Second Draft of Script

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Tia-Reisa Apaloo-Clarke 02086007876 35 craven Gardens, Ilford IG6 1PG

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FADE IN INT. BELLAS BEDROOM NIGHT A few consecutive shots of Bella's hands being tied. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BELLAS BATHROOM - NIGHT BELLA (20) An English, young and vulnerable brunette is sitting on the shower floor crying. Water is pouring down her face while she shivers and hugs her knees. Shes crying, cold and her face and lips are bruised. Bella is in the shower crying, she raises her head slowly. FLASHBACK VINCE (24) an ex serial killer who has been stalking BELLA for the past few days. VINCE is dressed all in black and wearing a red bandana. As BELLA is sitting watching TV in the living room, the living room door slams open. VINCE runs into the living room with a baseball bat and pushes BELLA on to the couch. He then drags her out of the room by her feet. QUICK CUT: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT VINCE is seen taking off his trousers, while BELLA is tied to the bed. VINCE walks over to the bed and gets on top of BELLA. He then grabs a pillow and punches BELLA in the face VINCE grabs a condom from the side (condom wrapper drops) BELLA tries to struggle free as VINCE begins to rape her. BLACKOUT: Used condom drops on the floor REWIND: INT. BELLAS BATHROOM - NIGHT BELLA is seen in the shower, rocking forward and back, she slowly raises her head.

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