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Midterm examination November 2012 Subject : Computer Science

Time : 3 Hours 15 mins PART A Max Marks : 90

Answer any TEN of the following

1. Define the term program. 2. Who introduced stored program concept? 3. Expand IC. 4. Name any one input device. 5. What do you mean by the term base of a number system. 6. (FACE)16 = (?)2 7. Give an example for positional number system. 8. Expand MSB. 9. Define compiler. 10. 11.

10 x 1 = 10

What is run time error. What is looping? PART B


Answer any FIVE of the following

5 x 2 = 10

12. Write the features of second generation computers. 13. Write any two properties of ROM. 14. With a neat symbolic logic diagram explain AND gate. 15. (110110.101)10 = (?)10 16. Prove X + XY = X 17. Explain if statement with an example. 18. Write any two symbols of flowcharts. PART C III Answer any FIVE of the following 19. Discuss the history of computers. 20. Explain touch panels in detail. 21. Using Demorgans theorem simplify ( X + Y Z ) . 22. Simplify : A + AB + B + ( A + B) AB

4 x 5 = 20

23. Define problem solving techniques. Mention seven stages of it. OR Define the term algorithm. Explain any four advantages of algorithms. 24. Write an algorithm to findout the biggest of three numbers. PART D IV Answer any SIX of the following 5 x 6 = 30

25. Explain the properties of inkjet printers. 26. Write any four differences between primary and secondary memory. 27. State and prove DeMorgans theorem. 28. a) b) Add : (320) 10 + (100)10 using binary addition Subtract : (300)10 (100)10 using binary subtraction.

29. Subtract : (278)10 (781)10 using 1s complement. 30. Explain for loop in detail with example and flowchart representation. 31. Write a flowchart to compute factorial of a given number. V Answer any FOUR of the following 32. With a neat block diagram explain the structure of a computer. 33. Discuss the applications of computers in business. OR Mention different types of digital computers. Explain micro computers. 34. What are universal gates? Prove the universality of NOR gates. 35. Subtract : (456)10 (321)10 using 2s complement. 36. a) b) Write a flowchart to compute area and circumference of a circle given radius. Write an algorithm to findout whether the given number is +ve, -ve or zero. 4 x 5 = 20


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