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intelligence is a persons ability to understand their own emotions, the emotions of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions. Emotional intelligence never stops growing. Because we are always evolving as people, EQ is something that must be nurtured.

the ability to perceive emotions the ability to access and generate emotions so as it assist thought the ability to understand complex emotions and emotional knowledge the ability to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth

Golemans Categories Self-Awareness Self-Regulation Self-Motivation Social Awareness Social Skills


the person recognizes and names his/her own emotions, knows their causes, and recognizes the difference between feelings and actions. she/he develops the ability to tolerate frustration, manage anger and to suspend judgment before taking action;



wherein she/he has passion for the work beyond money or status and has the propensity to pursue goals with persistence. wherein she/he has the ability to understand the emotional make up of other people and has the skill to treat people according to their emotional reactions.



skills, wherein she/he has proficiency in developing and managing relationships and has the ability to find common ground and build rapport.

Emotion perception identify ones own emotional experiences, emotional experiences of others, and value attributed to objects Emotional assimilation know how to use emotion to help shape judgment and behavior. Hence emotion influencing information processing

Emotion understanding rich emotion knowledge base such as cause, bodily sensation, expressive modes and how the emotion functions interpersonally Emotion regulation monitor and manage emotion in self and others to produce the desired out come in a given situation

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