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10 questions... -explain the term HR management, n what is the relation of HR ro the management process. -Responsibilities of HR to line n staff manager.

-Why HR is important to make competitive advantage n disadvantage?what is the contribution of HR towards the competitive advantage n disadvantage.? -OSHA 1994( the philosophy) -Job analysis( collecting job analysis information) -Job description -Job specification -What is the differences between job description n specification -Job design( gt 4, that is job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment.....) -Analyze the challenges of thr HR management -Internal n external sources indicates -HR management technique n concept

E- business test 2 Date: 20th Nov Place: Kubang Gajah Time: 8-11 pm Structure: 1. Ethical issues in e-business + Info technical -discuss/explain role in unethical business practices 2. E- Biz mean redefining old business model in order to maximize customer values. Discuss Why transformation needed to business 3. Most businesses engage in e-commerce. Do u agree or nt agree? Dicuss 4. Important of environment scanning 5. Provide example on how macro-environment, factor drive economic content services provided in a website. Factor: Social, legality, political, economic, environment, technology 6. List / explain the main characteristic of e-business strategies model. ( surf internet) 7. Define supply chain management - Component - How it relates Logistic Value chain Value network 8. Discuss/ differentiate between ASP (Applications service provided) and ISP ( internet service provided). 9. Explain internet, extranet and intranet Esei ( in situation / case) 20 marks Situational analysis - Provide website development - Process Domain name registration Contain email hosting Content development

Promotion/launch of website Maintaince ( hack/virus)

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