Camera Shot List Program: Face of Death Director: Warren Siwale Date: November 2012 Camera Person: Parisse Charles Location: Oaks Park High School

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Camera Shot List Program: Face Of Death Director: Warren Siwale Date: November 2012 Camera Person: Parisse

Charles Location: Oaks Park High School

S.B. Shot #




Two shot Two shot M.S. M.S. C.U. M.S. C.U. M.S. M.S. C.U. M.S. POV M.S. E.C.U. M.S. M.S. M.S. C.U.

Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye level Low Eye-level Low Eye-level Eye-level Low Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level High Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Low

None None None None None None None None None None None Handheld Handheld Handheld Tracking/handheld Tracking Tracking/handheld Tracking/handheld

Two shot behind the door showing the two protagonists in the classroom. Showing the two girls doing work after a short while they get up; this leads to the next shot. Layla tucks in the chairs and walks away from the table. Layla walking towards the door reaching for the door handle. Aalliyah putting the book away in the book stand Layla opening the classroom door ready to leave. Aaliyah puts the book back in its place. Aaliyah and Layla leaving the classroom Two girls walking in the corridor Shot showing the girls shoes/feet as they walk in the corridor The two girls walking towards the end of the corridor saying bye as Layla leaves Aalliyah. Aalliyah looks at Layla leaving then starts walking. Aalliyah is on her phone walking through the corridor. Aalliyah walks through the corridor; suddenly stops as she hears a strange sound. Aalliyah carries on walking in the corridor. The camera moves along the side of Aalliyah and moves behind her until she turns around. Aalliyah turns back and starts to walk towards where she heard the loud sound. The camera moves closer to Aalliyah, slightly lower
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to show her pressing the button to the lift. M.S. P.O.V. P.O.V. P.O.V. O.T.S E.C.U. O.T.S. Two shot M.S. M.S. Two shot M.S. Low Eye-level Low Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level None Handheld Handheld None None None None Panning Tracking None None None Shot showing the lift doors opening to show Aalliyahs face. Aalliyah sees Death with the dead body in the lift. Shot showing Death looking at Aalliyah as she slowly backs away. Death appears next to Aalliyah, she looks at Death with shock and horror. Shot showing Death looking at Aalliyah (camera behind Aalliyah). Extreme close up showing Aalliyahs facial expressions. As Aalliyah turns around she suddenly sees Death behind her. Camera moves to the right side on tripod-pivot to show Aalliyah moving to the lift. Shows Aalliyah moving in the lift trying to close it and quickly get away. Medium shot showing Aalliyah in the lift. Death appears behind Aalliyah and grabs her by the neck. Death is left alone in the lift and looks directly at the camera.

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