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Word formation - BIOLOGY

1. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals at the end of lines to form words that fit in spaces in the line (word formation).

Gene therapy Gene therapy is a growing field of medicine in which genes are into the body to treat diseases. Genes control heredity and provide the basic biological code for a cells specific functions gene therapy introduces therapeutic genes at the tissue or level to treat a specific individual. Germ-line gene therapy inserts genes into cells or possibly into embryos to correct genetic that could be passed on to future generations. The ethics that surround the issue of gene therapy are very overwhelming. One reason for may be that gene therapy could be used for the enhancement or of human capabilities. On the other hand it is obvious that gene therapy treatment will be expensive. It will be just the rich who would be able to afford its . Then it will be . BENEFITIAL USE ACCEPT MODIFY RAPID INTRODUCTION DETERMINE SOMA CELL REPRODUCE DEFECTIVE

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