Mughals Short

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1 The Rashtrakutas were the succesors of the...?

Ans:Chalukyas of Badami 2 Which of the following was the real founder of the chola supremacy in southern India? Ans:Paranthaka 3 The chola monarch who was murdered by the rebelious mobs war? Ans:adhirajendra 4 The chola king who assumed the title of 'mummadi chola' was...? Ans:Rajaraja 5 The cholas maintained close poiltical and matrimonical relations with the...? Ans:Chalukyas of Vengi 6 Which of the following gives the administrative divisions of the chola kingdom in the correct descending order? Ans:Mandalam, Valanadu, Kurram 7 In the chola kingdom, a very large village administrative as a single unit was called...? Ans:Taniyar 8 Besides Srilanka, the cholas also directed their imperialistic expenditions against? Ans:Maldives

9 The Best organised limb of the chola army was... Ans:Navy 10 The number of provinces or mandalams in the chola empire were. Ans:Eight 11 Which of the following was not one of the three types of general assemblies? Ans:Variyam 12 The excutive committee of which of the following general assemblies was called variyam? Ans:sabha 13 The uttaramerur inscription which describes ingreat detail the institution of the sabha pertains to the reign of...? Ans:Paranthaka - I 14 Which of the following was not one of the sub-committees of variyam? Ans:Gold Committee 15 Where were meeting of the general assembly usually held? Ans:Village temple 16 What portion of the produce was generally collected as land tax? Ans:One - third 17 The tenures which were meant for educational purpose - were?


18 The basis of exchange for common place articles in rural areaswas...? Money Cow Paddy Gold Ornaments Ans:... 19 The chola monarchs were partrons of...? Ans:Shavism 20 The most famous and beautiful chola bronzer were those of...? Ans:Nataraj 21 The main feature of this Dravida style of temple architecture was...? Ans:Vimana 22 The temple regarded as the finest and most elaborate example of chola architecture is...? Ans:Bruhadiswara temple at Tanjore 23 Who said that the chola artists conceived like giants and finished like jewellers? Ans:Ferguson 24 The pandyan empire was finally absorbed in to the - kingdom? Ans:Vijayanagar 25 The Independent yadava kingdom of Devagiri was Founded by...?


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