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Peer Review Workshop--Project 2 Read the essay and answer the first section of questions below. 1.

Does the essay have a clear controlling idea? What is it? 2. Does the essay discuss the differences/similarities between genres? Does it get off track and focus on the content? 3. Does the evidence provided for each subclaim actually support each one? 4. The evidence should be concrete examples pulled from the two texts. Is the evidence specific? 5. Do the subclaims support the controlling idea? 6. Does the essay effectively analyze genre information, draw connections, and give significance rather than present a straight reporting of facts (does the analysis go beyond simple explanation of the evidence and try to address deeper significance behind what this evidence might mean)? Provide an example. 7. What could be improved in the organization and structure to help clearly build coherent, particular points? 8. Is the language appropriate for the genre of Academic Analysis? Check for tone and mark any inconsistencies that do not fit the genre. 9. Examine the clarity of connections among ideas. Note (in the margins) any paragraph that focuses on more than one topic or idea. Then check the connections among sentences in a paragraph and note any abrupt shifts or jumps from one idea to another. 10. Check sentence structure and diction. Are there any sentences that you stumble over as a readersentences that are wordy or unclear? Are there any word choices that seem inappropriate? Note these in your comments on the draft.

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