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Nutrients that contain molecules composed of glycerol and fatty acids called glycerides are known collectively as LIPIDS. Depending on the number of fatty acids that make up a fat molecule, fats are referred to as mono-, di-, or triglycerides. are a concentrated energy source, supplying more than twice the calories per gram than either proteins or carbohydrates. Although Fats are high in calories, they should not be eliminated from the diet. provide energy and are necessary for many chemical reactions in the body. They are necessary for the absorption of some vitamins. Also add flavour to food, and because they leave the stomach slowly, they promote a feeling of having satisfied appetite and hunger. TYPES OF FATS Saturated fats DESCRIPTION SOURCES

Unsaturated fats

Trans fats

Are lipids that contains much Marbled fat in meat. hydrogen as their molecular Animal sources. structure can hold and are generally solid. Are missing some hydrogen. They Plant sources such as are a healthier form of fats and are corn,safflower,olives, liquid at room temperature or peanuts and congeal slightly when refrigerated. soybeans. Are unsaturated fats that have Cake mixes and been hydrogenated is added to the shortenings. fat. Hydrogenation changes the unsaturated fat to saturated form that remains solid at room temperature.Hydrogenation reduces the rate at which a fat becomes rancid,thus increasing the shelf life of food items that contain it.

The following food sources are rich in Fat

PROTEINS A component of every living cell Is a nutrient composed of amino acids, or chemical compounds composed of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The body uses protein primarily to build, maintain and repair tissues.

Complete Proteins Incomplete Proteins Protein complementation

Contain all the essential amino acids. Obtained from animal sources. Contain only some essential amino acids. Obtained from Plant sources. Combining plant sources of proteins. Helps a person to acquire all essential amino acids from non-animal sources. Protein complementation is discussed in relation to vegetarian diets.

The following food sources are rich in Proteins:

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