Tank Agenda

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Investigation and Design of Above-Ground Circular Concrete Manure Tanks Instructor: Ben Doerge, NDCSMC Spokane, WA February 3-5,

2009 Tuesday, February 3, 2008 Introduction/Overview Standards and References Design Philosophy The Tillamook Experience Geologic Investigations Soil Mechanics Testing Requirements Geotechnical Modeling and Analysis Wednesday, February 42009 Tank Design for Non-compressible Foundations PCA Method Effects of Compressibility on Structural Behavior of Tank BPT Computer Program Standard Design Procedure Seismic Design Considerations and Procedures Thursday, February 5, 2009 Tank Design Spreadsheets Hands-on Design Problems Foundation and Structure Designs Notes: 1. Each session will run from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with an hour for lunch. 2. The format will be primarily informal lecture with continuous interaction encouraged. 3. Participants will work in groups to complete actual design problems on the third day. 4. Participants should bring a laptop computer with MS-Excel and, if possible, the BPT program loaded on it.

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