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News Letter

Norman Brock Elementary School

Welcome to Mrs. Mitchells Grade 6 2012 September Our commitment is to empower individuals to be successful through high expectation in an environment where achievement is inspired by caring, and by implementing effective instructions.

4. Review your childs work when he is done. I look forward to you sharing your talents with the class; providing encouragement, guidance, and assist in ensuring that CONGRATULATIONS!!!! quality learning is made available for the Randall Strong- best pitcher student. Feel free to communicate any in his baseball team. concerns you may have.

Science Project : Animals are amazing. Along with the school resources, children tohelp your child have a are encouraged to gather information from books, magazines, picture and website. Each student will choose an animal. Please assist your son/daughter with this project. learning in school The class will be involved in the science fair. Students are more than welcome to take their rough draft outlines home to share with you at anytime. Group Project!

Fostering Good Study Skills

There are many things you can do to help your child have good study habits. 1. Ask your child about what he is learning in school. 2. Provide a place for your child to work that is free of distraction. 3. Have homework routine.

Shawna-second place in essay writing, My Earliest Memory. Brandon-Winner grade 8 chess competition.

Kids Corner
by Shawn
The Internet Wow! I love to use the internet. I learn a lot of cool stuff. It helps me with my homework and my class projects; especially History, Mathematics, and Science experiments. From the internet you can learn about ancient history, example dinosaurs.

Save the Date

PTA meeting -September 24 ,12 Picture day October 24,12 Field Trip to Animal Kingdom Oct. 3, 12 Science fair -- December 9, 12 Parents Day November 14 and 15, 12


Be Smart! No To Smoking!
by Patrika Smoking is wrong. It can damage your Heart, brain, and other parts of your body. You can get disease from smoking and you can eventually die. Smoking can make your lungs become black. This will result in making it difficult to breath. Dont smoke if you want long life.

The Planets
by Ryan A planet is a term applied to the larger members of the solar system. Each planet orbits the sun. Rings around planets are very interesting. Saturn has the largest ring system. It is made up of twenty different rings. Rings are always around outer planets- for example, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn.

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