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Christmas Skit 4-6 Year Olds

Written by Glorie Trafton

(Group of children standing around talking and one walks up)

Child One: Hey everybody! Are you ready for Santa to bring you toys! (they look at each other saying nothing) Child Two: Uhhh, Let me talk to you a minute. Bye Yall Ill see you later (they walk off to the side) Child Two: Were friends right? Child One: Sure, weve been friends since we were 1 years old. Child Two: Remember last year when we talked about the real meaning of Christmas and how God gave us the gift Jesus. Thats why we gave gifts to people we love. Child One: Yes, I remember. But my Auntie keeps telling that Santa is bringing gifts. Child Two: What does your parents say about it? Child One: I heard them talking to Auntie about how we dont believe in Santa and that Christmas has nothing to do with a man in a red suit, its about Jesus being born in Bethlehem. Child Two: They are right! Our teachers in 4 to 6 class read to us the story of Jesus birth. Child One: I remember now! Im going to tell my Auntie about the real meaning of Christmas!

(other children joins the group)

Children: Is everything ok? Child Two: Everythings fine. We were talking about Christmas. Child Three: Oh yeah, Im excited about that goodie bag Pastor Corbett is going to give us. Child Four: I know what you mean. Last year my momma ate my oranges! (other children nod their heads) (Children say together) All Children: So true! (all children laugh) Child Two: Hey guys, Im learning a new song for Christmas. Do you want to help me? All children: Sure, well help. Child One: Here, each of you take a card and well sing, ok? All Children: Ok. (pass cards for Twelve Days of Christmas) (Get congregation involved with the song by holding up cards as we sing)

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