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Ngondro: The Four Extraordinary Foundational Practices.

In all elds of work and study one must begin by rst laying down a stable foundation on which to build. Without this rm foundation whatever we accomplish will be shaky at best with no support to rely upon. Each practitioner of Vajrayana rst relies on Ngondro to lay such a foundation, and so creates the causes and conditions for realization to ourish. The Four Extraordinary Foundational Practices consists of 1) Prostrations and Refuge, 2) Recitation of the Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva, 3) Mandala Oering, and 4) Guru Yoga. Through these practices we can purify our obscurations and accumulate the merit and wisdom needed to enable us to accomplish Mahamudra, the pinnacle of meditation taught in the Kagyu School. These practices are therefore taught as the beginning of Mahamudra practice. Before planting a garden we rst need to remove the rocks, till the soil, and spread the right nutrients so that when we do plant the seeds they successfully grow. In the same way these practices are designed to prepare ourselves, mentally and physically, to be able to reap the fruits of our mediation. It is said that the more you practice the Four Foundations the quicker and easier realization arises. Over a course of a year the Four Foundations will be taught according to the Karma Kagyu School in general and the teachings of the 12th Gyaltsab Rinpoche in particular. Practitioners of all schools of Buddhism are invited to join the teachings and discussions. Meeting twice a month we will discuss the practice of Ngondro, a complete path of Vajrayana practice, which consists of practices taking you from refuge to completion stage mediations. Through these classes students will gain a deep understanding of each aspect of Ngondro that can be taken into their practice to make it rich and meaningful. Also students will be able to apply this knowledge to the Dharma in general and feel condent in understanding the foundations of the vast array of practices that Vajrayana oers. Private teaching sessions are available for students who would like personal advice on their practice. Suggested donation: $15 To register or if you have any questions please contact the instructor, Lama Sangye Rinchen:

New York Tsurphu Goshir Dharma Center 183 15th Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11215
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