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Lesson Plan: Forces of Motion Name: Group 2 Date lesson was taught: December 5, 2012 Prior to Teaching Justification

Pre-assessment: We will conduct a pre-assessment using They will brainstorm ideas that relate to the forces of motion and utilize the clickers to submit the words. Purpose and relevance: To expand upon the childrens knowledge of this topic. It will inform them on the scientific basis for these ideas and help them relate them to the world around them. Objectives: The students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the forces of motion; gravity, friction, push/pull interaction, and speed. VSC: Science 5.0 Standards from

Grade Level: 5th Time: One class period

Indicator 1 Objective a: observe, describe, and compare types of motion:

Uniform motion as equal distances traveled in equal times, such as escalators, conveyor belts. Variable Motion as different distances traveled in equal times, such as an accelerating car, falling objects. Periodic motion as motion that repeats itself, such as a child on a swing, a person on a pogo stick.

Indicator 2: Explain that the changes in the motion of objects are determined by the mass of an object and the amount (size) of the force applied to it. Objective a: Observe and give examples that show changes in speed or direction of motion are caused by an interaction of forces acting on an object: Friction Gravity

Technology standards from pdf

Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration A: Learning 1. Select and use technology tools to enhance learning a) Use technology tools, including software and hardware, from a range of teacher-selected options to learn new content or reinforce skills B. Encourage Collaboration 1. Select and use technology tools to encourage collaboration a) Use technology tools to work collaboratively within the school community C. Increase Productivity

1. Select and use technology tools to increase productivity b) Create new documents to complete learning assignments and demonstrate new understanding c) Input and analyze information in a spreadsheet or database

Standard 4: Technology for Communication and Expression B. Expression 1. Select and use technology to express ideas a) Select and use the appropriate multimedia and publishing tools to express original ideas with print, drawings, digital images, video, sounds, and/or personal recording b) Present ideas and information in formats such as electronic presentations, web pages, graphic organizers, or spreadsheets that are appropriate to a specific audience c) Change, edit, and revise graphs, graphics, presentations, and word processing documents

Standard 5: Technology for Information Use and Management B. Organize information 1. Select and use technology tools to organize information b) Use technology tools to support data collection

Standard 6: Technology for Problem-Solving and Decision-Making 4. Analyze Data Analyze information using technology tools Input and analyze information in a spreadsheet or database 5. Communicate Conclusion Display data and information using technology tools

Post-Assessment: We will conduct a multiple choice quiz using the ActivInspire software and clickers. We will review the quiz with the class and see if the objectives were met. Considerations for Teaching Instructional Materials: InterActiv Whiteboard Class set of iPads Class set of clickers 4 note cards labeled: Friction, Speed, Push/Pull Interaction, Gravity Videos: Gravity, Force, and Work (clip): Forces of Motion (Digital Story): feature=player_embedded&v=XjOKFM_HYyg Teacher Preparation and Resources : The teacher must be knowledgeable on the topic of Physical Science. They should know definitions for each of the new concepts and how to explain them relating to our own lives. They should also know about and be able to use the ActivInspire software and be familiar with how to use the clickers, the basics of an iPad, and how to generate a Wordle. In addition, they should meet these InTASC Standards from Standard #1: Learner Development 1 (b) The teacher creates developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual learners strengths, interests, and needs and that enables each learner to advance and accelerate his/her learning.

1(d) The teacher understands how learning occurs--how learners construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop disciplined thinking processes--and knows how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning. Standard #2: Learning Differences 2(a) The teacher designs, adapts, and delivers instruction to address each students diverse learning strengths and needs and creates opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways. 2(c) The teacher designs instruction to build on learnersr prior knowledge and experiences, allowing learners to accelerate as they demonstrate their understandings. 2(h) The teacher understands students with exceptional needs, including those associated with disabilities and giftedness, and knows how to use strategies and resources to address these needs. 2(i) The teacher knows about second language acquisition processes and knows how to incorporate instructional strategies and resources to support language acquisition. Standard #3: Learning Environments 3(b) The teacher develops learning experiences that engage learners in collaborative and selfdirected learning and that extend learner interaction with ideas and people locally and globally. 3(e) The teacher uses a variety of methods to engage learners in evaluating the learning environment and collaborates with learners to make appropriate adjustments. 3(j) The teacher knows how to help learners work productively and cooperatively with each other to achieve learning goals. Standard #4: Content Knowledge 4(a) The teacher effectively uses multiple representations and explanations that capture key ideas in the discipline, guide learners through learning progressions, and promote each learners achievement of content standards. 4(b) The teacher engages students in learning experiences in the discipline(s) that encourage learners to understand, question, and analyze ideas from diverse perspectives so that they master the content. 4(d) The teacher stimulates learner reflection on prior content knowledge, links new concepts to familiar concepts, and makes connections to learners experiences. Standard #5: Application of Content 5(b) The teacher engages learners in applying content knowledge to real world problems through the lens of interdisciplinary themes (e.g., financial literacy, environmental literacy). 5(l) The teacher understands how to use digital and interactive technologies for efficiently and effectively achieving specific learning goals.

Standard #6: Assessment 6(b) The teacher designs assessments that match learning objectives with assessment methods and minimizes sources of bias that can distort assessment results. 6(i) The teacher continually seeks appropriate ways to employ technology to support assessment practice both to engage learners more fully and to assess and address learner needs. Standard #7: Planning for Instruction 7(b) The teacher plans how to achieve each students learning goals, choosing appropriate strategies and accommodations, resources, and materials to differentiate instruction for individuals and groups of learners. 7(g) The teacher understands content and content standards and how these are organized in the curriculum. Standard #8: Instructional Strategies 8(a) The teacher uses appropriate strategies and resources to adapt instruction to the needs of individuals and groups of learners. 8(g) The teacher engages learners in using a range of learning skills and technology tools to access, interpret, evaluate, and apply information. 8(h) The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies to support and expand learners communication through speaking, listening, reading, writing, and other modes. 8(l) The teacher knows when and how to use appropriate strategies to differentiate instruction and engage all learners in complex thinking and meaningful tasks. Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice 9(a) The teacher engages in ongoing learning opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in order to provide all learners with engaging curriculum and learning experiences based on local and state standards. 9(h) The teacher knows how to use learner data to analyze practice and differentiate instruction accordingly. Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration 10(a) The teacher takes an active role on the instructional team, giving and receiving feedback on practice, examining learner work, analyzing data from multiple sources, and sharing responsibility for decision making and accountability for each students learning Media and Technology: The InterActiv white boards, clickers and iPads will be utilized throughout the lesson. The children should know the basics on care and proper use of each tool. They will utilize the white board to watch the video clips and match examples to definitions. The clickers will be used for

conducting the quiz and Wordle. The iPads will be used to create their own story relating to the topic. Teacher Standards from Standard I: Technology Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application Access, evaluate, and process information efficiently and effectively Standard II: Communication Use technology effectively and appropriately to interact electronically. Use technology to communicate information in a variety of formats. Standard V: Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction Design, implement and assess learning experiences that incorporate use of technology in the curriculum-related instructional activity to support understanding, inquiry, problem-solving, communication or collaboration.

Differentiation: See UDL Check list and

Principle I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation Guideline 1: Provide options for perception Checkpoint 1.1: Offer ways of customizing the display of information Checkpoint 1.2: Offer alternatives for auditory information Checkpoint 1.3: Offer alternatives for visual information Guideline 2: Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols Checkpoint 2.1: Clarify vocabulary and symbols Checkpoint 2.5: Illustrate through multiple media Guideline 3: Provide options for comprehension Checkpoint 3.1: Activate or supply background knowledge Checkpoint 3.2: Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships

Principle II. Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression Guideline 4: Provide options for physical action Checkpoint 4.2: Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies Guideline 5: Provide options for expression and communication Checkpoint 5.1: Use multiple media for communication Principle III. Provide Multiple Means of Engagement Guideline 7: Provide options for recruiting interest Checkpoint 7.2: Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity Guideline 8: Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence Checkpoint 8.3: Foster collaboration and community Adaptations for students with special needs: Our video has the option of adding subtitles in various languages. We are also utilizing technology and offering the option of using iPads. This will benefit children who may have problems with fine motor skills. Possible Modification of Plans: This lesson plan can be extended to two class periods if necessary. The pre-test will give a good indicator if we need to give more of an in-depth introduction. During Teaching Procedures: Introduction: Each student should get a clicker and brainstorm ideas that relate to the forces of motion. Create a Wordle based on the words they submit. Sequential Scaffolding Steps:

Modeling: The teacher demonstrates the skill or concept while the students observe. o We will show them the video that we created to give them background knowledge on what they will be learning. Link to this video; feature=player_embedded&v=XjOKFM_HYyg Guided Practice: The teacher leads the students in development of the skill or concept. o The students match pictures to its correct definition on the interactive white board. On one side of the board, list gravity, friction, push/pull interaction, and speed. On the other side, have corresponding pictures. Call students up to the board and have them draw a line from the picture to the word and explain why it

is correct.

Independent Practice: The students practice the skill or concept without the teachers guidance while the teacher observes. o The students are given a card with a vocabulary word on it, and they have to create a story with their group relating to that word. (Group the students by table). The students can use any app on the iPad, including imovie, eduglogster, make an audio clip, write a story or draw a picture on Paint or a similar app. After they are done, have each group share what they created with the class and how it relates to the card they chose. Closure: The students actively construct and share what they learned; the teacher guides this activity. o The students take a short, multiple choice quiz using the clickers and the Interactive white board to assess their learning. 1. A ball falling to the ground is an example what type of force? A) Friction B) Gravity C) Both A & B D) None of the above 2. The brake pads in a bicycle help produce ________to slow you down. A) Friction B) Gravity C) Speed D) Push/Pull Interaction 3. Opening and shutting a door is an example of (a) _______. A) Friction B) Gravity C) Speed D) Push/Pull Interaction Instructional Extensions: Students engage in activities that extend learning beyond the classroom or activities in other subject areas. o Next class, the students will build cars and race them. They will think about the forces of gravity and friction while building it so their car can go the furthest.

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