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Miracle Deliverance Ministry

Fantasy-paranorMal Magical Movies part 2

Cosmic Battle against God and Man


Miracles Confirmed the Christian Gospel

POWER OF WITCHCRAFT IDOLATRY AND BINDING CHILDRENS MINDS by Pastor Pat Holliday on April 17, 2010 Podcast: Play in new window | Download Mark 10:13-16,-- And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. 15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. KJV

Pro-family activists have been critical of Disney for its neglect of, and predominant attacks on - culture. For a supposedly a clean-cut, family oriented company, it promotes powerful sexual obsessions and unspeakable deviant pornographic practices, aimed at Page 1


your children. For example, here a few of their perverted films designed to change the sexual orientation of your children. Disney-owned companies have begun embracing bizarrely demoralized, sexual themes. Growing Up Gay, a book for young teens published by Disney-owned Hyerion Press and written by three Funny Gay Males. It encourages its readers to explore the homosexual lifestyle. The book is dedicated to: All gay youngsters out there who were bred by heterosexuals.1 Disney acquired Miramax, a company that had released some deviant films such as The Crying Game, which features a transvestite, and Pulp Fiction, which depicts a homosexual rape. 2 During the depression years and the uncertain times heading into World War II America turned to fictional heroes for entertainment and the pulps provided a number heroes that each lasted over a decade and into the hundreds of issues. Disney advertising has appeared in Out, a homosexual magazine. Disney executives helped under the 1993 and 1994 Hollywood benefits for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Disney amended its corporate policy so that same-sex partners of its homosexual employees receive company benefits. Tom Shumacher, vice president of feature animation, takes his husband, to executive retreats.3 Disney World has been the site of a gay and lesbian day for the past five years. Yet, this year, theme-park employees did not post signs warning guests of gay day, as they had Disney Characters: done in previous years. A number of parents bought their Now with Bigger Muscles! tickets, unaware that they and their children would encounter homosexual couples, some of whom kissed in BY PUBLISHED: SEPTEMBER 15, public view. Every year, the Florida Senior graduating 2009 class, statewide is invited to the park while at the same day, Disney celebrates Gay Day. The schools and parents are not warned about this aberration.4
Thanks to the recent Disney purchase of Marvel last week, called for Photoshoppers everywhere to create their best combination of the two companies leading characters. The result is this kick-ass gallery that made me cream my jeans. If I combined a

Sexual Images

Growing Up Gay, a book for young teens published by Disney-owned Hyerion Press and written by three ?Funny Gay

2 3 4

Disney acquired Miramax, a company that had released some perverse films such as The Crying Game, which features a transvestite, and Pulp Fiction, which depicts a homosexual rape.

ibid ibid

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Marvel and Disney character, it would inevitably result in Kurt Russell. The man is the ultimate combination of family values and complete bad-ass. Now that Swayzes gone, I feel like Kurt should really capitalize on his recent turn in Death Proof and make Road House 2. What? They already made that? With the guy from That Thing You Do. And Gary Buseys son (hangs head). 5

Disney _ Kirwanb THE SPIRIT OF DEATH

The author ministered a Christian Senior after attending, began to experience harassing evil spirits. He had nightmares and great depression. His personality totally changed. He lost his joy. He could see this dark shadowy figure following him. He became filled with fear and torment. His girlfriend told him to come to me for deliverance. 6

This young man was a devoted Christian! During the prayer session, there was a great deal of manifestations of demons leaving. Then the Lord gave me the discernment that an evil spirit of homosexuality was attacking his mind. I was shocked because I had never seen that spirit on this young man before. When I asked him about it, he admitted that he was being tormented with these demonic thoughts.7 I have never done anything like this in my life, he protested. I told him that I was not accusing him and explained that demons attach themselves to a person with accusing thoughts. Thoughts are not sins but can become sins if they are acted upon.
5 5f9b9d200f69ab& 6 Disney acquired Miramax, a company that had released some perverse films such as The Crying Game, which features a transvestite, and Pulp Fiction, which depicts a homosexual rape.

Pat Holliday,

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Demons can enter when you act on their evil thoughts that they have implanted on their minds. The author took authority over this oppressing demon and it immediately left. He was free! After deliverance, he told us this story. I got separated from my Christian friends and connected with the other kids. We went into the Haunted House. I knew I should not have gone in there, but I did. A grotesque, green spirit that sits down next to you; He said, I am your spirit guide. I will be with you during your trip. I saw many bizarre looking demons in that place. There was a human skull spinning around saying scary things. I saw a room that had skeletons and demons eating together at a large table while some were dancing to spooky music. After experiencing many terrifying things, we came to the end of the trip. The green spirit came into me and he said, I will be with you for the rest of your life! The author has ministered to many children who have received spirit guides through toys, dolls, stuffed animals computer games. Once these spirits possess a person, they must be driven out through the name of Jesus. If these demons are not delivered, they will remain with the child throughout their lifetime. Eventually, the individual will be lead away from Jesus. Their minds will be blocked from the truth and millions will drop into the pit of hell! To Disney Haunted show you the magnitude of the problem, the young man House Magic that we delivered from these Disney devils, was probably the only one attending this demonic festival that was blessed with being delivered from these horrendous demons. Thank God that He had a pastor that understood how to handle spiritual catastrophes. I pray to God that more ministers could be obedient to the Word of God and clean the fish from these evil scales that hinder them from being free. Church wake up! While the church is becoming ensnared by demons, many dances, worldly songs, and beg for money, and ask God to pour out more of the false demons upon them when they get under the power of Kundalini demons; Judgment Day will arrive sooner than we think. The movies are usually not true characterizations of the story lines. For instance, the cartoon Pocahontas is presented as a New Age depiction of history. She draws spiritual wisdom from a tree, a rock and the wind. This version of Pocahontas is one that portrays her as a witch. Her main accomplishment is converting the gun toting a Smith into a 17th-century environmentalist. The real Pocahontas was an Indian girl who was converted to Christianity. There are sexual subliminals on cartoons. Despite these offenses, Disneys reputation as a family-friendly corporation has endured. There must be powerful, mind blinding spells working by the god of this world. Page 4

DECEPTION OF THE ELECT Jesus warned that If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect, (Matt. 24:24). Peter the apostle also forewarned that false teachers who shall privately bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, that many shall follow their: pernicious ways, and sad to relate these followers are recruited from the orthodox church members, of whom the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy (II Tim. 4:3,4), saying: The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto Fables, This turning away, is evidenced on every hand. There is a turning away in doctrinal standards, in the demand for a regenerated church membership, in church attendance. Many churchgoers will not endure sound doctrine. They will not hear those who preach the total depravity of man, the necessity of the New Birth, and the conscious and endless torment of those who reject Christ as the only and personal Savior. They demand teachers who itch (tickle) their ears with pleasing, novel and sensational doctrines. 8 A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM The story of Josiah is one that shows the spiritual intelligence has nothing to do with age or brains. He was according to the Bible, just a child. Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem one and thirty years, (2 Chron. 34:1). His secret was seeking after the will of God and he was led to spiritually clean the land from idolatry. Just as God used a Jackass, in this case, he used a child. Look at how God showed Josiah how to destroy the territory of the false gods. And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the ways of David his father, and declined neither to the right hand, nor to the left. 3 For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young, he began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images. 4 And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his presence; and the images, that were on high above them, he cut down; and the groves, and the carved images,
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Josiah, the King of Judah

Pat Holliday, Ph.D., The Power of the Force,

and the molten images, he brake in pieces, and made dust of them, and strowed it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them. 5 And he burnt the bones of the priests upon their altars, and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem. 6 And so did he in the cities of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and Simeon, even unto Naphtali, with their mattocks round about. 7 And when he had broken down the altars and the groves, and had beaten the graven images into powder, and cut down all the idols throughout all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem. 8 Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, when he had purged the land, and the house, he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, and Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder, to repair the house of the LORD his God. (For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young, he began to seek after the God of David his father: and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images, (2Chr. 34:1-8). God will not share His glory with a false god. The results of going after strange (gods) idols are demons will take you over and rule and reign. Alex W. Ness, author of, Transference of Spirits asks: Did you know that it is possible for a person, or persons or spirit-being that inspires thought, feeling or emotion to "transfer or transmit," spirits, good or evil, if our spiritual capacities are open for such reception? These are the reasons why we should be concerned 8 for our Christian childrens spiritual health and do everything that we can to protect them from evil spirits. MOVIES -TV BEWITCHING CHILDREN: Star Wars, Dark Cauldrons, etc., aim to frighten, to deceive, to traumatize, to familiarize children with hideous characters, such as fiendish ogres, monsters, space aliens, spirits of the dead, to entice children to accept evil as good, etc. For instance, consider E.T. He could heal, raise the dead, etc.; a mockery of Jesus and a horrible creature. Fairy Tales and Walt Disney - Time Warner movies are full of cabalistic practices such as, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Time Warners Harry Potter Movies the Lord of the Rings.

Yoda - Star Wars

These movies and books help the children to accept the menacing demons as their friends. They no longer have fear if these devils appear to them in their rooms. They become their imaginary friends. In actuality, they are malignant evil spirits, sent to rob, kill and destroy the children. Cartoons draw on Egyptology, such as Iris, mythology, witchcraft, occult Smurfs, Dungeons & Dragons, Little People and Gremlins. The most violet block of T.V. time is Saturday morning aimed to steal the souls of children. New Age Childrens music is to incite rebellion and self-elevation. Rock music leads young people into sexual perversions and violence. Page 6

They use mass media, movies and television. They seem to be inculcating us into their immorality brainwashing the people to accept things that are obscene and can see the changes in society. These changes are radical. Our churches are going downhill fast. They want to normalize obscenity. People just seem to accept it. They are going to boil in their own self made hell. The more people that embrace this sickness will eventually suffer from it; sexually emitted diseases, family breakup, confused minds, controlled minds, drug addictions, suicides, changes to pagan religions and lost of souls. The Apostle Paul says in the scriptures, things will wax worse and worse with men deceiving and being deceived until the end comes. In fact Paul says in 2 Thess. 2:2-4, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. KJV


The entire world will fall into strong delusions and this will happen just before the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Where will the great fount of evil and depravity come from? This parasitic web has now spread across the globe. It comes from the Mystery of Babylon. Rev. 9:11And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. KJV [A king over them]; supreme head; the end time powerful demon of destruction. [The angel of the bottomless pit] The chief envoy of Satan. [Abaddon] From aabad, he destroyed. [Apollyon.] From apo, intensive, and olluoo, to destroy. The meaning is the same both in the Hebrew and Greek.9

(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright 1996, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

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This demon comes up from the pit of hell and possesses the people and they serve him as their king of evil. This angel is from the bottomless pit. Satans end time plan to destroy the children of the world is through the capture of their minds and souls by strong allusions and delusions turning them to the false worship of Lucifer, the sun god. These purveyors of evil bring the children a combination of immorality and false religion. Toys having either occult linkage that contains excessive violence CAN CAUSE DEMONIC POSSESSION IN CHILDREN because demonic powers and paranormal rituals and sacrifices are performed over them.

Star Wars Dolls for Boys

TOYS AND DEMONS 10 SMURFS (German word for demon); Papa Smurf is a wizard who casts spells and mixes potions and often refers to Beelzebub (Satan) in the cartoons. He practices sorcery and witchcraft. Wizards and witches were put to death in the Old Testament with good reason because these evil practices would take over entire nations bringing them to absolute debauchery of human sacrifice. STAR WARS: The theme is based on a cosmic force taken from Zen Buddhism and Eastern religions. This will open your child to receive Kundalini Demons. EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Yoda is referred to as a Zen Master. When you turn Yodas picture upside down, he turns into a goat head that the Satanists use in their rites. E. T. TOYS: E. T. levitates, uses mental telepathy, heals supernaturally, resurrected, imitations of the life of Jesus, operates in the occult. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Fantasy game fought in the minds of the players. Teachers demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, Satan worship, barbarianism, cannibalism, sadism, demon summoning, necromancy and divination, Human sacrifice. Some game! RAINBOW BRITE AND SPRITES: Sprites are listed in the advanced D & D Monster Manual. New Age Movement uses a rainbow symbol with the star. SHE.RA RA is the name of an Egyptian sun god. D & D monster manual. New Age Movement uses it for astral flight/meditations. UNICORNS: D & D Monster Manual: Medieval Kings and popes used an amulet made from horn: believed to have magical and healing powers.


Gene and Earline Moody, Deliverance Manual, 9852 Hillyard Avenue, Bataon Rouge, LA 70809, (509) 293-3251.

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CARE BEARS: Wear charms (amulets) to keep away evil spirits (occult symbols). Rabbit foot, a rainbow with star (New Age symbols). Horseshoe, four leaf clovers; latest character, wizard. HERSELF THE ELF: Elves are inferior spirits beings with great powers supposedly. Magical flowers. MAGIC KIT refers to Beelzebub (Its magic, spirit slate with a mystery computer; teaches how to become a magician. BARBIE DOLLS: Recent dolls were designed as a sun goddess. The most radiant Barbie is, Barbie Goddess of the Sun. She wears a Bob Mackie sheath dress adorned with dazzling yellow and gold sequins. Turban headpiece and sun shaped earrings. Recently she had a lesbian companion and many other ungodly characters. Another area of concern is the doll figure for boys. The super heroes, such as, Bat Man, Superman, etc., and also the monster toys like ET, Star Trek, etc. should be eliminated from a young boys toys. Satan in the Toy Store.

CABBAGE PATCH DOLLS: Creates a soul tie with the child; mockery of life and death and natural emotions. CABBAGE PATCH PLAYMATES: Promote illegitimacy. Amulets Koosas mysterious cuddly creature which brings good luck - adoptable - you name them. PUNK ROCK DOLL: Name and adopt, same as above. GREMLINS: Violent, sadistic; use transformation (New Age concept), A Cannibalism, and promotional scheme. From English word germane to vex. Kill and viciously attack people. CROSSBOWS & CATAPULTS: Designed from Dark Ages; Vikings vs. Barbarians, very violent. Fantasy. SWORD & SORCERY BATTLE GEAR: Fantasy, sorcery, occult, violence. G. I. JOE DOLLS: Now adding occult characters to their ranks or regular army characters. STARRIORS: Warrior robots ill for control of earth using chain saws, buzz saw, drills, spiked ram, vibrator chisel. SECRET WARS: Fight aliens with secret messages (Occult); the Force, wild mutants and hideous creature transformation. OTHER WORLD: Similar to D & D. Violence with warlords, demons, dragons. BLACK STAR: A warlock with an alien demon; similar to D & D. BLACKSTONE: Teaches magic. MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE; Evil lords of destruction, beast man, an evil ocean warlord . . . sorcery. Trying to take the place of Jesus as protector of His creation. TRANSFORMER; New Age concept. The deceptive leader promotes peace through tyranny. Links up to Black Hole. Occult practice can change body into another form. SNAKE MOUNTAIN; the player becomes the snake and work is the demons jaw as he speaks. Experiment with demon power. ROBO FORCE: Evil Robot Empire, very violent, he has killer instinct and a crusher hand. Dictator and destroyer.
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GO BOTS: Alien robots? Transformation into vehicles. Confuse good and evil. BOARD GAMES: These games open children to the influence of occult power, wizardry, violence, mind control and witchcraft: Thunder Barbarian, Pandemonium, Magic 8 Ball, Monster Mansion, Krull (occult with sorcerer), Herself the Elf, Gremlins, Dragon Master, Mythical Cards, Dungeon, Ouija, Dark Towers, Magical Crystals, Dragon Lords, Towers of Night, Forest of Doom, Fires of Shadarr, Star Wars and Hyoda, Fantasy Card Games, Hell Pits of Night Fang, Rune Quest. Chivalry, Sorcery and Arduin - Grimoire. 11 DOLLS In ancient times the worship of idols included the offering of various types of sacrifices, libations, and other acts of devotion such as kissing an image, kneeling, or dancing before it. On occasion the worshiper inflicted wounds in themselves as a special act of homage. The second commandment of the Decalogue prohibited the making of any image of the God Israel. Despite the fact that arks, ephods, and terrapin found their place in the religion of Israel, not a single figure of God has ever been recovered by archaeologists. This feature of Israel's religion sharply distinguishes it from that of her neighbors and contemporaries and profoundly attests to the fact that the true God is not a being whose personality can be adequately reflected in the products of human handicrafts.

Idolatry was a constant problem in ancient Israel. Early in their occupation of Canaan, the Israelites were attracted to the worship of local deities including Baal, Asherah, and the Ashtoreth. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, (Isa. 5). Release the power of Jesus over your children. Pray faithfully for your children. Teach them the ways of the Lord and get into a strong Bible-believing church. Rev. Irene Park, a former high witch in Florida, author, The Witch that Switched, told the author the following story. She said that illegal drugs are always related with witchcraft. She said, I used to sell drugs at the football games. Demons protected by surrounding me and they blinded the eyes of the police. I was never arrested for this crime.

Gods of Fantasy

Gene and Earline Moody, Deliverance Manual, 9852 Hillyard Avenue, Bataon Rouge, LA 70809, (509) 293-3251.

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She continued to say, I also peddled drugs across the street from the school. At first, Id give the kids free drugs. But then when I got them hooked, they had to pay me for them. After I received Jesus, I ministered at a Christian couples home. I notice two children that I had tried to divine to come to me for drugs. These kids would make a wide circle around me and I could not touch them. I told the parents about it. Why wouldnt your children come to me when I worked divining powers on them. She went on to say, The parents told me that every day they prayed with their children. We asked Jesus, to cover them with His blood and protect them from evil.



The Bible says a curse comes upon those who use deceit (Jer. 48:10). Revelation Chapter 13, says the image will speak . . . Could these little idols be preparing children to receive the Antichrist?

Husbands are often the most effective are commanding spirits to leave their wives with the support of others. This is true with his children also. (Sit together as families during deliverance. A husband has special power and authority over his family that even I dont have as a deliverance minister). CHRISTIANS ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM IDOLATRY Christians, including many pastors do not believe that demons will hang around inanimate objects. In fact, they believe you are going off the deep end if you talk about these things. There is much Biblical evidence to the truth of demons association with inanimate objects. In the case of objects dedicated to demons (Idols, artifacts, etc.) . . . Destroy them. Ask God to forgive you from all your idolatrous sins and you forgive yourself for all sins against your own body. Clean out the house of those objects, books, rock records, computer games of the occult, and the things shown in second chapters. Anoint the house with oil and cast evil spirits out of the house. Bind and rebuke all curses from others.

LOVE True love is having the power to say to no. Children must be disciplined by their parents (Prov. 13:23). The prayerful and judicious application of the rod can act as a deterrent to childish and Page 11

foolish behavior (Prov. 22:15). Parents many times prepare the way for deep-seated spirits of Fear, Rejection and Conditional Love to enter. God will turn the heart of the father (not the mothers) to the children (Mal. 4:6 and Col. 3:21). A child left to rear himself is a disaster going somewhere to happen, (Prov. 29:15). Indwelling demons can be present because of inheritance, curses, habitual sin, or legal holds or grounds from other sources. The punishment should equal the offence. We provoke our childrens wrath when we punish more severely than the offence justifies. Before any punishment, the offence should be explained. Other ways to behavior should be explored, show love; give a hug, approval, complement on good behavior or improvement of conduct. Scripture warns us to have nothing to do with fairy tales, fables, enchantments, charmers or such like; (Tit. 1:14). (Fables turn one from truth) and (II Pet. 1:16), (declares importance of truth). d/cart/index.php?page=2&c=3

Children at a susceptible age may well be opened up to spirits of fear, error, witchcraft, perversity, lying and fantasy (drugs, drink, sex, etc).

The god of fantasy, causes most of our young peoples problems. Ultimate truth and there is no fantasy in God or in His Word. The truth is important to God and many ignorantly cause children to believe a lie in the guise of a friendly, jolly, phony, called an imagined figure called Santa Claus. This lie caused our daughter to doubt that her parents would tell her the truth about Jesus. All lies come from the Devil (Jn. 8:44). (God taught us to tell her the truth in love!) 12 Demons can be called out of children in the same way they are called out of older persons. Remember. You do not have to scream at devils to make them leave. They dont leave because they are frightened of you or your forcefulness or your intimidating voice power. They leave because they fear Jesus and the power of His name. There may be manifestations of the spirits leaving through the mouth and nose as in other deliverance sessions with adults. (Demons can also be cast out of the fetus in the womb). Ordinarily, children are quite easily delivered since the spirits have not been there very long; they are not as deeply embedded in the flesh by sin. There are exceptions to this, as in the case of children who have been exposed to demonic attack through severe circumstances. In children, the manifestations of the demons can be quite dramatic. (It is fun to cast demons out of babies, watch demons manifest and watch them leave). The Baby will have exactly the same body and facial manifestations as adults.

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The author ministered to a six-week-old baby whose father was a homosexual and an Aids victim. When I called the evil spirit out, the babys face contorted, her little arms and legs stretched out and she gave a wailing scream. Most children by the age of five or six can be given a simple explanation of what you are going to do before you begin the ministry. The demon possessed victims should be told that when you command the demons to go, that you are not talking to the victim but to the evil spirits in them. Otherwise they may be offended or frightened by words or command addressed to the evil spirits. 13 Usually children are quite cooperative. Since the children may feel more secure with a person that they trust, it is often best for the parent to hold the child during the ministry. The deliverance minister must discern reactions in the child and attributable it to the spirit being stirred up. He may cry or scream and sometimes show signs of great fear. The demons may try various tactics to make the parents believe that it is the child being hurt or wronged. The parents will then become so sympathetic with the child that they will want to stop the ministry. The demons will be able retain their hold if you dont continue to drive them out. You may want to stop for a few minutes to explain to the parents that the demons are fearful because they do not want to leave. Explain to the parents, the demons are just using the body of the child, hoping that you will stop the deliverance procedure. Remember, when a medical doctor is operating on a child, you dont ask him to stop. The devils will still have to obey your http://www.patho commands when you began to again command them to leave. (Dont be fooled or become sympathetic to the demons!). php As stated previously, it is not how loud a command is given that moves the demon but its the authority of the name and of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not let your emotions get involved. Most of the time, the commands can be given with such calmness and matter-of-fact way that the child will scarcely realize what is taking place. You can even gently hold the child and even smile, (Speak quietly and softly, this infuriates the demons! They know you are comfortable with your authority over the forces of evil). Recently a grandmother brought her grandson to our ministry for deliverance. This boy was 10-years-old. He was totally out of control. When we began to pray for him, the demons reared up with the strength of ten men. We subdued him by our men holding him down. After we charged the demons to leave, this young man became a typical child. He was calm and loving. Honestly, there are millions of children that have become possessed in our day. Most will never find deliverance. There are very few deliverance ministers in America. May God have mercy?


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How is a child to maintain their freedom once delivered since they are not competent to protect themselves? It is not the responsibility of the child but his parents or guardians. I believe you will find in the Scriptures that when Jesus ministered to children, one or both of the parents were present. You must throw away all the false Bibles and get yourself a KJV version of the Bible and attend a church that still teaches the Word of God. Rededicate your life and submit yourselves to Jesus Christ. It is the responsibilities of parents to be the spiritual guardians of their children. (Very few parents do their job properly). CLEARING HOMES Spiritual house cleaning should be done by the anointing it with olive oil in the name of Jesus. Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts, but thou shalt not anoint thyself with the oil; for thine olive shall cast his fruit, (Deut. 28:40), And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the vessels thereof: and it shall be holy, (Exod. 40:9).

Demonic Objects
Binding and commanding all powers of darkness to leave, (Matt.18: 18). Anoint the doorways, windows. Discard all statues, Catholic and gods and goddesses, images of monsters, insects and animals. (fuller list later). Jewelry with, hex signs, ancient geometric & mystical motifs, good luck and talisman to chase evil spirits. Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places, (Num. 33:52).

The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God, (Deut. 7:2). FALLING AWAY Jesus warned: Luke 18:8, I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? KJV The Apostle Paul warns of defection and the spread of heresy from the Christian faith. The word Apostasy means: falling away, a withdrawal, a defection from the faith. Paul goes on to say in Page 14

there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, (I Thess. 2:3). The Bible shows in (II Thess. 2), that in the last days, that a spirit of strong delusion is to overtake the whole world in the last days. Another spirit, another Jesus, another Gospel is being preached everywhere. 2 Cor. 11:4, --For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. KJV Are you infected with these unbelieving monsters that are bring your family strong delusions? These Baphenet god worshippers are training your children for the New Age religions. CASTING OUT DEMONS FROM INANIMATE OBJECTS Demons can be in inanimate objects and idols? Rachel departed with her husband, Jacob, but she stole her fathers Labans house gods. It was these gods that gave their owners power and wealth. So, Laban came looking for them. After searching Jacobs tent, he went into his daughters tent. Gen 31:34-36, --Now Rachel had taken the images, and put them in the camel's furniture, and sat upon them. And Laban searched all the tent, but found them not. 35 And she said to her father, Let it not displease my lord that I cannot rise up before thee; for the custom of women is upon me. And he searched, but found not the images.KJV As you can see, Laban searched for his idols because he believed that hed lose everything because they were gone. He knows something important that you must know, and it is this; demons are attached to idols and they do have power to affect his life. Demons are attached to the idols that your child has in his room too. These idols will cause every type of curse to come upon your household. Your child will be tormented with nightmares, sickness and drawn into the powers of witchcraft. In the case of objects dedicated to demons (Idols, artifacts, etc.) . . . destroy them. God does not need your money from these objects. Look for Cursed objects and Demon Infestation. Idols, incense, Buddha, hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient, Mexican sun gods or sun disks, Ouija boards, occult games, Dungeons and Dragons, all things connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, Occult books, pornographic materials, objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms, cult religions such as: Metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, New Age Religions, Mind Sciences, Catholic Statues, Mason Bibles and paraphernalia; Object, occult books, movies, TV and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism. Graven images of gods (demons), are objects dedicated to demons (Idols and artifacts) Rock and roll records and tapes; computer occult games; animal figures; African masks and paraphernalia; Witches masks and fetishes used by witch doctors, African jujus, Page 15

(shaped like snakes, hands, figures, and other things, all kinds of masks, owl and frog images (creatures of the night. These things are loaded with evil spiritual power. (Deut. 14:7-19). Verbally denounce Satan and his power and all of his demon hosts and claim Authority as a believer priest in the name of Jesus Christ and the authority of His shed blood. (Matt. 18:18). Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. KJV 1. 2. 3. 4. Bind the powers of Demons. Loose the power of God Cast out demons. Cleanse the places where demons have been dwelling. It is necessary to casting out evils spirits in a house or church; it is wise to cleanse spiritually afterward, to head off any trouble which might be caused by spirits remaining in the place. Forbid devils from staying on the premises . . . Ask God to send His warring angels to make the devils. Command them to be accountable to the name of Jesus. Send them to where Jesus sends them. Forbid them from ever returning. Loose the anointing and power of God in the name of Jesus.

WHAT YOU CAN DO Engage friends and relatives in reasoned discussion about Disney and Time Warners occult agenda. It wont help to suggest the Disney chief, Michael Eisner is the devil incarnate; instead, suggest that it is not necessary for Disney to abandon its historic family commitment to virtue in order to make a tidy profit. Suggest Disney isnt deserving of special consideration. According to Christians in the film industry, there are more evangelicals within Disney than ever before. Southern Baptists Vote for Disney Boycott DALLAS (CNN) -- Leaders of the Southern Baptists, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, voted Wednesday to boycott Walt Disney Co. and its subsidiaries for what it called the company's "anti-Christian and anti-family direction." The boycott includes the company's films and theme parks and its television network, ABC. Page 16

An overwhelming majority of delegates voted in favor of the measure at the Southern Baptist Convention, an annual meeting held by the denomination. The vote is not binding for the nation's 15 million Southern Baptist members. Many Southern Baptists object to Disney's policy of giving health benefits to same-sex partners of employees, "Gay Days" at theme parks, and the release by Disney and its subsidiaries of controversial books and films like "Pulp Fiction" and "Kids." Disney officials declined to comment on the potential impact of any boycott but said the company had nothing to be ashamed of. 14 Pray that they will have an impact. You could financially boycott of Disney. We can live without mind-spiritual pollution. 15 Repent and ask God to recondition your spirit and receive Jesus as your Savior. Tell them to go to our web site to find out more information on this and other subjects.

SALVATIONREPENTANCE Salvation is more than repentance. It is more than making a decision for Christ; it is a changed life, a new creature in Christ, a life of Holiness.16 BORN AGAIN "Ye must be born again." (Jn. 3:7). Unless you are born again, you have no hope of enjoying the glories of heaven or escaping the terrors of Hell. "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God," (Jn. 3:3). Salvation is a free gift of God granted to lost and undeserving men who trust in the righteousness of Christ and humble themselves in submission to his will. Accept God's Word that He loves you and wants to give you an abundant life. 17 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life," (Jn. 3:16). "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly," (Jn. 10:10).

We know that no one except God is absolutely perfect and that real salvation is the first step in perfecting holiness. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. Three times in the Epistle (Eph.
14 Information concerning Disney, Focus on the Family, Citizen, Oct. 16, 1995, P.O. Box 35500, Col. Springs, CO. 80935-3550. 16 Dr. Pat Holliday, 17 Ibid, Dr. Pat Holliday,

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1:22, 4:15, and 5:2), Christ is specifically named as Head of the Church. This headship is His by rank, by power, and by love . . . His forever. Jesus, our Redeemer, is the only one with the crown right to be head of the Church. We have the last will and testament of our Lord Jesus according to (Hebr. 9:16-22). The Bible is recorded in Heaven, (Ps. 119:89). The Bible is recorded to reveal Jesus Christ, (Jn. 20:31). The Bible was recorded to assure believers; (I Jn. 5:10-13). Every will must have an administrator. The administrator must have wisdom; (Col. 2:3). The administrator must have power; (Matt. 28:18). The administrator must be present; (Matt. 28:20). Jesus is the testator. It was signed by His faultless life, (Lk. 23:4). It was signed by His suffering, (I Pet. 4:12,13). It was signed by His resurrection, (Rom. 4:15). Every Will requires a witness, (Jn. 5:37, 38). The Bible is a witness, (Jn. 16:12-15). A Will is no good while the testator lives. Jesus became man in order to die, (Heb. 2:24). Jesus knew He had to die, (Lk. 9:30:31). Jesus death is the Bibles theme, (I Cor. 15:1, 3, 4). Wills require heirs. Paul tells us we are heirs, (Col. 4:7). Peter tells us we are heirs, (I Pet. 1:4), James tells us we are heirs, (Jam. 2:5). A will describes the inheritance. We have a new nature, (II Pet. 1:4), a life of peace with God, (Rom. 5:1); an inheritance in Heaven, (I Cor. 2:9). Salvation is more than repentance. It is more than making a decision for Christ; it is a changed life, a new creature in Christ, a life of Holiness. Parents, and Church leaders, there are answers to the evil that is flourishing. We must draw a line in the sand. We do have spiritual, superior power over demons. You just have to use your authority in the name of Jesus. Be free!

Chronicles of Narnia Book

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Computer GamesSci-Fi Demons Attacking Children

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Computer Warfare Charts

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Spiritual Warfare Manual Set

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Miracle Outreach Church 1537 Mill Creek Church Jacksonville, Fl. 32211 (904) 733 8318 Services: Sun. 11:30 AM; Tues. 7:00 PM; Fri. 7;30 PM


Pat Holliday Page

Pat has spent several decades in selfless effort to help people not only in the USA but other nations too. She has spent her life helping people to find Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and Deliverer. Please help Pat today, in any way you can. Pat's websites: Pat's Facebook page Miracle Internet Church

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01-10-10 POLITICAL STOOGES - Magical People and the Paranormal Powers Page 20

Older issues
01-08-10 Rebirth of Apollo god - Human god Returns

Signs are exploding everywhere that Jesus Christ is coming back soon. Apostasy and the great falling away is a key sign.

Sources Children of the New Age, Dr. Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Tyson. (1988). The new magus, ritual magic as a personal process. Llewllyn publications, St Paul,MN.

Magic (paranormal). (2007, November 5). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:45, November 8, 2007, from Author's Bio Garland Valley is a practicing Registered Nurse specializing in care and treatment of cancer patients. Garland holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Ball State University and is nationally certified as an Oncology Nurse (OCN) by the Oncology Nursing Credentialing Corporation. visit for more articles and holistic health information html

Key words Fantasy games, Fantasy Movies, minds of the players. Witches, wizards, Casting out demons, spiritual powers, destruction, pagan religions, eastern religion, kundalini demons, sin, Teachers fear, error, witchcraft, perversity, lying and fantasy (drugs, drink, sex, demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, Satan worship, barbarianism, cannibalism, sadism, demon summoning, necromancy and divination, Human sacrifice. Some game!

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