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V Reiterate Denounces, Claims and Protests Against Criminal Hipper Eric Holder, Et al.

Reiterate my complaints, lawsuits and protests against criminal hyper Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, Attorney General, Attorney General and Chief of the paramilitary mercenary and warmongering DEA (Law Enforcement Administration Drug) and ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff, Firearms and Explosives.). Moreover, against 44 Of. his accomplices also oligarchs and / or criminals-murderers hierarchs. Especially: Vanessa D. Gilmore, U.S. Judge, Court Southern District of Texas. Chairman of the complaint No. 29 and Civil Case No. 4:11-cv-04611. Initiated on December 28, 2011 and ending on October 16, 2012.

The fourth plotter, wimp and shit in this story of injustice.

Greg Abbott. General Attorney of Texas

Eric Holder has been the most guilty of numerous international outrages, such as the spectacular and abominable called "Arming the Enemy". The crime abetting discriminatory, abusive and corrupt Joseph M. Arpaio, the Sheriff terrible and implacable cup Mari County, Arizona. And the most guilty of sixteen human rights violations against me; concretized by 455 offenses 2

discriminatory, abusive, gangsters, corrupt, retaliadores, aggressive and unpunished yet. Above two kidnappings and illegal detention or police numerous physical and mental torture, including psychiatric abuse. Aided crato and 44 other accomplices of criminals pluto USA; accomplished over 81 months (May 2006). Irrogando enormous damage, suffered by me, my family, MYTRUTHS and class American poor, abused, cheated, helpless and disadvantaged. Entities that defend and defend my pro activity consecrated reforms, education and protection of human rights and freedoms. Eric Holder is the most guilty of that that big mafia abusive, corrupt, retaliadora, repressive and aggressive has hitherto enjoyed absolute free consent, openly and with impunity of the highest authorities of the USA, as well as other hierarchs, and oligarchs facinerosos of this paradoxical nation, Cuba and elsewhere. Using ardidoso and metaphorical epithet that they have "immunity" sovereign. Mixtificando (like all conservatives of bias and phobic behavior, misanthropic and discriminatory typical psychopathic and / or mystical) that the only true immunity, therapy is achieved by any vertebrate, with the benefit of a vaccine is injected to prevent some infectious diseases. Verify the detailed evidence in nearly 1,100 documents. Summarized in the " Alegattion Complete of my Appeal to the Commission on Human Rights." Published in: CONCLUSIONS: First. Eric Holder, the U.S. Maximum mafia boss, and his 44 accomplices mentioned, show the highest degree of anachronistic dogmatic conservatism and the perfect example of senior and worst of organized crimes. Resulting the biggest culprits: a) Continue prolonging the war on narcotics economy to keep the huge profits of the U.S. oligarchy scam (built by the owners of the industries of drugs, weapons, snuff, alcohol and other). b) Maintain and increase international social crisis, increasingly alarming rate of crime (public officials and ordinary people) and the misfortunes community of almost the entire American continent. Second. Eric Holder, the U.S. Maximum mafia boss, and his 44 accomplices referrals should be judged in the same way as was done with other powerful Americans suspected of crimes, including members of Congress and presidents of the U.S. Government. Third. I reiterate my recommendations and demands the government and the U.S. Congress to conduct eleven legal reforms in the U.S., according to the Declaration of Human Rights agreed by the United Nations and the

Organization of American States; leaving of violating human rights and freedoms concerning 1. The life of people, killed by judicial execution. 2. Euthanasia. 3. Immigration (especially Spanish). 4. Homosexuality and transsexuality. 5. The prostitution of both sexes. 6. Betting and many games. 7. Public education subsidized. 8. The food safety and public health. 9. Labour rights agreed by the ILO. 10. Legal equality. 11. The narcotics economy in all its phases: production, distribution, trade and consumption. Some of these rights belong to the majority of society and others to the minority. But it should be understood that the partial sums of minorities of any set, make up the majority, especially the social macro system dignities all U.S. and United Nations. Fourth. Temo every day that my present the greatest enemies also of USA and American, annihilate me with majors and worse dangerous retaliation. Subjecting me to a fourth indigent status, kidnapping, torture and / or murder. Provocateur by: All sequels I have suffered for almost seven years, a victim of almost five hundred discriminatory crimes. Premature aging, see my last photo:

Enjoyment Private health insurance, life insurance, pension insurance and pension insurance. Threatened to lose from the December 29, 2012 my unemployment benefits, my only little monetary income and precarious.

Threatened with death from a weakening intensified my health, high stress, caused by my powerful perpetrators of USA. There is a 60% chance of a heart attack (three years ago suffered the last) three direct consequence of unfair layoffs. Verify the evidence published in: 4

No gain employment, after nearly a hundred efforts failed. For the reasons that I am very likely an elder and activist heuristic scientific promoter of reforms in U.S. education and protection of the rights and freedoms granted by the UN and the OAS. Without proper nutrition and medication, without hearing aid and dental, without car, no television signals, no other livelihood assets. And the saddest, suffering the abandonment of the vast majority of my loved ones (especially relatives and compatriots). A great achievement of my victimizers in the USA that the Castroism could never obtain in and out of Cuba.

Fifth. This statement will relay periodically, until you get me the above deserved justice perpetrators or kill me. Ate.

Signad by Luis Alberto Pita Santos In Houston, December 16, 2012. Ready for my campaign against the UN headquarters.

University Professor of History and Political Economy Scientific, heuristic and director entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS, History President of the ADEPOs (Association for the Defence of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance) Kidnapped and tortured in Cuba and the USA for my activism rights reforms and freedoms underwritten by the UN. Cuban exile, a Spanish citizen and permanent resident of the United States. 5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 818 7747 My email:,, My Site on the Internet My albums of photos and documents

"All prejudices originate damages. Prejudices, dogmas or beliefs of such psychiatric and / or mystics are the sole causes of aberrations, phobias, hatred and discrimination, crimes of the worst kind. Psychiatric beliefs dominate the systems such tyrants and corrupt communist, fascist, Nazi, etc. Religious beliefs prevailing in the more or less democratic systems between groups pro powerful oligarchs, elitist, bullies, mobsters and corrupt. Both conservatives organized criminals are obsolete legalities restricting and / or override human rights and freedoms, especially with repressive methods, violent and warmongering. Irroging in much of the world billions of victims for too many violations and damages. "

Published on Scribd, Facebook, Twitter and Linkeding. In addition, referred to over 3.000 emails: more than 700 U.S. public, international and global, and over 2.300 with hidden addresses.

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