Dog Control Permit

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Dog Control Permit

This permit, issued under S26ZZH Conservation Act 1987; S56B(1) National Parks Act 1980; and S122A Reserves Act 1977 (delete whichever is not applicable), authorises: No: of (address): Phone Mobile Email to enter with a dog upon land administered by the Department of Conservation and other lands named on this permit for recreational purposes, subject to the Conditions printed on this permit and all relevant Acts and Regulations. Permit valid from: To: Name of Issuing Officer Permit area: Dog description: Date: Signature of Issuing Officer Signature of Permittee: General Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. This permit is not valid unless signed by the Permittee and must be carried while within the permit area with a dog, and produced on demand. The permit may be amended or revoked at any time. This permit is only valid when accompanied by a valid hunting permit. The dog must be under control at all times and must not disturb humans, wildlife or livestock. Dogs are not permitted in huts and are allowed into the specified sections of the park only for the purpose of hunting. Dogs must have a current registration and must be permanently marked with the brand recorded in the dog description section of this permit. A maximum of five dogs are permitted per hunting party (a party consists of one or more hunters). Missing dogs must be reported to the permit issuing office as soon as possible. It is an offence to fail to keep the dog under control or to comply with any of the conditions of this permit. The penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $10,000 or both. Dogs are to be kept on a lead when walking on formed tracks. Dogs are to be kiwi aversion trained

Traps for pest control may be present on any public conservation land. The traps may pose a risk to dogs, keep your dog under control at all times. The permit holder is advised to obtain a current Pesticides Summary to receive notification of pesticide applications that may occur on public conservation land, available at DOC offices and the following website:

dog control permit

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