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A Quick Summary of What is Really Happening

Undated photo confirmed by government officials to be Adam Lanza, who apparently killed himself after killing more than two dozen others, including 20 school children.

Ryan told police he was not involved and that his brother has a history of mental health issues and might have had his ID at the time of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, officials said. A senior official later said that Ryan was nowhere near the shooting, was not believed to be involved, and was cooperating with the investigation. MSNBC

Defense attorneys say Holmes is mentally ill and sought Fenton's help. Sylvester rejected prosecutor arguments that a doctor-patient relationship ended June 11, the last time Fenton saw Holmes. Holmes has been charged with 142 counts including murder and attempted murder stemming from the July 20 attack at an Aurora theater that killed 12 and wounded 58 others. AP

Jared Lee Loughner, who was obsessed with Giffords, and had previously met her at a "Congress on [73] your Corner" event in a Tucson mall in August 2007, lived with his parents in Tucson, about 5 miles [60][74] (8.0 km) from the site of the shooting. Loughner dropped out of Pima Community College in October 2010, after he was suspended due to complaints of inappropriate behavior in [74][75] class. Loughner chose not to return, rather than having the mental health evaluation and clearance [74][75] which would have been required for him to re-enroll. He had two previous offenses, one of which [76] was for drug possession. U.S. Armyofficials said that Loughner had attempted to enlist, but his [75] application had been rejected as "unqualified" for service in 2008. They declined further disclosure due [60][74][77] to confidentiality rules, although an administration official indicated to the media that this was [78] because of a failed drug test.


Bottomline: It is the mental health patients not the guns killing people.

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