Post Questionnaire

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Post Questionnaire 1) What gender are you?

Female Male

2) How old are you?

13-15 16-18 19+

3) Out of 10, what would you rate our short film Goodbye High School? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4) Was the genre of the film clear?

Yes No

If so, please state how it was clear? ................................................................................................................................ ............................. If it was not, please state how it was not. ................................................................................................................................ .............................. 5) From watching our short film, which scene do you feel is the strongest?

Bench scene Dodgeball scene Chewing gum scene

Break up scene

6) After watching our short film, which scene do you feel is the weakest?

Bench scene Dodgeball scene Chewing gum scene Break up scene

7) Do you feel our short film, Goodbye High School, was funny?

Yes No

8) Out of 10, how clear was the plot/storyline of our film? (1 being not clear, 10 being very clear) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9) Did you feel the typography of the credits was appropriate and suitable for our film?

Yes No

10) Did the sound match the action and suit the production of the film?

Yes No


How professional, do you think our production appeared?

Professional Intermediate Amateur

12) Would you recommend Goodbye High School to others, to watch it?

Yes No

13) Do you feel our British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), 12A, is appropriate for our film?

Yes No

14) Do you feel the title, Goodbye High School, was appropriate for our final product?

Yes No

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