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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Semester Doc. Code




BRIEF 2 Alternative Careers

A research based investigation of branding and identity with a focus on finding out what alternative career Graphic Designers and Illustrators would consider. I am going to create a range of visual identities based on alternative career choices of graphic designers and illustrators as this brief will allow me to get in touch with industry professionals.

Background / Considerations
This brief is essentially a research led investigation as I will have to look into each of the alternative careers before I go ahead and design the identity. I also need to ensure that whatever I produce can easily be mailed out to everyone who ends up being featured in the project.

Mandatory Requirements
- Minimum of 24 identities - Prints

PRODUCT Visual Identities RANGE Prints / Publication DISTRIBUTION Print based

Studio Deadline /

Module Deadline 12.12.12

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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