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Table of Content
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction Types of video signal Types of analog video signal Computer-based digital video Broadcast and video standards Characteristics of digital video Digital video data sizing Ways to reduce video file size Video file formats

Definition of Video
Technology of electronically
Capturing / recording (captured media) Processing / storing Transmitting a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion.

Animation starts from discrete pictures and then process to illusion of continuous motion. Discrete pictures illusion of continuous motion

Types of Video signal

Two types of Video Signal
Analog video Digital video

Analog Video Signal

Analog video is transferred by analog signal.

It contains the
luminance (brightness) and chrominance (colour) of the image.

Most TV still sent and received video as an analog signal.

Types of Analog Video Signal

Three types of Analog Video Signal:

Composite S-Video

Component Video
Signals are split into 2 or more components; separates the:
Luminance: brightness (Y) Chroma: colours (U and v)

Advantage: Gives the best colour reproduction, since no crosstalk between the three different channels, unlike composite video and Svideo. Disadvantages: Requires more bandwidth and good synchronization of the three components.

Component Video

Composite Video
Composite video = two or more signals are mixed into a single carrier wave.
Chroma (colours ) UV and Luminance (Brightness) Y = YUV

Video quality not as good as component video.

Composite Video

S-Video = separates into 2 signals :
1. Luminance 2. Chroma

S-Video is also known as Separate Video or Y/C.

Y Luminance Brightness C Chroma Colour

The chroma or colour information is always combined into 1 signal. Video quality better than composite video, worse than component video. S-Video

Aspect ratio
Aspect Ratio: ratio of the screen width to the screen height. The aspect ratio of current television tubes is 4/3. For wide-screen television tubes the aspect ratio is 16/9

Digital Video Signal

Digital video is transferred by digital signal.

In most multimedia applications, the video signals need to be in a digital form in order to
store them in the memory of a computer and to easily edit and integrate them with other media types.

Computer-based digital video

Three significant advantages: It can be copied and reproduced without loss of quality It can be manipulated easily repositioned, resized, and recolor by a computer It is easier to transmit over computer networks. Three disadvantages: It requires an enormous amount of computer storage space. It requires high transfer rates. Large file sizes and high transfer rates required for quality digital video, so the majority of the digital video currently available has made compromises that produce images lower in quality than those on VHS tapes.

Broadcast and Video Standards NTSC PAL SECAM


Characteristics of digital video

A frame single image in a video sequence. The frame is the basic feature of digital video:
height width color depth. (color resolution)

Characteristics of digital video

Frame rate the number of images displayed within a specified amount of time to convey a sense of motion. Frame rate per second.

Characteristics of digital video

Frame size
The VGA standard - monitors with resolutions of 640 x 480 pixels. Need high image storage and processing power so usually frame sizes are less than 640 x 480 pixels. Common frame sizes :
640 x 480 for full screen VGA display 320 x 240 quarter of a VGA display 240 x 180 about a sixth of a VGA display 160 x 120 sixteenth of a VGA display

Characteristics of digital video

Color depth or resolution
refers to the number of colors displayed on the screen at one time.
1 bit for 2 colors to 8 bits/pixel (256 colors), 16 bits/pixel (65, 535 colors), and 24 bits/pixel (16.7 million colors).

Digital video data sizing

Digital video file size ( in bytes)= F*C*R*T Where F = frame size (width x height) C= colour depth (in bytes) R= frame rate (frames per second) T= time in seconds

Calculate Video File Size (Example 1)

Duration=10 mins Frame rate=25 fps Frame size=160 by 120 Colour resolution=8-bit

Video file size=600 sec x 25 fps x 160 x 120 x (8-bit/8) = 288,000,000 bytes = 288 MB

Calculate Video File Size (Example 2)

Duration=10 sec Frame rate=30 fps Frame size=VGA Colour resolution=2 bytes

Sampling rate/Frequency=44.1 kHz Sound resolution=8-bit Channel=Stereo Video File Size: (10 sec x 30 fps x 640 x 480 x 2 bytes) + (10 sec x 44100 Hz x 8-bit/8 x 2) = 184,320,000 + 882,000 bytes = 185,202,000 bytes

Ways to reduce video file size

Reduce the size of the playback window Internet - 160 x 120 pixels. Decrease the number of colors, from 16 million to 256 or even 16 colors. Reduce the frame rate from 30 down to 15 or less frames per second but more jerky. Compress the file.

Video file formats

MPEG most popular format MOV the Quicktime format(standard for Macintosh) AVI the MS- Windows RealVideo - streaming

1. Video is the technology of electronically capturing, processing, and transmitting a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion. 2. 2 types of video signal: Analog video, Digital video 3. 3 types of analog video signal: Component, Composite, S-Video 4. Broadcast and video standards: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, HDTV

5. Video size =

(Time(in sec)*Frame rate*Frame size*Colour resolution(in byte))

+ (Time(in sec)*Frequency(in Hz)*Sound resolution(in byte)*Channel)

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