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Lesson PlanFifteen Minutes on Fridays

Week 1, Day 1: During Mondays daily attendance, have each student pick a number between 1 and 14. Week 1, Day 2: Choose writing prompt for Fridays class, remind students to email you their song choices by 5pm on Thursday. Week 1, Day 3: Write the prompt on the marker/chalkboard or project it onto a screen before reading it aloud to the students. Begin playing each five-minute song. When 15 minutes have elapsed, tell the students to put their pens and pencils down and ask them if anyone wants to share what they have written. Weeks 2-14: Enjoy the process. When it is their week to choose music, remind students during Mondays daily attendance. Mix whimsical or abstract creative writing assignments with hard-hitting sociocultural prompts or attempt to fit your prompts to the themes present in the music that was chosen for that week.

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