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So You Were There I find it candidly humorous the ignorance of many whom think they are smart For

instance the evolutionary pundits making babies with bones hence bonehead Ignorance is female also how about this pro choice baby loses floozy pop tart So let me get this they get laid get pregnant by (choice) baby gets no choice dead And what's up with this so called (politically correct) crap which simply means lie I did not have sexual relations with that woman and ironically his initials are BJ Political and correct are walking talking proof evolutionary abortions live n get by I guess a skeleton can get a boner and hey, he can run for president and win someday You show me a correct politician and I'll show you a tombstone no not a pizza bonehead Passivism has been bred into America to achieve misguided its okay but bad, bad religion I'm an African American, a Cuban American stop wasting paper just American born n bred I can only imagine how much money is wasted printing instructions for all a stool pigeon Make no bones about it we can learn something even from a dumbass I call them Sheeple I heard a man say smart people learn from their mistakes wise people from others be aware Political and correct is more of an oxymoron than non-dairy creamer comes on people Learn with people about people from people what's that, you knew Jesus; So You Were There 2012 I.M. Nobody

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