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EVOLUTION OF STEEL INDUSTRY IN INDIA The history of steel-making in India can be traced back to 400 BC when the Greek emperors used to recruit Indian archers for their army who used arrows tipped with steel. Many more evidences are there of Indians perfect knowledge of steel-making long before the advent of Christ. Archaeological finds in Mesopotamia and Egypt testify to the fact that use of iron and steel was known to mankind for more than six thousand years and that some of the best products were made in India. Among the widely-known relics is the Iron Pillar near Qutab Minar in Delhi. The pillar, built between 350 and 380 AD, did not rust so far -----an engineering marvel that baffles the scientists even today. Yet another engineering feat is the famous Sun Temple at Konark in Orissa, built around 1200 AD, where steel structurals were used for the first time in the world. These were the halcyon days when India flourished in all directions and when its prosperity was a matter of envy for the foreigners. But as ill luck would have it, Indias prosperity gave way to poverty after the advent of the foreign rule. Indias indigenous industry languished because of a deliberate policy of the colonial rulers to make the country only a supplier of raw materials. Steel Role plays a vital role in the development of any modern economy. The per capita consumption of steel is generally accepted as a yardstick to measure the level of socio-economic development and living standards of the people. As such, no developing country can afford to ignore the steel industry. Beginnings The first notable attempt to revive steel industry in India was made in 1874 when the Bengal Iron Works (BIW) came into being at Kulti, near Asansol in West Bengal. However, forty-four years before that, in 1830 to be precise, a foreigner, named Joshua Marshall Heath, had set up a small plant at Porto Novo on Madras Coast. Heath produced in his plant pig iron at the rate of forty tones a week. His method of iron-making needed approximately four tones of charcoal to produce one tonne of low quality pig iron which proved to be too expensive for Heath to carry on

in the face of stiff competition from the British steel industry. The BIW made considerable improvement in the process of iron and steel making. It used coke as the fuel instead of charcoal. But the plant fell sick as the source of funds dried up. It was taken over by the Bengal Government and was rechristened as Barakar Iron Works. In 1889 the Bengal Iron and Steel Company acquired the plant and by the turn of the century the Kulti plant became a success story. It produced 40,000 tones of pig iron in 1900 and continued to produce the metal until it was taken over by Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO) in 1936. For modern Indias iron and steel industry August 27, 1907 was a red-letter day when the Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) was formed as a Swadeshi venture to produce 120,000 tones of pig iron. The TISCO plant at Sakchi (renamed Jamshedpur) in Bihar, started pig iron production in December 1908 and rolled out its first steel the following year. TISCO had expanded its production capacity to one million tones ingot by the time the country achieved freedom. The Tatas, as Gandhiji said, represented the "spirit of adventure" and Jamsetji Tata, in the words of Jawaharlal Nehru," laid the foundation of heavy industries in India". The British rulers disfavored this and other attempts to start indigenous industry. It was chiefly with the help of American experts that the Tatas started their industry. Its childhood was precarious but the war of 1914-18 gave it a fillip. Again it languished and was in danger of passing into the hands of British debenture holders. But nationalist pressure saved it. In 1918, soon after the war, Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO) was formed. The then Mysore government also decided to start an iron works at Bhadravati. While IISCO started producing pig iron at Burnpur in 1922, the Mysore Iron and Steel Works took about 18 years to start its plant. Meanwhile, the Bengal Iron Works went into liquidation and merged with IISCO. The Steel Corporation of Bengal (SCOB) formed in 1937, started making steel in its Asansol plant. Later in 1953, SCOB merged with IISCO. Prime Minister Nehru firmly believed that "no country can be politically and economically independent unless it is highly industrialized and has developed its resources to the utmost". Nehrus ideas about Indias development were broadly incorporated in free Indias first Industrial Policy Resolution adopted by the Constituent Assembly in 1948. The resolution officially accepted the principle of mixed economy. Industries were divided into four categories.

In the first category were strategic industries which were made the monopoly of the Government. In the second category were six industries which included, among others, coal, iron and steel. It was decided that new units would be started exclusively by the government in the public sector without disturbing the existing ones in the private sector. Eighteen industries, including heavy castings and forings of iron and steel, ferro alloys and tool steel were covered by the third category and the rest of the industries by the fourth. In sum, the government committed itself to the development of basic steel industry while the private sector was to benefit through the establishment of downstream units which would use pig iron, billets, blooms and flat products to be made by the public sector steel plants. In keeping with the spirit of the resolution the Government decided to start a chain of steel plants all over the country in the public sector. The first such plant was set up at Rourkela in Orissa. The second came up at Bhilai in Madhya Pradesh. It was followed by a third at Durgapur in West Bengal. Each of these three plants had an initial production capacity of one million tonne ingot. Durgapur was followed by a steel plant at Bokaro in Bihar. The onward march of Indian steel did not stop at Bokaro. The fifth public sector steel plant was set up at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. As a matter of fact, the country was dotted with steel and steel-related plants in public and private sectors, like Alloy Steel Plant, Salem Steel Plant, Kalinga Iron Works, Malavika Steel Ltd., Jindal Vijaynagar Steel Ltd., to name only a few. About the same time TISCO launched its two-million-tone expansion programme. The Governments Industrial Policy had undergone changes ____ once in 1956 and then in 1991. The resolution modified in 1956 brought changes in the category pattern and listed more industries for the public sector than did the earlier one, though it was not harsher towards the private enterprise. In the new industrial policy announced in 1991 iron and steel industry, among others, was included in the list of industries reserved for the public sector and exempted from the provision of compulsory licensing. With effect from May 24, 1992 iron and steel industry was included in the list of high priority industry for automatic approval for foreign equity upto 51% (now 74%). Export-import regime for iron and steel has also undergone major liberalization. The freight equalization scheme was withdrawn removing freight disadvantage to States located near steel plants.

The new policy has already borne fruit. The finished steel production in India has gone up from mere 1.1 million tones in 1951 to 23.37 million tons in 1997-98 despite overall economic slow-down in the country. It has been estimated that the demand for finished steel in 2001-02 would touch 38.68 million tones and the projected availability of 38.01 tones is almost adequate to meet the domestic demand along with export of six million tones. Similarly, by 2006-07, the final year of the tenth plan, the demand for finished steel would be around 48.80 million tones, providing adequate surplus for meeting the projected export potential of nine million tones. However, there is hardly any scope for complacence over the fact that India continues to be the 10th largest steel producer in the world. In 1997 Indias per capita steel consumption was only 22 kg which was much below the world average of about 126 kgs. Even if the domestic demand grows up from 34.5 million tones to 100 million tones in 2025 the industry is unlikely to catch up with the production in the developed countries. The redeeming feature is the cost competitiveness of Indian steel in the global market. According to World Steel Dynamics, the total cost of steel production in the USA is $510 per metric tonne while in Japan it is $550, in Germany $557, in Canada $493 and in India it is $497. This is because of high material cost due to high excise and import duties. Reduction of cost on these accounts will make Indian steel more competitive in the world market. Indian steel can reasonably expect a good market in the neighboring countries now that the Asian economy is looking up. In conclusion, it can be said with a certain measure of confidence that Indias iron and steel industry which had a glorious past and has an uncertain present may now look forward to a bright future.

ABOUT JSW GROUP JSW Group is one of the fastest growing business conglomerates with a strong presence in the core economic sector. This Sajjan Jindal led enterprise has grown from a steel rolling mill in 1982 to a multi business con glomerate worth Rs. 14700 C r ( U S $ 3.7billion) .As parts of the US $ 10 billion

JSW is part of US $8 billion O.P. Jindal Group. Under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Mr. Sajjan Jindal, JSW today is an US $3.7 billion group with its presence across various sectors: Steel, Energy, Minerals, Infrastructure & Logistics, Cement, Aluminum and Information Technology. JSW Steel is the largest private steel producer in India with manufacturing facilities in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. It is engaged in manufacture of flat and long products viz. HR Plates / Coils/ Sheets/ Profiles, Bar, Rounds & Rebars. The product range caters to a gamut of industries in White goods & construction sectors. It has the largest Galvanizing capacity in India and also the largest Indian exporter of with its presence in 74 countries. JSW Steel has established a strong presence in the global value-added steel segment with the acquisition of steel mill in US and a service center in UK. JSW Steel has also formed a joint venture for setting up a steel plant in Georgia. O. P. Jindal Group, JSW Group has diversified interests in Steel, Energy, Minerals and Mining, Aluminum, Infrastructure and Logistic, Cement and Information Technology.JSW Steel Limited is engaged primarily in manufacture of flat products viz. H R Coils,CR Coils, Galvanized products, auto grade / white goods grade CRCA Steel and Power.JSW Steel Limited has the largest galvanizing production capacity in the country and is the largest exporter of galvanized products with presence in over 74 countries across five continents. On its road to growth and expansion, the Group is also conscious about its responsibility towards environment and social development. Eco-efficiency is a matter of principle. P r e v e n t i v e m e a s u r e s f o r d a m a g e e n v i r o n m e n t t o t h e a r e t a k e n i n t o a c c o u n t a t t h e planning stage of production and growth. JSW Foundation, an integral part of the Group, i s t h e C S R w i n g , with a vision to create socio economic difference in the fields

of Education, Health and Sports, Community Relationship/Propagation as w e l l a s A r t , Culture and Heritage. With its coming Greenfield steel plant in West Bengal and Jharkhand, the Company plans to produce 32MTPA steel by 2020


Quality policies: JSW Limited, are committed to achieving total customer satisfaction through the supply of quality products & services on time, as per mutually agreed specifications & terms. They achieve this goal through the team effort of their committed employees & by continuously elevating quality consciousness & concern for the environment in all spheres of activity, in our prevailing responsive working atmosphere. Environment Policy: JSW Limited is committed, as a responsible corporate citizen, to caring for the environment in all our activities, products & services, in our Endeavour to make the world a better place to live in. They continuously strive to improve in various ways such as reducing the consumption of material & energy, & minimize the impact on the environment, while complying fully with all the applicable environmental regulations. They encourage their business associates to adopt similar approaches to environmental protection. They had set & periodically review challenging objectives & targets. Safety policy: JSW Limited firmly believes that health & safety is one of its prime concerns. It is the companys policy that the management shall do all that is reasonable to provide a safe & healthy workplace & make every possible effort to prevent accidents & minimize health hazards in the companys operations, maintenance & other plant activities. To achieve this objective: JSW will strictly comply with relevant statutory provision & adhere to various technical codes & standards. The company has set up a fire & safety department manned by qualified professionals who will be closely associated with the day-to-day operations of the plant, & who will also impart relevant training to the employees. This will ensure that safe, healthy &

environment friendly conditions prevail within the company, & that accidents are prevented. The company is committed to involving its employee in safety activities through their active participation in safety committees meetings, fire drills & safety week celebrations. The safety performance of each employee will be evaluated at the time of his or her annual appraisal & career advancement review. The company will consider safety & health as a primary criterion in the selection & procurement of plant, equipments & materials. The company shall impart adequate training to the employees to iumprove safety within the company. The company shall periodically assess the status on safety, health & environment by using various techniques such as safety audits & risk assessment. Hazard Identification: To indentify the hazards in the day-to-day operations. They conduct internal & external safety audits every year. They conducted internal safety audits through Tata AIG Risk Management Services & IFFCO Tokyo Risk Assessment Services. The company own officers carry out safety surveys & inspections at regular intervals. Emergency Preparedness: To check the emergency preparedness, they conduct mock drills including fire drills at regular intervals. Awareness: Increased awareness always helps in accident preventions. To make the employees aware of the hazards associated with their work, the company has put up safety instructions boards, posters & slogans at all key locations. Missions: To make the company a benchmark in industrial safety by achieving zero accidents status through:

Elimination of unsafe conditions & unsafe acts. Training of employees. Increasing awareness. Raising employees involvement.

Employee involvement in Safety: They firmly believe that safety is line functions & employees are the key to improving it. They involved employees in safety activities through: Safety committee meetings. Observance of safety weeks.

Accident Preventions: To minimize the risk of accidents, the following tools are used: Training Sound engineering practices Personal protective equipment Work permit system Safe operating procedure Compliance with statutory requirements

Training: They firmly believe that safety is a state of mind & that all unsafe behavior results from a wrong mind set. Training is a best tool available to ensure that employees are armed with proper mind set. At JSW, they place great emphasis on safety training. In the past they have conducted many training programmes for employees covering number of employees. Survey/Audit Safety audits are conducted through external agencies on a yearly basis & suggestions are implemented immediately. Further, safety surveys are conducted on monthly basis by the

companys safety officers and time bound corrective actions are taken. Sound Engineering Practices The plant layout & designs are approved by the factory inspectorate. The technology used in the plant is the latest & incorporates many inherent safety measures to safeguard against human errors. Personal Protective Equipments To take care of the dynamic risk arising out of the plant activities, they have provided various Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the employees. Permit-to-work System One key accidents prevention tool is a permit-to-work system. At JSW, they have successfully launched this system. Any non-regular work carried out in the hazardous areas has to be associated with a work permit. A work permit will not only fix the responsibilities but also clearly spell out the precautions required to be taken while carrying out the job. This has helped them in reducing the rate of accidents. Safe Operating Procedure Any plant related activity is associated with the safe operating procedure & all the operations staff are required to strictly follow the same. Safety through Total Productivity Management (TPM) They have constituted a Safety, Health & Environment Pillar (SHE Pillar) under TPM & various health, safety & environment related activities are carried out under this, with the active involvement of plant employees.

Safety of Visitors Visitors are in no way considered different from the company employees, as far as safety is concerned. No visitor is allowed to enter plant premises unless he is escorted by an employee & is wearing adequate safety gears. Statutory Compliance As spelt in their safety policy, they strictly adhere to the provisions mentioned below: 1. Factories Act 1948 2. Petroleum Act 1934 3. Indian Electricity Act 1910 4. Indian Boiler Act 1923 5. Environment Protection Act 1986 6. Motor Vehicle Act 1989 7. Gas Cylinder Rules 1981 8. Static & Mobile Pressure Rules 1981 Human Resource Development Policy Human capital is an appreciating asset at JSW Ltd. Their employee skill sets are their competitive edge along with technological innovation. Their employee skill sets differentiate them from their competitors. The objective of their human resource development initiatives are: 1. To become the business partner, thus, not just acquiring skills to solve specific problems, but also expanding minds to address problems & opportunities with a full understanding of cross functional linkages. 2. To continue developmental initiatives to harness the total potential of their human capital. 3. To make JSW a learning organization for continued success.

It shall be the first and foremost duty of every Directors and Senior Management Executive to uphold interests of the Company and its stakeholders and to endeavor to fulfill all the fiduciary obligations towards them. The Directors and Senior Management Executives shall act in accordance with the highest standard of honesty, integrity, fairness and ethical conduct and shall exercise utmost good faith, due care and integrity in performing their duties.

Guidelines for conduct:

The Directors and Senior Management Executives shall: Act within the authority conferred upon them. Exercise independent judgement on issues of strategy, performance and policy matters. Dedicate sufficient time and attention to the Companys business to ensure diligent Performance of their duties. Endeavor to attend all the meetings of the Board and its Committees of which they are Members or invitees. Read in advance the material distributed for constructive deliberations at the meetings. Actively participate in the discussion and decision making at the meetings. Legal compliance: The Directors and Senior Management Executives are expected to comply with: The applicable laws, rules and regulations. All applicable policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Company, with the highest standard of personal and professional integrity, honesty and ethical conduct (For e.g. Insider Trading Code, Guiding Principles, etc.)

CONFLICT OF INTEREST a) Business Interest:

The Directors and Senior Management Executives are expected to: Disclose any personal interest (financial or otherwise) in any matter relating to the business of the Company to the Board of Directors of the Company (the Board). Protect Companys assets and resources (including information and intellectual property rights) and shall use the same only for the Companys business and not for personal gain / advantage. Not to exploit, for their personal gain, opportunities that are discovered by or through the Company. Not to divert to their own advantage any business opportunity that the Company is in pursuit. b) Outside Directorship: It is a conflict of interest to serve as a Director of any company that competes with the Company. The Directors are expected not to associate himself/herself with any competitor of JSW Steel Ltd. However, nominee directors appointed by institutions, which have invested in or lent to the Company, may act / continue to act as directors of other companies where they have been / may be nominated by such institutions.

c) Outside Employment:
In consideration of employment with the Company, Wholetime Directors and Senior Management Executives are expected to devote their full attention to the business interestof the Company. The Senior Management Executives are prohibited from holding any position or job or be on the Board of any other company outside JSW Group without approval of the Vice Chairman & Managing Director of the Company.

d) Related Parties: As a general rule, Directors and Senior Management Executives should avoid conducting Company business with a relative (as defined in the Companies Act, 1956), or with a business in which a relative is associated in any significant role. The Company discourages the employment of relatives of Directors and Senior Management Executives in positions or assignments within the same department. Further, the Company prohibits the employment of such individuals in positions that have a financial dependence or influence. e) Gifts: The Company regards the giving and receiving of gifts, complimentaries, favours or entertainment as inherently compromising unless they are of reasonable value (i.e. not extravagant) under the circumstances. This means they must have a valid business purpose; are appropriate as to time, place and kind; are infrequent in occurrence; do not influence or give the appearance of influencing the recipient; and are not likely to be viewed as a bribe, kickback or payoff. However, gifts of money shall never be accepted or given. f) Confidentiality: Any information concerning the Companys business, its customers, suppliers, etc. shall be considered as confidential. No Directors or Senior Management Executive shall provide any information concerning the Company or its business or its customers, suppliers etc., either formally or informally, to any person including press or publicity media, unless such information is 1. in public domain at the time of disclosure; or 2. authorized or required to be disclosed pursuant to a decision of the Board / Committee thereof; or 3. required to be disclosed in accordance with applicable laws or requirement of any government authority. The obligation of confidentiality shall continue even after such person ceases to be Director or Senior Management Executive of the Company.

Companys governance philosophy: Corporate governance at JSW Steel Ltd has been a continuous journey & the business goals of the company are aimed at the overall wellbeing & welfare of all the constituent of the system. The company has laid a strong foundation for making corporate governance a way of life by constituting a board with a balance mix of experts eminence & integrity, forming a core group of top level executives, inducting competent professionals across the organization & putting in place best systems, process & technology. The company combines leading edge technology & innovation with superior application & customer service skills. At the heart of the company

Sajjan Jindal (Chairman & Managing Director) Sangita Jindal (Chaiperson-JSW Foundation0 N.K.Jain (Vice Chairman-JSW Energy Ltd, Chairman-JSW Infrastructure Ltd) Seshagiri Rao (Jt.Managing Director & Group CFO) Dr.V.K.Nowal (Director & CEO) Jayant Acharya (Director-Commercial & Marketing) Narinder Khurana (Executive Director-Mining) D.Ravichandar (CEO-Salem works) Biswadip Gupta (JMD & CEO JSW Bengal Steel) Sa ndeep Ghokhale (President- Business development, JSW Steel) Pankaj Kulkarni (CEO-Special Projects) R.C.Sodani (CEO-JSW Cement Ltd) Sanjay Sagar (Jt. MD & CEO, JSW Energy) Surender Ranade (Executive Director-Operations, Vijaynagar works) P.Sasindran (COO-Vijaynagar works) Raman Madhok (Group Director Human Resources) Anirudh Singh ( President-Group HR) Pawan Kedia (Group President-Commercial Strategy) R.P.Nangali ( President-Corporate Relations) Dileep Bhatt ( President,Downstream Operations) Raghu Bhargava (CEO - JSW Services) Rajesh Agarwal (Sr.Vice President Commercial) Prasant Jain (Vice President Corporate Strategy) Pritesh Vinav (Vice President Capital Market &Investor Relations) Jayaraman R. (Vice President Corporate Planning, Imports & Communication) Rajeev Pai (CFO - JSW Steel Ltd.) Pramod Menon (CFO JSW Energy Ltd.) V. Suresh (CFO JSW Bengal Steel Ltd.)

Hot Rolled Coils & Sheets.

HSMI was commissioned in 1997 with an installed capacity of 1.25 MTPA which was increased to 2.5MTPA in May 2006 and in June 2008, it was further increased to 3.0 MTPA. HSM-I is capable to produce Hot Rolled coils ranging from 900 - 1350mm in thickness 1.6 - 16.0mm. APPLICATIONS: 1. Automobiles 2. Boilers & pressure vessels 3. Ship building 4. Railways 5. Transmission towers 6. Oil & Petro chemicals 7. Marine containers 8. Coal & mining

Hot Rolled Plates.

Hot Rolled Plates are produced from two state-of-the-art Hot Strip Mills, HSM-I and HSM-II, at Vijayanagar with an installed capacity of 8 MTPA presently. HSM-II, equipped with sizing presses and automatic line inspection facility, is the widest mill in India, capable of rolling upto 2150 mm width and thickness from 1.2 mm to 25.4 mm. Hot Rolled products are available in Low Carbon, Medium Carbon, HSLA and API upto X-80 Grades to name a few.

The Hot Rolled Plates offer customized ready to use solutions for numerous industry applications, thereby eliminating large inventory holding. APPLICATIONS: 1. Transport & construction

2. Chassis members 3. Yellow goods 4. Building & machinery parts 5. Tubes & pipes 6. Ship building

Cold Rolled Closed Annealed coils & Sheets. JSWs Cold Rolled Closed Annealed (CRCA) Coils and Sheets produced in the state-ofthe-art Cold Rolling Mill (Capacity 1 MTPA) at Vijayanagar Works, offers a variety of outstanding properties. The CRMs modern facilities, advanced operational technologies, strict inspection and integrated quality control, ensures an excellent product. JSWs CRCA is manufactured in Deep Drawing, Extra Deep Drawing and High Strength grades conforming to JIS, EN, ASTMA & IS standards, in the thickness range of 0.3 to 3.0mm and width range of 800 to 1650mm. Dimensional accuracy is guaranteed by an automatic thickness control system using advanced numerical models.

APPLICATIONS: 1. Automobiles 2. White goods 3. Cold rolled formed sections 4. Railways 5. Packing 6. Drums & barrels

Galvanized Coils & Sheets.

Galvanizing enables the sheet to encompass excellent adhesion and abrasion resistance. Another shielding mechanism is zincs property to galvanically protect steel. When base steel is exposed at points such as cut edge or scratch, the zinc coats sacrificial corrosion

cathodically protects the steel. This is due to zinc being more electronegative (more reactive) compared to steel in the galvanic series.

Galvanized Steel from JSW Steel is corrosion resistant, eco-friendly, durable, light weight and high strength. These properties are attained by zinc coating on steel ie. Galvanizing. During the process, zinc reacts with steel and forms zinc-iron alloy layers. These layers are bonded metallurgically to the base steel, with the relatively pure zinc layer being on the outer surface to act as the external protective coat. It creates an impervious barrier on steel, thus preventing contact of moisture on steel which prevents corrosion.

APPLICATIONS: 1. Ducting 2. Boxes 3. Coolers 4. Furniture 5. Heat plates 6. Solar heating panels 7. Electrical & light fitting 8. Agricultural equipments

JSW Vishwas G.C Sheets.

JSW Vishwas is the seal of a reliable & dependable product in which millions have placed trust & confidence across the country. JSW Vishwas GC sheets are best suited and optimal for Indian conditions. JSW Vishwas GC sheets when evaluated on life cycle cost basis, with competing products on factors like durability, ease of installation, maintenance, resale value prove to be the most favorable choice available. It is environmental friendly and offers good aesthetic appeal and unrivaled flexibility for

future expansion plans. Moreover, it is economical to use JSW Vishwas GC sheets, as it requires lighter supporting structure.

APPLICATIONS: 1. Roofing 2. Wall cladding 3. Barricading 4. Construction & infrastructure

Galvalumne Coils & Sheets.

GALVALUME is a superior product renowned for its excellent corrosion resistance and heat reflectivity. The alloy coated product nominally contains 55% aluminum, 43.5% zinc and 1.5% silicon by weight. Applied by the traditional hot-dipping process, the product is ideal for applications requiring superior corrosion resistance and heat reflectivity, typically required for building construction, appliances, agricultural equipment and several non-exposed automotive components. The products shiny spangled appearance is attractive and can be used without painting. GALVALUME sheet is a unique product which is suitable for heating and ventilation applications. It has better resistance towards oxidation and can withstand temperature up to 315C without discoloration

APPLICATIONS: 1. Ducting 2. Boxes 3. Coolers 4. Furniture 5. Heat plates 6. Solar heating panels 7. Agricultural equipments

JSW Vishwas Plus G.C Sheets.

JSW Vishwas PLUS corrugated sheet is a durable coated steel product in which steel is coated with an aluminum-zinc alloy consisting 55% Aluminum, 43.4% Zinc and 1.6% Silicon by weight. The coating has a unique microstructure that consists of two layers i.e. the Al-Zn overlay coating and a thin intermetallic alloy at the steel/coating interface. The unique alloy coating of Aluminum and Zinc combines the best properties of both metals and makes it the preferred choice for many reasons- longevity, appearance, strength, economy, variety of applications and adaptability.

APPLICATIONS: 1. Roofing 2. Wall cladding 3. Barricading

JSW Pragati Colour Coated Sheets.

The roofing system in rural India is still in its nascent stage. Rural masses use traditional form of roofing system which is fragile and fails to provide them much security not only against the atrocities of nature and quick wear and tear due to heat, rain and snowfall but also other irritants like monkey jumping, coconut falling on the roof, etc. These factors either misalign the roof elements or completely rip it apart. This increases the recurring costs of the roofing system and is a burden on the rural masses. The new offering from JSW Steel, JSW Pragati Color Coated Corrugated Sheet overcomes all these issues. These colour coated corrugated sheets have greater strength as compared to substitute products like AC Sheets, Mud Tiles or Slates. They also last longer because of improved corrosion resistance (two times more than that of galvanised corrugated steel sheets).It is also safe, economical, aesthetically appealing, durable, environment friendly and yet within the reach of the masses.

JSW Pragati Colour Coated Corrugated Sheets are available in three colours viz., Brick Red, Environment Green and Sky Blue; single thickness of 0.40 mm and covered width of 1050 mm. JSW Steel is committed to changing the way an average Indian lives, thus introducing JSWPragati a product that truly helps in raising the standard of living of the masses, standing true to its tagline Badlo Zamane Ke Saath.

APPLICATION 1. Roofing & cladding

Pre-Painted Products.

JSW Colouron (Colour Coated Galvanised Steel Sheets) and JSW Colouron Plus (55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Colour Coated Steel Sheets) are products with a unique blend of advantages the strength of steel, the enhanced corrosion resistance and an aesthetic appeal of paint.

JSW Colouron and JSW Colouron Plus are available in a variety of paint systems like Regular Modified Polyester (RMP), Silicon Modified Polyester (SMP), Super Durable Polyester (SDP), Poly Vinydened Fluoride (PVDF) etc. The base metal has the first layer of primer coating on both, top and bottom surface for superior adhesion with the paint system. The final paint coating provides additional protection to withstand harsh weather conditions and other factors affecting longer life. The superior coating technology resists cracking and peeling even during heavy forming operations.

JSW Colouron and JSW Colouron Plus have a long life and if eventually replaced, are recyclable. The paint used to coat the base metal is also toxic free.

Available in 0.25 to 1.50mm (JSW Colouron) & 0.35 to 1.20mm (JSW Colouron Plus) are the premium colour products in the market for customers who admire quality.

APPLICATION 1. White goods segment 2. Ducting 3. Home appliance 4. Furniture 5. Electrical & light fittings 6. Boxes 7. Agricultural equipments

JSW TMT Plus Bars.

JSW TMT Plus bars are specially designed for earthquake prone zones and have more resistance to earthquakes and shocks due to combination of higher strength and ductility. Its high UTS/YS ratio of 1.15 minimum ensures higher energy absorption capacity. It has excellent weld ability due to lower carbon equivalent. It can be easily butt-welded, lap-welded and manual arc welding can also be done quite simply without any pre-heating.

JSW TMT Plus has higher corrosion resistance as compared to ordinary rebars due to its unique and uniform microstructure and absence of residual stresses. These rebars can be bent into customized shape in spite of having very high strength due to its inherent microstructure with soft ferrite and pearlite core.

JSW TMT Plus rebars are available in 8 to 40mm size range. It conforms to Indian, American, British and Australian Standards. It also meets specific customer requirements with supply of customized products and ensuring availability of services of experts in product application and end use. Manufactured in Fe-500 & Fe-500D grade, JSW TMT PLUS, in a short span, already has esteemed list of projects & customers which include Bangalore & Chennai Metro Rail,

Jaypees Yamuna expressway, Delhi & Mumbai International Airport, Power Projects, to name a few.

Wire Rods & Special Steel-RCS, Rounds & Spring Steel Flats. Wire Rods, Special Steel, RCS, Rounds and Spring Steel Flats are manufactured in Salem and Vijayanagar Plants. JSW Salem Works is the Largest Integrated Special Steel Complex in India with 1MTPA capacity. JSW products are known for consistent quality, on-time delivery and customized products. It has facilities for production of Billet / Blooms, Pig Iron and Rolled Steel products.

APPLICATIONS: 1. Automobile 2. General engineering 3. Cold drawing 4. Cold forming 5. Welding 6. Spring application 7. Machining 8. Bearing 9. Wire ropes


Vijayanagar work

Vijayanagar Works is Indias largest single location steel plant with 10 MTPA capacity. It was the first Greenfield project in India to use Corex technology to produce steel. With the commissioning of Blast Furnace IV with 3.2 MTPA capacity, JSW Steel became the largest private sector steel producer in India. It has also set up of 5MTPA state of the art Hot Strip Mill. The next phase of expansion taking the total production to 12 MTPA at Vijayanagar Works is also under implementation. Its eco-friendly approach has also led to the development of Vijayanagar into a modern township. Enveloped by acres of greenery and, maintained by JSW, Vijayanagar is prospering by leaps and bounds. Be it education, career opportunity or women empowerment, the Companys initiative has gone a long way in making Vijayanagar the success that it is today.

Vasind & Tarapur works

It is here that all began. A new chapter was written in the history of Indian Steel Industry when JSW made its foray at Vasind in 1982 and setup a 20 Hi CR mill. JSW then acquired a mini steel mill, which moved on to become JSW Steel Ltd.

Apart from being a leading manufacturer of cold rolled and color coated steel, Tarapur and Vasind works is today Indias biggest producer & largest exporter of galvanized steel. At Vasind Works, the Company has recently launched GALVALUME, a revolutionary product in the steel industry. Its strategic location, with access to the major ports of Mumbai, markets and raw material sources has worked to its advantage. The total capacity of Vasind and Tarapur Works is 0.9 MTPA of Galvanized, GALVALUME &

Colour Coated Cold Rolled products.

As JSW grew phenomenally, it also steered Tarapur and Vasind towards newer horizon of prosperity. Apart from providing more jobs, JSW actively participates and organizes various social and cultural activities to make lives richer. The region is now cleaner happier and even more beautiful. Better health initiative, promotion of sports & education are few of the development initiative that has gained in JSW presence

Salem works

JSW group acquired the Company and took over the Management from November 2004. Salem Works is the only integrated steel plant in Tamil Nadu and is located at Pottaneri/M. Kalipatti villages and at about 35 kms from Salem.

The Company is having facilities for production of Pig Iron, Steel, Billet and Rolled Steel products in the long product category. The present capacity is being expanded to 1 million tones per annum. It has adopted the Sinter plant Blast furnace Energy Optimising Furnace Ladle Furnace, Vacuum Degassing Continuous Casting Machine bar and rod mill route with iron ore as the basic input material. It also has plants for generation of power and production of oxygen.

Following the commissioning of blooming mill, Salem Works is the only Indian facility manufacturing the entire range of rolled long products (5.5 mm to 200 mm). Salem Works is highly environment conscious and the process and technology is designed for reusing and recycling the process waste. We have an expanding green belt to provide a green environment.

Products of Salem Works have the hallmark of quality and combined with competitive pricing, they are highly preferred in automobile and construction sectors.


In an endeavor to expand retail base and ensure the easy available of quality and branded steel in all its market, JSW Steel plans to setup 200 exclusive JSW Shoppes across the length and breadth of the country by 2010. It has launched JSW Shoppe at Hubli and Jaipur.

Mr. Sajjan Jindal, chairman and managing director, JSW steel has inaugurated two exclusive JSW Shoppe in Hubli, Karnataka on December 4, 2007 and target is to open several more shoppe in India.

The concept originated from the fact that the company wants the end consumer to get the right quality of product at competitive prices at the right place. It will help in building trust with the end user and provide them steel at their door-step.

All technical specification and details on manufacturing ranges are available in JSW Shoppe. Information of all types of JSW steel product, ranging from HR coils to Colour Coated Steel and Long Products would help in enhancing the awareness on wide usage of steel among cross section of society & industries.

At JSW Shoppe, end consumer will also know about different application of different steel products being manufactured by M/s JSW Steel through actual components and pictures from Automobile, White Goods Sectors, and Construction


JSW Foundation plans and implements social development activities of the JSW group of companies. It is an independent institution and is governed by a Board of Trustees who is drawn from the senior management of the JSW group of companies. The Foundation is headed by Mrs Sangita Jindal while the executive is headed by Shri Jugal Tandon in his capacity as CEO, Corporate Sustainability. A team of social development professionals is based in Mumbai and at every location where JSW has its operations and undertake community based activity in consultation with their respective managements. An Advisory Board comprising of eminent NGO leaders has been constituted recently to render advice on social processes and participatory planning and execution of projects. A social development policy has been accepted by the group. JSW cherishes people and believes in inclusive growth to facilitate creation of a value based and empowered society through continuous and purposeful engagement of all stakeholders. In partnership with external development agencies, JSW would strive toachieve sustainable development in all spheres of life including integrated community development, promotion of arts and culture, environment protection and sports . As a responsible corporate, JSW would integrate its environment, HR and ethical business policies with appropriate community engagement and gender equity. JSW is committed to allocation of 1.5% of its PAT to pursue its CSR policy. In tune with this, JSW Foundation works closely with village communities and creates synergies with other verticals of the JSW group to assimilate their intervention in a social development framework.


Education The company believes that inclusive growth is not a destination but a journey facilitated by the progressive engagement of all stakeholders. JSW Steel is committed tp create more smiles for every tone of steel produced. JSW Steel is committed to allocate 1.5% of its profit after tax for conducting CSR initiatives. JSW Foundation entered into collaboration with Azim Premji Foundation & Village School Management Committees to widen computer literacy. The Foundation trains teachers & persuades local schools to build facilities for computer education. Computer aided learning centers were established in 37 government schools, benefiting around 12,500 children. JSW established 451 mobile libraries for children in 18 villages benefiting 3200-plus children & providing a revenue source for library operators. JSW initiated evening tuition classes, conducted by selected educated local women as abridge course for schools drop out in age group of 6-14 years, an initiative that benefitted 425 school dropout in 17 villages. The team also conducted motivational activities & special camps making it possible for school dropouts to rejoin the educational mainstream; some 400 success stories were recorded. JSW operates four schools Jindal Vidya Mandir in Vasind & Vijayanagar & Jindal Adarsh Vidyalaya in Shankar Gudda , with CBSE & Karnataka Board affiliations at subsidized fee structures for employees children. JSW has created 70 smart class rooms ,an interactive digital technology solutions using animations, graphics, simulations mind maps, worksheets, web links diagram makers & assessment tools among others. JSW collaborated with VRITI, a smart education platform, to offer test analytic of almost 200 million questions, creating an adaptive learning environment & providing personalized experience for students. Students can log into the VIRTI websites to appear for nationally competitive entrance tests. Tamanna, a school for especially abled children, now has a total strength of 37 students.

JSW & Akshaya Patra Foundation & ISCKON Food Relief Foundation provides mid day meals to nearly 1.5 lakhs children across 576 villages & schools. The Company donated land to establish kitchens; it supports operations through recurring grants. This initiative increased attendance & improved student health. JSW Foundation has touched the lives of people through its CSR initiatives. Health JSW Steel conducted medical camps, eye camps, family welfare programs & cataract camps, among others in neighboring villages, benefiting more than 70000 residents. JSW spread awareness among employees, associates & the neighbouring community on issues related to sexual health, sexually transmitted diseases & HIV AIDS. JSW encouraged HIV test among members & ensured care to the affected by networking with the nearest care & support centers. It conducted periodical health check up camps with a focus on detection & complete treatment of sexually transmitted diseases among the target community. It provided services in prompt detection & treatment of sexually transmitted diseases & other ailments to improve the communitys health & well being. JSW worked with local authorities to provide basic infrastructural amenities in government run primary health centers. It implemented a comprehensive sanitation package comprising tree plantation, village cleaning & construction of waste management pits, the local self government in 2 projects villages were facilitated by the president of India with the Nirmal Gram Puraskar. JSW set up the Jindal Sanjeevani Hospitals, covering 27,000 sq. ft area; comprises 75 beds, associated with Apollo hospital, Hyderabad for super speciality surgery. This health care facility comprises casualty & emergency wards with residents medical officers & qualified nurses.

Art & Culture JSW has always taken a leading role in promoting art & culture. The JSW Foundation has collaborated with the National Culture Fund & The Archeological Survey of India for the conservation of the Krishna Temple, one of the most impressive monument at the UNESCO world heritage site of Hampi. The JSW Foundation worked with renowned conservation architects & the state government to restore the premier art institution, Sir J J School of Arts & this involved documentation, conservation & display of invaluable paintings & sculptures.

Heritage conservation JSW Foundation is involved in preservation, conservation and restoration of Heritage buildings. In 2004, JSW Foundation facilitated the creation of the Friends of Sir J. J. School of Arts Trust that restored the exterior of the Fine Arts building. The resources were mobilized from the Member of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) fund. At the Sir J. J. School of Art in Mumbai, following a major exterior restoration initiative, the Foundation is presently documenting and restoring invaluable collection of paintings and sculptures (dating back to 1878) and establishing an art museum at the campus. After six long years of negotiation, the Maharashtra government has finally permitted JSWF to document and conserve the priceless artifacts, restore the interiors of the fine arts building, and, convert the bungalow called the Dean bungalow, into an arts museum. ART India Magazine JSW also promotes a quarterly publication 'Art India' which is a special vehicle designed to promote, debate and discuss on Art. This magazine has been recognized by the New York Times as the only serious art magazine in the region. A quarterly publication for ART India provides a forum of artists, art lovers and the business community to be in touch with one another.

The Foundation is establishing a craft village to encourage local artisans and craftsman practice and exhibit their crafts. The group promotes regular training and orientation to budding performance artists, and through residences, facilitates their performance before art connoisseurs. For more details - Jindal Art Center Mrs Sangita Jindal on the invitation of the National Centre for the Performing Arts, established the JSW Foundation's cultural wing, the Jindal Arts Centre (JAC) in 1994. Mrs. Sangita Jindal is the Honorary Director of the Jindal Arts Centre (JAC). The Jindal Arts Centre functions as an independent body under the auspices of the NCPA that provides a platform for a wide range of activities encompassing the various art forms. Since its inception, the centre, with its inter-disciplinary profile and many pronged approach, has achieved several of its long term objectives within a short span of time. The main objectives of the Jindal Art Centre are:

To encourage creative interaction between the arts and artists To organize film premieres that promote social change To promote art through a series of workshops To conduct awareness programmes in Art for the public to enhance creativity To beautify city spaces through Art in Public Places' scheme To generate awareness for Climate change and social issues by organizing debates, panel discussions, etc.

The events held by JAC are popular and the response from the art lovers is impressive. Some of the main events are listed below:

Puppet show on Climate Change Gateway Musica Residency

Tri continental film festival on Human Rights Maru Tarang Awareness workshop like photography, animation, music Freedom

Environment JSW are highly environment conscious and uses latest in-house waste management process technology for reusing and recycling of our wastes. JSW has also developed an expanding green belt to provide a green environment and rainwater harvesting by construction of ponds. To ensure environment protection measures, recycling of all process waste in-house, on line monitoring system of SO2 & SPM, effluent treatment and sewerage treatment plants for reuse/cycling of wastewater have been installed in the factory premise. JSW is in the advance stage of getting the ISO14001: 2004 certification, which is expected soon. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) The process is on for getting Carbon Credit under Clean Development Mechanism for power generation using the waste heat of coke oven flue gases generated from non-recovery type coke oven batteries and excess Blast Furnace Gas generated from Blast Furnaces. The expected annual CO2 reduction would be around 291368 tones. Rain water harvesting Rainwater Management System is installed at the Tarapur Unit. The first phase was completed before the monsoon to see the results and the amount of saving. Technically the Supply of Rainwater in plant, which is 300,000 KL, is more than the Demand of waters that is 250,000 KL, at our campus. Installation of Bore-wells Taking into consideration the intense water shortage in Boisar many bore-wells were installed in the near by villages/padas.

Clean Boisar & Green Boisar campaign was held where plastic has been banned in and around Boisar Panchayats. Clean Boisar, Banning of Plastic: With a vision to make Boisar/Tarapur MIDC a model MIDC, and mission of making Boisar Clean and Green.

Theme Celebration In the month of December CSS (Community Social Service) month was observed .A Rally on No-Plastic, was carried out where around 100 employees and contract workers, participated. 1000 leaflets and 500 jute bags were also distributed among localities. As part of Health month various activities are organised for the employees, which include Eye donation camp, Health awareness through e-mails, Morning exercises, Life Insurance, Sessions on Naturopathy, Health Check up camp, Session on dental care, Blood Donation Camp, Sessions on positive mental health etc. Tree plantation (Shraam daan) is organised in one Adivasi ashram. Here the motive is not just tree plantation but to encourage the children to be responsible to take care of the trees and fruits around. Many saplings of different varieties are planted. Eco friendly plastic recycling project Plastics arouse passions. The technos say plastics are omnipotent; that mans future will be fully served by its miracles. The greens say, plastics have no merits whatsoever and must be uninvented. Amidst slogans of ban plastics and use plastics with care", the debate rages on.

Waste Management Organic waste Management pits are created in the plant in collaboration with Mukta NGO from Mumbai. These pits have been designed to accommodate 125 kg of organic waste (canteen leftovers dead leaves etc,) per day. The extra manure produced in the pits are utilized in our colonies and also distributed among the needy farmers.

Sports They have constituted an annual OP Jindal Memorial Cricket Tournament in which various engineering colleges in and around Salem district play against each other for the title. Sports and drawing competitions are organized on the occasions of the Republic Day and the Independence Day in the six government primary schools surrounding the plant. JSW sponsored prizes for the Navodaya School children on the occasion of Independence Day celebrations at the school. Rs. 15,000 worth of Cricket kits sponsored for 8 teams of Araku / Ananthagiri youth. Also cricket tournaments are conducted. A lot of sports activities are conducted for the employees throughout the year. Friendly football matches are organized every year for the employees on 15th August, where employees participate with a lot of enthusiasm. A badminton tournament for the employees is also conducted in the month of October November. A Volley ball friendship cup is played between Vasind and Tarapur in the month of February every year. A volleyball tournament (Intra-Plant) is also played every year where different departments compete with each other. An Intra-Plant cricket tournament is organized every year at the TVM ground in Tarapur, in the month of December wherein around 8 to 10 teams from various departments participate. Carom & Ring throw tournament is organised for the Ladies Club members in the month of March every year at Tarapur. Participation from club members is always overwhelming.

JSW Cup Cricket The JSW Cup Cricket Tournament is a major annual event at Tarapur. Every year the cricket tournament is getting more exciting following the ICL, IPL and other big cricket events. Every year teams from across JSW locations fight tough battles for the TAJ of JSW CUP. The main object that the JSW CUP is organized is to promote interaction and friendship at all locations. Every match was full of vibration, comments and an instinct to WIN.

A unique art & cultural center inaugurated at Vijayanagar A unique center Kaladham to promote art and culture was formally inaugurated at Vijayanagar. Built on a 10 acre site within the neatly modeled JSW Township, the center was inaugurated by the Hon Simon Crean MP, Minister for Regional Australia Regional Development and Local Government and Minister for the Arts, in the presence of Guest of Honour, Shri B. S Anand Singh Hon Minister of Tourism Government of Karnataka & District Minister in charge Bellary and JSW Foundation chairperson Mrs Sangita Jindal. Minister Crean also inaugurated an interactive exhibition of 3D panoramas of Hampi, which has been permanently installed at Kaladham. The exhibition was inaugurated by Minister Crean as part of Oz Fest, the biggest Australian cultural festival ever staged in India. The Vision: People in the ancient times always gave a special place to the arts. The Greeks held symposiums and ancient Indian kings kept artistes close to themselves as ministers. Today, in our fast track lives, the arts have gradually been sent to the back burner. However, there are some among us who realize that the pursuit of art is what makes humans stand out as a superior species. With modern amenities at hand, it is necessary to put them to use in such a way that they help build a sustainable future. And towards this end, Kaladham is a simple effort, to preserve, explore and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of this nation in such a way that it remains an inspiration for generations to come. Adding to this unique proposition is the fact that Kaladham is a concept that harks back to those golden days of art and culture. It is not just about one branch of the arts but rather a holistic melting pot of all kinds of arts and their respective artists. A true coming together of lovers of various arts and a platform for the promotion and betterment of the cultural heritage of India will be facilitated by this distinctive endeavour. Kaladham houses an Open Air Theater, Dance Hall, Conference, Retail and Exhibition hall and Caf. The stunning Place Hampi exhibition is presently displayed on the ground floor of the Exhibition hall.

Not just does Kaladham signify the vision to bring together the past and the future but it is also an excellent example of harmony with nature. The very architecture of the centre is a marvel inspired by local heritage and the natural surroundings. Built on a 10 acre site within the neatly modeled JSW Township and surrounded by the low green hills of the region, one enters the Center under the shelter of an open stone pavilion surrounded by the gentle sound of flowing water. Emerging from the ground in a stone bowl, the water beckons, as it moves further inwards unto many folds and turns of pools, channels, pillared corridors, courts, pergolas, smoothly connecting and guiding the visitor to the open doors of a Museum, Interpretation Center, Caf & Retail, Dance Hall, Open Air Theatre, a Gallery and a Conference Room besides many other places to arrive, finally slowing down to rest within a large pond, shaped out of the ground within the premises. This will be a place where Contemporary Design, Art, Photography, Video and applied Arts of the modern age will all get a window to come together and showcase their journeys. JSW Steel Ltd Inks JV with Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc OCTOBER 12, MUMBAI (India): JSW steel Ltd, Mumbai (JSW) & Marubeni Itochu Steel Inc. Tokyo, (MISI) have signed a joint venture agreement to set-up stateof-the -art steel processing center in North India, under the name ofJSW MI STEEL SERVICE CENTER PRIVATE LIMITED. JSW will hold 50% of the equity and the other 50% will be held by MISI. The project will be set up at a capital cost of Rs 122 crores and will be funded through 50% equity; equally from both the partners and the 50% debt element would be raised from banks. The first phase of the project is expected to come on stream in FY-2013 with an initial installed capacity of 180,000 tonnes per annum. The JV company will be equipped to process flat steel products such as hot rolled, cold rolled and coated products with a view to offer just in time solutions to the automotive, white goods, construction and other value added segments. Both JSW Steel & MISI have a history of cooperation in areas of mutual interest and this partnership will be further strengthened through the formation of the joint venture. Commenting on the joint venture, Mr Seshagiri Rao, Joint Managing Director & Group Chief Financial Officer, JSW Steel, stated that the rapid growth of the Indian steel industry offers tremendous opportunity for supply of high

end processed steel and through the JV, we could leverage the global sales network of Service Center Operations of MISI and the World Class Technology Products manufactured by JSW. About Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc. Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc. (MISI) was founded in October 2001 (with its share of 50% of Itochu Corporation and 50% of Marubeni Corporation) recorded its sales of US $20.9 billion in FY2010 and has more than 100 offices, subsidiaries and several tens of thousands of business partners both within and outside Japan. MISI integrates information, distribution, finance and human resources using a global network that combines the capabilities of general trading companies Itochu Corporation and Marubeni Corporation. MISI is a leading iron and steel company set up as a general producer geared to iron and steel distribution in the new era. About JSW: The JSW Group is one of the fastest growing business conglomerates in Indiawith a strong presence in the core economic sector. Part of US $ 15 billion, O.P Jindal Group, JSW has diversified interests in Steel, Energy, Infrastructure, Mining, Cement, Aluminum and Information Technology. JSW Steels manufacturing facilities are situated at Vijayanagar (Karnataka), Vasind and Tarapur (Maharashtra) and Salem (Tamilnadu). The company has acquired a majority stake in Ispat Industries having its manufacturing facilities at Dolvi and Kalmeshwar in Maharashtra. JSW Steel andJSW Ispat combined, is now the largest steelmaker by capacity (14.3 million tones per annum) in India. JSW Steel has also entered into a strategic collaboration agreement with JFE Steel Corporation, Japan for the development and manufacture of High-End Automotive Steel. The manufacturing range of JSW Steel includes a wide basket of products ranging from hot rolled, cold rolled, galvanised, galvalume, colour coated, TMTbars, wire rods and speciality steels. With its upcoming Greenfield steel plants in West Bengal & Jharkhand, the company plans to produce 40 million tones per annum steel by 2020.

JSW Ispat to be merged with JSW Steel

Steel major JSW Steel today said it expects to merge JSW Ispat with itself once the loss-making subsidiary becomes profitable.

"We expect JSW Ispat to become profitable by the end of FY 2013. As soon as it becomes profitable, we will start looking at merging the same (with the parent)," JSW Steel Chairman Sajjan Jindal told reporters on the sidelines of the 18th Annual General Meeting here JSW Steel acquired a controlling stake in erstwhile Ispat Industries in December 2010 at an enterprise value of $3 billion to emerge as the country's largest producer of the alloy with an annual capacity of 14.3 million tonne.

"Once we complete the integration of facilities by the end of FY 2013, we expect the company to turn around," he said.

On the contentious issue of illegal mining, Jindal said the company has been a "victim" of illegal mining.

Even after a presence of more than two decades in Karnataka, and investing over Rs 35,000 crore, creating thousands of jobs, JSW Steel remains the only major steel company with no captive mines, he said.

"Following the Supreme Court verdict in April (partially lifting mining ban in Karnataka), we hope that over the next two weeks, a few category 'A' mines (spread over 50 hectares or more) will start opening and over the next two-three months, things should normalize," he said.

With category 'B' mines expected to open this year, iron ore availability within Karnataka should cease to be a major hurdle in the short-turn, he added.

The company purchased 10.68 million tonne of iron ore in e-auctioned and received 755 by March 2012. Going forward, JSW continues to scout for raw material assets within India and around the world,

In December 2010, JSW Steel Limited (JSW Steel) and Ispat Industries Limited, now renamed as JSW Ispat Steel Limited (JSW Ispat), took a historic step when JSW Steel invested Rs 2,157 crore in JSW Ispat and became the largest shareholder in JSW Ispat.Today, the two companies have cemented their alliance by announcing the merger of JSW Ispat with JSW Steel. The merger completes the integration of the two businesses and enables the full realization of strategic benefits resulting from the combination. The Boards of Directors of JSW Steel and JSW Ispat, in their respective meetings held today, approved the merger proposal. The exchange ratio recommended by the Values and approved by both the boards is 1 (one) equity share of JSW Steel to be issued for every 72 [seventy two] equity shares of JSW Ispat. Commenting on the merger, Mr.Sajjan Jindal, Chairman and Managing Director, JSW Steel said, Merger of JSW Ispat with JSW Steel is an important step in our ongoing growth journey towards creating a world class global steel company. JSW Ispat brings several unique advantages and the merger will help in realization of integration benefits of the two companies.


Ispat Industries Limited (IIL) is one of the leading integrated steel makers and the largest private sector producer of hot rolled coils in India. Set up as Nippon Denro Ispat Limited in May 1984 by founding Chairman Mr M L Mittal, IIL has steadily grown into a Rs 9,400-crore company, assuming its position as flagship of the reputed Ispat Group. A corporate powerhouse with operations in iron, steel, mining, energy and infrastructure, the Group today figures among the top 20 business houses in the country.

Headquartered at Mumbai, IIL employs a total of 3000 people and is the leader in the national specialty steel market. The company's core competency is the production of high quality steel, for which it employs cutting edge technologies and stringent quality standards. It produces world-class sponge iron, galvanized sheets and cold rolled coils, in addition to hot rolled coils, through its two state-of-the art integrated steel plants, located at Dolvi and Kalmeshwar in the state of Maharashtra.

The sprawling 1,200 acres Dolvi complex houses the 3 million tonne per annum hot rolled coils plant, that combines the latest technologies - the Conarc process for steel making and the compact strip process (CSP) - introduced for the first time in Asia.

The complex also has a 1.6 million tonne per annum sponge iron (DRI) plant, which was commissioned in 1994 as the world's largest and most efficient gas-based single mega module plant. Moreover, the Dolvi complex is home to a 2 million tonne blast furnace and also boasts a mechanised multi-functional jetty situated nearby, that facilitates the automation of raw material handling. A new 2.24 million tones per annum sinter plant, a 1260 tonnes per day oxygen and a new electric arc furnace have also been commissioned at IIL Dolvi.

Ispat is the only steel maker in India and among a few in the world to have total flexibility in choice of steel making route, be it the conventional blast furnace route or the electric arc furnace route. Its dual technology allows Ispat the freedom to choose its raw material feed, be it pig iron, sponge iron, iron ore, scrap or any combination of various feeds. It also has total flexibility in

choosing its energy source, be it electricity, coal or gas.

The Kalmeshwar complex houses Ispat's 0.4 million tonnes cold rolling complex, which also includes the galvanized plain/ galvanized corrugated (GP/GC) lines and India's first colour coating mill.

Technology and innovation have always been the cornerstones of IIL's quest for excellence and these state-of-the-art plants facilitate the company's mission to attain and sustain market leadership, through technological and product superiority.

The company's strengths lie in its integrated process management, knowledge management and control systems. And its seamless supply chain management systems further the efficient use of raw materials, while its staff of highly skilled engineers, technicians and managers with specialised domain knowledge, ensure the choice of the relevant technology and the ability to produce international quality products at a competitive price. In line with its vision for the future, IIL is expanding its HRC capacity to 3.6 million. Moreover, it aims to complete its vertical integration process, increase the proportion of high-grade and value-added steel products in its product mix and leverage the advantage the modern design and the size of the facilities offers. With investments of over US $2 billion, IIL is the seventh largest Indian private sector company in terms of fixed assets. It aims to consolidate its market leadership in the national specialty steel market by capitalising on the proximity of its manufacturing facilities to major consumers of flat steel products in Maharashtra, while increasing its presence in international markets by using its convenient port location. In the short span of time since its inception, Ispat Industries has steadily raised the bar - in terms of its relentless pursuit of technological advancement, unwavering focus on innovation, strident emphasis on quality products and its constant initiatives aimed at ensuring customer satisfaction. As it rapidly forges ahead on all these fronts, IIL has successfully reinforced its position as

market leader, while simultaneously making technological breakthroughs and setting even higher standards for it.


Government today decided to deallocate one more mine Gourangdih ABC jointly given to JSW Steel and Himachal EMTA besides deduction of bank guarantees of two allottees for failing to develop mines within time. This follows the recommendation made by Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) which is scrutinising 29 blocks awarded to the private parties out of the total 58 which were given show cause notices for delays in development and some of these find mention in CAG report. With this, the Government has approved cancellation of licences of five coal blocks, out of a total seven recommended by the IMG so far. I have approved the IMGs recommendations given on Friday and will take a call on others, Coal Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal told PTI ahead of the meeting of the panel, scheduled this afternoon. The IMG, on Friday, had recommended deallocation of the Gourangdih ABC mine, given jointly to JSW Steel and Himachal EMTA, in 2009. The block has 61.54 mt of extractable reserves and the coal from the mine was meant to be used for a power project. The block finds mention in the CAG report as well. The government auditor had said the allottees of the block, located in West Bengal, might have accrued undue benefit to the tune of Rs 1,818 crore. Earlier, on September 13, the government had decided to de-allocate four blocks Bramhadih Block in Jharkhand allocated to Castron Mining Ltd in 1996, Chinora and Warora (southern part)

blocks in Maharashtra given to Fieldmining and Ispat Ltd in 2003, Lalgarh (North) block in Jharkhand allotted to DOMCO Smokeless Fuels Pvt Ltd in 2005. It had also accepted the IMG recommendations to deduct Bank Guarantee in case of Marki MangliII, III and IV Blocks in Maharashtra allocated to private player Shri Virangana Steels besides asking Monnet Ispat & Energy to submit BG for Utkal B2 Block in Odisha allocated it.


JSW Infrastructure & Logistics Ltd.JSW Infrastructure Limited is a part of the JSW Group and is committed to the development of infrastructure for Ports, Air Ports, Ship Repair, Shipyard, Township, Roads & Rail connectivity, Inland Waterways, Water treatment plant and Pipelines. Presently JSW Infrastructure Limited has the following operational units and ongoing development plants: JSW Group is developing a Greenfield Port at Dhamankhol bay in Jaigarh, Ratnagiri District., Maharashtra under the name of JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd.(JSWJPL). This facility will be a 100% subsidiary of JSW Infrastructure and Logistics Ltd which is the holding company for investments in the Logistics and Maritime Infrastructure sector of JSW Group.

JSWJPL is developing an all weather deep water direct berthing port and shipyard facility in phased manner.

The Port will initially have two berths for handling Panamax size vessels of 80,000 dwt each. The cargo handling and coal handling plant is being built on state-of-the-art complete closed loop mechanized handling systems with 4000 tph capacity on ship unloading side to 2000 tph capacity on reclaiming side. South west port ltd South West Port Ltd (SWPL) is a maritime infrastructure set up of JSW that facilitates import & export through two dedicated bulk cargo berths at Mormugoa Port. With mechanized cargo handling facilities, SWPL is well equipped to handle 7.5 million tones of cargo-traffic & comes with assurance of environment protection. The Port is equipped with fully mechanized PLC controlled operational system.

SWPL has also installed an Air Monitoring station as per the Guidelines of Goa State Pollution Control Board. A green belt consisting of more than 2000 nos. of fast growing Acasia variety trees will be planted all along the boundary of the port area in order to increase the oxygen content and restrict any emission escaping from the port area. Various facilities Special concrete platform (394 mtrs x 20 mtrs) on piles with higher load density within the outreach of the Harbour Mobile Crane, six nos gantry cranes and suitable civil foundation and rail facility are being developed for storage and export of heavy cargoes like steel through the berth 5A and the entire facility Rail yard : 4 railway lines each capable of accommodating half rake are operational.

Line No.1 & 2 are meant of Engine Escape & handling of steel export.

Line No.3 & 4 are meant for mechanized wagon loading of bulk import cargo. For Import

Three mobile harbour cranes of Liebherr makeof capacityon hook maximum 104MT, on four rope grab maximum 52MT at 30mtrs outreach.

Three mobile hoppers each of 1200TPH capacity

Belt conveyors: Capacity while stacking 2400TPH.

Capacity while reclaiming and wagon loading 1500TPH.

Two numbers stacker cum reclaimers : Capacity 2400/1500TPH each

Wagon loader: capacity 1500tph. The rake will be placed in two halves on either side of the Wagon Loader.

Environmental Protection :

SWPL has developed fully mechanized cargo handling system along with state of the art dust suppression system, for handling the imported coking coal and other commodities. The Port facility is developed ensuring that pollution is controlled through effective mechanized systems supplemented with automatic water based Dust Suppression System (DSS), while achieving maximum operational efficiency of throughput per berth day and faster evacuation through efficient mechanized modern Wagon Loading system.

Pressurized closed loop Aquadyne Dust Suppression System with water sprinkling arrangement ensures lowest pollution levels at all transfer points of dust emissions and stock yards.

0 at 8 kg/cm2 pressure. These will be erected on Mobile hoppers, material transfer points and along the conveyor belts. The sprinkler system consisting of pressurized high throw sprinkler jets of capacity 4.5 LPM of water upto 12 kg/cm2 pressure with a throw range of 25 mtr will be used to sprinkle water from both sides of the cargo stockpiles. Dust Suppression System will have 100% standby pumping system.

SWPL has also installed an Air Monitoring station as per the Guidelines of Goa State Pollution Control Board. By the use of water sprinklers installed around cargo stockpiles and nozzles at all the cargo discharge points the Coal particles are not allowed to be airborne. SWPL monitor the data on daily basis and the same is also published in the interest of public by way of reports and Display Boards. A green belt consisting of more than 2000 nos. of fast growing Acasia variety trees will be planted all along the boundary of the port area in order to increase the oxygen content and restrict any emission escaping from the port area.

JSW Jaigarh port ltd Located on the west coast of India, JSW Jaigarh Port is the new port of choice for all customers in Maharashtra and Northern Karnataka. The port is located in the protected surroundings of Jaigarh Head in Ratnagiri district Maharashtra, between the two major ports (Mumbai- 356 Kms, Goa 250 Kms) occupying a very strategic position on the west coast, 42 Kms off the NH -17.

The port is developed and operated on a 50 year concession from the Maharashtra state government on a BOOST basis. The Port was inaugurated on 22nd August 2009 and it presently has two berths with capacity to handle 20 MT of cargo. The present draft of 14.0 meters makes it the deepest water port on the Maharashtra coast. Features & facilities Dry Cargo Handling

Berth 1 is fully mechanised to handle Coal, Coke, Limestone, Gypsum & other bulk cargo

Fitted with 2 Ship Unloaders of 2000 TPH each Closed conveyor system of 3.2 Kms length for mechanical conveying to stockyard (Stacking 4000 TPH / Reclaiming 2000 TPH)

Berth 2 is a Multipurpose Berth to handle other bulk, break bulk & containerised cargo Sufficient No. of payloaders, dumpers, excavators etc to take care of the bulk & break bulk requirements

Dry Cargo Storage

Total storage area of 200 Hectares Coal yard with capacity of 700,000 MT Stacker cum Reclaimer of 4000 / 2000 TPH 2 Weigh Bridges of 60 MT capacity. 4 more weighbridges being installed of 60 & 100 MT capacity

Dust suppression & Firefighting systems for the coal stackyard Closed warehouses for handling Fertilizers, Raw Material, bagged cement, refined sugar and other cargo

VISION To develop, adopt latest technology and offer port related services, in a way that ensures enduring value to our customers, community and the environment

MISSION To be the port of choice for all customers in Maharashtra and Northern Karnataka

GOAL To be one of the most modern and mechanized ports in India, benchmarked to International Standards

JSW MARKETING Focused marketing : Customization of products(changing face of steel from commodity
to branding to customized products)

Complete solution provider: having all the products in the basket so that the customer
need not go to another producer for catering small requirements(eg meeting wheels India reqt of HRC from Vijayanagar, plate reqt from Vasind)

Price competiveness: Price at par with international supplies. Timely delivers (Auto Companies requires JIT supplies, project people want timely
delivers at there construction sites etc)

Expand outsourcing opportunities for maximizing value addition. Develop service centers near plant. Tie up with service centers for local supplies to auto OEMs (Ramanashekar at Chennai,
Magnum at New Delhi/ Faridabad etc)

Develop value added products like, dual phase, TRIP Steel, IF Steel Coated Products. Enhance value chain: setting up downstream units (CRM facility at Tngl, Galvalume at
downstream facility, united galva for galvanizing)

Focus on stock yard deliveries (which will not only dec the lead time but also increase
the product mix availability to the customer)

Develop strong distribution network Increase market penetration through JSW Shoppe Develop retail dealer network. Developing volume expansion projects.


Their business model is very unique and has been implemented in India for the 1sttime. The entire steel structure being fabricated in an automatic fabrication facility at JSSL premises in Bellary, Karnataka. The company is a complete service provider, offering engineering solutions at a conceptual stage together with its complete range of services, incorporating Connection Design, Detailed Drawings, Fabrication, Surface Protection, Delivery and Erection.

What separates JSSL from others, is the speed of construction. Accelerating the entire construction process, there by reducing the fabrication and construction time to half than what a traditional concrete construction would have taken. This proves to be a great advantage to builders as it reduces costs and enables a fast return on their investment. In addition, the need for onsite skilled workers and inconsistency in the quality of work is highly reduced with JSSL due to fabrication being carried out offsite.

JSSL brings into the country a technology in high rise construction and other important construction sectors, which has not been seen before. This technology provides clients with an overall package that has not been available until now. The kind of combination that we provide with Severfields technology and JSWs domestic presence is the best the country has seen. We are totally different to any other fabrication organization currently operating in India. We have a facility which is fully CNC controlled and managed by skilled staff with many years experience in the operation of fabrication plants. We also retain a design capability which is responsible for some of the iconic structures of the world. These skills are used to the full to develop and demonstrate our competitiveness and expertise.

JSSL services the following sectors:


High-rise Commercial Office Space, Retail, Healthcare, Education, Residential, Hotels & Resorts Industrial Power, Production Facilities, Oil & Gas, Warehouse & Distribution Infrastructure Airports, Railways, Car parks

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Sports & Entertainment Stadiums and Arenas

Worldwide Steel construction occupies more than 60% of the whole construction industry. Advances in semi-automated and mechanized production techniques has meant countries like Japan, USA, UK and Singapore have adopted steel as their preferred construction medium, offering accurate fabrication and resulting in fast-track site programmes.

JSW Severfield Structures Ltd (JSSL) is a Joint Venture between the USD 6 Billion JSW Steel Ltd. the largest steelmaker in India in terms of installed capacity and Severfield Rowen Plc, the largest steel fabricator in Europe. Headquartered in Mumbai, with a state of the art facility in Bellary, Karnataka, JSSL offers the best quality steel structures enabling India access to world class technology to modernize its infrastructure development. The company offers innovative solutions, robust performance and the range of comprehensive services to the Indian construction industry. The organization is run & managed by a group of highly qualified professionals from India and Europe. This combination provides a perfect balance such that it incorporates the latest technology working, within local parameters. This professionally managed approach reduces the risk associated with the projects that we execute. The company provides clients with access to engineering solutions at the conceptual stage together with the complete range of services incorporating - Connection Design, Detailed Drawings, Fabrication, Surface Protection, Delivery & Execution. At JSSL, fabrication is completely done offsite in a controlled factory environment which drastically reduces the need for onsite labourers and also does away with the inconsistency in the quality of work delivered. We make the entire building in a factory and are the first company in India providing total structural steel solutions - all under one roof. The USP of JSSL is its Speed of Construction, where projects are executed in almost half the time as compared to conventional methods of construction. This is a big advantage for any project owner, especially for builders, who are to realize quick return on their investments.

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