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In early ancient India, the largest urban centre was...? Ans:Pataliputra

Which of the following had monopoly of iron deposits? Ans:Magadha

Which of the following was not the main product of South India? Ans:Musk and Saffron

The first to establish trade contacts with the Roman empire were...? Ans:Tamil and Chera kingdoms

Which of the following works does not help us in tracing ancient India's trade contacts with the western world...? Ans:The books of Duarte Barbosa

From which point in the north-west did roads go in different directions to countries out side India? Ans:Kabul

Which of the following town was not connected by land route from India? Ans:Sura

Which of the following ports was on the Indus Delta? Ans:Barbaricum

The port known to the author of periplus Maris Erthreae as Padoukew as...? Ans:Arikamedu


The merchant groups of which of the following towns did not issue coins?



Artisans and craftsmen were largely drawn from...? Ans:Sudras


The most commonly used coin, during the Mauryan period was Ans:Karshapana


Which of the following coins was issued in silver? Ans:Shatamana


Imported coins were mostly used is...? Ans:Bullion


Which of the following institutions did not act as bankers? Ans:Royal treasury


The largest number of Roman coins have been found from...? Ans:Tamilnadu


The most widely exported metal from India was...? Ans:Iron and Steel


Which of the following acted as bankers and money lenders? Ans:Nagar-sresthis


Which of the following metal was extensively imported from Srilanka and Afghanistan? Ans:Silver


Which of the following countries was the centre of east-west trade during this period? Ans:Sri Lanka


Which of the following seem to have mono polished trade in silk? Ans:Persians


The fine textiles known as 'dukula' were made of...? Ans:Fibres of a plant


The term 'Puga' stood for a...? Ans:Group of merchants


Which of the following was the common medium of exchange, according to Fa-hien? Ans:Cowries


Which of the following was not one of the urban centres which gradually declined during the Gupta period and after...? Ans:Mathura

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