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WILL AND BE GOING TO DIALOGUE If Cake is die , Dunkin Donuts will life.

At 12.30 pm on the library of Electronic Engineering Polytechnic of Surabaya. There are Galih, Ratna and Claudia . they are student of the Mechatronics Engineering.


: Hi.. Ratna

Ratna : Hi.. Galih... Galih : What are you doing?

Ratna : Im reading a magazine .Do you want to read it? Galih : No . I will read other books.

Ratna : May I know what book do you want to read? Galih : A Mechanics Book.

Ratna : Yeah, put your book and sit down here. Lets study together. Galih : Ok. Ratna.

Sixty second after that.

Claudia : Hi. Ratna.. Ratna : Hi. Where are you going? Cludia : Im going to canteen because Im so hungry. Do you want to follow me? Ratna : Actually , I want to go there, but Im waiting someone . Claudia : Hmm. Do you mean Galih? Ratna : Yes . How do you know? Claudia : Ive just met him on the Mechanics outlet book. Ratna : Oh yes. We will study together about mechanics . Claudia : Ok. Do you want to eat some cake? Ratna : Oh my pleasure .. thanks. Claudia : Ok I will come back again.

Twenty seven second again


: actually I find this book.

Ratna : hahaha. Just one ? Galih : yes, I just find one book. It so difficult to find it more. Because this library will be moved in front of our campus and almost of the book have been moved there.

Ratna : Why is this library moved ? Galih : Because the head of university will build the new campus here.

Ratna : what for we build new campus. I think we have enough class to study. Galih : our new campus will be used for our new major .

Ratna : Do you mean our new major is Civil engineering? Galih : Yes , thats right.

Claudia have gone from canteen .

Claudia : Hey guys! Galih : Hi Claudia.

Ratna : Hi.. Where is my cake ? Claudia : Oh Im sorry. Cake on the canteen is sold so I m going to buy donut. Do you want it? Ratna : whatever , Im hungry now. I need some to eat ! Claudia : Ok . stay here please ! Ratna : Ok.

Claudia is going to dunkin donuts .


: Ratna, I hear you will go to Australia next month, is it clear ?

Ratna : I dont know. Actually I will go there to get surfing training. But my mother is going to go Hawaii . my mother said that in Hawaii is better than Australia . Also my mother will rent a professional surfing to be trainer. Galih : I think its better. If you get Hawaii, You will be faster to be a master of surfing.

Ratna : Yeah. I will think it again. Galih : Ok.

Claudia come back again bring the donuts.

Claudia : Here its. The special dunkin donuts. Ratna : wow..! I like it. Claudia : this is for you Ratna, and this is for you Galih. Ratna : Thanks. Galih : Oh yes. Thank you.

Claudia : Ok. Youre welcome.


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