Amazing Stories Adrian

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By: Adrian O.

Villarreal Guevara

Once upon a time there was a fox strolling through the woods. He came upon a grape orchard. There he found a bunch of beautiful grapes hanging from a high branch.

"Boy those sure would be tasty," he thought to himself. He backed up and took a running start, and jumped. He did not get high enough.

He went back to his starting spot and tried again. He almost got high enough this time, but not quite. He tried and tried, again and again, but just couldn't get high enough to grab the grapes.

Finally, he gave up. As he walked away, he put his nose in the air and said: "I am sure those grapes are sour."

The ants were spending a fine winter's day drying grain collected in the summertime. A grasshopper, quite hungry, passed by and begged for a little food.

The ants asked him, "Why didn't you gather up food during the summer?" He replied, "I as too busy having fun to work. I passed the days singing."

They then said in mockery: "If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance without supper to bed in the winter."

A boy put his hand into a pitcher full of gumballs. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but he could not pull out his hand.

The neck of the pitcher would not give way to his fist. Unwilling to lose his gumballs, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears and bitterly sobbed in disappointment.

A man standing nearby said to him, "Be satisfied with half a handful and you will easily draw out your hand."


One can not get through life without a little work.

Do not attempt too much at once.

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