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The Power of Words!

Soft words in a lullaby can put baby to sleep Excited words can stir a mob to violence Eloquent words can send armies marching, into the face of death. Encouraging words can fan to flame the genius of a Rembrandt or a Lincoln Powerful words can mould the public mind as the sculptor moulds his clay Words are a dynamic force! Words have both the explosive power of a nuclear bomb and the soothing effect of oil on troubled waters. They can start a war or they can usher peace! How others react towards us, depends in a large measure, upon the words we speak to them. Life is a great whispering gallery that sends back echoes of the words we send out! So closely have words and ideas been correlated by custom and habit of thought, that it is almost impossible for us to conceive of thinking without the mental employment of words. This being the case, it becomes important that we choose the best possible words, not merely as a matter of expression, but also as a means of thinking intelligently. Before one is able to make a choice of effective words, and to learn to employ them to the best advantage, he must first have a sufficient number of words at his disposal, he must acquire an adequate vocabulary. The person having the largest vocabulary of effective words will be able to express himself most clearly and effectively. It would be both profitable and enjoyable to decide today, to

increase your vocabulary by at least one new word each day. By the end of the year you will have added a stock of 365 words and enriched your Vocabulary.

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