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INFO 338 001 Final Exam Study Guide Please read the following and adhere to the instructions:

: 1. The exam is on December 11 from 10:45 am to 1:15 pm. 2. If there is anything other than the Test sheets, it is considered cheating and will be reported. 3. Come to the exam on time, do NOT walk in late and disturb others. Multiple choice questions: Read the chapters entirely at least a few times. Focus on the following concepts/topics. Threats and Attacks (Chapter 2) Intrusion Detection Chapter o Types of IDPS o IDPS Detection methods o IDPS Response behavior o Deployment and Implementation of IDPS o Security Tools o Biometric Access Controls Cryptography o Terminology o Cipher Methods o Hash Functions o Cryptographic Algorithms o Cryptographic Tools o Protocols for Secure Communications, wireless network protocols o Attacks on Cryptosystems Physical Security o Physical Access Controls o Fire Security & Safety o UPS, Interception of Data o Mobile and Portable Systems Remote Computing Security o Special Considerations for Physical Security Implementing Information Security o Information Security Project Management o Project Planning Considerations o Need for Project Management o Technical Aspects of Implementation o Nontechnical Aspects of Implementation Security and Personnel o Positioning and Staffing the Security Function o Employment Policies and Practices o Security Considerations for Nonemployees o Internal Control Strategies Presentation Topics

Questions & Problems: Questions from the topics mentioned above Presentation topics Encrypt or decrypt a message using the cipher methods Questions and problems covered in the assignments Focus on all topics in Cryptography chapter

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