Day 1 - Burkina Faso

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Report on the country team session

Brief evaluation

of the domestic biogas sector in

Burkina Faso

Three most relevant STRENGTHS

Positive role of Government in steering and contributions, domestic biogas is now part of the 2011-2015 Government policy for sustainable development;

Working trough a national network of implementing partner


The programme has been able to reduce construction cost

for 6m3 plant from USD 1,100 to USD 800. Further reduction is possible.

Three most relevant WEAKNESSES

Lack of access to affordable credit for potential biodigester owners; Expensive programme set-up; Quality monitoring and enforcement system for construction, appliances and A.S.S., Dbase management.

Three most relevant OPPORTUNITIES

Large technical potential; Bio-fertiliser recognised as a valuable commodity by the male household heads; Farmers are often well organised in different groups, i.e. union of cotton growers, which can become effective

marketing channels.

Three most relevant THREATS

Overall lack of quality consciousness by producers of goods and services; People (clients, service providers, Government, ) are

used to traditional development projects;

Lack of entrepreneurial spirit at village level.

Action points to overcome weaknesses

Set-up a credit product through rural MFIs Performance based incentives for implementing partners New Dbase system and a split between service providers and QC.

Action points to overcome threats

QC, QC, QC; Client focus instead of product focus at all levels of the

Creating an enabling environment for (potential)


Any other important result/message

It takes time but we will get


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