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Christmas trifle

Ingredients 3 large pears (or 4 smaller) 100ml grenadine 400g jam filled Swiss roll 4 tbsp. medium dry sherry such as, amontillado For the custard 6 medium egg yolks 50g caster sugar 2 tsp. cornflour, sifted 1 vanilla pod 600ml double cream For the mascarpone chocolate layer 100g white chocolate 400g mascarpone Zest 1 orange 150ml double cream To top the trifle 80g amoretti biscuits, crushed 350ml double cream Method 1. Peel the pears and chop into bite size pieces. Heat the grenadine in a small saucepan, add the pears, cover and simmer for 3 minutes. Pour into a bowl and allow to cool completely before using. 2. For the custard, whisk the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour together in a heatproof bowl. Split the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the vanilla seeds and pod and heat until the cream is just simmering. Pour the hot cream over the egg mix (half at a time) and whisk well. Pour the whole mixture back into the saucepan and whisk constantly over a low heat until the custard has thickened. Refrigerate to cool before using. 3. For the mascarpone layer, melt the chocolate in a bain marie then mix into the mascarpone with the orange zest. Whip the 150ml double cream and mix with the mascarpone and chocolate. 4. Slice the Swiss roll into rounds (no thicker than 1cm). Use these to line the base and sides of a glass trifle bowl. Sprinkle the sherry over the cake lining. 5. Place half the mascarpone cream in the bottom of the serving bowl, then drain the pears and scatter in half of the fruit. Spoon in half the custard and spread out evenly. Sprinkle over half the crushed amoretti and then finish by repeating the layers with the remaining mascarpone cream, pears and finally custard. Whip the 350ml double cream to soft peaks and pipe or spread over the custard to finish the top of the trifle. Decorate with remaining crushed amoretti. 6. Leave to set in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.

Copyright 2012 Gordon Ramsay Holdings Ltd.

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