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Maths cup

For excellence in mathematics

The nominees are


Craig Cameron Miller Aubrey Li Ryan Lau

Maths cup winner

Jack Craig

Technology cup
For excellence in all technology subjects

The nominees are


Bates Mariette Devereux Laura Taylor

Technology cup award winner

Laura Taylor

Fair play cup

For displaying outstanding fair play attributes in all areas of sport and school

The nominees are


Taylor George Gray Kate Edwards

Fair play cup winner

George Gray

Sports man of the year

For all round sporting excellence

The nominees are..


Young Samuel Jones Nick Pryde Hunter Kindley George Gray Hank Neimi Levi Cocroft

Sports man of the year 2012

Nick Pryde

Sports woman of the year

For all round sporting excellence

The nominees are..


Familton Nicole Ruske Laura Taylor Jess Falks Kate Edwards

Sports woman of the year 2012

Nicole Ruske

Cultural award
Outstanding contribution to cultural areas of the school

The nominees are


McLaren Nic Laughton Max Beal Madeline Guthrie Lucy Matehaere Taine Evans

Cultural award winner

Madeline Guthrie

Kapahaka award
Outstanding contribution to kapahaka

The nominees are.


Griffen Kaila Tahitahi Kat Altenburg

kapahaka award winner

Kaila Tahitahi

Clarke cup
For excellence in house sports

The nominees are


house Lynn house Highgate house Chapman house

Clark cup winning house for 2012

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