara gre 19 Nisan) gn bir Osmanl askerinin bir Ermeni kadnna iddet gstermesi, buna ahit olan Ermeni genlerinin de askerlere ate amasyla barut fs alev ald. ehirde atmalar yaanrken, 24 Nisanda stanbuldaki Ermeni toplumunun nde gelenlerinin Aya ve ankrya doru srlmesine baland. Van ve civar illerdeki Ermenilerin srlmesine ilikin eldeki ilk telgraf 9 Mays 1915 tarihinde bizzat hallolunacaktr notuyla, Van ve Bitlis valilerine ekildi. misyonerlere ac veriyordu. Babamz, istasyonumuzdaki insanlar bu hakszlktan uzak tutmak iin elinden geleni yapyordu. Sprriye gre, Ermeniler Trklere ne Cenevre Konvansiyonuna, ne de sann retisine gre davranyorlard. Ruslarn kurduu, Antranikin komutasndaki Ermeni gnll birlii ile Osmanl Meclis-i Mebusannda Erzurum temsilcisi olan Armen Garo naml Karekin Pastrmacyann rgtledii bir dier Ermeni gnll birlii ise blgedeki Mslman kylerini ve kendilerini desteklemeyen Ermeni kylerini yamalyor, katliamlar yapyorlard. Bu arada not edelim: Karekin Pastrmacyann kardei Vahan Pastrmacyan, Aralk 1914te Sarkamtaki Osmanl ordusunda Binba Ziya (Yergk) Beyin komutasnda Ruslara kar savamt. Ksacas Ermeni toplumu tam ortadan ikiye blnmt o yllarda. Van Ermenileri tam Ruslarla birlikte yaama fikrine snmlard ki, Rus ordusu artc bir kararla Temmuz aynda ehirden ekildi. Bunun zerine Cevdet Beyin kuvvetleri tekrar Vana geldiler. Ardndan Ruslar Van yeniden igal ettiler. Bu durum Birinci Dnya Savann sonuna kadar srd. 1923 ylnda Cumhuriyet kurulduktan sonra il yaplan Van, artk Ermeni nfusundan arnm bir Trk ehri idi. Her naslsa geride kalm Ermeniler ise ya seslerini karamaz haldeydiler, ya da Mslmanla geerek gemilerinden kurtulmaya alyorlard. Nitekim 1927den 1950ye kadar Hakkari ve Van Milletvekili olarak TBMMde grev yapan Mnip Boya aslnda Ermeni kkenli olduu halde, Mslmanl kabul ettii iin Ermeni milletvekili olarak deil, Trk milletvekili olarak tannmt. 1930lardan itibaren dnya apnda n kazanan ressam Arshile Gorky (Vostanik Adoyan) Van Gl kysndaki kk bir kyde domu, 1909da ABDye g etmiti bir Vanlyd, ama bundan Vanllarn haberi yoktu.

Ruslarn Van igali

Rus birlikleri Ermenilerin kontrolndeki Vana 18 Mays 1915 gn girdiler. Ruslar Aram Manukyan Van Valisi olarak atadlar. (Manukyan 1918de ksa mrl Ermenistan Demokratik Cumhuriyetinin ilk ileri Bakan olacakt.) Ardndan katledilme sras Mslman ahaliye geldi. Frieda Sprri adl bir misyoner yle anlatyordu durumu: ehirde Trk evlerinin yamalanmasna balanmt ve bu biz



Ayn aknlk, 2005-2007 yllarnda Trk ve Ermeni uzmanlarn ibirliiyle restore edilen Van Glndeki Ahtamar Adasndaki Surp Ha Kilisesinin 29 Mart 2007deki al treninde yaand. Kiliseye Trk taraf Akdamar demekte srar ederken, Radikal yazar Hakk Devrime gnderdii bir mektupla bunun neden yanl olduunu anlatan Ermeni asll Trkolog Raffi Hermona cevap veren Devrimin yaklam zihniyet analizi asndan iyi bir frsat sunuyor. Devrim Trkeye hizmet etmi, bizim Ermenilere hepimiz mteekkiriz. O da tamam! Raffi Bey dostum! Kastamonunun ad nereden gelir, sualine Anadoluda verilen bir cevab bilir misiniz, diye soraym nce? dedikten sonra rahmetli amcasndan dinledii hikayeyi aktaryor. Buna gre, eskiden bir Rum beldesi olan Kastamonunun ad, civardaki Trk boylarndan birinin kumandanna ak olan beyin kz Moninin ihaneti ile ilintiliymi. Kznn ehrin kaplarn Trklere amasyla ehri kaybeden baba, kzna sitem ederek sormu: Kastn ne idi Moni? Gel zaman git zaman, bu sitem cmlesi Kastamonu eklini alm! Devrim etimoloji dersini yle balyor: Akdamara fkeyle kar kyorsunuz. Dorusu ben de Akhtamara karym. Dediiniz gibi, Ermenice Akhhh! nlemi, Trke Ahn karlysa, Damar da Ermeni kz Tamaradan geliyorsa, -bize braklm deil, biliyorum amma, bir teklifte de ben bulunaym- gelin Ahtamarda anlaalm! Uzlamac Devrim ile Uzlamaz Hermon tartrken dnemin TBMM D likiler Komisyonu Bakan AKPli Mehmet Dlger, her yl olduu gibi 1915 Tehcirinin sembolik balangc olan 24 Nisan 1915in yldnm erefine ABD Kongresinde oylanmas beklenen Ermeni Soykrmn Tanma tasarsn nlemek iin Washingtona giderken

yannda Akhtamar Kilisesinin fotoraflarn gtrmt. Dlger, Kongre yelerine Trkiye soykrm yapt diyorsunuz ama bakn Ermeni Kilisesini restore etmek iin tam 1,5 milyon dolar harcad diyeceini aklamt. Hkmet treni 24 Nisanda yapmay tasarlyordu ama Ermeni Patriinin durumu protesto etmesi zerine, tarihi 11 Nisana ekti. Ne byk tesadft ki, bu gn de Miladi Takvimi 13 gn geriden izleyen Rum Takvime gre 24 Nisana denk geliyordu. Sonuta, nedense 29 Mart tarihinde karar klnd. Parlamentolarnda Ermeni Soykrmn tanma karar alm 80 kadar lkenin kltr bakanlarna gnderilen davetiyede Akdamar Kilisesi Antsal Mzesi gibi garip bir tanmlamadan sonra, kilisenin duvarlarndaki Abbasi ve Orta Asya Trk sanatnn eseri olan ilemelere zellikle vurgu yapld. Kilisenin kubbesine adet olduu zere ha yerletirilmemesi ise kilisenin orijinalinde ha olduunu gsteren resim yok veya konulursa yldrmda zarar grebilir gibi komik gerekelere baland. Btn bunlar toplumlararas barmay kolaylatracak iyi niyetli bir kltrel onarm projesi ile deil, nafile bir d politika ata ile kar karya olduumuzu gsteriyordu. Yine de o gnden beri, Van hem yerli, hem diaspora Ermenilerinin ilgisine mazhar olmaya devam ediyor.

Temel Kaynaka: Rene Grousset, Balangcndan 1071e Ermenilerin Tarihi, Aras Yaynclk, 2005; Hans-Lukas Kieser, Iskalanm Bar, letiim Yaynlar, 2010; Arsen Avagyan&Gaidz F. Minassian, Ermeniler ve ttihat Terakki, Aras Yaynclk, 2005; Taner Akam, nsan Haklar ve Ermeni Sorunu, mge Yaynlar, 2003, a.g.y., Ermeni Meselesi Hallolunmutur, letiim Yaynlar, 2009.



, : .. 612-585 , : , : ... 401 . , ( ) : .. 331 . () : , , : 915-921 , : ` , : , , , , , , :

: 1240- , : 1387 . ` : , : 1538 . : : 1871. , 156 25.725 ( ): 6.863 (27 %) , ` (73 %) : , :

1054 . ` , : 1071 .

, : , , , ,


, , : 1789 . - : 1858 . ( ) 1863 . . : 1870- , , : , : 1878 . , 1880 . :

1885 . : : , 1887 . , 1890 . ` , : 1889 . II- - , : : , : , , : 1896 . , , , , : , 500 250 :

1885 1886 .: : 1876 . , , ,

10 : ` : : 1896 . 18-21 , : , - , : , 1871 . 25.725, 1900 . 35. 131-: 1871 . 27 % 42 %, 73 % - 58 %: : : , : : : 2 : : 1915 . 14- 1845 : ` , ( ) , 16/ 17 : , , , : , , , : , () : , : 20- ( 19-) , : , 24 : 1915 . 9- :

1914 . , , : 1878 . 61- , , : - : : , 1914 . 1-14 VIII : : , : : : : , : 1914 . 6- , :


1915 . 18-: : ( 1918 . :) : . , ` , : : , : , : , , 1914 . : , : , : : : : 1923 . , , : , : , 1927 1950 . ` , , : 1930- ( ) 1909 . , : 2007 . 29 , 2005-2007 . : , , , , : . , : : , , ,

, , : , , , ` : , : . () , : : . : , : , - , ` , , - : , , , : . , ` 1.5 : 24- , , 11-: , , 13 , 24-: , 29 : 80 ` , , : , , , : , , , : , , :

1071, , 2005; - , , letiim Yaynlar, 2010; . , , 2005; , nsan Haklar ve Ermeni Sorunu, mge

` , Rene Grousset,


Ancient Armenian Settlement: Van


Today very few know that the city of Van in eastern Turkey is an ancient Armenian settlement. It has been thought that the Armenians first migrated to Van, between the years 612-585 B.C. during the times of the Kingdom of Urartu. According to Herodotus, the 5th century B.C. historian, the Armenians were the relatives of Phrygians, who migrated to Anatolia from Eastern Europe and Balkans. In his piece Anabasis (March of the Ten Thousand), Xenophon who was passing by the city of Van in the year of 401 B.C., described the Armenians who were living under the sovereignty of Persians, as prosperous and peaceful people, who live off of animal husbandry and agriculture. In the year 331 B.C. the Macedonian King Alexander the Great, who conquered the region of Van, gathered Armenians under a satrapy. Afterwards the city came under the sovereignty of the Sassanids, Romans and Byzantines respectively. During the Byzantine period, Gagik I the famous king of the Artzruni Vaspurakan Dynasty, which ruled the great Armenia, had the architect Manuel built the church of Surp Hac between the years 915-921 at Ahtamar Island in the south of Lake Van. The church is still standing today. One of the chroniclers of the period had rhapsodized the cities, which have been constructed during Gagiks reign in both Ahtamar and also in the nearby island of Vosdan. The writer described the cities as beautiful with elegant palaces, fruit and flower gardens, streams flowing with a gentle and pleasant noise, breakwaters hosting thousands of boats.

Tamerlane had seized the castle Van. Then Akkoyunlu and Safavids have followed the Mongols. In 1538 Ottoman armies had taken the control of Van from Safavids. After this date Van became a garrison city. In 1871, according to the Erzurum Yearbook, the male population (during that period only heads of families were counted) of Van and of the 156 districts nearby was 25,725. Only 6,863 were Muslims (27%) the rest (73%) were Gregorian Armenians. Those days, the economy has been under the control of Armenians but the administration was in the hands of Turks and Kurds.

Changing hands

Khrimian and the Eagle of Van.

In 1054 after Sultan of Seljuk Tugrul Bey seized the city of Muradiye, he had begun to conquer the cities along Lake Van. After the victory of Mazdikert in 1071, Seljuks have taken the control of the region. In 1240s, Van has witnessed Mongol armies invasion commanded by Baycu Noyan but this period did not last long. In 1387 another Mongol commander named

The condition of Armenians was relatively good but the economy and the condition of the Empire was not very bright. Unfair and cumbersome taxes, awkward and despotic authority, the representational problems of different parties -primarily non-Muslims- and the law system still based on a vassal state rather than on citizenship had augmented the general uneasiness in Van. That is to say, in 1789 there was a convenient



condition for a nationalistic ideology to flourish, which letiim Yaynlar, 2003, a.g.y., , has been Yaynlar, 2009. after the French Revolution. When Mgrdich spreading in waves Khrimian, the future Armenian Patriarch, had published two newspapers, one named Adzvi Vaspuragan (The Eagle of Van) in 1858 during his days in Varak Monastery and Ardzvig Darono (Eaglet of Daron) in 1863 in Gararbed Monastery, Armenian awakening has been accelerated. Afterwards, in 1870s The Araradyan Assembly, Miutyun i Prgutyun (The Union of Liberation) and Sev Kha Gazmagerbutyun (The Organization of Terrestrial Crucifix) have been established. During those days a Russian Armenian, a wealthy businessman Mgrdich Sanasarian had opened schools in Van besides the ones in Erzurum and Mamuret-ul-Aziz. The nationalist ideas have flourished a little more with the Teacher College, which was established in 1878 by one of Khrimians student Mgrdich Portukalian, along with the Yeremian School, which was founded in 1880 and Van Central School, which was also opened by Portukalian.

(Armenian Revolutionary Federation), which was founded in 1890 in Tbilisi managed to build a strong supporter base in the region of Van. In 1889, the clashes erupted between Armenikan gangs and Hamidiye Regiments formed by the Sultan Abdulhamit the 2nd. During the clashes a letter, belonging to Portukalian, was found on one of the three killed gangsters. This incident has caused Armenian schools to go under serious investigation and scrutiny. After this incident the government gave no respite to the Armenian schools. The government had tasked an Armenian, a resident of Van to inspect the Armenian schools. Later Armenian organizations wanted to kill this person because of his assignment. Abdulhamit, while inspecting the Armenian schools did not lose time to add the Armenian language to the syllabus of both preparatory and secondary schools in order to enable Armenian students to be involved into the central education system. In 1896 bloody clashes erupted in Van with the contribution of both the Armenian nationalist organizations and Hamidiye forces consisting of Kurds and Turks. According to the heads of foreign missions reports, 500 Armenian and 250 Muslims had died in the city center while tens of thousands of Armenians were killed in rural areas. In the same year Hntchagian insurgents set out a failed assassination plot against Kurdish leader, Shakir. Kurds reacted fiercely resulting in another tragedy. In 18-21 June 1896, Armenian males were divided into three groups and forcefully marched towards the border. These marching formations were slaughtered by Hamidiye Regiments. As a result of all these incidents while the relations between Armenians and Turks and also the relations between Armenians

The foundation of Armenakan

The first Armenian political party Armenakan was founded in Van in either 1885 or 1886. The founders of Armenakan were the students of Portukalian. After studying in Armenian schools in Istanbul, Portukalian, as part of the training program of the Ararat Assembly, had started to work in Van in 1876. But due to the political pressure he had to immigrate to Marseilles in 1885. The newspaper he had published there named Armenia had inspired the youth of Van. Following the example of Armenakan, Hntchagian Revolutionary Party, which was founded in 1887 in Geneva and Tashnaksutyun Party

and Kurds have been damaged irreparably, the Armenian society in the region had been devastated. For example, in the center of Van, while the male population, which were 25,725 in 1871 had increased to 35,131 in 1900, and the non-Muslim population, which was 73 percent in 1900, had dropped 58 percent. On the other hand the Muslim percentage of the population had jumped 42 percent from 27 percent in 1871. joined the parliament were from Tashnaksutyun Party and one of them was Vahan Papazian from the partys Van office. With the enthusiasm of Constitution, Armenian clubs, libraries, schools have been opened in Van and in the region. During those days the liberal and the energetic governor of Van, Tahsin Bey has been well accepted both by Christians and Muslims. A Tashnak supporter, draper Bedro Kapamacian who, according to the Russian Consul in Van, had close relations with Armenian leaders in Istanbul and who had got broad backing among Turks, has been elected as the citys mayor. (Kapamacian would be killed by a Tashnak militant in 1912.)

The misleading atmosphere of the constitutionalism

In 1906, in cities like Van, Erzurum, Kastamonu, Muslims have begun their acts of violence against Armenians. When the relations between two societies had come to a breaking point, in 1908 Abdulhamit had to announce the establishment of a constitutional monarchy for the second time, which was supported by the alliance of Young Turks and Tashnaks. The announcement was welcomed in Van. On August 1st, among the prisoners who were released by Grand Vizier Said Pashas order, there were Aram Manoukian and Ferhat, the important figures of the Tashnak Partys branch office in Van. On 31st of August 1908 Tashnak leader Vahan Papazian and his delegation who came to Van, have been welcomed by the citys Turkish governors with these words: We were enemies, now we are friends. Yesterday there was autocracy today there is a constitution. We believe that we will protect it together. As Papazian quoted, head of the Committee of Union and Progress Naci Bey in a rally that he has attended with the local Armenian leaders Aram, Ishkan and Sarkis, Iranian revolutionist Mirza Seyid, had said the followings to Tashnaks: As you know very well, we Turks, we are underdeveloped when compared with European civilizations. If we move forward you have to slow down a little, so that we can catch up with you Otherwise we are obliged to drag you from behind. In this atmosphere it has been decided that Armenians would enter Ottoman Parliament. Four of the 14 Armenians who

The governorship of Cevdet Bey

When the First World War erupted in the summer of 1914 , the conditions had changed radically. When the Norwegian Commander Hoff arrived in Van in August, to oversee the implementation of the Armenian Reforms defined in the article 61 of the Berlin Accord in 1878, he was welcomed like a Messiah by the Armenian population but was given a cold shoulder by Tahsin Bey. This was because of the decision taken in those days by the Young Turks to go to war against Allied Powers consisting of Russia, France and Britain by joining the Central Powers led by Germany. This development voided any promises given to Armenians by the Ottoman government. Nevertheless, after the VIII. Tashnaksutyun Congress, convened on 1-14 August 1914 in Erzurum, a delegation from the Committee of Union and Progress visited the region. Tahsin Bey and Omer Naci Bey from the delegation headed by Dr. Bahaeddin Sakir, contacted Vahan Papazian in Van. All they wanted was an uprising against Russia in the Caucausus, which would be organized by the Tashnaksutyun. In return they promised autonomy for the Armenians and a free hand to draw their borders. Their offers led to a fierce discussion among the party leadership.



Finally, those who were against the offer prevailed and the offer ultimately rejected. After Bahaeddin Sakirs report, on 6th of September in 1914, the government sent a telegraph to each local governor, asking to keep track of Armenian political leaders. In October, Cevdet Bey, who had no experience in the field and also known as an violent person appointed as the governor replacing Tahsin Bey, known for his reconciliatory character. Following military disaster in Sarikamis on the Russian front, Enver Pasha held the Armenian rebels, who were staging sabotages in the countrys hinterland, responsible for the defeat. Confronted by Kurdish gangs intent on looting and pillaging, Armenian peasants from settlements around Van were fleeing into the city. During those days, Cevdet Bey had deployed around 2 thousands soldiers and a number of Hamidiye Regiments in and around Van. This made matters even worse. On 14th of April 1915, Cevdet Bey ordered all the Armenians between the ages 18-45 to join the army. In order to settle down the tension that escalated after the arrest of a pro-Tashnak, school principal in the settlement of Shatak (today Catak), who protested the decision, Tashnak leader Ishkhan went to the region. Cevdet Beys gangs killed Ishkan Bey in an ambush in the night of 16th or 17th of April near the village of Hirc. The assassination of Ishkan Bey and the killings of his two children, who were thrown alive into a well, had soared the tension a lot more. Varamian who came to the governors office to get information has been arrested while Aram had barely escaped. Varamian was killed in the prison. A still dissatisfied Cevdet Bey, then ordered Kasap Battalion to destroy the rebel villages. All these incidents contributed Vans turning into a boiling cauldron. On 20th of April (according to some sources, 19th of April) an Armenian woman was beaten by an Ottoman soldier and the Armenians witnessing the incident opened fire to soldiers. And the city burst into flames. While the clashes were continuing in the city, on 24th of April the leaders of the Armenian community in Istanbul were forced to evacuate their homes and deported to Ayas and Cankiri. The

only telegraph related with the Armenian exile in Van region was sent to the governors of Van and Bitlis on the 9th of March with these words: Would be handled personally.

Russian invasion of Van

Russian forces entered Van, which was under Armenian control on the 18th of May, 1915, appointing Aram Manoukian as the governor of the city. (Manoukian, in 1918 would be the first Interior Minister of the short-lived Democratic Republic of Armenia.) Then they began to assassinate Muslims. A missionary named Frieda Sprri described the situation with these words; The looting started in Turkish homes. A painful sight to see. Our father tried to do his best to protect the innocents in this carnage. According to Sprri, Armenians showed no mercy to Turks. Neither the protocols of the Geneva Conventions nor Christian values were applied. The Armenian volunteer battalion, established by the Russians, under the command of Andranik and another Armenian volunteer battalion organized by Karekin Pastirmacian also known as Armen Garo -who was Erzurum representative in the Ottoman Parliament- were looting the Muslim villages in the region and also the Armenian villages which were not supporting them. They were killing people. In the mean time one should note that; the brother of Karekin Pastirmacian, Vahan Pastirmacian, has fought against Russians in the Ottoman army in Sarikamis under the command of Lieutenant Ziya (Yergok) in December 1914. The Armenian society was divided into two during those days. When Armenians in Van were getting used to live under Russian rule, the Russian army suddenly withdrew from the city. Hereupon, forces loyal to Cevdet Bey arrived back in Van making the Russians to retake Van, staying in the city until the end of the war. In 1923, following the founding of the Republic of Turkey, Van became a Turkish province free of Armenians. The few Armenians left behind were somehow in a condition of a total

silence or they were trying to get rid of their past by accepting Islam. As a matter of fact, Munip Boya, who was originally an Armenian, converted and became a Muslim, he was elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) to represent Hakkari and Van in the Turkish Grand National Assembly between the years 1927 and 1950. He was recognized as Turkish MP rather than an Armenian MP. Arshile Gorky (Vostanik Adoyan), who became world-famous painter in 1930s, was born in a little village along the Lake Van and migrated to USA in 1909 and no one in Van was aware of this fact. There was the same astonishment during the opening ceremony of Surp Hac Church in Ahtamar Island on the 27th of March in 2007. The church has been gone under a restoration with the coordination between Turkish and Armenian experts between the years 2005 and 2007. While the Turkish side was insisting to call the church Akdamar the columnist in the Turkish daily newspaper Radikal, Hakki Devrim acquired a letter from Turcologist Raffi Hermon of Armenian origin, explaining the reasons why it is a mistake to call the church Akdamar. Devrims answer presents a good opportunity to analyze the mindset behind all. Devrim: We all appreciate Armenians who contributed to the Turkish language. Thats correct! My friend Raffi! Let me ask you first. What does exactly the word Kastamonu mean? Do you know what answer is given to that question in Anatolia? Then Devrim tells a story that he is heard from his uncle. The meaning of Kastamonu, which once was a Greek city, originated from a love story. Once upon a time there was a girl named Moni, a daughter of a bey- a local nobleman-, who fell in love with a commander of a Turkic tribe. When her father lost the city after opening the citys doors to Turks, he asked her daughter What was your intention (Kastn) Moni? As the time goes by this sentence turned into the word Kastamonu! Devrim concluded his etymology lecture as follows: You are reacting angrily to the use of the word Akdamar. Actually I am against Akhtamar. As you said, if the exclamation Akhhh! in Armenian language is the equivalent of Ah! in Turkish, and if the word Damar originated from the name of an Armenian girl Tamara it is not our job, I know but- let us make a deal and say Ahtamar! While agreeable Devrim and uncompromising Hermon was discussing with each other, the Head of Foreign Affairs Commission from Justice and Development Party, AKP Mehmet Dulger, was going to Washington like every year to prevent the recognition of the Armenian Genocide that would be voted in the US Congress on 24th of April. Dulger this time took the photos of Akhtamar Church along with him. He announced that he was going to say to the members of the Congress the followings: You are saying that Turkey committed genocide but look, we have spent some 1,5 million dollars for the restoration of an Armenian Church. The government was planning to hold the ceremony on the 24th of April but due to the protest of Armenian Patriarch they took the ceremony forward to the 11th of April. What a coincidence that according to the Julian Calendar, which follows the Gregorian calendar 13 days behind, that day was corresponding with the 24th of April. At the end, somehow it has been decided to hold the ceremony on the 29th of March. They have sent invitations to the Culture Ministers of around 80 countries, in which their parliament recognized the Armenian Genocide. On the invitations there was an odd identification: Akdamar Church Monumental Museum. Then, the handcrafts reflecting the Abbasid and Central Asian Turkish art, which were situated on the wall of the church, have been emphasized particularly. The absence of a cross on the dome of the church, like in any other, has been explained with funny justifications like, In the original photos there was none or Could be damaged by the lightnings. All these were signifying not a cultural restoration project that would ease the Turkish-Armenian reconciliation but was pointing to rather a useless political move. Nevertheless since that day, Van continues to be at the center of attention of both Turkish and the diaspora Armenians.

Source: Rene Grousset, Balangcndan 1071e Ermenilerin Tarihi, Aras Yaynclk, 2005; Hans-Lukas Kieser, Iskalanm Bar, letiim Yaynlar, 2010; Arsen Avagyan&Gaidz F. Minassian, Ermeniler ve ttihat Terakki, Aras Yaynclk, 2005; Taner Akam, nsan Haklar ve Ermeni Sorunu, mge Yaynlar, 2003, a.g.y., Ermeni Meselesi Hallolunmutur, letiim Yaynlar, 2009.



Edirneden Vana... Vandan Edirneye...


Her kelime iaret ettii eyden farkl olarak kendi bana da anlamlar, hikayeler ve imajlar tar. Mesela hayatmzda Van ehrini hi grmemi olsak bile, Van kelimesi, karmza ilk kt andan itibaren, kt balamla birlikte ekillenir. Sonra, kelimeyle eleen grntlere, anlamlara yenileri eklenir; kelime yeni hikayeler edinir; anlamlar ve imajlar st ste eklenir; zaman getike yenileri de gelir ama ilk anlamlar da arada bir kendilerini hatrlatr. Trk tevhid-i tedrisatndan gemi olan herkes gibi, benim iin Van kelimesi ta ilkokul ezberlerinden gelen bir anlama sahiptir. Kelimenin artrd bu anlam ya da imaj, Edirneden Vana kadar... denildiinde vatann en ucundaki noktaya iaret eder. Dolaysyla Van uzaklktr... Memleketin Bat yakasnda yaayan biri olarak, Van ehrini grmediiniz srece, yani uzun sre, Van sadece Edirneden Vana kadar benim cennet bir vatanm var dizgesinin bir parasdr. Sonra yava yava vatan ve vatann en u noktalarn, mesela Kars, Hakkariyi ve Van kefedersiniz... Vana ilk gittiim zaman, Trkiyede mimari adan gzel ehir grme beklentilerimi oktan kaybetmitim. nk Anadolu corafyasnda iklimlerle, yerel kltrlerle uyumlu gzel evleri yapanlar, bir arada yaamay beceren mahallelerdeki komular bu topraklar oktan terketmek zorunda kalmlard. Onlar kovarak, srerek, yokederek yeni bir ulusal kimlik ina etmeye alanlarn bavurduu beton milliyetiliin meknda yansma biimi de betondan baka bir ey olmayacakt. Ve olmad. Beton milliyetilik gibi keli, derme atma, kibirli ama irkin beton binalar her yeri kaplad. Rum, Ermeni ya da Sryani ustalarn tecrbeleri, iklim ve kltrlerle harman olmu sanatlar, souk iklimde soua, scak iklimde scaa, daa, bayra, ovaya uygun o gzelim evler beton tarlalarn altnda kald.

Dolaysyla Vandaki beton tarlalarn ilk grdm zaman, iinde Van geen ve ilkokuldan kalan dizge, kafamda Edirneden Vana kadar benim beton bir vatanm vara dnt. nk Edirnedeki irkin beton binalar Vandakilerden ayran bir zellik kalmamt. Ancak Van sadece beton binalar deildi. Kamusal alan oluturan o mecburi beton binalarn iinde, tesinde, berisinde mecburiyetin yok edemedii insanlar ve onlarn dnyalar da vard. Bu dnyalarn iinde dengbejler de vard; zorunlu g madurlar da, Cumhuriyet caddesindeki gzetleme kameralarna sessiz ya da sesli isyanlar da, sosyoloji konumak isteyen gen insanlar da vard; ve tabii ki Van kahvalt salonlar da vard. O dnyalar ve o dnyalar aktaran gen insanlar sayesinde, Van kalesini grdm; daha da nemlisi kalenin tepesinden yokolmu bir ehrin izlerini grdm; o ehrin srlm insanlarn hayal ettim. Sonra yllardr kafamn bir kenarnda adeta bir taknt gibi duran, muhakkak grlmesi gereken ama Edirneden Vana kadar... kalbnn dnda kalm olan Ahtamar adasn ve kilisesini nihayet grdm. Souk ama prl prl bir k gn, karda karlar altnda Artos da eliinde, artk olmayan cemaatini sanki hl bekleyen Ahtamar grnce Van kelimesi oald, renklendi; kelimeye de aclar eklendi. Adaya dikilmi bir Trk bayra da kafamdaki Ahtamar kelimesine ayn anda ilave oldu. Ahtamara gelebilecek olan cemaate ve Ahtamarl bir Van hakknda, 1915li bir hafza eliinde dnebilecek olanlara kar adeta bir nlem gibi... Bir gzetleme kulesi olarak, Vann acsna, okluuna kar bir uyar olarak eklenen Trk bayra... Ve Van kelimesi ya da Vann hikayesi zihnimde baka bir aamaya geti. Edirnenin br ucunda ve ok uzakta

olana ve mecburi kamusallk olarak betona iaret eden Van kelimesinde birbirinden kopuk anlamlar bir araya meye balad. Fakat, Van kelimesinin hikayesi burada sona ermedi. Marmarada, yani memleketin bir ucunda, iindeki binlerce insanla birlikte yerle bir olan beton binalar, Vanda, yani memleketin dier ucunda da yerle bir oldu. Ve bir televizyon kanalnda bir takm sunucular, depremin doulusunu ve batlsn ayrmay bile becerdiler. Her ne kadar Vanda olsa da acmz byk ya da Hem ta at, hem de yardm iste minvalinde girizgah yapp, O kadar kolay deil. Herkes haddini bilecek trnden vecizelemi laflar ettiler. Baz akla ziyan zihniyet sahipleri, hain ve de Krt Vana kirli amar, don, Trk bayra gibi feti objelerini yardm olarak yollayarak ironi yaptklarn zannettiler. Beton milliyetiliin bu trden performanslar karsnda salkl insan akl da ciddi hasarlar grd ve Van kelimesi tekrar uzaklara doru itildi. Ancak bu sefer Edirneden Vana kadar olan bir cennet vatann uzaktaki paras olarak deil; Edirneden ya da vatandan koparlm, kendi hikayesine terkedilmi bir Vana dnt. Ancak beton milliyetiliin zombileri Van teye doru iterken, Van belki de itenlere, koparanlara baka bir tarihi Ermeni tarihini- hatrlatyor. te benim Vanm, kafamda tam da bu hatrlatmayla btnlkl bir ekil alyor. nk bugn Van kelimesini betonlarn dnda ina etmeye devam insanlar var. Deprem ncesinde, Ahtamarda kilise ald zaman yzlerce Vanl, eski Ermeni hemerilerini arlamak iin evlerini atlar; bu vesileyle, kendi tarihlerini de yeniden yazmaya baladlar ve deprem felaketine ramen, bugn de yaadklar onca yaraya ramen, Vann beton a ncesini hatrlyorlar ve bunu Van kelimesinin iine nakediyorlar. Artk, Edirneden Vana kadar... deil; Vandan Edirneye kadar... dnmenin zaman geldi demektir. nk Van kendi zerine dnrken, Van kelimesi de byk toplum iin, yzyllk yaralarn sarmas iin bir referans anlamna gelmeye balyor.



From Van to Edirne... From Edirne to Van


Each word, apart from a significant meaning, carries different contents, stories and images. Lets suppose weve never seen Van. In our first encounter with the word Van, it takes a form together with the context it brings. Then the images and meanings matching the word come into view; the word gains news stories. Meanings and images pile up. As time passes newcomers emerge but the words first meaning resurfaces again and again over the course of time. Like everyone who goes to school in Turkey, the word Van for me has a meaning, which I inherited from my primary school days. When you hear a sentence starting with From Edirne to Van you know that the word Van signifies the most remote place of the nation. Thus, Van is a place, which is very faroff As a person who lives in the West side of the country, the city Van unless you dont go there- is all about a sequence of a poem, From Edirne to Van, my country is a paradise. Then slowly you discover the meaning of the country and its most remote places, like Kars, Hakkari and Van When I first went to Van, I had long lost my expectation to see a charming city in Turkey, architecturally. Because in the Anatolian geography, the neighbors, who accomplished living together and built beautiful houses compatible with the climates and local cultures, have long obliged to leave this country. Those who try to create a new national identity by expelling people, consult a different kind of nationalism, which can be called cement nationalism. And the reflection of this nationalism to the environment would be nothing else but pure cement. And it did. Like cement nationalism, angled, crude, and arrogant but at the same time ugly concrete buildings covered everywhere. The taste of Greek, Armenian or Syrian masters and their art combined with the climate and cultures

and their beautiful houses fit for mountains, hills and plains are now all under the cement fields. Thereby, when I first saw the cement fields in Van, the sequence of the poem converted into something like this: From Edirne to Van, I have a country full of cement. As, there was no characteristic separating the ugly cement buildings in Edirne from the ones in Van. But once upon a time, Van was a city far from consisting of only cement buildings. In or around the cement buildings, which were built as public places, there were people and their world. Among these worlds there were all kinds of people, there were dengbejs (the one who give life to sound); migration victims, in the monitoring cameras set up in the street of Republic there were all kind of revolts and young people who wanted to talk about sociology; and obviously there were Van breakfast saloons. Thanks to those worlds and those who transferred these worlds, I saw Van castle and more important, from the summit of the castle I saw the remnants of a vanished city. I imagined the exiled people of the city. Then finally I saw Ahtamar Island and its church, which I dreamt of for many long years, as a place that should be seen, as a place that succeeded to stay out of the context, From Edirne to Van I first saw Ahtamar, in a cold, winter day. There was a beautiful shining sun. Artos Mountain was covered in snow, which accompanied the scene. It was as though Ahtamar waiting for its community, which did not exist anymore. Then the word Van proliferated and became more colorful. I slowly began to feel the pain that surrounded the word. Then I saw a Turkish flag that was put on the island, injecting a new meaning to the word Ahtamar. It was like a precaution for the community that could come to Ahtamar and the ones who might think

Van with Ahtamar, with memories remaining from 1915. The Turkish flag had been put there like a watchtower, in a way, a warning against the pain of Van, against its plurality So that, the word Van and its story proceeded to another phase in my mind. Apart from its significant meaning as a place at the far end of the country and a place covered with cement, new meanings that were disconnected from each other came together. But the story of the word Van has not reached its end yet. In Marmara -the other end of the nation- the cement buildings were destroyed together with thousands of people. The same cement buildings were also destroyed in Van at the other end of the nation. And some of the TV hosts could succeed to make a distinction between a westerner and an easterner earthquake. They voiced strong words like, Throw stones and still ask for help or Its not that easy. Everyone has to know his or her place. And some short-minded people, attempting to be ironic, sent dirty linens, underwear and even Turkish flags under the aid cover. Such plays, which were performed by the cement nationalism, have also damaged healthy minds and the word Van has once again been pushed a far away. Not to the far end of a paradise like nation, but to a place, which was extorted from the nation, abandoned to its own fate. But while the zombies of the cement nationalism are pushing Van even further, the city recalls another history the Armenian history-. And now, my Van becomes more integrated in my mind. Because I realize that there are people who are trying to push the word Van to the outside of the cement fields. Before the earthquake, when Ahtamar church was first inaugurated, hundreds of Van residents opened their houses to host their Armenian compatriots. Hereby they began to re-write their history. Despite the earthquake disaster and their past pains, they remember Van as a city before it became a cement jungle and they embedded a new meaning into the word Van. Now it is time to think From Van to Edirne instead of From Edirne to Van The word Van is becoming a reference point for the bigger society to relive its centuries old wounds.



Vanl Vosdanikin Arshile Gorkye evrilii

Agos Gazetesi Kltr Sanat Editr


Resimleri Amerika ve Avrupadaki byk mzelerde yer alan Amerikann en byk ressamlarndan, ancak Trkiyede zellikle de Ermenilerce pek de tannmayan Arshile Gorky, 1902 ylnda Vanda dnyaya geldi. Vosdanik Manuk Adoyan adyla doan ve vaftiz olan Gorky, Achille adn mitolojiden ald, soyadn ise Rus yazar Maxim Gorkyden... Yaamn New Yorkta srdren Achillein ad, zamanla kolay anmsanmak amacyla Arshilee evrildi. Peki neydi Vosdaniki Arshilee gtren sre. Doduu, vaftiz olduu isimle gmlmeyi kim istemez. Hatta kim istemez eceliyle veda etmeyi lml dnyaya. Avrupada birinci ve ikinci dnya savalar arasnda gelien, gerein insandaki iz dmnn sanat akm olan srrealizmin soyut alannn Amerikadaki ncs olan Gorkynin hayat, 1915in savurduu hayatlardan sadece biriydi. Gorkynin Anadoludan g ok da bilindik glere benzemiyordu. 1915 kopartmt onu vatan bildii toprandan. 13 yanda Vandayken soykrmdan mucize eseri kurtulan Gorky, annesiyle birlikte Ermenistana gitti. Annesi 1919da Yerevanda yaamaya altklar gnlerde alktan ld. Gorky, Amerikaya babasnn yanna gitti ve kendine yeni bir hayat kurdu. Artk ad Arshile olmutu. Ancak akl hep geride brakt cennet bahesinde kald. Geride brakt cennet bahesinin hibir zaman onun hayalindeki gibi kalmamasna ramen... nk bunu hi bilemedi. O cennet bahesinin nasl bir yer olduunu grmeden ld Gorky. 1948 ylnda 46 yandayken isteyerek bilerek hayatna son verdi Gorky. nk yaam onun adna katlanlmaz bir hale

gelmiti. Uzun yllar hastalkla mcadele etti. Sonra ar bir trafik kazas geirdi ve yataa bal yaamak zorunda kald. Kars tarafndan aldatld, bunalma girdi. Yaad trajediler yaam enerjisi brakmamt Gorkyde. lm tercih etti sanat. Bu seilen lmde phesiz Gorkynin ocukluunda yaad trajedinin de etkisi bykt. Pek ou soyut figrl tablolar arasnda ocukluundan derin izler tayan eserler reten sanatnn en nl eseri Sanat ve Annesi tablosudur. Atom Egoyann nl Ararat filmine de konu olan bu tabloda, 1915te soykrmdan kaarken elinde kalan tek hatra olan annesiyle birlikte ekilmi bir fotoraf tuvale tayan Gorkynin tablodaki ellerle olan sorunu pek ok kez gndeme geldi. Tabloda ellerin tamamlanmam havas Gorkynin melankolik i dnyasnn bir yansmas gibidir adeta. Bir gre gre Gorky, tamamlayp bitirdii tablonun ellerini sonradan bozdu. Ellerin hi izilmedii de bir baka gr olarak geldi gndeme. Bir versiyonu Londrada Tate Galeride, bir baka versiyonu ise Washington Ulusal Sanatlar Galeriside yer alan tablo Gorkynin adyla zde bir sanat eseri olarak lmszleti. Matta, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Rothko, Franz Kline, Clyfford, Barnett Newman, Philip Guston gibi sanatlarla ada olan Gorky, post emprestyonist, kbist, srrealist pek ok sanat akmndan izler tayan tablolaryla dnya sanat tarihine yn vermi olmasna ramen Trkiyede ok da bilinmiyor. Ancak grmezden gelinmi bu dev isim hakknda artk Trkede de kaynak bulmak mmkn. Sanatnn biyografisini konu alan Kara Melek isimli kitab Nouritsa Matossian kaleme ald. 2011de Aras Yaynclk tarafndan Trkeye evrilen kitap, bugn Trkiyede Gorky hakknda bulabileceiniz en geni kaynak olma zelliinde. Bu byk sanaty tantma yolunda ilk admd belki bu kitap; imdi artk Vanla zde olmu bu byk sanatnn Van halkyla da tanmas gerek.


Radyoya rvan Dosta Wa Ye !

Bel, d em, cwann 30salyan j kal bn brann me j hene... SUAT ATAN

Mafir ku, em j d hed hed brann xwe tnin ziman; wsa xwya dike k ed em j kal dibin. Em ji dibjin ji ber k em zarokn 80anin. Ango, teze digihejin 30 salya xwe. Mezinn me bila qusr me l nenre, ji ber k brannn me j hene ji bo xwe jibo cwanan; Ev ji derheq Radyoya rvan ye jyana armedora w de ye. Radyoya Ervan ji me kaltir e. L herend, n me ne mna brannn klask a Radyoya rvan bibe j, dsa end gotinn me heye: Sal, 90an e. Em zarok bn. Zarokn ne y bajaran in, ne j y gundan in... Mezinbna di nav naveyek de ye, ev j ceribandinek din e k heya w gav qas jyana gnd an y bajaran nehatye qisse kirin. Ji ber k atmosfera jyana naveyan, di nav bandora gnd bajar de t die. Naveya me Payzavay, mna pir naveyn din ; Di bandora jyana bajar, bawer im, biek d zehftir b k Kurdewar; tore edetn Kurd li hember bnasnamebn -k me j re digo; modernthed hed wenda dib. Bnasnamebn ye? Em dikarin dest p pirs kirina ev yk bikin; Nasname ye? Nasname; ev tit e k, bi ten mirov p t fehm kirin t naskirin. i kes nikare nasnameya xwe hilbijre. Qeder me de ev heye k em li noqteyeka li ser gerdn, li wan deveran hatine jne. Her wha, em nikarin ev yk weguhezin. L belk heqa mirov heye nasnameya xwe nkar bike, bel heqa w tuneye nasnameya xwe bimale hez bike herkes ji mna xwe bike. Wan deman, xeber me p zarokn nghay, tne b k em Kurd in. Sibe her efeq di dawya Andimiz me her digo: Ne mutlu Turkum diyene ango i ah ku dib ez Tirk im. L rast me dizan b k, em ne Tirk in j... L em i bn? Axir, zimanek din hate axaftin ne mna Tirk b. Lew ma, ji me re, ah ne b!

rvan Xeber Dide:

Hinga, yan dem k em py drok dastanek din keti bn yan j mna tebha dengbj Kaws Axa; Dikan p dikan p digeryan... Min kahnyek taybet ji avan dr peyda kir. Radyoya min Danzdeh pl; Sony ICF-SW10 hebu. Min ev radyoya xwe y li gor radyoya bapr xwe, radyoya s-transstor gelek modern b, p per xwe y berhevkiri, li Japon Pasaj ya Dyarbekir kir bu. Pln kurt SW: short wave t de he b. Radyoya tevah din dikya. Radyoya Amerkay (VOA), Radyoya ran, Radyoya Bulgarstan, Bex Ereb ya Radyoya Japonan, Radyoya Bejng (Pekna n) dikya b. Weann Tirk ya pl kurt (SW) de zehf b. Rojek teze bihar, ez dsa lgerna radyoyn n bm k, dengek zz kr ji pla her dawy dihat: rvan xeber dide... rvan xeber dide, Radyoya rvan dosta we ye. Hn dikarin me her roj di seet 4:30 heta 5:00 , ji pla 60 mtra 4.80 Klohertza ghdar bikin.... Ez Kerem Seyad... Hn niha gun didin saloxsilx a.... Weana radyoya rvan her roj seet 4:30 dest p dikir. Li py muzkek xwe a fon deng Kerem Seyad dest p dikir. Tab, parazt zehf b, lew ma deng ji dr ve dihat. Xexa paraztan ji ev radyo mstfke yan cbtir dikir. Pa dengbasan k Kurdya radyoya rvan saloxsilx destp dikir. Xeberdan wan, yan Kurd ya Qafqas, xeberdan Bruk n me y Wan diibya. L t da pir wueyn ji ziman rs thal kir zehf b:



Radyoya Bapr min S-transstor

Radyoya min: ICF-SW10

Radyoya kr min: nternet

Sedr Respublka Ermenstan Rober Koaryan elam dikir k... Ekonomyay Ermenstan... Hevxebatn Ortemlety... Eskery Qewad rs Wateya Ortemilety: nawnetew b, Respublka, Komel ango cimhuryet b. Wateya Qewad end sal min fm nekir! Pa min zan k, ne dijn e, ji bo fadeya arte, an j bi ereb quwwet t bi kartnn. Weana respblka Ekonomya Rs b... Ghdarkirina radyoya rvan, ji min re wek ayn b. Min ay xwe y qaax amade dikir. frekansa radyoya xwe p vedida, pa dest bi ghdarkirin dikir. Ji ber k, min li vagona dawn a bir Kurmancya qedm re gihet bm. Xeyn xeberdann dorhl min, derbarya Kurd de t tit nn b. K, awa malstye, hinga; Kurmanc droka bi Kurmanc ol b. Seba w yk, radyoya rvan ji min b kehnyek nedt, ji avan dr... Pit saloxslxan dengbjan ango pirtukxanyn sax dest p dikir. Karapt Xao, rehma Xwed l be hinga sax b min kilamn wek Lawk Metn k te de digo; Lawk Metn delal mal, roja emy, ser min dio, xemla min dikir Filt Quto, Xmxm Torvan, Xmxm ka ke ye... evil li Radyoya rvan guhdar kir. eroy Biro ji bi kilama xwe y ume Heleb, dk nv ev min xlxla... dsa ji favoryn min b. Egd Cimo bi deng bilr xwe her heb. Min nav, Aram Tgran, ebab Egd, skoy Lezgn, Glzara Etar end dengbjan j seh dikir. Bi brannn rn bdaw n Radyoya rvan, em j kal bn. nha ji gndarya v dikin. Radyoya rvan bi bandora xwe,

belk di bhnn daw n xwe de j, ji min belk ji hezaran zarokn 80an re j bye kahnyek and netew. Msyona w her i be, qedr syaneta w li cem me heye... Ji ber k, wext k me defne dgerya, ew bi defneyn xwe hat li me. Ji ber w yk dosta me ye.

Nivi ska Kevirek Drok, T Car Qas Wueyek and Bar Nake:
Dem bihr, nternet derket, Kurd serbest b. Heya serbestbna xwe, r de pir tt wenda kir. Nesl pit me, heta heta nesl me Kurd br kir. Nha weana Radyoya rvan, li ser nternet de j heye. L ten salixsilxan t de heye, hn dikarin ji navnana nternet: http:// ghdar bikin. L bi ten saloxsilxa t de heye. Kilam tneye.

Mixabin, rexma imkanan internet pirtukan, ancax bi stranan end hevokn bast de, Kurd di jyan me ya taxan de dije. Dewlemendya ziman ma bin mij niha xebat herkesye k, wan mijan rake. Nha, y heyf eve, an ji bi gotina kilama heyfa min nay... wendabna zimanan, heyfa min t wendabna drok, serphat, rok, gotn py, ceribandin, xr ah an ji tevahya jyan tahmn jyan... Ma ziman wnda dibe?; Bel ezxulam, wnda dibe, mna zimana Targm, ziman Judeo-Espanyol, zimana Htt zimana rart y. nivska kevrek drok t car qas wueyek, and bar nake.


, `30

- , : , 80- : 30 : , ` : : , : 90- : : , : - , , : : -, -, , , , , , - : : : : ` : : , , :

, , : ( ) , : , , : : , : :

Dikan p dikan p digeryan... ( ) , : 12 Sony ICF-SW10 : , 3 , : SW: short wave : ` (VOA), , , , : : , , ` rvan xeber dide...( ): , ` : . 4.30- 5:00 60 , 4.80 : saloxsilx ... . 4:30 : : , -


: : 80- : , , : :

, : : saloxsilx : : : Ortemilet , , Respublka, : Qewad : , , , quwwet : Respblka Ekonomya : : , : : , : ` Saloxslx- Ozanlar, : Lawk Metn de dedii; Lawk Metn delal mal, roja emy, ser min dio, xemla min dikir ve Filt Qutonun, Xmxm Torvan, Xmxm ka ke ye... : ume Heleb, dk nv ev min xlxla... : : , , , :

, , : : , : : http:// : saloxsilxa, : , : , : : , , , : ? , , ( ), , : :

Vann smini Verdii Bitkiler

Van Yznc Yl niversitesi Aratrma Grevlisi


Van Trkiyenin en deerli floralarna (bitki rts) sahip bir il olmasna karn doal gzelliklerinden ok fazla sz edilmez. rnein Trkiyede en ok gne alan ikinci yada nc ildir Van, bu yzden kendi enerjisini kendi retebilecek ve gneten en yksek dzeyde yararlanabilecek dzeydedir. Akhtamar Adasndaki gne panelleri sayesinde adann ihtiyacnn 100 kat kadar enerji retebilmektedir Van. te yandan bilinmeyen ynlerinden biri de evre gzelliklerinin altnda yatan bilimsel gerekliktir. Dnyada ei bulunmayan 28 bitkiye ev sahiplii yapan Vann ismini verdii bitkiler bu yaznn konusu olacak. Van ili ve snrlar iinde yaptm floristik arazi almalar ve literatr taramas sonucu ismini (epiteti) Van ve evresindeki herhangi bir yerden (l ve ile snrlarnda bulunan il ad, ile ad, da ad, mevki-blge ad) alarak bilim dnyasna tantlm 11 aileye ait 28 takson tespit ettim.

ylnda P.H. Davis tarafndan bilim dnyasna varyete olarak tantlmtr. Adn Vandan almtr. Tip rnei Van-Tatvan arasnda 20. Kmden alnmtr. 1900 ile 2900 metreler aras meyilli talk alanlarda, Van gl gneyi Tatvan-Van aras, Artos da ve Erek danda yayl gsterir. 25-45 cm boyunda, Haziran- Temuz aylarnda iek aar, koyu meneke ve mavi renklidir. Endemik tir.

Caryophyllaceae(Karanfilgiller) ailesinden;
3. Silene acaulis subsp. vanensis (Van nakl iei, Giyamexur); lk defa 1998 ylnda zgke tarafndan

Ranunculaceae (Dn iei) ailesinden;

1. Ranunculus vanensis (Van dn 4.

toplanmtr. 2004 ylnda zgke, Kit Tan ve Vladimir Stevanovic tarafndan bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. zalp yaknlarnda Kalecik ky gneydousunda Ahta da 2500-2700 metreler arasnda kaya atlaklarnda yayl gsterir.Adn Vandan almtr. Kaya atlaklarnda iek aan bu bitki gvdesiz olup Haziran aynda iek aar iek rengi beyaz-pembem renkli Endemik bir bitkidir.

Fabaceae (Baklagiller) ailesinden;

FIRAT tarafndan toplanm. 2006 ylnda H. Akan, M. Frat & M. Ekici tarafndan bilim dnyasna tantld. 3200-3600 metreler arasnda, talk-kayalk yamalarda, Bahesaray ilesi Vari Krapit (Karabel) geidinde yayl gstermektedir. Adn Vann Bahesaray ilesinden almtr. 30-50 cm boyunda olup Temmuz aynda sar iek aan dikensiz Endemik bir geven eididir. Nesli tehlike altndadr. Bulunduu blgede dmesinden dolay toprak kaymas ile birlikte bu bitki gelecekte yok olmayla kar karyadr.
Astragalus bashkalensis (Bakale geveni, Guni, Qetre); Astragalus bahcesarayensis (Bahesaray geveni, Guni, Qetre, Noka bej); lk defa 1999 ylnda Mehmet


Delphinium cyphoplectrum vanense (Van hezeran iei, Delav); lk defa Frdin tarafndan toplanm. 1965

E.M. Rix tarafndan 1971 ylnda Hoap-Bakale aras uhgediinde 3000 metrede toplanmtr. 1972 ylnda bilim dnyasna P.H. Davis tarafndan tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm. Yere yatk-gvdesiz ok yllk bir tr olup, Mays aynda iekleri aar, sar ieklidir. Sadece uh Gedii ve evresinde yayl gsterir. Endemik (O blgeye has nadir bulunan) olup hayvan otlatmasndan dolay zarar grebilir.

iei, ng, Adirok); lk defa


lk defa 1969 ylnda Chamberlain tarafndan bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei, Bakaleye 20 km kala

spiriz da, Gzeldere tepesi, 2800 metreden alnmtr. Da steplerinde 2300-2800 m arasnda yayl gsterir. Adn Vann Bakale ilesinden almtr. 8-11cm boyunda olup Haziran aynda pembe ve morumsu iek aan dikensiz bir geven esididir. Endemik olup ar otlatmadan zarar grebilecek bir bitkidir.
Astragalus chaldiranicus (aldran geveni , Guni, Qetre);





lk defa bilim dnyasna Kit Tan ve Sorger tarafndan 1987 ylnda tantlmtr.Tip rnei, aldran- Van 2. km ayrlk alanlar 2200 m den alnmtr. Adn Vann aldran ilesindan almtr. Boyu 45 cm kadar olabilen temmuz aynda morumsu krmz renkte iek aan bir dikensiz geven eididir. Endemik olup ar otlatmadan zarar grebilecek bir bitkidir. Astragalus hareftae (Harefte geveni, Guni, Qetre); irj. tarafndan 1939 ylnda bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Van-Koanis aras Harafte mevkisinden 2600 metreden toplanmtr. 2600-3400 m arasnda dalk steplerde, Hoap (Gzelsu)- Bakale arasnda yayl gsterir. Adn Van-Hakkari arasnda bulunan Harefte mevkisinden almtr Dikenli kme eklinde bir bitki olup Haziran Eyll aylarnda pembe-leylak renkli iek aar. Endemik bir bitki olup blgede sklerek yakacak olarak kullanld iin Nesli tehlikede bir bitkidir.
Astragalus gevashensis (Geva geveni, Guni, Qetre);

bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei Erci-Van aras Bendimahi mevkisinin 5 km gneyinde 1750 m ykseklikten toplamtr. Nadasa braklm tarla ve steplerde, 1750-2050 m arasnda, Kuruba Geidi, Nemrut da, srk da, Muradiye evresi, Geva ve evresinde, Bahesaray ve Hakkari Nehil aynda yayl gstermektedir. Adn Vandan alm. 30-60cm boylarnda olup Nisan-haziran aylarnda Krem- beyaz iek aar. Endemik bir bitkidir.

Asteraceae (Papatyagiller) ailesinden;

13. Centaurea vanensis (Van peygamber iei, Anjilok);

14. Cirsium aduncum subsp. bashkalense (Bakale kygren dikeni, kerbej, Kiwar); Davis ve Parris

Wagenitz tarafndan bilim dnyasna 1974 ylnda tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm. Tip rnei, Hoap (Gzelsu)-Bakale aras, 20. km 2750 m den toplanmtr. Talk bayrlarda, 1750-2750 m ler aras yetiir. Yere yatk ekilde Mays Haziran aylarnda Krem-Beyaz iek aar. Van ve evresinde yayl gsteren nadir bir bitkidir.

Bilim dnyasna Chamberlain ve Matthews tarafndan 1969 ylnda tantlmtr. Tip rnei Geva, Artos da 2590 m den alnmtr. 1980-2590 m aras kayalk yamalarda, Artos da, Tatvan Karz da ve Kotumda yayl gstermektedir. Dikenli kme eklinde bir bitki olup Haziran- Austos aylarnda Meneke-pembe iek aar. Endemik bir bitki olup blgede sklerek yakacak olarak kullanld iin Nesli tehlikede bir bitkidir. 9. Astragalus mukusiensis (Mks geveni); lk defa bilim dnyasna Rech.f. tarafndan 1952 ylnda tantlmtr.Tip rnei Vann bahesaray (Mks) ilesinsinden alnd iin bugn ad Bahesaray olan Mks n o gnk ad ad verilmitir. Bahesarayn 20 km gneyi 1900 m den alnmtr. Kayalk alanlarda 1300-2300 m ykseklikte, Siirt Sason da ve Halkis danda, Bitlis Nemrut danda yayl gstermektedir. 15cm boyunda olup haziran aynda pembe iek aan dikensiz bir geven trdr. . Endemik olup ar otlatmadan zarar grebilecek bir bitkidir. 10. Astragalus warackensis (Warek-Erek Da geveni); 1901 ylnda Freyn tarafndan bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei, Van, Warek (Kk Erek) da 2500 m kayalk alanlardan toplamtr. Adn Vann Warek (Kk Erek) dandan almtr. Toplama tarihinden bu yana hibir aratrmac tarafndan toplanamamtr. 20 cm boyunda olup Haziran aynda iek aar. Bulamadmz Endemik bir bitki yok olmu olabilir.
11. Hedysarum vanense (Van tatl yoncas, Qeringan);

16. Inula helenium subsp. vanensis (Van andz otu, zenfile); lk defa Grierson tarafndan bilim dnyasna

tarafndan 1975 ylnda bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei Van-Bakale aras 10. km 2500 m den toplanmtr. 2200-2500 m ler arasnda, step, tarla ve kenarlarnda, Gzelsu-Bakale arasnda, Kepir danda yayl gstermektedir. 1-1,5 metre boyunda Austos aynda pembe iek aan dikenli bir bitkidir. Endemik bir bitkidir. 15. Cousinia vanensis (Van deve dikeni, Kiwar); lk defa bilim dnyasna Hub-Mor. tarafndan 1972 ylnda tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm. Tip rnei Toprakkale den 1770 m ykseklikten toplanmtr. 1720-2500 metreler aras step alanlarda, Geva-Edremit arasnda, atak vadisinde, Gzelsu-Bakale arasnda yayl gstermektedir. 10-50 cm boyunda Haziran- Austos aylarnda pembe iek aan dikenli bir bitkidir. Endemik bir bitkidir. 1974 ylnda tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm Tip reni atak-Van 5. km de 1954 de toplanmtr. 2200-2560 m ykseklikte allk ve aalk alanlarda Zap suyu, atak vadisinde yayl gstermektedir. 1-2 metre boyunda Temmuz-Eyll aylarnda sar iek aar. Endemik bir bitkidir.

Boraginaceae (Hodangiller) ailesinden;

17. Cynoglosum vanense (Van pisiktetii iei); Sutor

12. Onobrychis sulphurea var. vanensis (Van kee geveni, Qeringan); lk defa Hedge tarafndan 1969 ylnda

Bilim dnyasna Hedge ve Hub.-Mor. tarafndan 1969 ylnda tantlmtr. Tip rnei, Van-Hoap (Gzelsu) aras 15. km de 2020 m den toplanmtr. 2020-2700 m aras step alanlarda Van-Grpnar arasnda ve Bakale spiriz danda yayl gstermektedir. Adn Vandan alm. 40-60cm boyunda olup yatk olan Temmuz aynda pembe iek aar. Endemik bir bitki olup yetitii blgelerde bol erozyondan dolay yok gelecekte zarar grebilir.

tarafndan 2005 tantlmtr. emdinliden

ylnda bilim dnyasna Tip rnei Hakkari

toplanmtr. Adn Vandan alm. Van Gl evresinde, zalp, Muradiye, Erci, Hizan (Bitlis), Readiye (Bitlis) ve Hakkaride, 1800-2300 m ler aras ykseklikte step alanlarda yayl gstermektedir. 20-40cm boyunda temmuz aynda Mavi iek aar Endemik bir trdr.
21. Acantholimon bashkaleicum (Bakale kirpidikeni. Guni, Tupk); lk defa bilim dnyasna Doan ve Akaydn

olarak kullanldndan nesli tehlikede bir bitkidir.

Scrophulariaceae (Sracaotugiller) ailesinden;

18. Verbascum vanense ( Van srkuyruu, Masiank);

lk defa Hub.-Mur. tarafndan 1955 ylnda bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm. Tip rnei uanis dandan 2300 m den toplanmtr. 1800-2300 metreler arasnda volkanik yamalar ve meralarda, Nemrut da (Bitlis), srk da, atak Vadisinde yayl gstermektedir. 35-80cm boyunda Temmuz aynda sar renkli iek aar. Endemik bir bitki olup, yrede yakacak olarak kullanldndan nesli zarar grebilir.

22. Acantholimon hoshapicum (Hoap kirpidikeni, Guniku, Tupk); lk defa Doan ve Akaydn tarafndan

tarafndan 2003 ylnda tantlmtr. Tip rnei VanHakkari aras, Bakale civar da yamalarnda 2100 m den toplanmtr. Adn Vann Bakale ilesinden almtr. Kme eklinde kar. Temmuz-Austos aylarnda pembe iek aar. Endemik olup bulunduu blgede dar yayll olduundan ve de yakacak olarak kullanldndan nesli tehlikede bir bitkidir.

Lamiaceae (Ballbabagiller) ailesinden;

19. Marrubium vanense (Van itsinei otu, Bueyinva) Bu

tr ilk defa Hub.-Mor. tarafndan 1979 ylnda bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm Tip rnei, Van-Hoap 20 km Hasbandan 1920 m ykseklikten toplanmtr. 1920-2600 m aras, dere kenarlarnda Grpnar-Bakale arasnda yayl gstermektedir. 50-60 cm boyunda Temmuz aynda sarms beyaz iek aar. Endemik olup nesli tehlikede bir bitkidir.

23. Acantholimon spirizianum var. spirizianum (spiris Da kirpidikeni, Guni, Tupk); lk defa bilim dnyasna

2003 ylnda bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei, Grpnar-Bakale aras Gzelsu (Hoap) evresi 2050 m step yamalardan toplanmtr. Vann Hoap( Gzelsu ) beldesinden adn almtr. Kme eklinde kar. TemmuzAustos aylarnda pembe iek aar. Endemik olup bulunduu blgede dar yayll olduundan ve de yakacak olarak kullanldndan nesli tehlikede bir bitkidir.

Plumbaginaceae (Diotugiller) ailesinden;

20. Acantholimon artosense (Artos da kirpidikeni, Guni, Tupk); lk defa 2003 ylnda Doan ve Akaydn

tarafndan bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei, Geva Artos Da, 2500 m step alanlarndan toplanmtr. Adn Vann Geva ilesinde bulunan Artos Dandan almtr. Kme eklinde kar. Temmuz-Austos aylarnda pembe iek aar. Endemik olup bulunduu blgede dar yayll olduundan ve de yakacak

Mobayen tarafndan 1964 ylnda tantlmtr. Tip rnei spiriz da 2700 m den toplanmtr. Kireta ve serpentin yamalarda 1180-2700 m ykseklikte Hoap (Gzelsu)-Bakale arasnda, spiriz danda yayl gstermektedir. Vann Bakale ilesinde bulunan spiriz dandan adn almtr. Kme eklinde kar. TemmuzAustos aylarnda pembe iek aar. Endemik olup bulunduu blgede dar yayll olduundan vede yakacak olarak kullanldndan nesli tehlikede bir bitkidir. 24. Limonium vanense (Van limon otu); lk defa bilim dnyasna Kit Tan ve Sorger tarafndan 1984 ylnda tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm Tip rnei, aldranVan 3. km de 2200 m den alnmtr. ayrlk alanlarda yayl gstermektedir. 25-30cm boyunda Temmuz aynda donuk pembe iek aar. Endemik bir bitkidir zarar grebilir.

Liliaceae (Zambakgiller) ailesinden;
25. Allium shatakiense (atak soan, Sirmo, Sirik, Sirim); lk defa Rech.f. tarafndan 1939 ylnda bilim


26. Allium stearnianum subsp. vanense (Van soan, Sirmo, Sirik, Sirim); lk defa Kollman ve Koyuncu tarafndan

dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei, atak vadisi, 2300 m den toplanmtr. Meelikler, ayrlk yamalar, da stepi 1800-2750 m, Erzurum; Bingl da, akmak da, Bitlis; Nemrut da, Van; Bahesaray, atak, HoapBakale aras, Erek da, Hakkari; Cilo Danda yayl gstermektedir. Adn Vann atak ilesinin eski isminden almtr. 15-45 cm boyunda soanl bir bitki olup MaysHaziran aynda pembe iek aar. Endemik bir bitki olup yapraklar taze iken blgede otlu peynire katldndan ok youn bir ekilde toplanmaktadr. Nesli zarar grebilir. 1983 ylnda bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Adn Vandan alm. Tip rnei Grpnar-Bakale aras uh gedii 2750 m den toplanmtr. Kuru sert yamalarda, 25003000 m arasnda, Bahesaray, Gzelsu-Bakale aras Gzeldere Geidi ve Hakkari Berelan yaylasnda yayl gstermektedir. 20-60 cm boyunda soanl bir bitki olup Temmuz aynda yeilimsi pembe iek aar. Endemik bir bitki olup yapraklar taze iken blgede otlu peynire katldndan ok youn bir ekilde toplanmaktadr. Nesli zarar grebilir.

Verbascum vanense

Cirsium aduncum subsp. bashkalense

Inula helenium subsp. vanensis

Cousinia vanensis

Iridaceae (Ssengiller) ailesinden;

27. Iris paradoxa f. choschab (Hoap sseni, Sisin, Kolpize);

Allium shatakiense

Iris paradoxa

lk defa bilim dnyasna Mathew ve Wendelbo tarafndan 1975 ylnda tantlmtr. Tip rnei, Hoap (Gzelsu) evresinden toplanmtr. Step alanlarda, yol kenarlarnda 1750-2800 m ler de Van-Hakkari arasnda, Edremitte yayl gstermektedir. Vann Hoap( Gzelsu ) beldesinden adn almtr. Nadir bir bitki olup VU tehlike kategorisinde yer almaktadr. 10-40 cm boyunda rizomlu Nisan-Haziran aynda beyaz-mavi renk zerine meneke izgili bir bitkidir.

Acantholimon spirizianum var. spirizianum

Limonium vanense

Orchidaceae (Salepgiller) ailesinden;

28. Dactylorhiza chuhensis (uh gedii salebi, Kartolek, Kartolk); Bu bitki ilk olarak Renz ve Taubenheim

tarafndan 1984 ylnda bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Tip rnei Gzelsu (Hoap)-Bakale aras uh Gediinde 2200-2300 m den toplanmtr. Nemli ayrlarda, Erek da ve Gzeldere Geidinde yayl gstermektedir. Adn Vann Bakale ilesine bal uh Gedii mevkisinden almtr. 20-35cm boyunda Haziran aynda pembe iek aan bir salep trdr. Endemik olup Yrede yumrular kaak toplanarak salep ve dondurma katk ham maddesi olarak satldndan ve dar yayll olduundan nesli tkenmek zeredir.

Astragalus chaldiranicus

Dactylorhiza chuhensis

Toplam 28 takson Van ve evresinin ismi ile bilim dnyasna tantlmtr. Bu taksonlardan 13 Van, 3 Bakale, 1i atak,1i aldran, 1i Geva, 2si Mks (Bahesaray), 1i Harefte mevkii (Gzelsu-Bakale aras), 2si Hoap (Gzelsu), 1i uh Gedii (Gzelsu-Bakale aras), 1i Artos Da, 1i Warek(Kk Erek) Da, 1i spiriz Da adlarndan ismini alarak dnyada ei benzeri az rastlanacak bir ekilde bilim literatrne gemitir.

Astragalus bashkalensis

Hedysarum vanense

Astragalus bahcesarayensis

Astragalus gevashensis


, ,


Van Denizi

Kimdir imdi sizi pen Deniz kysnn iekleri Hangi avcdr sizi yere seren Sphanmn geyikleri. Kimin pcdr bana getirdiiniz Van Denizin kk bulutlar. Van Denizinin bir adasnda Onun gz bebei gibi Bir tapnak vardr, ad Akhtamar Orada dua eden benim yoksul anamdr. Kimdir imdi iip pen Abaran emenden, Akhtamar manastrnda Serbest uan bir gvercin. Van Denizinin bir adasnda Benim gzbebeim gibi Bir kilise vardr, ad Akhtamar Orada dua eden benim yoksul anamdr.

Fotoraf Erhan Ark


Ayranasi, Tanabour


As an Armenian born in America, I grew up hearing about the cities where my ancestors were from Diyarbakir, Erzerum, Trabzon, Yozgat, Arapkir, Van... I knew stories about picturesque Armenian villages and the vibrant cultural life that had existed in the cities before 1915, but I had little idea what kind of life existed in those lands today. My mothers maternal grandparents were born and raised in Van, moving to America just before the birth of my grandmother in 1907. Even after settling in America, they never lost their devotion to their homeland. They danced Vanetsi dances at yearly picnics where all of the local Vanetsis gathered. They gave each of their children names beginning with V in honor of the city of Van: Van, Vanouhi, Vartan, Vahe, and Vartouhi. My great-grandfather published a book in Boston in 1950 entitled Renaissance Van Vaspuragan (1850-1950), describing the cultural history of Van. Even today, after three generations in America, my mother is still overjoyed when she finds a fellow Vanetsi, regardless of whether either of them has ever been to Van. Last summer when I visited Van, it was the first time anyone from my family had traveled there since Levon Kazanjian and Prapion Shakarian Kazanjian had left over a century ago. After hearing my mothers recollections of her grandmothers stories about Van since my childhood, visiting Van for the first time was both familiar and strange, painful and joyful. As I traveled in search of traces of my ancestors and of the world of the departed Armenians, what struck me more than the tragedy of lost history and a culture destroyed, was the way in which that past, that culture, that history lived on in the present, through the people who live in those villages and towns today. Alongside the ghostly figures of dilapidated, empty churches, and abandoned gravestones, I encountered the vibrant world of Van today. As I went looking for an Armenia of the past, I found the Kurdistan of the present. I found myself surprised at every turn, both by how little I knew about the place, the culture, and the people, and by just how much I knew already. As I arrived in Van I was surrounded by the unfamiliar sounds of locals speaking Kurdish. Before I could even begin to learn

a few words in this new language, I began to find traces of familiarity left and right. When I was invited to the home of a Kurdish family for a meal, the lady of the house was proud to introduce me to the local specialties, including ayrana and keleco. Just as I was surprised to be served these dishes in Van, my hosts were surprised to hear that I had grown up eating these foods in America. We know the same dishes as tanabour and kalayosh, dishes passed down from my great-grandmother to my grandmother to my mother. The more time I spent with the people of Van, the more I realized that, these people are just like us! In fact, my next realization turned out to be that many of them are us. Not only did every other person I passed on the street look like an uncle or cousin, but it turned out that many of them could very well be distant relatives. On my very first day in Van I was hosted by a local man whose parents were converted Armenians. He himself speaks Kurdish and Turkish but not Armenian. After picking me up from the airport we went straight to a caf where he treated me to the famous Van Kahvaltisi. There he introduced me to the cafe owner and a few of his friends, adding quietly, Shes one of us (Bu kiz bizden). I didnt quite understand what he meant by one of us, until he introduced me to another group of friends simply as an American visitor. As I later realized, the first group all had Armenian roots, though they publicly appear as Kurds just like everyone else. My first visit to Van was full of surprises, the greatest of which was that it was generally assumed that since I was Armenian and had gone to the trouble to come all the way to Van, I must know the location of hidden gold. Or, even if I didnt have my own map that would lead me to buried treasure, at least I might be of use helping others decipher theirs. One day as my traveling companions and I were heading towards the Muradiye Waterfall, we stopped for a rest in a small village where we sat and had tea with the locals. Back on the road toward the waterfall, we were surprised when a van packed with men from the village caught us with up on the way. Word had spread that an Armenian was in the area and they had set us after us in



order to ask me to decode a set of mysterious symbols they had found carved on a hillside and which they were certain would lead them to buried Armenian gold. Alongside the comedy of the fact that many of the local Kurds who I met were convinced that I had some information about the riches left behind by the Armenians as they fled massacres and genocide was the reality and starkness of the total destruction which is still palpable in Van today. Next to the bustling streets and boulevards of present-day Van lies the desolate space of Old Van, the walled city burned to the ground during the course of WWI, and which today remains empty and barren, a solemn reminder of the world that once existed there and was wiped out. It is when wandering through the barren landscape of Old Van on the overgrown paths winding between the mounds of earth that were once houses, and standing inside crumbling walls charred black by fire that were once churches that I feel the despair of a civilization destroyed. It is then that I grieve for the aunts, uncles, cousins, and neighbors that my great grandparents left behind when they immigrated to America. While there is endless reason to mourn for the immeasurable loss and suffering that took place on the shores on the magnificent Lake Van, there remains plenty of reason for hope. Just as I grieve for the churches that now exist only as piles of rubble, which were either deliberately destroyed or simply left to collapse after years of neglect, I also rejoice in the fact that due to the noble and untiring efforts of a few righteous individuals, I still have the chance to light a candle in a church in Van in memory of lost loved ones. The most moving and well-known example is that of Yedi Kilise or Varakavank, a

magnificent monastery maintained over the years due solely to the dedication of one Kurdish villager, whos father, the local imam, passed on to him the task of protecting the church. He has faithfully fulfilled this task over the years, constructing a roof with his own hands to protect the church and its beautiful frescoes from the elements, emptying the interior of debris, and repeatedly applying to the government for help in restoration of the church so that it can be recognized as the unique example of architectural and cultural heritage that it represents. I had the opportunity to speak with the devoted caretaker of Varakavank both during my first visit to Van in the summer of 2010 and my last visit in July of 2011. When we last spoke he was happy to report that he was expecting government support for the reconstruction of the monastery which is to begin next year, though this would mean that many houses in the village, including his own, would be destroyed in order to facilitate the renovation process. Of course the crowning jewel of Armenian church architecture in Van and the example for renovations to-come is Surp Khach, the magnificent church on Akhtamar Island. When I visited Akhtamar in July, I was surprised by my own reaction. More than during my visit to the desolate Old Van, I was upset by my visit Akhtamar. In Old Van the destruction was complete, and the emptiness, the lack of life in that space serves as a monument to the enormous loss that took place there. On Akhtamar however, there is no recognition of what that space represents, of the fact that those who built and worshipped in that church are no longer there. On my second visit to Van I had the good fortune of having very knowledgeable guides, Engin and Ferzan Bey from Gagik

land is invisible, and visitors are distracted from asking too many questions by the pleasant gift shop selling miniature Akhtamars and small statues of the famous Van Cat. In my eyes this lack of information, this denial, this forgetting serves to compound the loss and the violence that began so many years ago. Despite this official forgetting and this denial of the suffering that took place in Van, I repeatedly found that no matter what history books do or do not say, local communities remember their own history. As we traveled through villages surrounding Van, upon asking even children of seven or eight years old would tell us both the new and old names of their village. In one village on the shores of the lake, I was told a story which proved to me just how much local communities recognize and respect their history. We had been traveling all day and it was nearly dusk when we finally reached the dirt road that lead off the main highway and towards the small village. When we reached the center of the village, an elderly woman emerged from a courtyard. Xalat! (Auntie), we called to her, Where is the church in this village? She welcomed us and pointed to a newly built house standing nearby, explaining that the church had been destroyed. Upon closer examination of the wall of the house, we noticed a khachkar, or carved crossstone, nestled amongst the other stones of the foundation. The woman beckoned us into a neighboring courtyard, where we were greeted by an older man wearing blue long underwear and broad smile. The man continued the story, explaining that the church had been standing on the property of his fatherin-law, who six years prior had decided to demolish it in order to build a new house for himself, his wife, and his two sons. The village imam advised him against this, warning him that a church, like a mosque, was a holy site and must be respected. Not heeding the imams words, the man destroyed the church and used the stones to build his house where the church once stood. According to the narrative of our host, shortly after construction was completed, in quick succession the mans wife and younger son died, the older son became paralyzed, and the man himself fell ill with a mysterious affliction that left him bedridden. Our host concluded his solemn tail by affirming that the whole village knew that such bad fortune had befallen him because he had destroyed the church. It is stories like this that leave me both disheartened and hopeful. On the one hand I see an old Armenian village now emptied of Armenians, and in which the last remnants of the past inhabitants have been carelessly destroyed. On the other hand I see a community that, instead of forgetting the past, recognizes and respects its history, and speaks of it openly. It is communities like this that give me hope for the future of Van, of Turkey, and of all the children of these lands.

Tour. Both are Kurds from Van who have been researching the history of Armenians in the area for years and are full of valuable information about the Armenian sites in Van and the surrounding provinces. When we visited Akhtamar, Engin Bey carefully explained each of the carvings on the exterior of the church and the frescoes inside. Before long our small group began to grow, as other visitors to the island, hungry for information, began listening to Engin Beys explanations. At the end of his tour of the church the newcomers thanked him profusely, explaining that they were very curious about the church and its history, but that there were no guides or information available on the island. Indeed, it was the lack of information and the lack of recognition on Akhtamar island that troubled me. When other visitors saw me attempting to read some inscriptions inside the church, they gathered around to hear. On the boat back to shore a Turkish army officer and his family who were visiting from a nearby town asked us where they could find more information about the history of the church and the Armenians of Van. I was glad to see that the island was full of tourists, most of them from nearby provinces, but at the same time I was angered by the lack of explanation, the lack of information concerning the history of the church, not to mention the deliberate destruction of the castle and monastery which had also existed on the island, and the fact that the church was saved only through the courageous efforts of the Kurdish writer Yasar Kemal. In the Old City of Van the devastation remains clear. Even without a sign explaining the history, the depth of the human tragedy that occurred there is plain. On Akhtamar island however, the pain and suffering of the Armenians who worshipped in that church and were exiled from their native



Insisting on multilingualism
Diyarbakr Municipality Mayor Advisor


When a person from Upper Mesopotamia, who have hung to the life from a city that overlooks the World from the walls of the castles for at least 7 thousands years, how possibly couldnt he become more sensitive to worldly matters and show their reactions intensely. And especially if this city is as powerful as they say and hasnt complied with any oppressor! And of course if this city has been a metropolitan city for nearly 150 years, mocking the ones, which assume they are! The ancient city walls divide the city into two parts, which has been governed by two separate municipalities with separate governors who belong to different ethnicities. Therefore, the city unavoidably becomes another source of pride when each administrator assigns his assistant from the members of the opposite ethnicity. Frankly under any circumstances, I consider the act of crowning the Anatolian belongingness as a source of proud, a bit cagy condition of Turkishness. And yet I need to make a new and a reverse reading. The geography is too old enough to Anatolize people. Besides that it has another name. That is Mesopotamia Thats why I am the one who believes that the city identity of both Mesopotamia and Upper Mesopotamia has different dimensions, which has to be taken into account, such as the city culture and the richness of ethnic identities languages, cultures and their life styles. In the near future, I intend to continue to share the experiences of the unacceptable nature of insisting on old and rich cultural savings, both politically and bureaucratically.

In 1999, the Diyarbakir municipality, along with some of the other municipalities in the region, entered under the initiative of, like it is pronounced currently, Peace and Democracy Party (different names of the organization are DEP-HEP-DEHAP and others). In the manifest of the party -to show respect to peoples languages and cultures, like always to those who lived or are still living in the region - they have decided to insist on a multilingual municipality. One of the implementations of this was the gorgeous Arts and Cultural Festivals organized by the Diyarbakr Metropolitan Municipality. Although I cannot remember the date clearly, in all probability it was either the third or forth festival. I was assigned to the festivals Organization and Coordination Assembly. The nine-day Art and Culture Festival have been completed at the end of May and I have taken couple of days off. Friends from the culture department called me to say that, a supervisor who came to inspect the municipality and the festival, was taking statements of the members of the organization of the festival and I was also expected to give my testimony. I cut my vacation short and went to see the inspector. Ignoring all the imperious styles of the inspectors, I said politely that I graduated from University of Ankara, Department of Political Science, and experienced the duty of district governor for a short period of time. The inspector, with a gentle voice, almost like a friend, explained to me the situation. He said that the Interior Ministry opened an inquiry into our festival. While he avoided using the term investigation, he said they wanted to have our opinions. Then he shared his intention with me. Actually this was my first official threat to give up my multilingual ideal as an implementer.

Lets say we partially understood the reasons for the discourses in Kurmanji and Zazaki languages or using multi languages on banners or posters. But to use Armenian and Syriac languages in the festival brochures and different languages in the banners; we questioned that. What were they all about? What were the reasons behind this action? The question was exactly in the same manner. Actually it was my kind of question and the answer would be given deservedly. I answered immediately: Look Mr. inspector. I studied political science. During my university years, our teachers gave lectures on the freedom of thought. It is because of this and also because of the political and cultural background of these days, I got used to thinking like this. If different ethnicities, different languages and cultures in the history of a city exist; if this situation has penetrated to the soul of the city, the governors of this city -either elected or appointed- have to keep alive this historical reality and to transfer it to the rest of the world. For instance if there exists Kurdish, Armenian, Syrian, Arab or Jewish traces in the historical records of Diyarbakir, their languages and cultures - possessing the same rights - have to be spoken besides the official Turkish language. If the governors do not implement this properly, the intellectuals, like us, have to call them to account. We have to account ourselves responsible for interrogating them for not realizing this ideal rather than asking why they did. In sum, this kind of multilingualism and multiculturalism is pragmatically very meaningful. And it is very precious. It should be supported. It is a shame to punish someone because of this reason, I said to the inspector. The report was written. I read it and signed it. However, nothing came to be of it afterwards. But the others, meaning the elected administrators, mayors have long suffered from insisting on that decision. For example, The Mayor of Diyarbakir Sur Abdullah Demirbas was dismissed and imprisoned. His assembly was dissolved. Many mayors were interrogated. But all of them, while assuming this as a precondition of their politics and the life itself, they insisted on multilingualism. They reflected it in their representations. They published multilingual books, brochures. They organized symposiums and panels. Therefore multilingual administration is a challenge against the official ideology, which has been transformed into a Turkist, monist, denialist policy with the law of unification of education after the Sheik Said rebellion in 1925. The freedom given to languages and cultures are some sort of inspirational resources for the intellectuals like us, for whom the sole occupation is to write, free of any political remarks. For this reason I wish that Turkey would accept and absorb such kind of multilingual-multicultural local administration models and apply them...


Fotoraf Nazik Armenakian

1915. :

: 915. 1 : 7 : : :

Surtyan Nvart 1915te Vanda dodu. O tarihte yeni doduundan kiisel bir ans yok. 1915te ailesi Vandan Emiadzine g etmi. Babas Vandan ktklarnda 7 yerinden yaralym. Nvart babasnn boynunu epeevre dnen o ize sebep olan o yara ile nasl onca yol geldiini bile zihninde canlandramyor. Ailesi ona o tarihte olanlarla ilgili ok bir an brakmam. Zaten Sovyet dneminde Byk Felaketten konumak da yasakm.

Surtyan Nvart was born in Van in 1915. She cant remember that times as she just got born. In 1915, her family emigrated from Van to Emiadzin. When they left Van, her father was wounded seven times. While emigrating, Nivart was checking her fathers wounds and wondering how he was still able to continue the journey. Her family didnt tell her anything about what happened that times. It was forbidden to talk about Genocide (the Great Disaster) under the Soviet regime.

Surtyan Nvart di sala 1915dan da li Wan ji dayk buye. Ji ber ku di w dem de hatye din di derheq 1915dan da brannn w tune. malbata w di sala 1915dan da ji Wan ko Emiadzin kirye. Waxta ku bav w ji Wan derdikeve ji heft cy xwe birndar buye. bav Nivart bi w birna ku dor aliy stuy xweva ewa hewqas r uye nizane u nay bra Nivart. Malbata w di derheq w demda (1915) tu branin jra ne gotine. ji xwe di derheq w dem da axaftin di dema sovyeta sosyalstda qedexe bu.


Kdoutz monastery 2002 with the birds / Gdutz Manastr 2002 kularla birlikte / 2002

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