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MBE2012 Final Program

The Seventeenth International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy

In cooperation with The Japan Society of Applied Physics

September 23-28, 2012 Nara Prefectural New Public Hall Nara, Japan

MBE2012 Time Table

Sunday 23rd 15:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 20:00 Room A Monday 24th 8:30 - 18:30 9:30 - 10:30 11:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 19:00 - 21:00 Tuesday 25th 8:30 - 18:30 9:00 - 10:30 11:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 18:30 19:00 - 21:00 Wednesday 26th 8:30 - 13:00 9:00 - 10:30 11:00 - 13:00 13:15 - 19:00 Thursday 27th 8:30 - 17:00 9:00 - 10:30 11:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 17:00 18:30 - 21:00 Friday 28th 8:30 - 13:00 9:00 - 10:30 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:30 FrA-1 Topological Insulators and Silicides
Break Registration Registration Reception

Room B

Opening and Plenary - I


Plenary - II

MoA-1 Spintronics

MoB-1 MBE Fundamentals - I

Poster Session MoP (Rooms C and D)

Users Meeting (Veeco) Registration

TuA-1 Nitrides - I

TuB-1 MBE Fundamentals - II TuB-2 Electron Devices


TuA-2 III-V Compounds - I TuA-3 Quantum Dots and Rings

TuB-3 Oxides

Poster Session TuP (Rooms C and D)

Users Meeting (Riber) Registration

WeA-1 Photovoltaic Materials and Group IVs


WeB-1 Photonic Devices WeB-2 Dilute Nitrides


WeA-2 Nanowires and Dots


ThA-1 Site-controlled Growth


ThB-1 Nitrides - II ThB-2 Lasers


ThA-2 III-V Compounds - II

ThA-3 ThB-3 Graphene and Spintronics Materials II-VI Compounds Poster Session ThP (Rooms C and D) - including Late News Posters Break Banquet (Hotel Nikko Nara) Registration

FrB-1 Nitrides - III

LN-FrA-2 Late News Closing - Student Awards Ceremony -

Foreword 17th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2012) will be held during the week of September 23-28, 2012 at the Nara Prefectural New Public Hall. This biennial conference series started the first meeting in Paris, France in 1978, and the last three conferences were held in Tokyo, Japan (2006), Vancouver, Canada (2008), and Berlin, Germany (2010). This conference is a leading international forum for reporting and discussing advances in important issues related to molecular beam epitaxy, such as advances in the MBE technique itself, synthesis of new materials, formation of novel structures, discovery and development of new physical properties and functions, development of new functional devices, and mass production of devices. The conference encompasses both fundamental and application researches. Location The conference site The conference site is located in the center of Nara National Park, which is famous for its beauty and 1,200 tame deer. Nara is located about 25 km east of Osaka, about 35 km south of Kyoto and easily accessible from both Kansai and Osaka International Airports, using convenient limousine bus and railway services. Nara was the capital of Japan from 710 to 784, so it has many historical shrines and temples containing national treasures. Famous tourist spots such as Kofukuji Temple, Todaiji Temple, Kasuga Shrine are within walking distance from the hall. (see the Site Map). Registration, Information The information and registration desk in the entrance hall will be open as follows: Sunday Tuesday Thursday 15:00-18:00 08:30-18:30 08:30-17:00 Monday Wednesday Friday 08:30-18:30 08:30-13:00 08:30-13:00

Transportation The bus transfer service will be available both from Hotel Nikko Nara and from Hotel Fujita Nara to the conference site on every morning from Monday to Friday. Internet Access Wi-Fi service will be provided in the lobby and exhibition halls. Reception The conference welcome reception will be held on Sep. 23rd, 2012 (Sun) from 18:00 in the Japanese garden at the Nara Prefectural New Public Hall (conference site).

Lunch and Refreshments Lunch is served from Monday to Thursday, except for Wednesday, for conference attendees free of charge. Coffee, tea, and refreshments will be served during breaks, close to the exhibition area. Social Events Shikayose Shuikayose, herding deer by blowing a horn, is held in Tobihino field from 8:15 for 20 min on 25th September. You can enjoy many deer gathering when they hear the sound of the horn.

Conference site

Free afternoon There will be no technical session in the afternoon of 26th September. For those who want to enjoy the sightseeing of Nara, the organizers have arranged bus tours. The tours are optional and require an extra charge. In order to attend the bus tour, participants are requested to make the reservation when they register for the conference. Tour A: Horyuji Temple & Kasuga Taisha (Kasuga Grand Shrine) Tour B: Horyuji Temple & Sake Brewery *Tour departs from the conference site at 1:15 pm. Banquet The conference banquet will be held at Hotel Nikko Nara on 27th Sep. 18:30-21:00. The bus transfer service will be available from the conference site to Hotel Nikko Nara after the technical session on 27th September. Exhibition The Vendors Exhibit held in conjunction with the conference will feature international exhibitors from all sectors of the MBE related communities. Conference attendees are invited to visit the exhibit to learn more about the latest techniques and advances from the manufacturers, suppliers and developers. The exhibition is located on the second floor of the Nara Prefectural New Public Hall. Instruction for Speakers Invited and Oral Presentations The time allotted for a plenary/invited/contributed paper is 45/30/15 min. including discussions. We will provide a PC-based projector equipment, to which the speakers

can directly connect their laptop. We will also prepare one Windows 7 PC with a CD-ROM drive and a USB interface, so that the Power Point file can be copied there. Microsoft Office2010 is installed in the PC. However, we would like to recommend the speakers to bring their own PC in order to avoid any problem caused by different font set etc. In any case, the speakers are recommended to check if their viewgraphs will be correctly displayed, in advance to the presentation. Poster presentations The area of the board to poster is 90 cm wide and 210 cm high. The authors are requested to put up their posters by the morning session, and take them off immediately after the poster session, for the presentation on the following day. Poster presentations will be numbered according to the final conference program. Poster boards are arranged as follows: Monday Room C : MoP-1 ~ MoP-33 Room D : MoP-34 ~ MoP-71 Tuesday Room C : TuP-1 ~ TuP-29 Room D : TuP-30 ~ TuP-67 Thursday Room C : ThP-1 ~ ThP-24 & late news Room D : ThP-25 ~ ThP-62 Proceedings In continuation of the International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy tradition, the proceedings will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Crystal Growth on May, 2013. The deadline for the submission of the manuscripts is August 31, 2012. Please note that it is possible to include Late News Papers in this special issue. Papers will be reviewed based on the Journal of Crystal Growth standard for Regular Papers. The length of the papers in the proceedings is limited to six printed pages for the invited papers and four printed pages for the regular contributed and late news papers. The submission of a paper implies that it represents original work not previously published and not being considered for publication elsewhere. Please submit your manuscripts by using the normal online submission system of the Journal of Crystal Growth. 1. Visit the web site 2. Click log in. 3. Put in your Username and Password. If you do not have them, click Register now. If you forgot them, click Send Username/Password. 4. After log in, click Submit New Manuscript. 5. Choose Article Type as Special Issue: MBE2012.

Student MBE Awards Student MBE award was established for students who present their work as speakers or poster presenters. Presentations by the applicants will be judged at the conference and the best two papers will be honored. We will have the ceremony in the closing session so that we strongly recommend the applicants to attend the conference throughout the duration and join the closing session on 28th Friday. Weather Weather during the late September in Nara is pleasant with an average daily high of 26 C. You can get more weather information at the following URL.

MBE-2012 Program
Monday, September 24 Plenary Session - I
Room A: 9:30-10:30 Presiders: H. Asahi (Osaka Univ.) and H. Yamaguchi (NTT) Opening Remarks 9:30-9:45

(as of Aug. 9, 2012)

MoPL-1-1 9:45-10:30 Molecular beam epitaxy of quantum dots and wires and their advanced device applications Hiroyuki Sakaki Toyota Technological Institute, Japan Break: 10:30-11:00

Plenary Session - II
RoomA: 11:00-12:30 Presiders: Y. Horikoshi (Waseda Univ.) and M. Tanaka (Univ. of Tokyo) MoPL-2-1 11:00-11:45 Dissimilar Materials Epitaxy Chris J. Palmstrm Electrical and Computer Engineering and Materials, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA MoPL-2-2 11:45-12:30 Strain-driven nanoarchitectures and phenomena Oliver G. Schmidt IFW Dresden and University of Technology Chemnitz, Germany Lunch: 12:30-14:00

Oral Session MoA-1: Spintronics

RoomA: 14:00-16:30 Presider: T. Suemasu (Univ. of Tsukuba) MoA-1-1 14:00-14:30 (Invited) Spin-dependent resonant tunneling and the valence-band picture of III-V-based ferromagnetic semiconductors Shinobu Ohya Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, The University of Tokyo, Japan MoA-1-2 14:30-14:45 Tunnel barrier thickness dependence of Hanle-type signals in CoFe/MgO/n-Ge tunnel junctions investigated through three-terminal configuration Gui-fang Li, Mutsumi Miki, Ken-ichi Matsuda, Tetsuya Uemura and Masafumi Yamamoto Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan MoA-1-3 14:45-15:00 Electrical characterization of all-epitaxial Fe/GaN(0001) Schottky tunnel contacts Sergio Fernndez-Garrido, Kai U. Ubben, Jens Herfort, Cunxu Gao and Oliver Brandt Paul-Drude-Institut fr Festkrperelektronik, Germany MoA-1-4 15:00-15:15 Anomalous behavior of the Fermi level in ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnAs near the metal-insulator transition H. Terada, I. Muneta, S. Ohya and M. Tanaka Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, The University of Tokyo, Japan MoA-1-5 15:15-15:30 Interface properties of ferromagnetic MnGa on GaN(0001) C. Zube1), D. Broxtermann1), J. Malindretos1), A. Rizzi1) and P. Blchl2) 1) IV. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universit at Gottingen, Germany, 2) Institute for Theoretical Physics, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany MoA-1-6 15:30-15:45 Diffusion and long-range order in Co2FeSi/GaAs hybrid structures J. Herfort1), B. Jenichen1), T. Hentschel1), A. Nikulin1), X. Kong1), I. Zizak2) and A. Trampert1) 1) Paul-Drude-Institut fr Festkrperelektronik, Germany, 2) Institut fr Nanometeroptik im Helmholtz-Zentrum fr Materialien und Energie, Germany MoA-1-7 15:45-16:00 STM observation of initial growth surface of MnAs on GaAs(001) Masahiro Hiraoka, Shigeru Kaku and Junji Yoshino Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan MoA-1-8 16:00-16:15 Low temperature anisotropic transport and related structure analysis in InGaAs two-dimensional electron gas bilayer system W. Wei, S. Hidaka, H. Iwase, M. Akabori and S. Yamada Center for Nano Materials and Technology (CNMT), JAIST, Japan

MoA-1-9 16:15-16:30 Anisotropic magnetoresistance in n-type electron-induced ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)As : two-fold and eight-fold symmetry Daisuke Sasaki, Pham Nam Hai, Le Duc Anh and Masaaki Tanaka Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Oral Session MoB-1: MBE Fundamentals - I

RoomB: 14:00-16:30 Presider: O. G. Schmidt (IFW Dresden) MoB-1-1 14:00-14:30 (Invited) Growth mechanisms of self-catalyzed GaAs nanowires and advanced heterostructures Anna Fontcuberta i Morral Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland MoB-1-2 14:30-14:45 Crystal phase tuning in self-catalyzed GaAs nanowires induced by Ga-droplet contact angle A.M. Munshi1), D.L. Dheeraj1), J. Todorovic2), A.T.J. van Helvoort2), B.O. Fimland1) and H. Weman1) 1) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Norway, 2) Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway MoB-1-3 14:45-15:00 In-situ X-ray diffraction during Au-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires Miwa Kozu1), Wen Hu2), Yuka Nakata1) and Masamitu Takahasi1), 2) 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan MoB-1-4 15:00-15:30 (Invited) Initial stage of heteroepitaxy on GaAs(001): adsorbate-induced surface reconstructions Akihiro Ohtake National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan MoB-1-5 15:30-15:45 Computational analysis of surface reconstruction domains and quantum dot nucleation sites on an InAs-GaAs wetting layer Tomoya Konishi1), Gavin R. Bell2) and Shiro Tsukamoto1) 1) Center for Collaborative Research, Anan National College of Technology, Japan, 2) Department of Physics, University of Warwick, UK MoB-1-6 15:45-16:00 Ab initio-based approach to novel behavior of InAs wetting layer surface grown on GaAs(001) Tomonori Ito, Toru Akiyama and Kohji Nakamura Department of Physics Engineering, Mie University, Japan MoB-1-7 16:00-16:15 Grazing incidence fast atom diffraction: an alternative to RHEED for in-situ growth monitoring P. Atkinson1), V. H. Etgens1), 3), M. Eddrief1), H. Khemliche2), A. Momeni2), M. Mulier2) and P. Roncin2) 1) INSP UMR7588 CNRS Universit Pierre et Marie Curie Paris France, 2) ISMO UMR8214 CNRS-Universit Paris-sud Orsay, France, 3) VeDeCom- Universit de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, France

MoB-1-8 16:15-16:30 Direct stress measurement of Si(111) 77 reconstruction Hidehito Asaoka, Tatsuya Yamazaki and Kenji Yamaguchi Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

Poster Session MoP

Poster room: 16:30-18:30

III-V, Dilute Nitrides

MoP-1 Reduction of misfit dislocation for InSb quantum wells T. D. Mishima and M. B. Santos Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Center for Semiconductor Physics in Nanostructures University of Oklahoma, USA MoP-2 Study of Sb template for heteroepitaxial growth of GaSb thin film on Si (111) substrate Hideyuki Toyota1), Akinari Okabe1), Tetsuo Endoh2), Yoshio Jinbo1) and Naotaka Uchitomi1) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan, 2) Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Tohoku University, Japan MoP-3 Growth of heterostructures on InAs and GaSb for high mobility device applications R. Contreras-Guerrero1), M. Edirisooriya1), W. Priyantha1), R. Droopad1) S. Wang2), G. Doornbos2), G. Vellianitis2), M. Holland2), M. van Dal2), K. Bhuwalka2), R. Oxland2), B. Duriez2), A. Wang2), G. Astromskas2), M. Passlack2), C.H. Diaz2) and Y.C. Sun2) 1) Dept. of Physics, Texas State University, USA, 2) TSMC R&D, Europe B.V., Belgium MoP-4 Heteroepitaxial growth of AlInSb films on a Si(111) substrate using surface reconstruction controlled epitaxy M. Mori, Y. Yasui, K. Nakayama, M. Miura and K. Maezawa Graduate school of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, Japan MoP-5 Molecular beam epitaxial growth of InAsSb-channel high electron mobility transistor structures Yuwei Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yanbo Li, Baoqiang Wang, Zhanping Zhu and Yiping Zeng Material Science Center, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China MoP-6 Mid, long, and very long wavelength Type II InAs/GaSb superlattice infrared photodetectors Wenquan Ma, Yanhua Zhang, Yulian Cao, Yang Wei, Jianliang Huang and Kai Cui Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

MoP-7 Effects of growth temperature and buffer scheme on characteristics of InP-based metamorphic InGaAs photodetectors Y. Gu, Y. G. Zhang, K. Wang, X. Fang, C. Li, L. Zhou, A. Z. Li and Hsby. Li State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China MoP-8 Effects of the GaSbAs buffer layer on the properties of the polycrystalline InAs layer on glass Y. Kajikawa, T. Okuzako and Y. Matsui Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, Japan MoP-9 Impact of nucleation conditions on the properties of GaSb-based heterostructures grown by MBE on GaAs substrates K. Madiomanana, J.B. Rodriguez, L. Cerutti and E. Tourni Institut dElectronique du Sud (IES), Universit Montpellier 2, France MoP-10 Sb irradiation effect on growth of GaAs thin film on Si (111) substrate Osamu Morohara, Hirotaka Geka, Yoshitaka Moriyasu and Naohiro Kuze Advanced Devices and Sensor Systems Development Center, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan MoP-11 Electrical characteristics of C60 doped GaAs layers grown by MEE J. Nishinaga1), 2) and Y. Horikoshi3) 1) Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University, Japan, 2) PRESTO, JST, Japan, 3) School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan MoP-12 Growth and characterization of GaN/GaDyN double barrier structures M. Sano, Y. K. Zhou, S. Emura, S. Hasegawa and H. Asahi The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan MoP-13 Codoping of InxGa1-xAs with silicon and tellurium for ultra-low contact resistance J. J. M. Law, A. D. Carter, S. Lee, C. -Y Huang, H. Lu, M. J. W. Rodwell and A. C. Gossard ECE and Materials Departments, University of California, USA MoP-14 Quantitative estimation of the density of Bi-induced localized states in GaAs1-xBix grown by molecular beam epitaxy Mizuki Itoh, Yoriko Tominaga, Kunishige Oe and Masahiro Yoshimoto Kyoto Institute Technology, Department of Electronics, Japan MoP-15 Growth and optical properties of high Bi content GaAsBi alloys R.B.Lewis1), 2), V. Bahrami-Yekta1), M.Masnadi-Shirazi1), 3), T. Tiedje1), K. Watkins4) and P. Mooney4) 1) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada, 2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Canada, 3) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada, 4) Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Canada

MoP-16 MBE growth of InSbxBi1-x thin films Yuxin Song1), Shumin Wang1), Ivy Saha Roy1), Peixiong Shi2) and Anders Hallen3) 1) Photonics Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden., 2) DANCHIP, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, 3) ICT, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden MoP-17 High optical quality GaAsBi/GaAs/AlGaAs separate confinement heterostructures Dongsheng Fan1), 2), Zhaoquan Zeng2), Xian Hu2), Vitaliy G. Dorogan2), Yusuke Hirono2), Chen Li2), Perry C. Grant2), Mourad Benamara2), Michael E. Hawkridge2), Yuriy I. Mazur2), Shui-Qing Yu1), 2), Shane R. Johnson3), Zhiming M. Wang4) and Gregory J. Salamo2) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas, USA, 2) Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering, University of Arkansas, USA, 3) School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona StateUniversity, USA, 4) State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China MoP-18 Structural and optical studies of GaP/Si induced defects in GaAsPN quantum wells grown on Si T. Nguyen Thanh1), C. Robert1), E. Giudicelli1), A. Ltoublon1), C. Cornet1), A. Ponchet2), T. Rohel1), A. Balocchi3), J.S. Micha4), M. Perrin1), S. Loualiche1), X. Marie3), N. Bertru1), O. Durand1) and A. Le Corre1) 1) Universit Europenne de Bretagne, France, 2) CEMES, France, 3) Universit de Toulouse, France, 4) UMR SPrAM 5819 CNRS-CEA-UJF, France MoP-19 Growth of dilute BGaP alloys by molecular beam epitaxy N. Urakami1), F. Fukami1), H. Sekiguchi1), H. Okada1), 2), A. Wakahara1) 1) Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2) Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Japan MoP-20 Growth of metamorphic InGaP layers on GaAs substrates J. Y. Yan, Q. Gong, Q. B. Liu, R. H. Cheng, L. Yue, Y. Wang, C. F. Cao and S. M. Wang State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, China MoP-21 Molecular beam epitaxy of ErGaAs alloys on GaAs (001) substrates Ri Guo Jin1), Shuhei Yagi1), Yasuto Hijikata1), Shigeyuki Kuboya2), Kentaro Onabe2), Ryuji Katayama3) and Hiroyuki Yaguchi1) 1) Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan, 2) Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3) Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan

MoP-22 Growth of cubic InN films on GaAs(001) substrates by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy Y. L. Casallas-Moreno, M. Prez-Caro, J. S. Rojas-Ramrez, M. Ramrez-Lpez, I. Martnez-Velis, S. Gallardo-Hernndez and M. Lpez-Lpez Physics Department, Centro de Investigacin y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mxico

MoP-23 Growth of InN quantum dots on InGaN with high In composition P.E.D. Soto Rodriguez, P. Kumar, V.J. Gmez, E. Calleja and R. Ntzel ISOM Institute for Systems based on Optoelectronics and Microtechnology, ETSI Telecomunicatin, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain MoP-24 RF-MBE growth of cubic InN quantum dots on cubic GaN J. Suzuki, M. Orihara, S. Yagi, Y. Hijikata and H. Yaguchi Guraduate school of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan MoP-25 RF-MBE growth of cubic AlN on MgO(001) substrates via 2-step c-GaN buffer layer M. Kakuda1), S. Morikawa1), S.Kuboya1), R. Katayama2) and K. Onabe1) 1) Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) IMR, Tohoku University, Japan MoP-26 MBE growth of AlN and AlGaN alloys towards 3-5 m ISBT devices Guang Chen, Xinqiang Wang, Shitao Liu, Jianhai Pan and Bo Shen State Key Laboratory of Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, School of Physics, Peking University, China MoP-27 Growth and characterization of AlN films on (0001) Al2O3 substrate by plasma-assisted molecular neam epitaxy Se Hwan Lim1), Eun-Jung Shin1), Soon-Ku Hong1), 2), Young Eon Ihm2), Seok Kyu Han2), Hyo Sung Lee2), Myoungho Jeong3), Jeong Yong Lee3) and Takafumi Yao4) 1) Graduate School of Green Energy Technology, Chungnam National University, Korea, 2) Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University, Korea, 3) Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Korea, 4) Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Tohoku University, Japan MoP-28 Control of threading dislocation density at the initial growth stage of AlN on c-sapphire in plasma-assisted MBE D.V. Nechaev, P.A. Aseev, V.N. Jmerik, P.N. Brunkov, Y.V. Kuznetsova, A.A. Sitnikova, V.V. Ratnikov and S.V. Ivanov Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russia MoP-29 Coalescence of a-plane GaN stripes in low angle incidence microchannel epitaxy by ammonia-based metal-organic molecular beam epitaxy S. Naritsuka, C.H. Lin, S. Uchiyama and T. Maruyama Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Meijo University, Japan MoP-30 Observation of the pseudo-(11) surface by RHEED for InGaN/GaN(0001)/Al2O3 heterostructures grown by PA-MBE E. Cruz-Hernndez1), M. Ramirez-Lpez2), M. Prez-Caro2), P.G. Mani-Gonzalez3), A. Herrera-Gmez3), A.Yu. Gorbatchev1), M. Lpez-Lpez2) and V. H. Mndez-Garca1) 1) Center for the Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIACyT), Universidad Autnoma de San Luis Potos, Mxico, 2) Physics Department, CINVESTAV- IPN. D.F., Mxico, 3) CINVESTAV- Unidad Quertaro, Mxico

MoP-31 Comparison of Carrier dynamics between polar and semipolar GaN / Al0.5Ga0.5N nanostructures A. Kahouli1), 2), B. Damilano1), J. Brault1), N. Kriouche1), M. Leroux1), P. Venngus1), P. De Mierry1), P. Valvin3), C. Brimont3), T. Guillet3) and J. Massies1) 1) Centre de Recherche sur lhtro-Epitaxie et ses Applications, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 2) Universit de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 3) Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221, Universit Montpellier 2- CNRS, France MoP-32 Growth kinetics of III-nitrides grown by NH3-MBE and the effect of an Ehrlich-Schwbel barrier N.A.K. Kaufmann, D. Martin and N. Grandjean Institute of condensed matter physics (ICMP - LASPE), Ecole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland MoP-33 Investigation of indium incorporation in InGaN growth by NH3-MBE with and without additional nitrogen from a RF-plasma source N.A.K. Kaufmann, A. Dussaigne, D. Martin and N. Grandjean Institute of condensed matter physics (ICMP - LASPE), Ecole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Spintronics, Novel Materials

MoP-34 Epitaxial growth of CoxFe4-xN (0.4 x 2.9) thin films on SrTiO3(001) grown by molecular beam epitaxy Tatsunori Sanai, Keita Ito, Kaoru Toko and Takashi Suemasu Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan MoP-35 Spin-dependent tunneling transport in a ferromagnetic GaMnAs and un-doped GaAs double-quantum-well heterostructure Iriya Muneta, Shinobu Ohya and Masaaki Tanaka Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, The University of Tokyo, Japan MoP-36 Thickness dependence of magnetic anisotropy in MnSb epitaxial layers Nozomi Nishizawa and Hiro Munekata Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan MoP-37 Studies of zinc-blende type MnAs thin films grown on InP (001) substrates by XRD H. Oomae, S. Irizawa, Y. Jinbo, H. Toyota, T. Kambayashi, S. Nakamura and N. Uchitomi Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan MoP-38 Coexistence of magnetic domains with in-plane andout-of-plane anisotropy in a single GaMnAs film Sangyeop Lee1), Hakjoon Lee1), Taehee Yoo1), Sanghoon Lee1), X. Liu2) and J. K. Furdyna2) 1) Physics Department, Korea University, Korea, 2) Physics Department, University of Notre Dame, USA

MoP-39 Influence of hydrogen incorporation on texture and grain size in YH2 films Tomoya Okoshi1), Masashi Hayakawa1), Hiroaki Hirama1), Masamichi Sakai1), Koji Higuchi2), Akira Kitajima2), Akihiro Oshima2) and Shigehiko Hasegawa2) 1) Division of Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Japan, 2) The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan MoP-40 Growth and characterization of CuInZnSe thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy Y.S. Tseng1), C.H. Wu1), C.W. Chiu1), Chu Shou Yang1), Min De Yang2) and Chih-Hung Wu2) 1) Graduate Institute of Electro-optical Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan 2) Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan MoP-41 Cooperative transition of antisite As defects in Be-doped low-temperature-grown GaAs Mohd Ambri Mohamed, Pham Tien Lam and N. Otsuka School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan MoP-42 Growth condition dependence of Ge doping to -FeSi2 epitaxial film by molecular beam epitaxy Keiichi Noda, Yoshikazu Terai and Yasufumi Fujiwara Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan MoP-43 Fabrication of DH-a6T monolayer film on silicon dioxide Rongbin Ye1), Yusuke Fujinaka2), Koji Ohata1) and Mamoru Baba1) 1) Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Engineering, Iwate University, Japan MoP-44 Novel self-assembled nanostructures observed on Cr-deposited Au(111) S. Kaku and J. Yoshino Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan MoP-45 Middle range local structure analysis of diluted magnetic semiconductor ZnSnAs2: Mn thin films by X-ray fluorescence holography Akiko Suzki1), Kouichi Hayashi2), Naohisa Happo3), Shinya Hosokawa4), Keitaro Yamagami1), Wen Hu5), Motohiro Suzuki6) and Naotaka Uchitomi1) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagaoka University of techonology, Japan, 2) Tohoku University, Japan, 3) Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Japan, 4) Hiroshima Insitute of Technology, Japan, 5) Quantum Beam Science Directorate, JAEA, Japan, 6) SPring-8/JASRI, Japan MoP-46 The effect of bathocuproine on the recombination of exciton in fullerene Shenghao Wang1), Takeaki Sakurai1), 2) and Katsuhiro Akimoto1) 1) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2) PRESTO, Japan Sceience and Technology Agency (JST), Japan

MoP-47 Growth of high-quality CuCl thin films by a technique involving electron-beam irradiation Masayoshi Ichimiya1), 2), Le Quang Phuong2), Masaaki Ashida2) and Tadashi Itoh3) 1) Department of Physics, Osaka Dental University, Japan, 2) Department of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan, 3) Institute for NanoScience Design, Osaka University, Japan MoP-48 MBE growth of Bi2Te3 for thermoelectrics and topological insulators Yuxin Song, Ivy Saha Roy and Shumin Wang Photonics Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden MoP-49 Spin injection into epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide Keita Konishi, Zhixin Cui, Takahiro Hiraki and Kanji Yoh Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics (RCIQE), Hokkaido University, Japan MoP-50 Repair for defects of transferred graphene by carbon MBE method T. Ishida1), Md. Sherajul Islam1), R. Kajiwara2), S. Tanaka2) and A. Hashimoto1) 1) Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui, Japan, 2) Department of Applied Quantum Physics & Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan MoP-51 Growth of pentacene crystallinity control layers for high mobility organic field-effect transistors based on benzodithiophene-dimer films Tomoya Sakai, K. Shibamoto, Y. Matsumoto, H. Osuga, K. Uno and Ichiro Tanaka Department of Materials Science and Chemistry, Wakayama University, Japan MoP-52 Control of magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As with etching depth of specimen boundaries Y. Hashimoto, Y. Iye and S. Katsumoto Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan MoP-53 MBE growth of ferromagnetic EuS thin film on InP(100) substrate Y. Ueda1), T. Rakumatsu1), N. Matsumoto1), Y. Kawano1), S. Senba2), H. Asada1), Y. Fukuma3), K. Kishimoto1) and T. Koyanagi1) 1) Department of Electronic Devices Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan, 2) Department of Electrical Engineering, Ube National College of Technology, Japan, 3) Frontier Research Academy for Young Researchers, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan MoP-54 Dynamics of electron-spin injection in a heterovalent GaAs/AlGaAs/ZnMnSe structure with a coupled double quantum well of GaAs/AlGaAs Y. Kuno1), T. Sasaki1), T. Kiba1), V.Kh. Kaibyshev2), F. Liaci2), A.A. Toropov2), S.V. Ivanov2) and A. Murayama1) 1) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan, 2) Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russia

MoP-55 Bias dependence of spin accumulation in Fe/n+ Si interface Tomotsugu Ishikura, Joungeob Lee and Kanji Yoh Research Center of Integrated Quantum Electronics, Hokkaido University, Japan MoP-56 Electrical and optical properties of diluted magnetic semiconductor GaGdAs/GaAs Shotaro Matsumoto1), Yuki Uda1), Nakaba Funaki1), Hidefumi Aiyama2), Toshimitsu Mochizuki2), Hayato Miyagawa1), Shyun Koshiba1), Noriaki Tsurumachi1) and Shunsuke Nakanishi1) 1) Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, Japan, 2) Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan MoP-57 Planar Hall effect in a single GaMnAs film grown on Si substrate Jaehyuk Won1), Jinsik Shin1), Sangyeop Lee1), Hakjoon Lee1), Taehee Yoo1), Sanghoon Lee1), X. Liu2) and J. K. Furdyna2) 1) Physics Department, Korea University, Korea, 2) Physics Department, University of Notre Dame, USA MoP-58 Photoelectron spectroscopy of diluted magnetic semiconductor GaGdAs grown by MBE N.Funaki1), Y.Uda1), S.Matsumoto1), H.Miyagawa1), N.Takahashi2) and S.Koshiba1) 1) Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, Japan, 2) Faculty of Education, Kagawa University, Japan MoP-59 Microstructure and magnetization of Cu-alloyed GaN epilayers grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Philipp Ganz1), Teng-Hsing Huang2), Daniel M Schaadt1), 3) and Liuwen Chang2) 1) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Physics/DFG-Center forFunctional Nanostructures, Germany, 2) Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science/Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Sun Yat-Sen University, China, 3) Clausthal University of Technology, Institute for Energy Research and Physical Technologies, Germany MoP-60 Crystal growth of magnetic dihydride GdxY1-xH2 for generation of spin current Takahito Sakuraba1), Hiroaki Hirama1), Masamichi Sakai1), Zentaro Honda1), Masashi Hayakawa1), Tomoya Okoshi1), Koji Higuchi2), Akira Kitajima2), Akihiro Oshima2) and Shigehiko Hasegawa2) 1) Division of Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan, 2) The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan MoP-61 Enhancement of hydrogen uptake for Y and Gd films by thin Ni surface overlayers Hiroaki Hirama1), Masashi Hayakawa1), Tomoya Okoshi1), Masamichi Sakai1), Koji Higuchi2), Akira Kitajima2), Akihiro Oshima2) and Shigehiko Hasegawa2) 1) Division of Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan, 2) The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan

MoP-62 A GaAs/AlGaAs-based membrane electromechanical resonator Daiki Hatanaka, Imran Mahboob, Hajime Okamoto, Koji Onomitsu and Hiroshi Yamaguchi NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan MoP-63 Mechanical Q control of a GaAs/AlGaAs cantilever using optical absorption at exciton state Takayuki Watanabe1), 2), Hajime Okamoto1), Koji Onomitsu1), Hideki Gotoh1), Tetsuomi Sogawa1) and Hiroshi Yamaguchi1), 2) 1) NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, 2) Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Japan MoP-64 Manufacturability of quantum dot lasers by single- and multiple-wafer MBE T. Kageyama1) K. Nishi1), 3), M. Yamaguchi1), Y. Maeda1), R. Mochida1), 3), K. Takemasa1), T. Yamamoto1), 2), 3), M. Sugawara1), 3) and Y. Arakawa3), 4) 1) QD Laser, Inc. Japan, 2) Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan, 3) Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 4) Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan MoP-65 Uncooled InGaSb photovoltaic infrared detectors for gas sensing T. Katsumata, R. Nishimura, K. Yamaoka, E. G. Camargo, T. Morishita, K. Ueno, S. Tokuo, H. Goto and N. Kuze R&D Center, Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation, Japan MoP-66 Influence of anisotropic surface diffusion on AlGaAs MBE regrowth of periodically-inverted GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides Shigeki Yoshida, Kaori Hanashima, Ikuma Ohta, Tomonori Matsushita and Takashi Kondo Department of Materials Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan MoP-67 Continuous wave terahertz generation using dual-mode laser and InGaAs-based photomixers grown by molecular beam epitaxy system at low temperature Hyunsung Ko1), Namje Kim1), Sang-Pil Han1), Han-Cheol Ryu1), Jeong-Woo Park1), Dong Hun Lee1), Min Yong Jeon2), Dongwoo Park3), Sam Kyu Noh3) and Kyung Hyun Park1) 1) THz Photonics Creative Research Center, ETRI, Korea, 2) Department of Physics, Chungnam National University, Korea, 3) Nano Materials Evaluation Center, KRISS, Korea MoP-68 Electron mobility anisotropy in InAs/GaAs(001) Son Phuong Le, Masashi Akabori and Toshi-kazu Suzuki Center for Nano Materials and Technology, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan MoP-69 Two-State Lasing in InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers Grown by MBE Hai-Ming Ji, Peng-Fei Xu, Yong-Xian Gu, Xiao-Guang Yang and Tao Yang Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

MoP-70 Growth and characterization of Be-doped GaAs nanowires grown by Au- and Ga-assisted molecular beam epitaxy D.L. Dheeraj1), A.M. Munshi1), O.M. Christoffersen1), D.C. Kim1), A.T.J. van Helvoort2), B.O. Fimland1) and H. Weman1) 1) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2) Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway MoP-71 Realization of carrier tunneling from InAlAs quantum dots through AlGaAs barrier to X-band of AlAs Masataka Koyama, Dai Suzuki, Satoshi Adachi and Shunichi Muto Department of applied physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan

Users Meeting (Veeco) : 19:00-21:00

Tuesday, September 25 Oral Session TuA-1: Nitrides - I

RoomA: 9:00-10:30 Presider: H. Okumura (AIST) TuA-1-1 9:00-9:30 (Invited) InGaN/GaN sefl organized quantum dot lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy Pallab Bhattacharya, Meng Zhang, Animesh Banerjee, Thomas Frost and Saniya Deshpande Center for Photonics and Multiscale Nanomaterials, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, USA TuA-1-2 9:30-9:45 Lowering the sub-300 nm wavelength lasing threshold in AlGaN SQW structures with localized states induced by PA MBE growth V.N. Jmerik1), D.V. Nechaev1), P.A. Aseev1), A.A. Toropov1), E.A. Shevchenko1), T.V. Shubina1), A.A. Sitnikova1), and S.V. Ivanov1), E.A. Lutsenko2), N.V. Rzheutskii2), G.P. Yablonskii2) and A. Al yamani3) 1) Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russia, 2) Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS Belarus, Belarus, 3) King Abdulaziz city for Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia TuA-1-3 9:45-10:00 Enhancement of violet second harmonic generation in periodic polarity-inverted GaN waveguides R. Katayama1), 2), Y. Fukuhara3), M. Kakuda3), S. Kuboya3), K. Onabe3) and T. Matsuoka1) 1) Inst. for Mater. Res., Tohoku Univ., Japan, 2) PRESTO, Japan Sci. and Technol. Agency, Japan, 3) Dept. of Adv. Mater. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan TuA-1-4 10:00-10:15 Low dislocation density and high mobility GaN layers for DHFET channels grown by high-temperature ammonia-MBE S.I. Petrov1), A.N. Alexeev1), D.M. Krasovitsky2), V.P. Chaly2) and V.V. Mamaev1) 1) SemiTEq JSC, Russia, 2) Svetlana-Rost JSC, Russia TuA-1-5 10:15-10:30 MBE Growth of Ultra-thin Body AlN/GaN/AlN Heterostructures Guowang Li, Ronghua Wang, Jai Verma, Huili (Grace) Xing and Debdeep Jena Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, USA

Oral Session TuB-1: MBE Fundamentals - II

RoomB: 9:00-10:30 Presider: C. J. Palmstrm (UC Santa Barbara) TuB-1-1 9:00-9:30 (Invited) Realization of High Gate Dielectrics on High Carrier Mobility Semiconductors Beyond Si CMOS J. Raynien Kwo1), W. C. Lee1), M. L. Huang1), T. D. Lin2), Y. C. Chang2), Y. H. Chang3), C. A. Lin1), W. H. Chang3), Y. P. Chiu4, T. W. Pi5) and M. Hong2) 1) Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan, 2) Department of Physics, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan, 3) Dept. of Mat. Sci. and Eng., National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan, 4) Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen Univ., Taiwan, 5) National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan

TuB-1-2 9:30-9:45 Self-limited interface width of MBE-grown semiconductor heterointerfaces E. Luna1), A. Guzmn1), A. Trampert1) and G. lvarez2) 1) Paul-Drude Institut fr Festkrperelektronik, Germany, 2) Facultad de Ciencias Fsicas, Universidad Complutense, Spain TuB-1-3 9:45-10:00 3D-heteroepitaxy of high quality GaAs crystals on Silicon S. Bietti1), S. Sanguinetti1), C. V. Falub2), A. Scaccabarozzi1), E. Bonera1), E. Grilli1), C. Frigeri3), P. Niedermann4), H. von Knel2) and L. Miglio1) 1) L-NESS and Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali , Universit di Milano Bicocca, Italy, 2) Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich, Zrich, Switzerland, 3) CNR-IMEM Institute, Italy, 4) CSEM, Switzerland TuB-1-4 10:00-10:15 Evolution of lattice tilting in MBE-grown InGaAs layers on GaAs(001) substrates T. Sasaki1), K. Ikeda1), H. Suzuki2), M. Takahasi3), M. Inagaki1), K. Shimomura1), W. Hu3, M. Kozu3), I. Kamiya1), Y. Ohshita1)and M. Yamaguchi1) 1) Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, 2) University of Miyazaki, Japan, 3) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan TuB-1-5 10:15-10:30 Real-time observation of In segregation during InGaAs growth on GaAs (001) by X-ray diffraction H. Suzuki1), T. Sasaki2), M. Takahasi3), Y. Ohshita2) and M. Yamaguchi2) 1) IRO, University of Miyazaki, Japan, 2) Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, 3) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Break: 10:30-11:00

Oral Session TuA-2: III - V Compounds - I

RoomA: 11:00-12:30 Presider: Y. Okada (Univ. of Tokyo) TuA-2-1 11:00-11:15 Semi-insulating InP:Fe for buried-heterostruscture quantum-cascade lasers grown by gas-source MBE A. Aleksandrova, M. P. Semtsiv, M. Elagin, G. Monastyrskyi and W. T. Masselink Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany TuA-2-2 11:15-11:30 InGaAs/AlAs/InAlAs coupled double quantum wells for intersubband transition devices operating at 1.55 m S, Gozu, T. Mozume, H. Kuwatsuka and H. Ishikawa National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan

TuA-2-3 11:30-11:45 Sb surfactant mediated growth of InAs quantum dots and thick quantum wells on InP substrates N. Bertru1), Y. Zhao1), H. Folliot1), M. Perrin1), T. Rohel1), A. Le Corre1), C. Gatel2), A. Ponchet2), S.J.C. Mauger3), M. Bozkurt3) and P.M. Koenraad3) 1) Universite Europeenne de Bretagne, France. INSA, France, 2) CNRS, CEMES, France, 3) Eindhoven University, The Netherlands TuA-2-4 11:45-12:00 Optical properties of InAsSbN single quantum wells grown on InP substrates for 2- m-wavelength region Takuya Shono, Shogo Mizuta and Yuichi Kawamura Graduate school of engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan TuA-2-5 12:00-12:15 Background doping reduction in MBE grown InAs for electron avalanche photodiodes Shiyong Zhang1), Pin Jern Ker2), John P. R. David2) and Chee Hing Tan2) 1) EPSRC National Centre for III-V Technologies, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK, 2) Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK TuA-2-6 12:15-12:30 Photoluminescence dynamics of excitons at the mini-Brillouin-zoneedge in a GaAs/AlAs superlattice M. Nakayama1), T. Hasegawa2) and T. Yamashita1) 1) Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo, Japan

Oral Session TuB-2: Electron Devices

RoomB: 11:00-12:30 Presider: T. Suzuki (JAIST) TuB-2-1 11:00-11:30 (Invited) Rapid Prototyping of GaN-based electronic devices by Plasma Assisted MBE R. Aidam1), L. Kirste1), T. Lim1), P. Waltereit1, R. Quay1) and L. Zhou2) 1) Fraunhofer-IAF, Germany, 2) Arizona State University, Department of Physics, USA TuB-2-2 11:30-11:45 Parametric mode mixing in coupled GaAs electromechanical oscillators Hajime Okamoto, Adrien Gourgout, Imran Mahboob, Koji Onomitsu and Hiroshi Yamaguchi NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan TuB-2-3 11:45-12:00 Demonstration, growth and characterisation of an ambipolar high mobility transistor in an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well A.F. Croxall1), H. E. Beere1), I. Farrer1), C.A. Nicoll1), D.A. Ritchie1), B. Zheng1), F. Sfigakis1) and K. Das Gupta2) 1) Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK, 2) Dept. of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, India

TuB-2-4 12:00-12:15 All in-situ GaSb MOS structures on GaAs (001): growth, passivation and high-k oxides V. Tokranov, S. Madisetti, M. Yakimov, P. Nagaiah and S. Oktyabrsky College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, University at Albany-SUNY, USA TuB-2-5 12:15-12:30 Influence of initial GaAs reconstructed surfaces on the inversion-channel GaAs MOSFETs Y. C. Chang1), 2), C. Merckling3), W. H. Chang2), M. Caymax3), M. Heyns3), J. Kwo4), 5) and M. Hong1) 1) Grad. Inst. Appl. Phys. and Dept. Phys., Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan, 2) Dept. Mat. Sci. and Eng., Natl Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan, 3) Interuniversity Microelectronics Ctr, Belgium, 4) Dept. Phys., Natl Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan, 5) Ctr for Condensed Matter Sciences, Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan Lunch: 12:30-14:00

Oral Session TuA-3: Quantum Dots and Rings

RoomA: 14:00-16:30 Presider: K. Akahane (NICT) and I.Suemune (Hokkaido Univ.) TuA-3-1 14:00-14:30 (Invited) Droplet epitaxy of nanostructures and their applications T. Mano, M. Jo, T. Kuroda, Y. Sakuma and K. Sakoda National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan TuA-3-2 14:30-14:45 Shape evolution of low density InAs quantum dots in the partial capping process by using As2 source S. Ohkouchi 1), N. Kumagai 1), 2), K. Watanabe 1), 2), S. Iwamoto 1), 2) and Y. Arakawa 1), 2) 1) Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics (NanoQuine), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan TuA-3-3 14:45-15:00 Room-temperature photoluminescence intensity enhancement of type-II GaSb/GaAs quantum rings separated by thin GaAs layers Wei-Hsun Lin1), Kai-Wei Wang2), Shih-Yen Lina 3) and Meng-Chyi Wu1) 1) Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2) College of Photonics, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, 3) Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taiwan TuA-3-4 15:00-15:15 Miniband formation in closely-stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dots A. Takahashi, Y. Ikeuchi, T. Ueda, Y. Harada and T. Kita Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan TuA-3-5 15:15-15:30 Growths of high-optical-gain InAs quantum dots on GaAs for long-wavelength emission K. Nishi1), 3), T. Kageyama1), M. Yamaguchi1), 2), Y. Maeda1), K. Takemasa1), T. Yamamoto1), 2), 3), M. Sugawara1), 3) and Y. Arakawa3), 4) 1) QD Laser, Inc. Japan, 2) Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan, 3) Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 4) Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan

TuA-3-6 15:30-15:45 Broad band structure tunability of InAs/GaAs quantum dots with a thin GaAsSbN capping layer J. M. Ulloa1), D. F. Reyes2), D.L. Sales2), D. Gonzlez2), M. Montes1), A. Guzman1) and A.Hierro1) 1) ISOM, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid,Ciudad Universitaria, Spain, 2) Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e IM y QI, Universidad de Cdiz, Spain TuA-3-7 15:45-16:00 Expanding emission wavelength of self-assembled InAs quantum dots beyond 1.3- m by using the QD bi-layer for broadband light source N. Ozaki1), Y. Nakatani1), S. Ohkouchi2), N. Ikeda3), Y. Sugimoto3) and R. Hogg4) 1) Wakayama University, Japan, 2) NEC Corporation, Japan, 3) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 4) University of Sheffield, UK TuA-3-8 16:00-16:15 Effects of excess electrons on recombination lifetime in directly Si-doped InAs/GaAs quantum dots R. Hasegawa, T. Inoue, Y. Harada, O. Kojima and T. Kita Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan TuA-3-9 16:15-16:30 Impact of the environment on the optical emission of InGaAs surface quantum dots M.J. Milla1, J.M. Ulloa and . Guzmn Instituto de Sistemas Optoelectrnicos y Microtecnologa (ISOM), Dept. de Ingenieria Electrnica, ETSI de Telecomunicacin, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, Spain

Oral Session TuB-3: Oxides

RoomB: 14:00-16:30 Presider: B. Amalric (INAC, CEA) TuB-3-1 14:00-14:30 (Invited) MBE grown Ga2O3 and its power device applications Kohei Sasaki1), 2), Masataka Higashiwaki2), 3), Akito Kuramata1), Takekazu Masui4) and Shigenobu Yamakoshi1) 1) Tamura Corporation, Japan, 2) National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, 3) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 4) Koha Co., Ltd., Japan TuB-3-2 14:30-14:45 Multi-source MBE with high-precision rate control system as a synthesis method sui generis for multi-cation metal oxides Hideki Yamamoto and Yoshiharu Krockenberger NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan TuB-3-3 14:45-15:00 Phase transformation of MBE-grown nm thick Gd2O3 and Y2O3 on GaN W.H. Chang1), S. Y. Wu1), P.Chang1), C.H. Lee1), T.Y. Lai1), Y. J. Lee1), C.H. Hsu2), T. S. Huang1), J. Kwo3), 4) and M. Hong5) 1) DeptMat.Sci.Eng., Natl Tsing Hua Univ., 2) Natl Syn. Rad. Res. Ctr., 3) Dept Phys., Natl Tsing Hua Univ., 4) Ctr for Condensed Matter Sci., Natl Taiwan Univ., 5) Grad. Inst. Appl. Phys. and Dept Phys., Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan

TuB-3-4 15:00-15:15 Metallic conduction behavior in Sm-substituted SrFeO2+ thin films with infinite-layer structure Tsukasa Katayama1), Akira Chikamatsu1), 2), Yasushi Hirose1), 2), 3), Tomoteru Fukumura1), 2) and Tetsuya Hasegawa1), 2), 3) 1) Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) JST-CREST, Japan, 3) Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), Japan TuB-3-5 15:15-15:30 Rock-salt ZnxMg1-xO epilayer having high Zn content grown on MgO (100) substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy C.-Y. J. Lu1), L. Chang1), K. H. Ploog1), T. Yan1), M. M. C. Chou1) and C.-M. Chiang2) 1) Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science/Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, R. O. C., 2) Department of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, R. O. C. TuB-3-6 15:30-15:45 Nonpolar (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO quantum wells with high internal quantum efficiency J.-M. Chauveau1), 2), D. Tainoff1), M. Teisseire1), C. Morhain1), H. Chauveau1), C. Deparis1), B.Vinter1), 2) , L. Baur3), 4), T. Guillet3), 4), C. Brimont3), 4), B. Gil3), 4) and T. Bretagnon3), 4) 1) CRHEA, Av. Bernard Grgory, F- 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, France, 2) University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 3) Universit Montpellier 2, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb,France, 4) CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, France TuB-3-7 15:45-16:00 Epitaxial Growth of Nonpolar ZnO on MgO (100) substrate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Cheng-Ying J. Lu, Liuwen Chang, Klaus H. Ploog and Mitch M. C. Chou Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science/Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, R. O. C. TuB-3-8 16:00-16:15 Electrical properties of annealed un-doped and Ga-doped ZnO films grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Li-Han Hsiao1), Cheng-Yu Chen1), Jen-Inn Chyi1), 2), 3), Min-De Yang4) and Chih-Hung Wu4) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan, R. O. C., 2) Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan, R. O. C., 3) Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R. O. C., 4) Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R. O. C. TuB-3-9 16:15-16:30 Phase transformation of crystalline InxZn1-xO compounds grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy C.W. Chiu1), Hsiao-Chun Yu1), Chu Shou Yang1), C. H. Wu1), J.S. Wang2) and Yueh Chien Lee3) 1) Graduate institute of electro-optical engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan, 2) Department of physics, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Electronic Engineering, Tungnan University, Taiwan

Poster Session TuP

Poster room: 16:30-18:30

MBE Fundamentals
TuP-1 High efficiency effusion sources with tubular filaments Wolfgang Braun CreaTec Fischer & Co. GmbH, Germany TuP-2 The effect of post-growth annealing on the evolution of wetting layer of InAs/GaAs quantum dots studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy Y. H. Chen Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China TuP-3 Effect of annealing temperature after InAs QD fabrication observed by STMBE Takashi Toujyou and Shiro Tsukamoto Center for Collaborative Research, Anan National College of Technology, Japan TuP-4 As flux dependence on RHEED transients during InAs quantum dot growth K.Shimomura, T. Shirasaka, D.M. Tex and I.Kamiya Toyota Technological Institute, Japan TuP-5 Stripe-orientation and width dependence of InAs SK-dot structure grown on nano-stripe-patterned (100) GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy H. Serizawa1), K.Wakamatsu1), Y. Matsushima2) and K. Utaka1) 1) Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan, 2) Green Computing System Research Organization, Waseda University, Japan TuP-6 Characterization of self-assisted InAs nanowire on Si substrate during MBE growth using in-situ X-ray diffraction Wen Hu1), Masamitu Takahasi1), 2), Miwa Kozu2) and Yuka Nakata2) 1) Quantum Beam Science Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, 2) University of Hyogo, Japan TuP-7 The study of self-assembled ZnO nanorods grown on Si(111) by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy An-Jye Tzou1), Kun-Feng Chien1), Jui-Tai Ku1), Ling Lee1), Wen-Chung Fan1) and Wu-Ching Chou1), 2) 1) Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2) NSC Taiwan Consortium of Emergent Crystalline Materials, Taiwan

TuP-8 Size distribution and photoluminescence of InAlAs/AlGaAs quantum dots grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy X. M. Lu, M. Koyama, Y. Izumi, S. Adachi and S. Muto Department of applied physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan TuP-9 Annealing effects on photoluminescence spectra of self-assembled multilayer Ge QDs Quan Lu, Yingjie Ma, Zhenyang Zhong, Xinju Yang, Yongliang Fan and Zuimin Jiang State Key Laboratory of surface physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, China TuP-10 Preferential formation of Ga droplets on side facets of GaAs quantum dot template Martin Elborg1), 2), Takeshi Noda1), Takaaki Mano1), Masafumi Jo1), Yoshiki Sakuma1) and Kazuaki Sakoda1), 2) 1) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2) Tsukuba University, Japan TuP-11 in-situ STM observation of nanohole formation on GaAs (001) by Ga droplet T. Teraoka1), C. Somaschini1), 2), T. Toujyou1), T. Noda3), S. Sanguinetti2), N. Koguchi2), T. Konishi1) and S. Tsukamoto1) 1) Center for Collaborative Research, Anan National College of Technology, Japan, 2) L-NESS and Materials Science Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, 3) Quantum Dot Research Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan TuP-12 Size-dependent contact angle of Ga droplets on GaAs M. Jo, T. Mano, Y. Sakuma and K. Sakoda National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

IV, II VI, Oxides

TuP-13 Thermodynamic stability of MBE-HfO2 on In0.53Ga0.47As T. D. Lin1), P. Chang2), W. C. Lee3), M. L. Huang3), Y. H. Chang2), C. A. Lin3), J. Kwoc4) and M. Hong1) 1) Grad. Inst. Appl. Phys. and Dept. Phys., Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan, 2) Dept. Mat. Sci. Eng., Natl Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan, 3) Dept. Phys., Natl Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan, 4) Ctr. For Condensed Matter Sci., Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan TuP-14 Growth and application of epitaxial heterostructures with polymorphous rare earth oxides R. Dargis1), A. Clark1), R. Roucka1), E. Arkun1), R. Smith1), D. Williams1), A.A. Demkov2) and M. Lebby1) 1) Translucent Inc., USA, 2) The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics, USA TuP-15 Low temperature epitaxial growth of anatase TiO2 thin film by pulsed laser deposition T. S. Krasienapibal1), T. Fukumura1), 2), 3), Y. Hirose1), 2), 3) and T. Hasegawa1), 2), 3) 1) Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) CREST, JST, Japan, 3) Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), Japan

TuP-16 Improved surface morphologyin EuTiO3 epitaxial thin film grown by solid phase epitaxy Kenta Shimamoto1), 3), Yasushi Hirose1), 2), 3), Shoichiro Nakao2), 3), Tomoteru Fukumura1), 2), 3) and Tetsuya Hasegawa1), 2), 3) 1) Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, Japan, 3) CREST, JST, Japan TuP-17 Electronic and transport properties of infinite-layer Sr1-xEuxFeO2+ thin films Akira Chikamatsua2), Toshiya Matsuyama1), Tsukasa Katayama1), Yasushi Hirosea2), 3), Hiroshi Kumigashira4), Masaharu Oshima5), Tomoteru Fukukmura1), 2) and Tetsuya Hasegawa1), 2), 3) 1) Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) JST-CREST, Japan, 3) Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), Japan, 4) Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, Japan, 5) Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Japan TuP-18 Comparison of material properties of In2O3 and In2O3:Sn films grown by MBE on silica and YSZ(111) for Photovoltaic Applications C. Haas1), C. Ehlers1), A. Vogt1), S. Wang1), S. Schutt, L. Kirste2) and M. Fiederle1) 1) Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum, Germany, 2) Fraunhofer Institut fur Angewandte Festkorperphysik, Germany TuP-19 Growth and characterizations of m-plane ZnO epitaxial film on LiGaO2 substrate by molecular beam epitaxy Chun-Yu Lee, Chenlong Chen and Mitch M.C. Chou Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan TuP-20 Effects of surface pretreatments on the epitaxial ZnO/Si Peng Wang, Changlian Jin, Xuefeng Wu, Huahan Zhan, Yinghui Zhou, Huiqiong Wang and Junyong Kang Fujian Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials and Applications, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China TuP-21 Preparation and characterization of Epitaxial Growth of ZnO Nanotip Arrays by Hydrothermal Method S. Venkatachalm, H. Hayashi, T. Ebina, T. Nakamura and H. Nanjo Research Center for Compact Chemical System, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan TuP-22 Molecular beam epitaxial growth of ZnCdTeO epilayers for intermediate band solar cells Yasuhiro Nagao1), Tomohiro Mochinaga1), Tooru Tanaka1), 2), Katsuhiko Saito1), Qixin Guo1), Mitsuhiro Nishio1), Kin M. Yu3) and Wladek Walukiewicz3) 1) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Saga University, Japan, 2) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan, 3) Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

TuP-23 Interplays between the crystal orientation, residual doping and nitrogen incorporation of homoepitaxial ZnO layers D. Tainoff1), C. Deparis1), M. Teisseire1), C. Morhain1), M. AlKhalfioui1), 2), B. Vinter1), 2) and J.- M. Chauveau1), 2) 1) CRHEA, France, 2) University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France TuP-24 Controlling morphologies of flower-like hexagonal prisms and hexagonal pyramids ZnO microstructures by microwave radiation method Anukorn Phuruangrat1), Titipun Thongtem2) and Somchai Thongtem3) 1) Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 2) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 3) Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Thailand TuP-25 Thermal-activated carrier transfer processes in ZnCdO epilayer grown on c-Al2O3 by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy K. F. Chien1), W. L. Hsu1), L. Lee1), W. C. Chou1), 2), C. H. Chia3) and C. S. Yang4) 1) Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2) NSC Taiwan Consortium of Emergent Crystalline Materials, Taiwan, 3) Department of Applied Physics, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 4) Graduate Program in Electro-Optical Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan TuP-26 Investigations of ZnO/Si(100) with super lattice buffer layers Changlian Jin, Peng Wang, Xuefeng Wu, Huahan Zhan, Yinghui Zhou, Huiqiong Wang and Junyong Kang Fujian Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials and Applications, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China TuP-27 Al diffusion into ZnTeO alloy for n-type conductivity Y. Nabetani, D. Yoshinaga, T. Suzuki, H. Yazaki, A. Ujihara, T. Muranaka and T. Matsumoto Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Japan TuP-28 Optical and electrical properties of ZnSeO alloys grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Cheng-Yu Chen1), Cheng-Yu Yang1), Jen-Inn Chyi1), 2), 3), Min-De Yang4) and Chih-Hung Wu4) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C., 2) Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C., 3) Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C., 4) Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. TuP-29 Optical properties of Zn1-xMnxO epilayers grown on c-Al2O3 by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Wu-Ching Chou1), 2), Kun-Feng Chien1), Yu-Lin Yang1), An-Jye Tzou1) and Ling Lee1) 1) Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2) NSC Taiwan Consortium of Emergent Crystalline Materials, Taiwan

TuP-30 Self-organization and photoluminescence properties of single-crystalline Pb1 xSnxTe alloyed nanodots embedded in a CdTe matrix Kazuto Koike, Atsushi Iwamoto and Mitsuaki Yano Nanomaterials Microdevices Research Center, Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan TuP-31 Optical and structural properties of (In,Ga)As/GaP quantum dots : C2 to C2v symmetry transition during the ripening process C. Robert1), C. Cornet1), P. Turban2), T. Nguyen Thanh1), S. Tricot2), T. Rohel1), M. Perrin1), J. Even1), A. Balocchi3), X. Marie3), N. Bertru1), O. Durand1) and A. Le Corre1) 1) Universit Europenne de Bretagne, France, 2) Equipe de Physique des Surfaces et Interfaces, Institut de Physique de Rennes,Universit de Rennes, France, 3) Universit de Toulouse, INSA-CNRS-UPS, France TuP-32 Control of stacking direction of InAs/GaAs quantum dots Yusuke Bessho1), Yukihiro Harada1), Takashi Kita1), Eiji Taguchi2) and Hidehiro Yasuda2) 1) Department of electrical and electronics engineering, Graduate School of engineering, Kobe University, Japan, 2) Research Center for Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka University, Japan TuP-33 Quantum dot fabrication by droplet epitaxy S. Bietti, S. Adorno, C. Somaschini and S. Sanguinetti L-NESS and Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Universit di Milano Bicocca, Italy TuP-34 Rim structures on non-elongated InAs QDs grown by partial cap and annealing process at low temperature N. Kumagai1), S. Ohkouchi1), K. Watanabe1), S. Iwamoto1), 2) and Y. Arakawa1), 2) 1) NanoQuine, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 2) IIS, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan TuP-35 Ultra low density of CdTe quantum dots grown by MBE J. Kobak, J.-G.Rousset, E. Janik, T. S upi ski, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik and W. Pacuski Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland TuP-36 Tensile strained III-V quantum dots on a (110) surface Christopher Yerino1), Paul Simmonds1), 3), Vitaliy Dorogan2), Yuriy Mazur2) Gregory Salamo2), Baolai Liang3) and Minjoo Larry Lee1) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University, USA, 2) Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, USA, 3) California Nano Systems Institute, University of California, USA TuP-37 InAs quantum dots grown on GaAsSb layer on different substrate orientation Yasushi Shoji1), 2), Katsuhiro Akimoto2) and Yoshitaka Okada1), 2) 1) RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Inst. of Appl. Phys., University of Tsukuba, Japan

TuP-38 Fabrication of low-density self-assembled InAs quantum dots on InP(311)B substrate by molecular beam epitaxy Kouichi Akahane and Naokatsu Yamamoto National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan TuP-39 Self-formation of ultrahigh-density InAs quantum dots on GaAs(001) substrates by Sb-mediated MBE growth E. Saputra, T. Sano, J. Ohta and K. Yamaguchi Department of Engineering Science, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan TuP-40 Growth of GaSb quantum dots on GaAs (311)A Takuya Kawazu1), Takeshi Noda1), Takaaki Mano1), Yoshiki Sakuma1) and Hiroyuki Sakaki1), 2) 1) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2) Toyota Technological Institute, Japan TuP-41 Formation of coupled three-dimensional GeSi quantum dot crystals Y. J. Ma, Z. Y. Zhong,Q. Lv, T. Zhou, X. J. Yang,Y. L. Fan and Z. M. Jiang State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, China TuP-42 In(Ga)As quantum dots on InGaP layers grown by solid-source MBE T. Sugaya, R. Oshima, K. Matsubara and S. Niki National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, TuP-43 Formation of large QDs in InAs/GaAs QD bi-layers M. Gholami Mayani1), S. F. Thomassen1), B. O. Fimland2) and T. W. Reenaas1) 1) Department of Physics, Norway, 2) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway TuP-44 Electron beam induced deposition for site control of quantum dots H. Yokota, J. JueHun and K. Iizuka Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan TuP-45 Polarization properties of site-controlled quantum dot chains grown by MBE on UV nanoimprint lithography patterned GaAs T. V. Hakkarainen1), E. Luna2), A. Schramm1), J. Tommila1) and M. Guina1) 1) Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2) Paul-Drude-Institut fr Festkrperelektronik, Germany TuP-46 Thermoelectric properties of nanostructured Ge:Mn thin films grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy D. Tainoff1), A. Barski1), E. Hadji1) and O. Bourgeois2) 1) CEA/INAC/SP2M/SiNaPS, France, 2) Institut Nel, CNRS/UJF, France

TuP-47 Reduction of Fermi level pinning beneath nano-scale electrodes on GaAs(001) by donors H. Kakazu1), S. Nakatani2), F. Yamada1), T. Shirasaka1), D.M. Tex1), I. Kamiya1) and Ichiro Tanaka2) 1) Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, 2) Dept.of Mat.Sci.and Chem., Wakayama University, Japan TuP-48 Effects of in-situ drilled nano-holes on electronic properties of quantum wells Yusuke Hirono1), 2), Colin Furrow2), Sabina Koukourinkova2), Vasyl P. Kunets2) and Gregory J. Salamo1),2) 1) Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, USA, 2) Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering, University of Arkansas, USA TuP-49 Nano-sized processes at droplet-epitaxially grown surface kos Nemcsics1), 2), Zoltn Erdlyi3) and Lajos Tth2) 1) Institute for Microelectronics and Technology, University buda, Hungary, 2) Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Hungary, 3) Department of Solid State Physics, University of Debrecen, Hungary TuP-50 Evolution of quantum ring to quantum dot in ring on GaAs(001) grown by droplet epitaxy Poonyasiri Boonpeng, Supachok Thainoi, Somsak Panyakeow and Somchai Ratanathammaphan Semiconductor Device Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand TuP-51 Fabrication of InAs nanoscale rings by droplet epitaxy and their optical properties T. Noda1), M. Jo1), T. Mano1), T. Kawazu1) and H. Sakaki1), 2) 1) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2) Toyota Technological Institute, Japan TuP-52 Ultra-Low Density GaAs Quantum Dots by Droplet Etching under optimized Arsenic pressure D. Sonnenberg, A. Graf, V. Paulava, A. Kster, W. Hansen and Ch. Heyn Institute of Applied Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany TuP-53 Ultrafast photocarrier relaxation processes in Er-doped InAs quantum dots embedded in strain-relaxed InGaAs barriers Takahiro Kitada, Hyuga Ueyama, Ken Morita and Toshiro Isu Center for Frontier Research of Engineering, Institute of Technology and Science, The University of Tokushima, Japan

TuP-54 Correlation of the MBE growth temperature, material quality and performance of quantum cascade lasers G. Monastyrskyi, A. Aleksandrova, M. Elagin, M. P. Semtsiv and W. T. Masselink Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

TuP-55 A quantum cascade laser emitting at 3.4 THz Y. J. Han1), Z. Y. Tan1), H. Li1), R. Yin1), J. C. Cao1), H. Luo2), S. Laframboise2) and H. C. Liu2), 3) 1) Key Laboratory of Terahertz Solid-State Technology, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2) Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council, Canada, 3) Key Laboratory of Artificial Structures and Quantum Control, Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China TuP-56 InAs/InGaAs digital alloy strain-compensated quantum well lasers grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Y. Y. Cao, Y. Gu, Y. G. Zhang, Y. Y. Li, X. Fang , A. Z. Li, L. Zhou and Hsby. Li State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China TuP-57 Broadband InGaAs quantum dots-in-a-well solar cells of p-type wells C. H. Chang, T. E. Tzeng and T. S. Lay Department of Photonics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan TuP-58 InGaP solar cells fabricated using solid-source MBE T. Sugaya1), A. Takeda1, 2), R. Oshima1), K. Matsubara1), S. Niki1) and Y. Okano2) 1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 2) Tokyo City University, Japan TuP-59 1.3 m Room-Temperature Electroluminescence of InGaAs-capped Type-II GaSb/GaAs Quantum Rings Wei-Hsun Lin1), Kai-Wei Wang2), and Shih-Yen Lina3) and Meng-Chyi Wu1) 1) Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2) College of Photonics, National Chiao-Tung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 3) Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan TuP-60 The effect of the injector doping densities on lasing properties of InAlAs-InGaAs-InP quantum cascade lasers at 4.3 m Y. Y. Li, A. Z. Li, Y. Gu, Y. G. Zhang, H. S. B. Y. Li, K. Wang and X. Fang State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China TuP-61 Microdisk cavity laser with InGaAs quantum dots-in-a-well on AlAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflector J. Y. Hsing1), M. Y. Kuo2), T. E. Tzeng1), K. Y. Chuang1), M. H. Shih2) and T. S. Lay1), 1) Department of Photonics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 2) Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan TuP-62 High performance AlGaN/GaN High-electron-mobility transistors by H2O annealing Woojin Ahn1), Ogyun Seok1), Seung Min Song1), Min-Koo Han1) and Min-Woo Ha2) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea, 2) Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea

TuP-63 Performance of gas source MBE grown InAlGaAs photovoltaic detectors tailored to 1.4 m L. Zhou, Y.Gu, Y. G. Zhang, K. Wang, X. Fang, Y. Y. Cao, A. Z. Li and Hsby. Li State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China TuP-64 The investigation of GaInP solar cell grown by all solid-state MBE P. Dai1), S.L. Lu1), L. Ji1), H. Yang1), M. Arimochi2), Y. Yoshida2), S. Uchida2) and M. Ikeda2) 1) Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2) Advanced Material Laboratories, Sony Corporation, Japan TuP-65 Fabrication and characterization of a -dope InAs/InP core shell nanowire transistor Z. Cui1), Fauzia Jabeen2), J.-C. Harmand2) and Kanji Yoh1) 1) Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics (RCIQE), Hokkaido University, Japan, 2) CNRS-Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, France TuP-66 InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice infrared photodetectors grown by molecular beam epitaxy Jianxin Chen, Yi Zhou, ZhichengXu, Jiajia Xu, Qingqing Xu and Li He Key Laboratory of Infrared Imaging Materials and Detectors, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China TuP-67 InP/InGaAs/InP DHBT structures with high carbon-doped base grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Teng Teng, Anhuai Xu, Likun Ai, Hao Sun and Ming Qi State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Users Meeting (Riber) : 19:00-21:00

Wednesday, September 26 Oral Session WeA-1: Photovoltaic Material and Group IVs
RoomA: 9:00-10:30 Presider: S. Fukatsu (Univ. of Tokyo) WeA-1-1 9:00-9:15 Large photoresponsivity in semiconducting BaSi2 epitaxial films grown on Si(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy S. Koike1), K. Toh1), M. Baba1), K. Toko1), K. Hara3), N. Usami2), 3), N. Saito4), N. Yoshizawa4) and T. Suemasu1), 2) 1) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2) Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST, Japan, 3) Institute of Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan, 4) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan WeA-1-2 9:15-9:30 Molecular beam epitaxy of boron doped p-type BaSi2 epitaxial films on Si(111) substrates for thin-film solar cells M. Ajmal Khan1), Kosuke O. Hara2), Kotaro Nakamura1), Masakazu Baba1), Katsuaki Toh1), Mitsushi Suzuno1), Kaoru Toko1), Noritaka Usami2), 3) and Takashi Suemasu1), 3) 1) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2) Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan, 3) Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST, Japan WeA-1-3 9:30-9:45 High quality SiGe films grown with compositional graded buffer layers for use in solar cells Ryuji Oshima1), Yoshinori Watanabe2), Mitsuyuki Yamanaka1), Hitoshi Kawanami1), Isao Sakamoto2), Koji Matsubara1) and Isao Sakata2) 1) Research Center for Photovoltaic Technologies, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hosei, Japan WeA-1-4 9:45-10:00 Absorption efficiency of CuGaSe2/CuInSe2 superlattice A.Kawaharazuka1), 2), 3), 4), M. Fujita2), 3), 4) and Y. Horikoshi2), 3), 4) 1) Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS), Waseda University, Japan, 2) Facultyof Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan, 3) Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, WasedaUniversity, Japan, 4) JST-CREST Kawaguchi Center Building, Japan WeA-1-5 10:00-10:15 Strain relaxation of thin Ge films on Si(001) grown by carbon-mediated epitaxy D. Tetzlaff, T. F. Wietler, E. Bugiel and H. J. Osten Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices, Leibniz Universitt Hannover, Germany WeA-1-6 10:15-10:30 On the origin of the uniaxial strain induced in Si/Ge heterostructures with selective ion implantation technique K. Sawano1), Y. Hoshi1), S. Nagakura1), K. Arimoto2), K. Nakagawa2), N. Usami3) and Y. Shiraki1) 1) Advanced Research Laboratories, Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan, 2) Center for Crystal Science and Technology, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan, 3) Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Oral Session WeB-1: Photonic Devices

RoomB: 9:00-10:30 Presider: C. Tu (UC San Diego) WeB-1-1 9:00-9:15 ZnTe/GaSb distributed Bragg reflectors grown by MBE Jin Fana2), Xinyu Liu3), Michael DiNezza1), 4), Richard Pimpinella3), Jacek Furdyna3) and Yong-Hang Zhang1), 4) 1) Center for Photonics Innovation, Arizona State University, USA, 2) Department of Physics, Arizona State University, USA, 3) Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, USA, 4) School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, USA WeB-1-2 9:15-9:30 Room-temperature single photon emission from a II-VI-based epitaxially grown quantum dot Carsten Kruse1), Oleh Fedorych2), Anton Ruban2), Tilmar Kmmell2), Gerd Bacher2) and Detlef Hommel1) 1) Institute of Solid State Physics, Semiconductor Epitaxy, University of Bremen, Germany, 2) Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik and CeNIDE, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany WeB-1-3 9:30-9:45 Tunnel-injection GaN/AlN quantum dot UV LEDs by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Jai Verma, Prem Kumar Kandaswamy, Vladimir Protasenko, Amit Verma, Huili (Grace) Xing and Debdeep Jena Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, USA WeB-1-4 9:45-10:00 Site-controlled quantum dots: Narrow emission linewidth and electrically driven single photon sources Alexander Huggenberger1), Sebastian Maier1), Peter Gold1), Tobias Heindel1), 2), Stephan Reitzenstein1), 2), Alfred Forchel1), Christian Schneider1), Sven Hfling1) and Martin Kamp1) 1) Technische Physik and Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen-Center for Complex Material Systems, University Wrzburg, Germany, 2) Institut fr Festkrperphysik, Technische Universitt Berlin, Germany WeB-1-5 10:00-10:15 GaAs/AlGaAs single photon emitters by droplet epitaxy on Si substrate S. Bietti1), L.Cavigli2), M. Abbarchi2), G.Isella3), J. Frigerio3), C. Frigeri4), A.Vinattieri2), M.Gurioli2) and S.Sanguinetti1) 1) Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali and L-NESS, Universit di Milano Bicocca, Italy, 2) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, LENS and CNISM, Universit di Firenze, Italy, 3) Dipartimento di Fisica and L-NESS, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 4) CNR-IMEM Institute, Italy WeB-1-6 10:15-10:30 Enhancement of light emission from Ge quantum dots by photonic crystal nanocavities at room temperature Xuejun Xu, Noritaka Usami, Takuya Maruizumi and Yasuhiro Shiraki Research Center for Silicon Nano-Science, Advanced Research Laboratories, Tokyo City University, Japan and Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan Break: 10:30-11:00

Oral Session WeA-2: Nanowires and Dots

RoomA: 11:00-13:00 Presider: A. Kikuchi (Sophia Univ.) and P. Atkinson (UPMC-CNRS) WeA-2-1 11:00-11:15 InPAs quantum dots in InP nanowires: a route for single photon emitters Jean-Christophe Harmand, Fauzia Jabeen, Linsheng Liu, Gilles Patriarche, Karine Gauthron, Pascale Senellart, David Elvira and Alexios Beveratos Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, CNRS, France WeA-2-2 11:15-11:30 GaAs nanopillars by self-assembled droplet etching Ch. Heyn, D. Sonnenberg, Th. Bartsch, A. Tittel, J. Kerbst and W. Hansen Institute for Applied Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany WeA-2-3 11:30-11:45 MBE growth and properties of homogeneous, position-controlled (In,Ga)As nanowire arrays on Silicon S. Hertenberger1), D. Rudolph1), S. Bolte1), K. Vizbaras1), A. Yadav2), M. Dblinger3), M. Bichler1), G. Scarpa2), P. Lugli2), M.-C. Amann1), J. J. Finley1), G. Abstreiter1), 4) and G. Koblmller1) 1) Walter Schottky Institut and Physik Dept., Technische Universitt Mnchen, Germany, 2) Technische Universitt Mnchen, Institute for Nanoelectronics, Germany 3) Department of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, Germany, 4) Institute of Advanced Study, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Germany WeA-2-4 11:45-12:00 Controlled wurtzite inclusions in self-catalyzed zinc blende III-V semiconductor nanowires T. Rieger1), 2), M. I. Lepsa1), 2), Th. Schpers1), 2) and D. Grtzmacher1), 2) 1) Peter Grnberg Institut 9, Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH, Germany, 2) JARA - Fundamentals of Future Information Technologies, Germany WeA-2-5 12:00-12:15 Growth of semi-polar and polar GaN/AlN quantum wells in GaN nanocolumns A. Urban1), C. Oppo1), J. Malindretos1), A. Rizzi1), E. Secco2), N. Garro and A. Cantarero2) 1) IV. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen, Germany 2) Institut de Cincia dels Materials, Universitat de Valncia, Spain WeA-2-6 12:15-12:30 Non-VLS growth of GaAs nanowire by a Ga pre-deposition technique Jinkwan Kwoen1), Katsuyuki Watanabe2), Satoshi Iwamoto1), 2) and Yasuhiko Arakawa1), 2) 1) Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo, Japan WeA-2-7 12:30-12:45 Phase coherent transport in GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires D. Lucot, F. Jabeen, M.R. Ramdani, G. Patriarche, G. Faini, D. Mailly and J.C. Harmand Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, LPN-CNRS, France WeA-2-8 12:45-13:00 Study on the direct Ge nanodot formation processeson Si(110)-162 structure Yuta Yokoyama1), Tastuya Yamazaki2) and Hidehito Asaoka1), 2) 1) Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, 2) Quantum Beam Science Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

Oral Session WeB-2: Dilute Nitrides

RoomB: 11:00-13:00 Presider: H. Yaguchi (Saitama Univ.) and C. Tu (UC San Diego) WeB-2-1 11:00-11:30 (Invited) Monolithic OEIC based on a defect-free III-V-N/Si heteroepitaxy Akihiro Wakahara, Keisuke Yamane and Hiroshi Okada Department of Electrical and Enectronic Information Engineering, Toyohashi Tech, Japan WeB-2-2 11:30-11:45 GaNxAsyP1-x-y alloys on GaP(100) by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) Y. J. Kuang1), K.M. Yu2) and C.W. Tu3) 1) Department of Physics, University of California, USA, 2) Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, 3) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, USA WeB-2-3 11:45-12:00 Photocapacitance study of MBE grown GaInNAsSb thin film solar cell Muhammad Monirul Islam1), Naoya Miyashita1), Nazmul Ahsan1), Takeaki Sakurai2), Katsuhiro Akimoto2) and Yoshitaka Okada1) 1) RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan WeB-2-4 12:00-12:15 High electron mobility in Ga(In)NAs films grown by MBE Naoya Miyashita1), Nazmul Ahsan1), Makoto Inagaki2), Muhammad Monirul Islam1), Masafumi Yamaguchi1), 2) and Yoshitaka Okada1) 1) Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Toyota Technology Institute, Japan WeB-2-5 12:15-12:30 Ultra-high-Q micromechanical resonators fabricated from a strained GaNAs film grown by molecular beam epitaxy Koji Onomitsu1), Manabu Mitsuhara2) and Hiroshi Yamaguchi1) 1) NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, 2) NTT Photonics Laboratories, Japan WeB-2-6 12:30-12:45 Evolution from isoelectronic impurities to an alloy in nitrogen delta-doped AlAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy M. Jo, T. Mano, Y. Sakuma and K. Sakoda National Institute for Materials Science, Japan WeB-2-7 12:45-13:00 Control of electronic structure of GaAs using nitrogen -doping technique M. Yamamoto, K. Kimura, Y. Harada and T. Kita Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan,

Excursion : 13:15-19:00

Thursday, September 27 Oral Session ThA-1: Site-controlled Growth

RoomA: 9:00-10:30 Presider: K. Hirakawa (Univ. of Tokyo) ThA-1-1 9:00-9:30 (Invited) Site controlled growth of InAs quantum dots P. Atkinson1), 4), K. D. Jns2), M. Mller2), J. Werner3), M. Heldmaier2), S. M. Ulrich2), P. Michler2) and O. G. Schmidt4) 1) INSP UMR7588 CNRS Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, France, 2) Institut fr Halbleiteroptik und Funktionelle Grenzflchen and Research Center SCoPE, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 3) Institut fr Halbleitertechnik, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 4) Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, IFW Dresden, Germany ThA-1-2 9:30-9:45 Growth of site-controlled InP/GaInP quantum dots on GaAs substrates V. Baumann, F. Stumpf, S. Kremling, T. Steinl, A. Forchel, C. Schneider, S. Hfling and M. Kamp Technische Physik, Physikalisches Institut and Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen Research Center for Complex Material Systems, Universitt Wrzburg, Germany ThA-1-3 9:45-10:00 Engineered optical properties of InAs quantum dots grown on patterned GaAs (100) substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy J. Skiba-Szymanska2), A. Jamil1), I. Farrer1), C.A. Nicoll1), M.B. Ward 2), G.A.C. Jones1), A.J. Shields2) and D.A. Ritchie1) 1) Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2) Toshiba Research Europe Limited, Cambridge Research Laboratory, United Kingdom ThA-1-4 10:00-10:15 Nucleation and morphology of site-controlled InAs QDs grown by molecular beam epitaxy K. M. Cha1), K. Shibata1) and K. Hirakawa1), 2), 3) 1) Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, University of Tokyo, Japan, 3) CREST-JST, Japan ThA-1-5 10:15-10:30 Selective area growth of InAs nanostructures on faceted GaAs microstructures by migration enhanced epitaxy M. Zander1), 2), J. Nishinaga1), 2) and Y. Horikoshi1), 2) 1) School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan, 2) Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda University, Japan

Oral Session ThB-1: Nitrides - II

RoomB: 9:00-10:30 Presider: P. Bhattacharya (Univ. of Michigan) ThB-1-1 9:00-9:30 (Invited) MBE fabrication of III-N-based LDs and its development to industrial system Czeslaw Skierbiszewski1), 2) 1) Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, 2) TopGaN Ltd, Poland

ThB-1-2 9:30-9:45 Growth of high electron mobility InN layers and demonstration of p-type conduction in InN:Mg X.Q. Wang, S.T. Liu, N. Ma, X.T. Zheng, D.Y. Ma, G. Chen and B. Shen State Key Laboratory of Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, School of Physics, Peking University, China ThB-1-3 9:45-10:00 Optical and electrical transport properties of intrinsic InN nanowires S. Zhao, Z. Mi, Md. G. Kibria and S. Fathololoumi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Canada ThB-1-4 10:00-10:15 N-polar InN overgrowth on in situ AlN mask on sapphire substrate Ke Wang1), Tsutomu Araki2), Misaichi Takeuchi2) and Yasushi Nanishi3), 4) 1) Res. Org. of Sci. & Eng, 2) Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 3) R-GIRO, Ritsumeikan Unviersity, Japan, 4) WCU program, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea ThB-1-5 10:15-10:30 Development of MBE processes for SMART III-nitride solar cells: coherent-grown (InN)1/(GaN)n short-period superlattices Kazuhide Kusakabe and Akihiko Yoshikawa Center of Smart Green Innovation Research, Venture Business Laboratory, G-COE and JST-ALCA: SMART Solar Cell Project, Chiba University, Japan Break: 10:30-11:00

Oral Session ThA-2: III-V Compounds - II

RoomA: 11:00-12:30 Presider: Y. Kawamura (Osaka Prefecture Univ.) ThA-2-1 11:00-11:15 Molecular beam epitaxy growth of InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices for long-wavelength infrared applications Hua Li, Ding Ding, Oray O. Cellek, Shi Liu, Xiao-Meng Shen, Elizabeth H. Steenbergen, Jin Fan, Zhiyuan Lin, Zhao-Yu He, Qiang Zhang, Michael J. DiNezza, W. Hank G. Dettlaff, Jing-Jing Li, Preston T. Webster, Shane R. Johnson, David J. Smith and Yong-Hang Zhang Center for Photonics Innovation and School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, USA ThA-2-2 11:15-11:30 Observation of photoluminescence from 2-dimentional GaAs nanodisk array regrown by atomic hydrogen-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Toshiyuki Kaizu1), 3), Yosuke Tamura2), 3), Makoto Igarashi2), 3), Weiguo Hu2), 3), Seiji Samukawa2), 3) and Yoshitaka Okada1), 3) 1) Research Center for Advance Science and Technology, The Univesity of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan, 3) CREST Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan

ThA-2-3 11:30-11:45 Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice grown on InP substrate K.Miura1), 2), Y.Iguchi1) and Y.Kawamura2) 1) Transmission DevicesR&D Laboratories, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Japan, 2) Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate school of engineering, Japan ThA-2-4 11:45-12:00 The effect of growth parameters to the optical and structural quality of GaAsBi alloys A. R. Mohmad1), 2), F. Bastiman1), C. J. Hunter1), R. Richards1), D. F. Reyes3), S. J. Sweeney4), J. S. Ng1) and J. P. R. David1) 1) Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK 2) Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia, 3) Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e I. M. y Q. I., Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cdiz, Spain, 4) Advanced Technology Institute and Department of Physics, University of Surrey, UK ThA-2-5 12:00-12:15 Symmetric InGaAs/GaAsSb terahertz quantum cascade lasers as a tool for interface analysis H. Detz1), C. Deutsch2), T. Zederbauer1), P. Klang1), A.M. Andrews1), M.E. Schuster3), W. Schrenk1), K. Unterrainer2) and G. Strasser1) 1) Center for Micro- and Nanostructures and Institute for Solid-State Electronics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2) Photonics Institute, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 3) Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany ThA-2-6 12:15-12:30 Heterointegration by MBE: (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum wells on GaAs, Ge, Ge/Si and Ge/Si pillars Mirja Richter1), Emanuele Uccelli1), Alfonso G. Taboada2), Marilyne Sousa1), Christophe Rossel1), Daniele Caimi1), Heinz Siegwart1), Claudiu V. Falub2), Hans von Knel2), Fabio Isa3), Giovanni Isella3), Aurlie Pezous4), Philippe Niedermann4) and Jean Fompeyrine1) 1) IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland, 2) Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zrich, Switzerland, 3) L-NESS, Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 4) Centre Suisse dElectronique et Microtechnique, Switzerland

Oral Session ThB-2: Lasers

RoomB: 11:00-12:30 Presider: J. Motohisa (Hokkaido Univ.) ThB-2-1 11:00-11:30 (Invited) Strain-compensated quantum cascade lasers Mattias Beck, A. Bismuto, B. Hinkov and J. Faist Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland ThB-2-2 11:30-11:45 Molecular beam epitaxial growth of interband cascade lasers with room temperature cw operation from 3 to 6 m Chadwick L. Canedy1), William W. Bewley1), Chul Soo Kim1), Mijin Kim2), Charles D. Merritt1), Joshua Abell1), Igor Vurgaftman1) and Jerry R. Meyer1) 1) Naval Research Laboratory, USA, 2) Sotera Defense Solutions, USA

ThB-2-3 11:45-12:00 Single-mode GaSb-based monolithic VCSELs grown by MBE operating in CW up to 70C L. Cerutti, D. Sanchez and E. Tourni Institut dElectronique du Sud (IES), Universit Montpellier 2, France ThB-2-4 12:00-12:15 Growth of high-density 1.06- m InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots for high gain lasers by molecular beam epitaxy K. Watanabe1), T. Akiyama3), Y. Yokoyama3), K. Takemasa3), K. Nishi1), 3), Y. Tanaka3), 4), M. Sugawara1), 3) and Y. Arakawa1), 2) 1) Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics (NanoQuine), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3) QD Laser, Inc., Japan, 4) Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan ThB-2-5 12:15-12:30 Blue monolithic vertical-cavity surface emitter lasing at 443 nm Sebastian Klembt1), Moritz Seyfried2), Stephanie Bley3), Kristian Frank3), Kathrin Sebald2), Jrgen Gutowski2), Andreas Rosenauer3), Detlef Hommel1) and Carsten Kruse1) 1) Semiconductor Epitaxy, 2) Semiconductor Optics, 3) Electron Microscopy, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Bremen, Germany Lunch: 12:30-14:00

Oral Session ThA-3: Graphene and Spintronics Materials

RoomA: 14:00-15:00 Presider: J. Yoshino (Tokyo Tech.) ThA-3-1 14:00-14:15 MBE based van der Waals epitaxy of highly ordered graphene Gunther Lippert1), Jarek Dabrowski1), Yuji Yamamoto1), Felix Herziger2), Janina Maultzsch2), Jens Baringhaus3), Christoph Tegenkamp3) and Grzegorz Lupina1) 1) Innovations for High Performance microelectronics, Germany, 2) Institut fr Festkrperphysik, Technische Universitt Berlin, Germany, 3) Institut fr Festkrperphysik, Leibnitzuniversitt Hannover, Germany ThA-3-2 14:15-14:30 Graphene films prepared by molecular beam epitaxy at 300 C Meng-Yu Lin1), 2), Meng-Hsun Wu3), Wei-Ching Guo4), Pro-Yao Wang4), Shih-Yen Lina2), 4) and Si-Chen Lee1) 1) Institute of Electronics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taiwan, 3) College of Photonics, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, 4) Institute of Optoelectronic Sciences, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan ThA-3-3 14:30-14:45 Molecular beam epitaxial growth of graphene using cracked ethylene Fumihiko Maeda and Hiroki Hibino NTT Basic research Laboratories, Japan

ThA-3-4 14:45-15:00 Heterovalent III-V/II-Mn-VI quantum well structures grown by MBE for spin-electronics I.V. Sedova, G.V. Klimko, S.V. Sorokin, V.K. Kaibyshev, Ya.V. Terentyev, A.A. Toropov and S.V. Ivanov Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russia

Oral Session ThB-3: II VI Compounds

RoomB: 14:00-15:00 Presider: M. Yano (Osaka Institute of Technology) ThB-3-1 14:00-14:30 (Invited) Growth of II-VI nanowires for quantum dot luminescence E. Bellet-Amalric1), P. Rueda-Fonseca2), M. Elouneg-Jamroz2), S. Bounouar1) P. Stepanov2), M. Den Hertog2), 3), C. Bougerol2), R. Andre2), Y. Genuist2), J.P. Poizat2), K. Kheng1) D. Ferrand2) J. Cibert2) and S. Tatarenko2) 1) "Nanophysique et Semiconducteurs" Group CEA-CNRS-UJF, France, 2) CEA-Grenoble INAC, France, 3) Institut Neel, CNRS et Universite Joseph Fourier, France ThB-3-2 14:30-14:45 MBE Growth of ZnTe epilayers on m-plane (10-10) sapphire substrates Taizo Nakasu1), Yuki Kumagai1), Kimihiro Nishimura1) and Masakazu Kobayashi1), 2) 1) Dept. of Elec. Eng. and BioSci., WasedaUniv. Japan, 2) Lab. for Mat. Sci. & Tech., Waseda Univ., Japan ThB-3-3 14:45-15:00 Proposal of BeZnTe/ZnSeTe superlattice quasi-quaternaries on InP substrates for yellow/green light-emitting devices Toshiki Kobayashi, Ichirou Nomura, Keisuke Murakami and Katsumi Kishino Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University, Japan

Poster Session ThP:

Poster room: 15:00-17:00

MBE Fundamentals
ThP-1 Ab initio-based approach to incorporation of nitrogen on GaAs(001) surfaces Tatsuhiko Sugitani, Toru Akiyama, Kohji Nakamura and Tomonori Ito Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mie-University, Japan ThP-2 Ab initio-based approach to initial incorporation of Bi on GaAs(001)-c(44) surface Isao Murase, Toru Akiyama, Kohji Nakamura and Tomonori Ito Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mie-University, Japan

ThP-3 Structural stability and electronic states of Cr or Mn on GaAs(001)-c(44) Kazuya Okukita and Jun Nakamura Department of Engineering Sciences, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC-Tokyo), Japan ThP-4 Incorporation of Mn Atoms onto GaAs(110): experimental and theoretical investigations Motoi Hirayama and Shiro Tsukamoto Anan National College of Technology, Japan ThP-5 Inteface reaction epitaxy of -Si3N4 on Si (111) and 2H-AlN on -Si3N4 for growth of 2H-AlN template using PA-MBE Tadashi Ohachi1), Yuka Yamamoto2), Osamu Ariyada3), Yuuki Sato2), Shinzo Yoshikado2) and Motoi Wada2) 1) IRE Laboratory, Doshisha University, Japan, 2) Department of Electronics, Doshisha University, Japan, 3) Arios Inc. Japan ThP-6 Growth of orthorhombic -FeSi2 epitaxial layers with preferred in-plane orientation on Si(011) by molecular beam epitaxy Hiroya Mushu, Mitsushi Suzuno, Kaoru Toko and Takashi Suemasu Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan ThP-7 Mechanism of selective area growth of InP on Si(001) substrates using SiO2 mask by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy S. Hasegawa, T. Shimoi and H. Asahi The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan ThP-8 Indium-assisted desorption of native GaAs surface oxides L. H. Li, E. H. Linfield, R. Sharma and A. G. Davies School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK ThP-9 Three-dimensional X-ray reciprocal-spacemapping of GaAs epitaxial films on Si(001) M. Takahasi1), 2), Y. Nakata2), H. Suzuki3), K. Ikeda4), M. Kozu2), W. Hu1) and Y. Ohshita4) 1) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, 2) University of Hyogo, Japan, 3) Miyazaki University, Japan, 4) Toyota Technological Institute, Japan ThP-10 Anisotropies of misfit dislocation in the InGaAs/GaAs(001) interface Takuya Matsushita1), Masahiro Katayama1), Hidetoshi Suzuki2), Kouji Maeda1), Tetsuo Ikari1), Takuo Sasaki3) and Yoshio Ohshita3) 1) Dept. of Elec. Univ. of Miyazaki., Japan, 2) IRO. Univ. of Miyazaki., Japan, 3) Toyota Tech. Inst., Japan ThP-11 Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy process combined with a liquid phase electroepitaxy as a novel method for the growth of GaN layers S. V. Novikov and C. T. Foxon School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, UK

ThP-12 Anion Modulation Epitaxy (AME), an alternative growth strategy for group III-Nitrides L. E. Goff, C. T. Foxon, C. R. Staddon, A. J. Kent and R. P. Campion School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, UK

III-V, Dilute Nitrides

ThP-13 Determination of surface electric potential by photoreflectance spectroscopy of HEMT heterostructures L. Zamora-Peredo1), I. E. Cortes-Mestizo1), L. Garca-Gonzalez1), J. Hernandez-Torres1), D. Vzquez Cortes2), S. Shimomura2), A. Cisneros-de la Rosa3) and V.H. Mndez-Garca3) 1) Centro de Investigacion en Micro y Nanotecnologia, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico, 2) Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Japan, 3) Coordinacion para la Innovacion y Aplicacion de la Ciencia y Tecnologia, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico ThP-14 MBE growth and characterization of (100) and (631) oriented modulation doped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures V.H. Mendez-Garcia1), J.V. Gonzlez-Fernndez1), D. Vzquez-Cortes1), 2), S. Shimomura2), T. Daz3), R. Romano3), E. Rosendo3), E. Cruz-Hernandez1), A. Cisneros1), L.I. Espinosa-Vega1) and A.G Rodriguez1). 1) Center for the Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIACyT), Universidad Autnoma de San Luis Potos, Mexico, 2) Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Japan, 3) Posgrado en Dispositivos Semiconductores, Mexico ThP-15 Polarized Raman spectroscopy of corrugated MBE grown GaAs (631) homoepitaxial films L.I. Espinosa-Vega1), A.G. Rodrguez1), E. Cruz-Hernandez1), I. Martnez-Veliz2), J. Rojas-Ramrez2), M. Ramrez-Lpez2), J. Nieto-Navarro1), M. Lopez-Lopez2) and V.H. Mendez-Garcia1) 1) Center for the Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIACyT), Universidad Autnoma de San Luis Potos, Mxico. 2) Physics Department, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico ThP-16 Effect of substrate orientation on the nitrogen incorporation and optical properties of MBE grown GaAsN epilayers on high index GaAs substrates A. Khatab1), M. Henini1) and J.C. Harmand2) 1) School of Physics and Astronomy, Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Center, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2) CNRS-LPN, Route de Nozay, France ThP-17 Effect of nitrogen on the optical and structural properties of dilute GaInNAs double quantum wells grown by MBE on (100), (311)A and (311)B GaAs substrates A. Khatab1), M. Henini1), G. Patriarche2), D. Troadec3), M. Sadeghi4) and S. Wang4) 1) School of Physics and Astronomy, Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Center,University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2) LPN, CNRS-UPR20, France, 3) IEMN, CNRS, France, 4) Photonics Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

ThP-18 Annealing effect on (Ga,In)(N,As) investigated by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption fine structure S. Fuyuno1), F. Ishikawa1), K. Higashi1), A. Kinoshita1), M. Morifuji1), M. Kondow1), H. Oji2), J.-Y. Son2), T. Honma2), T. Uruga2) and A. Trampert3) 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan, 2) Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), Japan, 3) Paul-Drude-Institute fr Festkrperelektronik, Germany ThP-19 Evaluation of InGaP(N) and Ga(As)P(N) materials lattice-matched to Si for multi-junction solar cells S. Almosni1), C. Robert1), T. Quincy1), 2), T. Nguyen Thanh, C. Cornet1), C. Levallois1), A. Ltoublon1), J. Even1), J.M. Jancu1), N. Bertru, O. Durand1) and A. Le Corre1) 1) Universit Europenne de Bretagne, France, 2) CEA LCP, INES, Savoie Technolac, France ThP-20 Effects of high temperature growth on luminescence property of GaAsN F. Fukami1), N. Urakami1), H. Sekiguchi1), H. Okada2) and A. Wakahara1) 1) Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, Japan, 2) Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan ThP-21 Growth and characterization of GaAs/ doped nitrogen superlattice Kengo Sumiya1), Masato Morifuji1), Yoshifumi Oshima2) and Fumitaro Ishikawa1) 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan, 2) Research Center for Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka University, Japan ThP-22 Enhancement of nitrogen incorporation into GaInNAs with increasing MBE growth temperature V.-M. Korpijrvi1), A. Aho1), P. Laukkanen2), A. Tukiainen1), A. Laakso1), M. Tuominen2) and M.Guina1) 1) Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, Finland ThP-23 Effect of Sb on the optical properties of MBE-grown GaNAs films Nazmul Ahsan, Naoya Miyashita, Muhammad Monirul Islam and Yoshitaka Okada RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Japan ThP-24 Electroluminescence of GaNAs/GaAs MQWs p i n junctions grown by RF-MBE using modulated nitrogen radical beam source N. Ohta1), K. Arimoto2), M. Shiraga1), K. Ishii1), M. Inada1), S. Yanai1), Y. Nakai1), H. Akiyama3), T. Mochizuki3), T. Takahashi3), N. Takahashi4), H. Miyagawa1), N. Tsurumachi1), S. Nakanishi1) and S. Koshiba1) 1) Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, Japan, 2) Teikoku Databank, Ltd., Japan, 3) Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan, 4) Faculty of Education, Kagawa University, Japan

IV-VI Oxides
ThP-25 Lattice matched distributed Bragg reflector and quantum well based on Cd, Zn, Mg, Te J.-G. Rousset, W. Pacuski, E. Janik, J. Kobak, T. Jakubczyk, T. S upi ski, P. Stawicki, M. Tokarczyk, G. Kowalski and M. Nawrocki. Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland ThP-26 Magnetic polarons in type-II ZnTe/ZnMnSe quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy Ling Lee1), Wen-Chung Fan1), Kun-Feng Chien1), An-Jye Tzou1) and Wu-Ching Chou1), 2) 1) Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C., 2) NSC Taiwan Consortium of Emergent Crystalline Materials, Taiwan, R.O.C. ThP-27 Mismatch and thermal strain analysis in MBE-grown HgCdTe/CdZnTe P. Ballet, A. Jonchre, B. Amstatt, X. Baudry, B. Polge, D. Brellier and P. Gergaud CEA - LETI, MINATEC Campus, France ThP-28 Characteristics of CuGaSe2 layers grown on GaAs substrates M. Fujita, A. Kawaharazuka and Y. Horikoshi Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda University, Japan, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University, Japan and CREST, JST, Japan ThP-29 Characterization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 grown by MBE by two wavelength excited photoluminescence spectroscopy Amit Gupta1), Norimu Hiraoka1), Takeaki Sakurai1), Akimasa Yamada2), Shogo Ishizuka2), Shigeru Niki2) and Katsuhiro Akimoto1) 1) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan ThP-30 Formation of Cu2- Se in MBE grown Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films studied by Raman spectroscopy Yuutarou Takabayashi1), Taisuke Shimizu1), Takeaki Sakurai1), Akimasa Yamada2), Shougo Ishizuka2), Shigeru Niki2) and Katsuhiro Akimoto1) 1) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan ThP-31 Formation of large-grain-sized BaSi2 epitaxial layers on Si(111) grown by molecular beam epitaxy Masakazu Baba1), Katsuaki Toh1), Kaoru Toko1), Kosuke O. Hara2), Noritaka Usami2), 4), Noriyuki Saito3), Noriko Yoshizawa3) and Takashi Suemasu1), 4) 1) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2) Institute for Materials Research, University of Tohoku, Japan, 3) Electron Microscope Facility, IBEC Innovation Platform, AIST, Japan, 4) Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST, Japan

ThP-32 Gas-source MBE growth of compressively strained-Si/Si1-XCX/Si(100) heterostructures Shoichiro Sakai1), Hiroshi Furukawa1), Keisuke Arimoto1), Junji Yamanaka1), Kiyokazu Nakagawa1), Yusuke Hoshi2), Kentarou Sawano2), Yasuhiro Shiraki2) and Noritaka Usami3) 1) Center for Crystal Science and Technology, Univ. of Yamanashi, Japan, 2) Research Center for Silicon Nano-Science, Advanced Research Laboratories, Tokyo City Univ., Japan, 3) Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., Japan ThP-33 Formation of high-quality Ge (111) layers on Si (111) substrates Y.Hoshi1), S. Kubo1), K.Sawano1), K. Arimoto2), J. Yamanaka2) K. Nakagawa2), K. Hamaya3), 4), M. Miyao3) and Y.Shiraki1) 1) Advanced Research Lab., Tokyo City Univ. Japan, 2) Center for Crystal Science and Technol., Univ.of Yamanashi, Japan, 3) Department of Electronics, Kyushu Univ., Japan, 4) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan ThP-34 Rutherford back scattering studies of strain-relaxed SiGe films grown on Si substrates with compositional graded buffer layers Yoshinori Watanabe1), Ryuji Oshima2), Isao Sakata2), Koji, Matsubara2) and Isao Sakamoto1) 1) Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hosei, Tokyo, Japan, 2) Research Center for Photovoltaic Technologies, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan ThP-35 doping on Si (211) for XSTM observation Bi wire Koichi Murata1), 2), Yuhsuke Yasutake3), Koh-ichi Nittoh1), Kunihiro Sakamoto4), Susumu Fukatsu3) and Kazushi Miki1), 2) 1) National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, 2) Graduate School of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 3) Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 4) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan ThP-36 Lattice and grain-boundary diffusions of impurity atoms in BaSi2 epitaxial layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy K. Nakamura1), K. Toh1),M. Baba1), K. M. Ajmal1),W. Du1), K. Toko1) and T. Suemasu1), 2) 1) Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, 2) Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST, Japan ThP-37 Interface properties of MBE grown epitaxial oxides on GaAs R. Droopad, M. Edirisooriya, O. C. Noriega, R. Contreras-Guerrero, P. Park and B. Lee Dept. of Physics, Texas State University, USA

ThP-38 Molecular beam epitaxy of highly mismatched N-rich GaN1-xAsx, GaN1-xSbx and GaN1-xBix alloys S. V. Novikov1), K. M. Yu2), A. Levander2), 3), D. Detert2), 3), W. L. Sarney4), M. Shaw5), Z. Liliental-Weber2), O. D. Dubon2), 3), J. Wu2), 3), R. W. Martin5), S. P. Svensson4), W. Walukiewicz2) and C. T. Foxon1) 1) School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, UK, 2) Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, 3) Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California, USA, 4) US Army Research Laboratory, USA, 5) Department of Physics, SUPA, University of Strathclyde, UK ThP-39 Photoluminescence Properties in GaGdN grown on GaN(0001) by PA-MBE K. Higashi, S. Hasegawa, S. Sano, Y. K. Zhou and H. Asahi The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan ThP-40 Growth parameter dependence of structural, electrical and magnetic properties in GaGdN layers grown on GaN(0001) S. Sano1), Y.Mitsuno1), K. Higashi1), S.Hasegawa1), T. Sakurai2), H. Ohta3) and H. Asahi1) 1) The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan, 2) Center for Supports to Research and Education Activities Kobe University, Japan, 3) Molecular Photoscience Research Center Kobe University, Japan ThP-41 Initial growth stage of RF-MBE grown GaN on epitaxial graphene substrate Kenji Kodama1), Md. Sherajul Islam1), Satoru Tanaka2) and Akihiro Hashimoto1) 1) Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui, Japan, 2) Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan ThP-42 Study of the silicon diffusion in the heteroepitaxy of GaN on Si(111) by PAMBE M. Ramirez-Lopez1), M. Perez-Caro1), Y. L. Casallas-Moreno, J. S. Rojas Ramirez1), I. MartinezVelis1), S. Gallardo-Hernandez 2), A. Escobosa Echavarra2), Y. Koudriavtsev2) and M. Lpez-Lpez1) 1) Physics Department, Centro de Investigacin y Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico, 2) Electric Engineering Department, Centro de Investigacin y Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico ThP-43 Growth of cubic GaN on 3C-SiC/Si (001) nanostructures in anti-phase domains R.M. Kemper1), L.Hiller2), T. Stauden2), J. Pezoldt2), K. Duschik3), T. Niendorf3), H.J. Maier3), D. Meertens4), K. Tillmann4), D.J. As1) and J.K.N. Lindner1) 1) University of Paderborn, Department of Physics, Germany, 2) FG Nanotechnologie, Institut fr Mikro- und Nanotechnologien MacroNano, Technische Universitt Ilmenau, Germany, 3) University of Paderborn, Lehrstuhl fr Werkstoffkunde, Germany, 4) Ernst-Ruska Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons, Germany

ThP-44 Origin of tensile strain in GaN grown on AlGaN/AlN stress mitigating layers on 100-mm Si (111) by ammonia molecular beam epitaxy M. Agrawal1), N. Dharmarasu2), K. Radhakrishnan1), 2) and L. Ravikiran1) 1) Division of Microelectronics, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2) Temasek Laboratories, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ThP-45 N2-plasma nitridation on Si(111): Its effect on crystalline silicon nitride growth Chung-Lin Wu1), 2), Wei-Sheng Chen1) and Ying-Hung Su1) 1) Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 2) Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan ThP-46 Deep level defects in Ga- and N- polarity GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111) Koteswara Rao Peta1), Byung-Guon Park1), Yong-Deog Kim1), Moon-Deock Kim1), Jae-Eung Oh2), Song-Gang Kim3) and Tae-Geun Kim4) 1) Department of Physics, Chungnam National University, Korea, 2) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea, 3) Department of Information and Communications, Joongbu University, Korea, 4) Department of Electronic Engineering, Korea University, Korea ThP-47 Growth of GaN on Si (111) via rare earth oxide buffer layers F. Erdem Arkun, Rytis Dargis, Radek Roucka, Robin S. Smith, Andrew Clark and Michael Lebby Translucent Inc., USA ThP-48 Influence of the growth temperature on the nucleation and the optical properties of GaN quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy using ammonia as the nitrogen source Abdelkarim Kahouli, Benjamin Damilano, Julien Brault and Jean Massies CRHEA-CNRS Centre de Recherche sur lHtro-Epitaxie et ses Applications Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France ThP-49 Cubic GaN quantum dots embedded in zinc-blende AlN microdiscs M. Brger, T. Schupp, R.M. Kemper and D.J. As Universitt Paderborn, Department Physik, Germany

ThP-50 Formation and characterization of GeSi quantum dots on miscut Si(001) substrates Tong Zhou, Qianqian Ma, Yongliang Fan and Zhenyang Zhong State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, China ThP-51 Multi-stacked InAs quantum dot chains on InGaAs/GaAs cross-hatch patterns T. Chockumnoey, S. Panyakeow, S. Kanjanachuchai Semiconductor Device Research Laboratory (Nanotec Center of Excellence), Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thailand

ThP-52 Optical and structural studies on highly uniform Ge quantum dots on Si (001) substrates by solid source molecular beam epitaxy Kazuhiro Gotoh1), Ryuji Oshima2), Takeyoshi Sugaya2), Isao Sakata2), Koji Matsubara2) and Michio Kondo1), 2) 1) Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Research Center for Photovoltaic Technologies, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan ThP-53 Thiol-stabilized PbS quantum dots with stable luminescence in the IR spectral range Seisuke Nakashima1), 2), Cai Junjiang1), Ai Hoshino1) and Kohki Mukai1) 1) Yokohama National University, Japan, 2) RIKEN Advanced Research Institute, Japan ThP-54 Photon upconversion through spatial overlap of excitons in InAs quantum well islands David M. Tex and Itaru Kamiya Toyota Technological Institute, Japan ThP-55 Surface/interface-related optical properties in Si nanodisks fabricated by lithography using bio-templates T. Kiba1), 3), K. Suzaki1), H. Li1), M. Igarashi2), 3), S. Samukawa2), 3) and A. Murayama1), 3) 1) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan, 2) Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan, 3) Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST, Japan ThP-56 Structure control of synthetic PbS quantum dots emitting at optical communication band Kousuke Kikushima1), Seisuke Nakashima1), 2) and Kohki Mukai1) 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan, 2) RIKEN Advanced Research Institute, Japan ThP-57 Wideband luminescence from high-density InAs QDs on GaAsSb/GaAs layers Y. Osaka, H. Tanabe, K. Yamada and K. Yamaguchi Department of Engineering Science, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan ThP-58 Temperature dependence of photoluminescence for site-controlled InAs/GaAs quantum dot chains T. V. Hakkarainen1), A. Schramm1), E. Luna2), J. Tommila1) and M. Guina1) 1) Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2) Paul-Drude-Institut fr Festkrperelektronik, Germany ThP-59 Controlling emission wavelength of InAs quantum dots using the In-flush technique for broadband 1.05- m light source Y. Hino1), N. Ozaki1), S. Ohkouchi2), N. Ikeda3) and Y. Sugimoto3) 1) Wakayama University, Japan, 2) NEC Corporation, Japan, 3) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

ThP-60 Density- and diameter-controlled InAs/InSb nanowire arrays Ang LI, D. Ercolani, M. Pea, F. Beltram and L. Sorba NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy ThP-61 Influence of substrate polarity on the synthesis of self-induced GaN nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy Sergio Fernndez-Garrido, Xiang Kong, Christian Hauswald, Tobias Gotschke, Raffaella Calarco, Lutz Geelhaar, Achim Trampert and Oliver Brandt Paul-Drude-Institut fr Festkrperelektronik, Germany ThP-62 Growth of InN nanocolumns by GSMBE M. Prez-Caro1), J. Santoyo-Salazar1), M. Ramrez-Lpez1), Y. Casallas-Moreno1), J.S. Rojas-Ramrez1), I. Martnez-Velis1), S. Arias-Cern1), J. G. Mendoza-lvarez1), P. del ngel2) and M. Lpez-Lpez1) 1) Physics Department, Centro de Investigacin y Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico, 2) Instituto Mexicano del Petrleo, Direccin de Investigacin y Posgrado, Mexico

Late News Posters LN-ThP:

LN-ThP-63 Intense terahertz emission from molecular beam epitaxy grown undoped GaAs on n-GaSb pumped by a femtosecond laser at 800 nm wavelength Cyril Sadia1), Christopher Que2), Elmer Estacio2), Kohji Yamamoto2), Masahiko Tani2), Aleena Maria Laganapan1), Mae Agatha Tumanguil1), Armando Somintac1) and Arnel Salvador1) 1) National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines 2) Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, Univerisity of Fukui, Japan LN-ThP-64 Improved oxidation resistance for high- and low-temperature source materials with a retractable and differentially pumped effusion source E. D. Readinger1), D. Schlom2), Y. Nie2), R. Bresnahan1), R. LaBere1), and D. Hanser1) 1) Process Integration Center, Veeco Instruments Inc., USA, 2) Materials Science and Engineering Dept., Cornell University, USA LN-ThP-65 Encapsulated solid phase epitaxy of Ge quantum wells embedded into epitaxial rare earth oxide Apurba Laha1), E Bugiel2), A Fissel3) and H J Osten2) 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Republic of India, 2) Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, 3) Information Technology Laboratory, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany LN-ThP-66 Observation of optical anisotropy of highly uniform InAs quantum dots M. Uemura1), J. Ohta2), R. Yamaguchi1), K. Yamaguchi2) and A. Tackeuchi1) 1) Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University, Japan, 2) Department of Engineering Science, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan

LN-ThP-67 Direct EB patterning of thermostable oxide mask on non-planar GaAs surface for in situ fabrication of nano-pyramid array and selective growth of nanostructures by MBE Yuya Matsuoka, Koji Ashida and Tadaaki Kaneko Department of Physics, School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan Break: 17:00-18:30 Banquet: 18:30-21:00

Friday, September 28 Oral Session FrA-1: Topological Insulators and Silicides

RoomA: 9:00-10:30 Presider: K. Yoh (Hokkaido Univ.) FrA-1-1 9:00-9:15 MBE of 3D Topological Insulators: Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 thin films X. F. Kou1), L. He1), X. X. Yu1), M. R. Lang1), Y. Wang1), 2), A. V. Fedorov 3), J. Zou 2) and K. L.Wang1) 1) Device Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, USA, 2) Division of Materials & Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Queensland, Australia, 3) Advanced Light Source Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA FrA-1-2 9:15-9:30 MBE growth of topological insulator thin films J. Kampmeier1), S. Borisova1), L. Plucinski2), G. Mussler1) and D.Grtzmacher1) 1) Peter Grnberg Institut 9, Forschungszentrum Jlich & JARA Jlich-Aachen Research Alliance, Germany, 2) Peter Grnberg Institut 6, Forschungszentrum Jlich & JARA Jlich-Aachen Research Alliance, Germany FrA-1-3 9:30-9:45 Suppression of Andreev current due to transverse current flow in an InAs two-dimensional electrons Y. Takahashi, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Iye and S. Katsumoto Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan FrA-1-4 9:45-10:00 MBE-grown Fe1+xTe/ Bi2Te3 superconductor/topological insulator bilayers G. Wang1), 2), H. T. He1), 2), H. C. Liu1), T. Zhang1), S. K. Lok1), R. Lortz1), K.T. Law1), P.A. Lee3), J. N. Wang1), G.K.L. Wong1) and I. K. Sou1) 1) Department of Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China, 2) Department of Micro-nano Materials and Devices, South University of Science and Technology of China, China, 3) Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA FrA-1-5 10:00-10:15 Effect of atomic-hydrogen irradiation on reduction of residual carrier concentration in -FeSi2 films grown on Si substrates by atomic-hydrogen-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Yoshito Funase, Mitsushi Suzuno, Kaoru Toko and Takashi Suemasu Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan FrA-1-6 10:15-10:30 Hall effect and resistivity of n-type -FeSi2 epitaxial film grown by molecular beam epitaxy Yoshikazu Terai, Naoyuki Miura, Keiichi Noda and Yasufumi Fujiwara Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan

Oral Session FrB-1: Nitrides - III

RoomB: 9:00-10:30 Presider: J. Suda (Kyoto Univ.) FrB-1-1 9:00-9:30 (Invited) Compositionally graded AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on semipolar GaN substrates for mid-UV emission Erin C. Young1), F. Wu1), D. Haeger1), A. Romanov1), 2), D. Cohen1) and J.S. Speck1) 1) Solid State Lighting and Energy Center, University of California, USA, 2) Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russia FrB-1-2 9:30-9:45 Study of lateral macrostep motion on vicinal AlN surface by transmission electron microscopy X.Q. Shen, H. Matsuhata, T. Ide and M. Shimizu Advanced Power Electronics Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan FrB-1-3 9:45-10:00 Low-temperature p-type GaN:Mg grown by NH3-MBE for green-lasers M. Malinverni, A. Castiglia, D. Martin, J. F. Carlin and N. Grandjean ICMP, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Switzerland FrB-1-4 10:00-10:15 GaN growth on (111)Al by molecular beam epitaxy Tohru Honda, Taiki Tajimi, Naoki Shinohara, Yohei Sugiura, Masato Hayashi and Tomohiro Yamaguchi Department of Electric Engineering and Electronics, Graduate School of Engineering, Kogakuin University, Japan FrB-1-5 10:15-10:30 Growth of thick InGaN films with entire alloy composition using DERI method T. Yamaguchi1), 2), N. Uematsu3), T. Araki3), T. Honda1), E. Yoon4) and Y. Nanishi2), 4) 1) Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Kogakuin University, Japan, 2) Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO), Ritsumeikan University, Japan, 3) Department of Photonics, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, 4) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Break: 10:30-11:00

Oral Session LN-FrA-2 Late News

RoomA: 11:00-12:00 Presider: H. Yamaguchi (NTT) LN-FrA-2-1 11:00-11:15 A generic model and experimental demonstration of epitaxial growth of GaAs nanowires on graphene layers A. M. Munshi1), D. L. Dheeraj1), V. T. Fauske2), D. C. Kim1), A. T. J. van Helvoort2), B. O. Fimland1) and H. Weman1) 1) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2) Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway LN-FrA-2-2 11:15-11:30 Control over number density and diameter of GaAs nanowires on Si(111) mediated by droplet epitaxy Claudio Somaschini1), Achim Trampert1), Henning Riechert1), Lutz Geelhaar1), Sergio Bietti2) and Stefano Sanguinetti2) 1) Paul-Drude-Institut fur Festkorperelektronik, Germany, 2) LNESS and Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Universita di Milano-Bicocca, Italy LN-FrA-2-3 11:30-11:45 Correlation between adatom dynamics and electron accumulation at the epitaxial InAs(111)A surface Kiyoshi Kanisawa NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan LN-FrA-2-4 11:45-12:00 Highly-strained photovoltaic P 3.5 m intersubband detector grown by gas-source MBE M. P. Semtsiv, P. Schultz, M. Elagin, and W. T. Masselink Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

RoomA: 12:00-12:30 Closing Remarks and Student Awards Ceremony

Organizing Committee H. Asahi (Osaka Univ.) Chair H. Yamaguchi (NTT) Vice-Chair S. Gonda (Osaka Univ.) H. Hasegawa (Hokkaido Univ.) S. Hiyamaizu (Osaka Univ.) Y. Horikoshi (Waseda Univ.) H. Ohno (Tohoku Univ.) H. Sakaki (Toyota Tech. Inst.) Y. Shiraki (Tokyo City Univ.) K. Takahashi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) Steering Committee H. Asahi (Osaka Univ.) Chair Publication K. Akimoto (Tsukuba Univ.) Chair H. Okumura (AIST) T. Suemasu (Tsukuba Univ.) General Affairs S. Hasegawa (Osaka Univ.) Chair Y. -K. Zhou (Osaka Univ.) Local Arrangement T. Kita (Kobe Univ.) Chair F. Ishikawa (Osaka Univ.) Y. Kawamura (Osaka Pref. Univ.) Y. Matsuoka (Nara Womens Univ.) T. Ohachi (Doshisha Univ.) N. Ohtani (Doshisha Univ.) N. Ozaki (Wakayama Univ.) Y. Sato (Doshisha Univ.) Y. Terai (Osaka Univ.) K. Yamashita (Kyoto Inst. Tech.) Treasurer Y. Fujiwara (Osaka Univ.) Chair N. Fujimura (Osaka Pref. Univ.) M. Kondow (Osaka Univ.) S. Sasa (Osaka Inst. Tech.) Publicity J. Suda (Kyoto Univ.) Chair Vendor Exhibition M. Kobayashi (Waseda Univ.) Chair K. Koike (Osaka Inst. Tech.) H. Tampo (AIST) Fund-Raising S. Gonda (Osaka Univ.)Chair M. Yano (Osaka Inst. Tech.) Vice-Chair S. Emura (Osaka Univ.) S. Ichimura (AIST) Y. Matsushima (Waseda Univ.) S. Shimomura (Ehime Univ.) International Advisory Committee H. Asahi (Japan) P. Bhattacharya (USA) T. Block (USA) E. Calleja (Spain) A. Y. Cho (USA) J. -I. Chyi (Taiwan) L. Esaki (Japan) C. T. Foxon (UK) S. Gonda (Japan) A. Gossard (USA) N. Grandjean (Switzerland) J. S. Harris (USA) S. Hiyamizu (Japan) M. Hong (Taiwan) Y. Horikoshi (Japan) Co-chair S. Ivanov (Russia) T. W. Kang (Korea) A. -Z. Li (China) H. Ohno (Japan) K. Ploog (Germany) Co-chair M. Pessa (Finland) H. Riechert (Germany) D. Ritchie (UK) H. Sakaki (Japan) F. Schaffler (Austria) E. Tournie (France) C. W. Tu (USA) Co-chair K. L. Wang (USA) Z. Wasilewski (Canada) J. Zhou (China)

Program Committee H. Yamaguchi (NTT) Chair M. Tanaka (Univ. of Tokyo) Vice-Chair K. Onomitsu (NTT) Secretary H. Okamoto (NTT) Secretary J. Nishinaga (Waseda Univ.) Secretary MBE Fundamentals Area S. Tsukamoto (Anan Natl. Coll. Tech.) Chair J.-I. Chyi (Natl. Centr. Univ.) J. Millunchick (Univ. of Michigan) J. Nakamura (Univ. of Electro-Commun.) A. Rastelli (IFW Dresden) M. Tabuchi (Nagoya Univ.) M. Takahasi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) III-V, dilute Nitrides Area S. Shimomura (Ehime Univ.) Chair Y. Okada (Univ. of Tokyo) T. Mozume (AIST) H. Yaguchi (Saitama Univ.) J. S. Harris (Stanford Univ.) E. Tournie (Univ. Montpellier, CNRS) A. Z. Li (Chinese Academy of Sci.) IV, II-V, Oxides Area M. Kobayashi (Waseda Univ.) Chair S. Fujita (Kyoto Univ.) S. Fukatsu (Univ. of Tokyo) H. Goto (Chubu Univ.) S.-K. Hong (Chungnam Natl. Univ.) Y.-H. Zhang (Arizona State Univ.) Nitrides Area H. Okumura (AIST) Chair N. Grandjean (EPFL Lausanne) T. Honda (Kogakuin Univ.) J. Suda (Kyoto Univ.) J. Speck (UC Sabta Barbara) A. Yoshikawa (Chiba Univ.) S. Gwo (Natl. Tsing-Hua Univ.) Spintronics, Novel Materials Area J. Yoshino (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) Chair T. Fukumura (Univ. of Tokyo) M. Hong (Natl. Tsing Hua Univ.) H. Munekata (Tokyo Inst. Technol.) C. Palmstrom (UC Santa Barbara) D. Weiss (Univ. of Regensburg) M. Yamamoto (Hokkaido Univ.) Nano-structures Area I. Suemune (Hokkaido Univ.) Chair K. Akahane (NICT) G. Balakrishnan (Univ. of New Mexico) K. Hirakawa (Univ. of Tokyo) A. Kikuchi (Sophia Univ.) S. Panyakeow (Chulalongkorn Univ.) O. G. Schmidt (IFW Dresden) Devices Area T. Hashizume (Hokkaido Univ.) Chair D. Jena (Univ. of Notre Dame) Y. Miyamoto (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) J. Motohisa (Hokkaido Univ.) K. Ohtani (Tohoku Univ.) T. Suzuki (Japan Advanced Inst. Sci. Tech.) C. W. Tu (UC San Diego) L.-E. Wernersson (Lund Univ.)

The following organizations and companies presently sponsor MBE2012. The committee wished to acknowledge their generous supports and sponsorship. Updates on sponsoring can be found on the conference homepage. Institution and Foundations The Japan Society of Applied Physics The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, Kansai Regional Office Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) KDDI Foundation Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, Foundation The Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition 70 The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Companies (as of August 2, 2012) ASAHI KASEI MICRODEVICES CORPORATION CreaTec Fischer & Co. GmbH EpiQuest Inc. Furuuchi Chemical Corporation Kaneka Corporation NISSIN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Omicron NanoTechnology Japan, Inc. Professional Vacuum Research Corporation RIBER Hakuto Co., Ltd. Seinan Industries, Co., Ltd. TOSHIBA CORPORATION ULVAC Inc. Veeco Instruments Inc.

EXHIBITION VENDORS (as of July 20, 2012)

ARIOS Inc. AXT Inc. CREATEC FISCHER & Co. GmbH Dr. Eberl MBE-Komponenten GmbH EIKO Co., Ltd. Elminet Inc. EpiTech Inc. Epiquest, Inc. Hakuto Co., Ltd. KEYENCE Co. KITANO SEIKI Co., Ltd. LayTec AG MARUBUN Co. MBE Control Solutions MO Sangyo Co., Ltd. Nano Science Co. Omicron NanoTechnology Osaka Asahi Metal PASCAL Co., Ltd. PVR R-DEC Co., Ltd. RIBER STAIB INSTRUMENTE GmbH SVT Associates Technoport Co., Ltd. TEGA Science, Inc. TOYO PRECISION PARTS MFG. Co., Ltd. Veeco Instruments Inc. Wafer Technology Ltd.

Site Map

Nara Prefectural New Public Hall

4 3
Nara National Museum

1 2

5 6

1 2 3 Nara Hotel

Hotel Nikko Nara

4 5 6

Nara Washington Hotel Plaza Sun Hotel Nara Comfort Hotel Nara

Hotel Fujita Nara

Floor Map 2F

Room C Poster Exhibition

Room D Poster Exhibition

Japanese garden


Room B Registration

Room A


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