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8th Grade History Rubric Pre-Civil War Essay Rubric

Total points: ___________/ 20 x 2 = ___________

Categories and Criteria for Success

Introduction 1) HC=your words 2) Transition 3) R+A1+A2 and 2nd R+A1+A2

Historical context is in your own words Transition sets up R + A1 + A2 effectively R1 + A1 + A2 and R2 + A1 + A2 are present in the introduction Connection between R1 + A1 + A2 and R2 + A1 + A2 is effective

Historical context is in your own words Transition sets up R + A1 + A2 effectively R1 + A1 + A2 and R2 + A1 + A2 are present in the introduction

Historical context is quoted or very similar to the original Transition does not effectively set up R + A1 + A2 R1 + A1 + A2 and R2 + A1 + A2 are present in the introduction Only one clarification explains which question the textual evidence is addressing There are only 3 pieces of textual evidence in the essay that accurately answers either of the questions Body does not clarify which question the textual evidence is answering but textual evidence answers each of the questions

Historical context does not accurate translate the original Transition does not effectively set up R + A1 + A2 One of the R + A1 + A2 is missing

Historical context is not present R1 + A1 + A2 and R2 + A1 + A2 are not present in the introduction

Body of Essay (remember you need to answer both questions) Clarify which question is being addressed A1Te + exp A2Te + exp Transition to next question Clarify which question is being addressed A1Te + exp A2Te + exp

Body clarifies which question the textual evidence is addressing and has the required textual evidence Textual evidence accurately answers each of the questions

Only 2 pieces of textual evidence accurately answers either of the questions

Only 1 piece of textual evidence accurately answers either of the questions Body does not clarify which question the textual evidence is answering

3 different sources

3 different sources are used and cited in the essay

2 different sources are used and cited in the essay

Only one source is used and cited in the essay

Explanations A good explanation clarifies the textual evidence and connects the textual evidence to the restate

All four explanations clarify the textual evidence and connect them to the restate of the question

Three explanations clarify the textual evidence and connect them to the restate of the question

Only two explanations clarify the textual evidence and connect them to the restate of the question Three or less explanations clarify the textual evidence and connect them to the restate of the question

There are no explanations in the essay

Conclusion Present the information in a new way Synthesize So What why is this information important?

Conclusion presents previous information in a new Synthesizes information from the essay Answers why this information is important

Conclusion summarizes previous information Synthesizes information from the essay Answers why this information is important

Conclusion summarizes previous information Information from essay is not synthesized Does not answer why the information is important

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