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Set Theory Assessment

1. The sets T, F and W contain natural numbers and are defined as follows T = {multiples of 3 which are below 21}, F = {multiples of 4}, W = {factors of 12} Determine whether the following statements are true or false: a. 14 F b. 24 T c. 1 (F T) d. W T = {1, 2, 4} e. (FT) W f. FTW = 2. The sets A and B are defined within a Universal set containing integers 1 to 15 inclusive. A = { x | x = p2 + 2p where p } B = { x | x = q2 1 where q } Show that A = B 3. List all the elements in the following sets a. C = {x | x = 5p where p < 7 and p } b. D = {x + | x = p3 where p 6 and p } 4. Three sets R, S and T are defined by R = {x, y, z}, S = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, T = {, , , } Find: a. (R) b. R x T c. |S x T| d. | (S)| 5. Use set comprehension to describe the following sets a. I = {3, 6, 9, 12, } b. J = {2, 4, 8, 16, 32} c. K = {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25} 6. L is a language with L = {r0100r | r {0,1}*}. Which of the following strings are contained within L? a. 1101001 b. 10 c. 111011 d. 10101010 e. 101010 7. Draw a table to show whether the following relations demonstrate the following properties: symmetry, anti-symmetry, reflexivity, transitivity, partial order, equivalence. a. differs by a multiple of 5 b. exactly divides c. is a permutation of (e.g. 1,2,3,4 is a permutation of 1,3,4,2) 8. Draw a Hasse diagram to show the relation exactly divides on the set of natural numbers {1, , 15}

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