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War of the Multiples

Objective: To practice multiplication facts and build fluency in multiplication Materials: 1 Deck of Cards excluding the Jokers. The values of each card are as follows *Ace=1 *2-10=their own value *Jack=11 *Queen=12 *King=0 Number of Players: 2 Directions: 1. Shuffle the deck of cards. 2. Deal the cards face down to every player. 3. Each player stack their pile into a single pile face down. 4. During the Round: a. Each player flips two cards over and multiplies them together. For instance, player 1 turns over a Queen and a 6. Player 2 turns over a Jack and a 7. i. Player 1: 12 x 6 = 72 ii. Player 2: 11 x 7 = 77 b. The player with the highest product wins that round i. Player 1s product is 72 ii. Player 2s product is 77 iii. 72 < 77 so player 2 wins the round c. The player who wins the round takes all 4 cards. d. In the event of a tie, 2 more cards are drawn from each player and the player with the highest product wins all 8 cards. e. Play until one player is out of cards or until an agreed time limit has passed. The player who collects all the cards or who has the most after the time limit has passed wins!

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