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Lesson Plan for 11/16/10 Objective: employ a variety of writing genres to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas in selected

literary works by composing essays, narratives, poems, or technical documents ( GPS) (LA09_B2010-14) Use research and technology to support writing (GPS)(LA09_D2010-35) Materials: computer, Bio-Cube planning sheet, Bio-cube website ( /files/resources/interactives/bio_cube/) Procedure: 1. Tell the students that we are going to work on the project that we started yesterday. 2. If the students do not remember their person, have the list ready to tell them who they are doing. 3. On the computer, bring up the Bio-cube website. 4. Open up the Bio-Cube and show them the different sides of the cube that they are doing and how to do the cube. 5. Go through each step with them. Show them some of the research with Dr. Seuss and how to look for it in the computer (,, etc.) 6. Type in the information on the Bio-cube. 7. Show them how it prints out and tell them that when they are done, the website for the Bio-cube will be on the board 8. Have cardstock ready to glue the bio-cube to. 9. Help the students on putting it together. 10. After presenting the information, tell the student to log on and get started and walk around and help them with the research and make sure they are staying on task. Assessment: Walking around and seeing if they are staying on task, looking at their information, and then looking at their final product of the Bio-cube.

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