Backgrouder Gotham

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The burger should be respected. Thats why were here.

Our products are made to complement their perfection and enhance the homemade burger experience.

Dan Maniaci and Piergiorgio Maselli founded Gotham Sauce Co. in New York City in 2009. They were on a quest to revolutionize the at-home burger experience by creating a condiment that complements the inherent perfection of the burger.

After graduating from Boston College, Maniaci and Maselli set out to create the perfect topping for any burger. They taste-tested their way across America at the best burger joints in the country. The burger connoisseurs remind you what a burger should taste like with their delectable condiments.

Gotham Sauce Co. has been mentioned in notable online outlets such as Edible Manhattan, Food Recipe, Cowshake and OHH World.

2009: Gotham Sauce Co. is started and the Top Secret Burger Sauce is created. The sauce is sold in New York City specialty food stores and markets. September 2012: Gotham Sauce Co. launches a Kickstarter campaign with a goal of $5,000 to commercialize and distribute the sauce. October 2012: The Kickstarter campaign surpassed its goal, raising over $23,000. New sauces are announced: Bacon-Cheddar Burger Blend, Top Secret Hellfire Burger sauce and Top Secret Smoky Chipotle Burger Sauce. November 2012: Gotham Sauce Co. announces new goal to reach $25,000 and release product line-up months ahead of schedule.

1234 W. 3rd Street New York, NY 12345 333-333-3333 Press Contact: Tomie Shaw 123-456-7890

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