Gods Lonely Man Script

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Screenplay Gods Lonely Man By Levi Burge and Josh Williams

GODS LONELY MAN By Levi Burge and Josh Williams MAX CROSS, age 44, disheveled and unkempt. Years of struggle and hardship have evolved into a concoction of wrinkles on his face and bruised skin under his eyes. He had once been a youthful, handsome man, who believed in the possibilities his future held. Now hes just a void, filled with the fear, anger and regret that has caused him to become distant from anyone who once loved him. Other than his daughter; a naive 8 year old, unaware of the changes that have befallen him. Max has now become a man with a cause. It may be broken cause, it may be a twisted cause, but a cause all the same. His mind is poisoned by the thoughts of violence against a system that he feels has wronged him throughout his life. He only has moments of sanity now. He no longer has clarity of thought, unless he is planning the moment that is probably going to bring about the climax of his life. He still loves his daughter. This is the only feeling that doesnt render him numb. He has delusions of grandeur, and thinks his actions are going to change the world. If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone. - MICHAEL CORLEONE. Footage of JFK in DALLAS on 22.11.63. FILM OPENS on INT. of MOTEL ROOM. Crinkled maps, photographs of politicians, and a TAXI DRIVER poster line the walls of the room. Crumpled clothes are strewn across one of the to beds in the room, spilling out of a worn out suitcase. The bed is unmade, and the curtains are shut. Max is nervously pacing around the room, checking the photographs and maps. He is wearing worn jeans, old work boots, and a plain cotton black t-shirt. He is sweating lightly, and muttering something under his breath. It is inaudible. He moves into the SMALL BATHROOM and runs the cold tap for five seconds, catches some water in his hands, and splashes it onto his face. The BATHROOM is cold and sanitised. The walls and tiles are white. Maxs nervous posture is not in fitting with the atmosphere created by the room. (CONTINUED)



Max leaves the bathroom, picks up the phone that is resting on the coffee stained sideboard, dials a number, and goes through to message tone. He lays the phone face up, and starts to speak. MAX (Pauses, clears his throat) Uhh... Hello? Luce, Its daddy. MAXS hand moves over his mouth and nose, rubs his tired eyes, and sweeps behind his head. It rests at the base of his neck. MAX (CONTD) (speech is slow, broken) I wont be coming home tonight. (Pause) In fact, I dont know when Ill be coming home. Pours a double whisky, sets it down on the sideboard. After a two second delay, picks it back up, swirls the drink anti-clockwise, and drinks it in one hit. He grimaces. MAX (CONTD) There are a few things I want you to know. I know this will be hard for you, but I have to say it. (Increasing anger) Baby, when this is done, theyll try to make you hate me. Theyll say what I did was wrong. (Bubbling with rage ) Theyll act like Im the fucking Antichrist! Filled with anger, MAX punches the bed he is sat on with considerable force. He stands up, paces the room nervously for a few seconds, and casually sits back down. His eyes are wider now, and he is sweating more heavily. MAX (CONTD) (Calmly) Your mum, your friends, their mums, their friends... The newspapers. There wont be a household in the world that wont know my face. Opens his arms and draws the curtains. The light cascades over his face. He turns, with his arms still outstretched. Walks towards sideboard.




MAX (CONTD) (Forcefully) People will take to the streets and chant my name. 100 years from now, the effects of my actions will still be felt. (Voice almost as cold as his eyes) Makes sense... (Ironic snigger) ... Doesnt it? MAX kneels down so he can be closer to the phone. He rests both elbows on the surface of the sideboard, clasping one hand firmly over the other, and rests his head on top of them. Almost as if in prayer. The dull hum of traffic can be heard in this moment of silence. MAX (CONTD) (Serenely) They dont know what its like for us, the things weve been through. Moving from house to house, struggling to put the food on the table for you both. (Shouting) Jesus! They. Just. Do. Not. Know. He pauses, puts his head in his hands. Collects his thoughts, looks up with wide eyes, and a small grin breaks out across his face. MAX (CONTD) (Speech quickens, soon turning into a rant. The anger is clear from his tone) These politicians sit there, in their cosy homes, beautiful food, beautiful wine. The perfect family unit. They have it all. And do they deserve it? No! And how do they make this money? Ill tell you how! They preach and they preach and they preach, to us, the people, telling us that we control our future. Were all in it together (Maniacal laugh) Its all lies Lucy. The world is built upon them.But the foundations are crumbling (Short pause) (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MAX (CONTD) (contd) and Im gonna bring it down. Simultaneously with down, MAX stands up, raises his arms once more, and brings them slowly but dramatically down. MAX (CONTD) What do we get? Minimum wage, working our asses off to fill the pockets of the bourgeoisie. He rubs his index and middle finger against his thumb, thus representing money. MAX (CONTD) Unfulfilled lives. Were just ghosts in the machine. (His tone changes. Almost pleading) Its not fair baby, you dont deserve this life. I wont allow it! has to pay for this.


Max moves over to the bed where his suitcase and muddle of clothes lay. He calmly unzips the front pocket. The sounds at this point will become hyper accentuated. He reaches into the void, and brings out a Walther P99 Pistol. He smiles sinisterly, caresses the barrel down to the stock, and holds it loosely, almost like a newborn child. His breathing becomes heavy and his speech stabalises. MAX (CONTD) (In monotone) I hear people in the street snivelling about there being no jobs, no opportunities. And yet, nobody does a thing to change it. They just go home, turn on their TVs, take themselves out of this world for a little while, and dream that one-day things will be better for them. Theyre too blind to see it, but Im gonna open their eyes. He waves the gun around carelessly. MAX (CONTD) But Ive had enough. This has gone on for far to long. Ive had enough of waking up in the morning and feeling the cold biting at my skin. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MAX (CONTD) (contd) Ive had enough of looking in the mirror, and only seeing a shadow of the man I used to be. Ive had enough of living in a world thats unjust. (Trembling) Ive. Just. Had. Enough. Max changes clothes. He takes off his regular clothing and puts on military gear. Smart trousers and shoes, military style jacket, with war medals that are evidently not his pinned along it. As he is changing, we catch a glimpse of his tattoo. He is prepared, he attaches a white poppy to his breast pocket. This change will act almost as a symbolic rebirth. MAX (CONTD) (Coldly) Its nearly time. He steps towards the phone. and looms over it. MAX (CONTD) (Softly) Lucy. Please, please, never let them turn you against me. One day theyll all think of me as a hero. But for now youre all I have, and youre all I need. This is all for you. I love you for all that you are and all that youre not. Just remember me as I was, not how they wanted me to be. Goodbye, sweet dreams baby. Daddy will watch over you. He puts the phone down gently and hangs up. He moves around the bed, and perches on the edge. The TAXI DRIVER poster looms above him. All sweat has evaporated and his breathing is steady. He looks down towards the gun with almost a sexual lust. He lifts his head, and looks directly down the camera. MAX (CONTD) (Coldly and sinisterly) Im Gods lonely man and Im gonna change the world. SCREEN CUTS TO BLACK



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