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Room 209s Classroom Newsletter

You are your childs best teacher!
Instructional Focus
Writing- This week we will focus on writing about what we are thankful for and why. Math- This week we will be continuing our study of money. Word Study- Students will be focusing on working with words with short a and long a sounds. Reading- Readers will continue working on making inferences. Social Studies- Students will be learning about the Chicago Flag and the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Science- This week we are continuing our study of matter.
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Curtis School of Excellence

Chicago, IL
Newsl ett er Dat e Oct ob er 29, 2012

SNAP Words
that new who

This Weeks Highlights

Monday Start practicing new SNAP words Tuesday P.E. Wednesday Technology Thursday

No School

Making Money Make Sense

Things students can try at home
When paying for things have your child count the amount of money you are spending. Have your child Check the Change when you buy things and receive change back. Play Show me the Money where you have students show you using coins different amounts of money Practice counting change together going from dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and finally pennies. Play store with fake or real money.

Homework Stars!
Students who do all their homework last week

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