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Course Introduction

RTC Tuscany 2012

Course Objectives

to consider the City as a focus for learning and curriculum development in itself and through traditional curriculum subjects to develop ways of reading and writing the city to support identity exploration to explore the city as a way of developing active Citizenship

Practical Groups Project

A photo Essay that presents an exploration of the 'real' or 'hidden' city through a consideration of how the people of Tuscany live an aspect of their urban lives
This models a role play activity that you might work on with groups of young people. Through your visits this week you should try, like all good explorers, to get behind the city as it is presented to tourists. On the last day of the course you will be asked to present a group photo essay of no more than 15 images (five per participant) that looks at one theme showing how the people of Tuscany live one aspect of their urban lives. Themes might include- the pursuit of wealth; the spiritual life; moving around (travel and transportation); improving the city (planning, democracy, care of the poor,) a children's city, the historical city etc Supporting Material "A Webquest plan for working with your own pupils or students" . A Photosynth of one place in Tuscany.

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