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Psychotic Script; Page One

Psycho: I didnt do it. It isnt my fault. The Voice made me do it, influenced me, and controlled me. (Flashes to images of two corpses) (Quiet Voices in background-) Asylum Security: Whose there? Embodied Voice: Just me (Audible Snapping Sound) Embodied Voice: Ahhh good I found you at last, getting here was really murder on the security Psycho: Who are you? Embodied Voice: Embodied Voice: I am The Voice! (Psycho looks visibly shocked) Embodied Voice: I repay your services with your freedom; I suggest you take it (Breaks Psychos shackles) Psycho: I will have my revenge for what you have done Embodied Voice: I eagerly await your attempt

(Scene Two:) Asylum Worker: So seen any good movies lately?

Asylum Worker 2: Nah, how about you? (Suddenly an alarm sounds) Asylum Worker: Oh no! Escape attempt! Asylum Worker 2: Ive never heard of that movie Asylum Worker: No you idiot! One of the patients is escaping! Asylum Worker 2: Oh ok then! Asylum Worker: Find out which patient it is and isolate that area! (Psycho overhears the conversation from around a nearby corner) Psycho: <Im gonna need to get past these guards> (Asylum Worker 2 runs around corner where Psycho is hidden) Psycho: <Oh No hes going to spot me> (Psycho comes out from hiding spot and wraps remnants of shackles around Asylum Worker 2s throat, knocking him out after a brief struggle) Psycho (whispering): Phew only unconscious (Asylum Worker runs into a room) Psycho: <This is my chance!>

(Psycho darts past and out of door)

(Scene Three :) (Embodied Voice darts off in other direction from Psycho) Embodied Voice: Oh looks like he just solved a problem for me (Embodied Voice slowly walks through corridor, ignoring the chaos spiralling around him) Embodied Voice: Let the Anarchy begin!! (Embodied Voice laughs evilly as he walks out of the front door of the asylum; Asylum Workers in chaos behind him)

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