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Pursuant to Section 17 of the Members' Conflict of Interest Act with Respect to the Assets, Liabilities, and Financial Interests, etc. of

GEORGE ABBOTT, MLA and His Spouse As at September 10, 2012

From the Province of British Columbia (Member) MLA salary and allowances

(Spouse) Nil
From all Other Sources (Member) Abbott's Berry Farm- blueberry & hay income (Spouse) Abbott's Berry Farm- blueberry & hay income

Residential Property (Member & Spouse)
1. Sicamous, BC 2. Victoria, BC

Recreational Property (Member)

Undivided 1/8 interest of recreational Crown lease on Oyama Lake, BC

Other Property (Member & Spouse)

Four properties described as Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, subdivision plan ICAP80329, vacant land contiguous to residential property of Member & Spouse

Bank and Other Deposits (Member & Spouse) All Other Investments Held Inside a Registered Plan Salmon Arm Savings & Credit Union RRSP - Money on Deposit and/or term deposits/certificates (Member & Spouse) Pension Rights (Member and Spouse)
Life Insurance (Member and Spouse)

Mortgage (Member & Spouse) on residential property in Victoria, BC held by Vancity Filed with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly this 30th day of November, 2012

Paul D. K. Fraser, Q.C.

Conflict of Interest Commissioner

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