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Overview of Oracle Asset Management

Release 12 Oracle Asset Management Fundamentals

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.


After completing this module, you should be able to do the following: Describe the overall Oracle Asset Management process from Setup through asset data flow to the General Ledger Identify the key functional areas that are part of Oracle Asset Management

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.


Asset Management Process Overview Key Areas within Asset Management

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Overview of Oracle Assets

Adjustments Asset Additions Transfers

Manual External


Retirements Online inquiry Reports Depreciation Taxes

Journal Entries

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E-Business Suite Integration

Oracle Projects
Invoice Lines CIP assets Suppliers

Oracle Payables
Budget Information

Oracle Purchasing
Physical Inventory Asset Additions


Oracle Assets/iAssets
Journal Entries Units of Measure Item Information



Oracle Human Resources

Oracle Inventory Oracle General Ledger

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Implementation Considerations for Oracle Financials

Oracle Applications without customization

Future Oracle upgrades

Costly future upgrades

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The Best Project Team for the Job

Client experts

Implementation consultants

End users

Implementation team

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Critical Implementation Issues

Identify critical implementation issues that affect multiple business areas: Shared information Information flows Open interfaces Non-Oracle systems

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Oracle Assets Setup Steps

Unit of Measure Classes Units of Measure Employees Descriptive FF Numbering Suppliers Locations Combinations Asset Keys Combinations Security Investment Tax Credits Price Indexes Distribution Sets Leases Warranties Profile Options Insurance

Ledger Asset Key Flexfield Asset Category Flexfield Location Flexfield System Controls Fiscal Years

Required w/Defaults
Account Generator QuickCodes Depreciation Methods

Book Controls Prorate/Retirement Conventions Asset Categories

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Oracle Assets Key Flexfields

To run the application, three key flexfields must be set up.

Asset Category Key Flexfield

Asset Location Key Flexfield

Asset Key Key Flexfield

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Implementing Oracle Assets

Plan Implementation

Setup Asset Mgmt including iAssets

Convert Existing Asset Information

Reconcile With Previous System

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Asset Books Positioning

New assets are assigned to a Category then to a Book

Corporate Tax

Asset Books
Assets Assigned to


Asset Categories

Asset Calendars

Assigned Depreciation Methods to

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Asset Categories Positioning

Assign to

Added to

Assets Corporate Book Copied to

Attached to

Tax Book A

Asset Categories

Tax Book B

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Asset Life Cycle

Manual Additions Quick Additions Detail Additions Birth of an Asset Oracle Payables Oracle Projects Other/ WebADI Legacy Systems

FA_MASS_ADDITIONS Asset Books Asset Retired Asset Depreciates

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Adding Assets Manually

Quick Additions Detail Additions

Assets added applying default rules

Assets that require more information

Oracle Assets

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Mass Asset Additions Process

Oracle Projects Oracle Payables Other Systems

FA_MASS_ADDITIONS Legacy System Asset Books

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Adding and Capitalizing a CIP Asset

Add a CIP asset

Build a CIP asset

Depreciate the asset

Capitalize a CIP asset

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Acquire and Build CIP Assets

Asset Lines

Oracle Projects FA_MASS_ADDITIONS Mass Additions Oracle Payables Manual Additions

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Asset Adjustments

Unit Change Reclass

Change Financial Info


Oracle Assets/iAssets

Changes via APIs

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Asset Adjustment Overview


Action Performed

Mass Transaction Available


Reclassification Change Asset Category

Unit Change

Change Number of Asset Units Change Asset Cost and/or Depreciation Information


Financial Information


Change Asset Assignment Information

Yes (Prorate Convention, Method, Life only) Yes

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Performing Physical Inventory

Enter physical inventory

Run inventory comparison Reconcile differences

View comparison

Update assets manually

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Elements of Depreciation
Prorate Convention Asset Books Prorate Calendar

Depreciation Method

Depreciation Calendar

Depreciation Ceilings


Units of Measure
Optional Elements

Investment Tax Credits

Price Indexes

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Basic Depreciation Calculation

Prorate Convention FOL Month Prorate Calendar Prorate Period

Apr 15
Date Placed in Service Depreciation Expense per period

May 1
Prorate Date
Journal Entry

Get Rate
R = 20%

Rate Table

Depreciation Calendar, Divide Depreciation flag, and Depreciate When Placed in Service flag

Annual Depreciation

Multiply by Cost or Net Book Value

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Tracking Asset Retirements

Asset Life
Automated addition Invoice Adjustment Transfer Manual addition

Depreciation Create journal entries

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Assets Journal Entries Flow

Run Create Accounting Run Depreciation to Generate Accounts

Set up SLA In Asset Books: -Allow GL Posting -GL Ledger Name


Send entries to General Ledger

Yes Post entries

Run Transfer Journal Entries to GL

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Default Account Generator Process for Oracle Assets

For example, the Operations Accounting flexfield structure from the Vision demo database is used. Company-Cost Center-Account-Product-SubAccount
Segment Name Company (Balancing Segment) Cost Center (Cost Center Segment) Account (Natural Account Segment) Product Default Segment Sources Distribution CCID (Assignments screen) Default CCID (Book Controls screen) Account Segment Value

Default CCID (Book Controls screen) Sub-Account Default CCID (Book Controls screen) CCID = Code Combination ID
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Reconciling Data in Oracle Assets

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Assets

Oracle Payables

Oracle Projects

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Viewing Asset Information Online


Financial Information

Depreciation Book


Purchasing Information




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Oracle Assets Reporting

Oracle Assets Reports

Standard Reports

Variable Format Reports (RXi)

Report Manager

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Assets Reports Groupings

Budget Reports CIP Reports Asset Listings Maintenance Reports

Setup Data Listings

Depreciation Reports

Accounting Reports

Responsibility Reports

Tax Reports Adjustment Reports

Transaction History Transfers Reports

Additions Reports

Mass Addition Reports

Retirement Reports Reclassification Reports

Mass Transaction Reports

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Creating a Tax Book

Assets in Independent Asset Books
Corporate book FURNITURE.DESKS Straight-line 5 years MID-MONTH

Asset 325

Monthly calendar

Tax book

VEHICLE.OWNLUXURY Straight-line 4 years MID-MONTH Asset 843 FURNITURE.DESKS MACRS 5 years HALF-YEAR Asset 325

Quarterly calendar


Asset 843

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Entering Information in Tax Books

Corporate Book

Initial Mass Copy

Periodic Mass Copy

Manual Entry

Tax Book

Tax Book

Tax Book

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Transaction APIs

Submit transactions directly thru PL/SQL using APIs. Additions Adjustments Retirements and Reinstatements Transfer and Unit Adjustments Reclassifications Capitalizations Unplanned Depreciation Asset Description

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Business Events
Business Events were first introduced in Oracle Workflow to: Provide subscription-based & cross-system processing for streamlined cross-product integration Eliminate trigger-based solutions or modification of standard code Simplifies implementation of custom programs Define post-event actions in the Event Subscription to: Pass information back to the system that originates the transaction Generate exception reports for trouble-shooting Send notifications to users

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Asset Business Event Triggers

Asset Addition

Asset Transfer

Asset Retirement

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.


After completing this module, you should now be able to: Describe the overall Oracle Asset Management process from Setup through asset data flow to the General Ledger Identify the key functional areas that are part of Oracle Asset Management

Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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