Healing Garden Spell

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Healing Garden Spell

Different Botanicals radiate different magic powers. They may be arranges to provided needed effect. The following botanicals are believed to create a protective aura that shields against disease spirits and illness in general. Spending time in their presence is also believed to transmit healing energy and vigor to the human body. The effect of these botanicals is magical; they may or may not have corresponding physical healing effects. The spell is particularly beneficial for convalescence or for chronic ailments.
1. Fill a garden with all or any of the following: anemone, angelica, balm of Gileas, basil, chamomile, coriander, fennel, garlic, heliotrope, henna, lavender, Melissa (lemon balm), mint, mugwort, onion, peony, poppy, rose, rosemary, rue, Saint Johns wort, thyme, tobacco, and wormwood. 2. Trees that radiate magic healing power include apple, bay laurel, birch, cedar, olive, and willow. Ideally trees form a circle so that you may sit within their midst. 3. Sit and relax within your garden to access its healing power. Its as simple as that. Sit on earth. If thats not comfortable place a bench in a strategic spot. Arrange crystals, glass witch balls, and inspirational, uplifting images as desired. Enhance the magical healing energy with crystals, witch balls, and votive imagery.

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