Accessing Vendor Reports

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Vendor Reports
How-To Access Vendor Reports
December 2012

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Introduction and Overview

In an effort to make it easier for School Leaders to access school-level vendor reports, iLearnNYC has partnered with the following vendors to provide this information: Achieve3000 Apex Learning Compass Learning Education2020 Middlebury Interactive Languages (Powerspeak) Prior to this enhancement, School Leaders only had access to reporting information at the course-level. With this update, School Leaders will now have increased permissions to access data across all school courses associated to a particular vendor. Unfortunately, not all iLearnNYC external vendors grant school leader access. The non-participating vendors are as follows: Carnegie Learning Connected Foundations Discovery NBC Learn Pearson MathXL Pearson WriteToLearn For these vendors, School Leaders will continue to be recognized as teachers for course-level access.

Gaining School Leader Access via the Admin Console

Each school in the iLearnNYC Program can designate specific staffers as School Leaders. Once a School Leader has been assigned, this individual will then have access to all iLearnNYC courses associated to their school. When a School Leader selects a participating vendor link in the iLearnNYC learning environment, he or she will be recognized by that vendor as a School Leader. Assigning existing iLearnNYC teachers as School Leaders (not recommended) While it is certainly possible to assign a School Leader role to an existing teacher, at this time we currently do not recommend this type of reassignment. Converting existing teachers to School Leaders can introduce complications for certain vendors. However, should as school decide to assign a School Leader role to an existing iLearnNYC teacher, we recommend these individuals then be reenrolled back into their classes as teachers in the Admin Console. For example, if Mr. Smith is currently teaching, Introduction to Biology, and is then designated as a school leader in the Admin Console, his role will change from Teacher to School Leader in this

particular course. To revert his role back to Teacher for the Introduction to Biology class, he must subsequently be enrolled back as a teacher in that particular course in the Admin Console.

Accessing the Vendor Reports

After a school leader has been assigned, the school leader will automatically be added to every course ilearnNYC course associated to his or her school. It is important to note that a school leader can choose any of the participating vendor courses associated to their school to access school-level reporting. For example, if there are 10 Achieve3000 courses at a given school, the assigned school leader can access Achieve3000s school-level reporting via any of those 10 courses. The following are step-by-step instructions to access each of the participating vendor reports:

Step 1: Access the vendor class in the iLearnNYC learning environment

1. Login to the iLearnNYC learning environment. 2. Search for a vendor class (e.g. Achieve3000).

The queried vendor courses will display.

3. Select any of the vendor courses. The course shell will display.

4. In the course shell under Content Browser, select the vendor link. The vendor application will launch.

Step 2: Access school-level vendor reports for each participating vendor

Achieve3000 1. Access an Achieve3000 course and select the application link. 2. In the Achieve3000 application, select the ADMIN link.

The ADMIN page will display. 3. Select any of the reporting options to access school leader reports.

Apex 1. Access an Apex Learning course and select the application link. 2. In the Apex Learning application, the Site Coordinator role will display.

3. Select the Reports tab. The Site Coordinator (School Leader) reports page will display.

Compass 1. Access a Compass Learning course and select the application link. 2. In the Compass Learning application, the School Leader landing page will display.

3. Select the Reports tab. The reports page will display.



Education2020 1. Access an Education2020 course and select the application link. 2. In the Education2020 application, the following page will display.

3. Click on Select Course in the left navigation bar. The School Leader will see Education2020 courses associated to his or her school.


4. The School Leader can run reports by selecting either Select Enrolled students or Average Scores. 13

Middlebury Powerspeak 1. Access a Middlebury course and select the application link. 2. In the Middlebury application, the following page will display.

1. Select the Reports link. The reports page will display.



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