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Works Cited Auge, Karen. Well-known Trinidad sex-reassignment doctor leaves. The Denver Post, 13 December 2010.

Web. 8 December 2012. Beemyn, Genny and Susan Rankin. The Lives of Transgender People, New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. E-Book. Begley, Sharon. All Natural: Why Breasts Are the Key to the Future of Regenerative Medicine. Wired Magazine, 20 October 2010. Web. 8 December 2012. Boag, Peter. Go West Young Man, Go East Young Woman: Searching for the Trans in Western Gender History, The Western Historical Quarterly 36.4 (Winter 2005): 477-97. Print. Bronski, Michael. A Queer History of the United States. Boston: Beacon Press, 2011. E-Book. Ekins, Richard and Dave King, eds. Blending Genders: Social Aspects of Cross-Dressing and Sex-Changing. London: Routledge, 1996. Print. Gagne, Patricia, Richard Tewksbury, and Deanna McGaughey. Coming out and Crossing over: Identity Formation and Proclamation in a Transgender Community, Gender and Society 11.4 (August 1997): 478-506. Print. Girshick, Lori B. Transgender Voices: Beyond Women and Men, Lebanon, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 2008. E-Book. GLAAD. Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Web. 1 December 2012. Massachusetts Transgender Equal Rights Law. Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition. Web.1 December 2012. Nappo, Meaghan K. Not a Quiet Riot: Stonewall and the Creation of Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Transgender Community and Identity Through Public History Techniques, Thesis, University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2010. Print.

Rehan, Naghma, Iffat Chaudhary, and Syed Kamal Shah. Socio-sexual Behavior of Hijras of Lahore, Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 59.6 (June 2009): 380-84. Web. 1 December 2012. Rozakis, Laurie, Ph.D. The Complete Idiots Guide to Shakespeare. New York: Alpha Books, 1999. Print. Stevens, Janice Morgan. Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex Changes . . . but Were Afraid to Ask: A Primer for Male-to-Female Transexuals. Clemmons, North Carolina: Renaissance E Books, 2002. E-Book. The NIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1985. Print. Taft, Li Anne W. The Transgender Rights Movement in the 21st Century. The International Foundation for Gender Education. Web. 1 December 2012. Teich, Nicholas M., LCSW. Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. E-Book.

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